Marina Fedunkiv - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Love Stori", songs, "Comedy Wume" 2021



Marina Fedunkiv is the Russian actress of the theater and cinema, known for comedy images in the show and serials. According to celebrities, she does not leave the dream to play a dramatic role.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in Perm in August 1971. Mother actresses by nationality Mordovka, and father - Ukrainian, but the surname he gave daughter, has Bulgarian-gypsy roots. The girl grew up in Ukraine, where parents sent it, considering that the climate would be much more useful in the village than in the city.

Fedunkiv brought up her grandparents. The active and easy-to-lift Marina participated in all ideas and productions of the local club.

The head of the family, a horn musician who worked at the local opera theater and taught in a music school, assured that the daughter was not given to master acting skills. But Marina also wrote a humorous scenario at school age and put it in a rural club. She began to export the troupe on tour in neighboring villages and earned the first money.

After graduating from school in Ukraine, Fedunkiv returned to Perm, where he went to study at the Institute of Culture. He studied at the director's faculty, but conflict did not give her to finish her studies. After the clash with the teacher, the student was expelled on the 2nd course with the wording "for the uniformity".

After 2 years, the girl decided to continue their education and returned to the same school, but already to another master - Viktor Ilyaev, with whom the student had a warm relationship. Later he called Marina his best student.

During this time, the future star scene managed to work on a vegetable bed. Fedunkiv pragmatically approached the question of choosing a part-time - on the courtyard stood the 90s, it was necessary to feed the family. Mamino's education influenced, she also worked in the food sphere. After returning to creativity, Marina used the experience that received in the work environment.


At the last courses of the Institute, Fedunkiv discovered the talent of the humorous, so after graduation, the artist was popular among the students of the KVN game.

In his youth, the future star went on stage and wrote scenarios for various humorous productions and projects. Talent for jokes and the wonderful sense of humor did not remain unnoticed, and after some time Marina became director of student KVN and director of the theater team of the Pharmaceutical Academy in Perm.

In the early 2000s, the KVN team of the Perm Pharmaceutical Academy joined the already existing "Dobryanka". The general forces of Marina and the remaining scenarios team won the first league KVN Kazan Territory and hit the Higher League.

Fedunkiv was repeatedly becoming a laureate of "Student Spring" for acting skills and talent in drama. KVN became for a girl a ticket to television.

Theater and movies

After a bright debut on the television, Marina was invited to the series "Real Guys", where she reincarnated into the colorful mother of Kolyan.

In an interview with the actress shared with fans of the secret of the origin of his trumps. As it turned out, zakovy and colorful lexicon Marina borrowed from his own mother-in-law. The star used the habits and style of the behavior of the mother of the civil husband, taking them as the basis of the created image.

Judging by the enthusiastic responses of the audience, the role she played great. For this, Fedunkiv grateful to the mother-in-law and told in an interview that even the casting came in her dresses, and at the shooting certainly used some thing from her wardrobe.

"She, like my heroine, worked in a restaurant for a long time, maybe the word strong screw. But she does not swear, she talks so simple. And I love such people - they are sincere, real, "Marina admitted.

"Branded" expressions borrowed from the mother-in-law brought folk fame to artist. But the mother of the actress itself remained not delighted with the image of his daughter. In her opinion, the sludge, which casually relates to his own appearance and does not follow the cleanliness of the house, has an unpleasant impression on the audience.

In 2010, Fedunkiv in the company with Natalia Medvedeva, Christina Asmus and Oleg Vereshchagina took part in the humorous play "Happy Number". A year later, the production changed the name on "looking for a wife. Inexpensive! ". In her, Marina has played the role of Mom Kolyan's familiar viewers.

In the filmography of comedy artist, there are mainly the role of the second plan, she took part in the "random relationship" tapes, "Corporate", "Floor War", etc.

In December 2016, the premiere of the mini-series "Friend" took place, in which Fedunkiv appeared together with the former soloist of the Vintage group by Anna Pletnev. Artists released a joint clip with the same name.

In the film "Grandma of Easy Behavior - 2. Astrehensive Avengers" Actress starred in the image of Tony nurse. The brilliant acting comedy ensemble added Alexander Rev, Glucose, Dmitry Nagiyev, Evgeny Grachekov. In 2018, the tape collected 456.6 million rubles at a budget of 120 million, which was the production of producers to shoot the 3rd part of the adventures of the Ruberstein family.

In the comedy "Real boys against zombies" (2020), the artist reappeared in the love of the viewers of the mother of Kolyan.


The punching and bright celebrity, which was distinguished by the magnificent figure (with a height of 169 cm, the weight reached 75 kg), they were invited to shoot first in the show "Give youth", and then in the comedized project "Valera TV" on the CTC channel. There she played the role of Rufima Garrifovna, which the actress came up with the Schem contest itself.

Also, the actress well showed itself in the episode of the popular transfer of the "Comedy Woman". Since 2013, Fedunkiv has been working in this TV project on a permanent basis together with Catherine Bulkina, the hope of Sysoeva, Catherine Varnava, Alexander Gudkov. Her scenes called "Aunt Marina is annealed" so they love to the audience that the artist became the star of the rating show. The humorist was organically fit into the image of a nearly dark and a smoke aunt, which is able to start scandaling for any reason, as in the scene about the fish, where she played with Oleg Vereshchagin.

But Fedunkiv did not limit his scandalous milfly manner and was remembered to the viewers and as a crazy empress, and as a theater actress in the police.

In the fall of 2016, the artist pleased fans by the appearance as a TV presenter "All simple" on the TV channel "360 °".

A new wave of popularity came to Fedunkiv after the release of parody rollers about Olga Buzov. In one of the videos with a parody of the vocal data Buzova (Museum), the company was Sergey Lazarev. The video gained popularity on the Internet, because Marina laid them on her page in "Instagram". "Instastery" was published under the name "Muzov, or Lessons of Celebrity."

In 2017, humor lovers saw the celebrity in the new show Love IS, in which the ex-participants of the "Comedy Wumen" were playing.

On TNT, Marina appeared not only in the Sketch show Love IS. She became a member of the humorous number "Comedy Club", which was called "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Her miniature partners were Garik Harlamov and Anton Ivanov.

Since 2018, the actress leads the Yutyub-Channel "Marina Fedunkiv Show", where the sketches, songs, clips and viins are laying, in which the behavior of women on March 8, at weddings and in everyday life.

In the clip "To hell with this pride" of the group "Hands up!" The actress received a major role. In the mini-film, the humorist tried on the image of the BDSM-Priest, who in submission was the brightest representatives of the Russian show business - Mikhail Galustyan, Askold Sword, Stas Kostyushkin, Sergey Glushko. The Soloist Soloist Sergei Zhukov appeared in the video in the form of an employee of the research institute recently returned from Turkey.

At the end of January 2019, the Russia-1 channel presented the audience a new project "Invite a wedding!" The TV presenter was Marina. The essence of the program was to help the young couple to organize the celebration of wedding, which will be remembered for life. The guests of Ether had Russian show business, illusionists, wedding leaders.

Another project with Fedunkiv on Russia-1 was the 5th "People's" project "One to One" project - the actress was one of the members of the jury together with Yuri Stoyanov, Timur Rodriguez and Marina Meshcheryakova.

In 2020, the actress replenished his creative biography of the Baylando Track and a clip to the Love Storey song. Many star stars were starred in the video about the resort novel - Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Nikolay Baskov, Natalia Queen, etc.

Also, Marina pleased with humor lovers with a sketch of "acquaintance" along with Timur Batrutdinov and Alexander Revice in "Comedy Club".

Personal life

The actress has never officially married, preferring a civil marriage. The first chosen was her classmate from Pgichik Sergey Clicks. Relationships began in student years and launched 12 years. Marina says family happiness destroyed envy. The young man could not accept the fact that his spouse plays in KVN.

The second chief of Marina, the entrepreneur Mikhail, referred to the career of the star wife with understanding and respect. He possessed a wonderful sense of humor and often gave the Solving advice actress.

The spouses met with a happy occasion. Fedunkiv was late for the celebration of his own birthday and, trying to catch a taxi, "caught" the second husband, who volunteered to pass it. The man struck the star with a frequency character, straightness and subtle humor.

The star "Comedy Wumen" and humorous Sitcomes in 2016 managed to hit fans, appearing at one of the public events such that did not understand it. Adhering to a special diet, the actress has lost weight by almost 15 kg, so some subscribers in "Instagram" in the comments under the photo compared her with faith of Brezhnev.

In 2017, the actress made an official message that her second marriage was also collapsed. Relationships launched 13 years. According to Fedunkiv, she does not see in parting with her husband collapse of his personal life. Love between spouses has long passed, and the lack of children in the family did not obliges to continue the relationship.

The initiator of the breaking relationship has always been presented that it explains with its freedom-loving character and frequent tours. With both civilian husbands, the artist kept good relationships and even communicates with them.

Marina gives his love, care and attention of the pet - she has 3 cats and 2 dogs.

In March 2019, the artist visiting Boris Korchevnikov on the program "The Fate of Man" told about the treasures of the first civilian spouse and about the narcotic and alcoholic dependence of the second. There are no children from the artist, because, according to her, there was no man next to her, with whom it would be possible to think about the offspring. She is increasingly inclined to the thought of adoption.

In an interview with Alain Zhigalova on the show "Alena, Damn!" The humorist admitted why he suffered domestic violence and could not leave. The resulting psychological trauma does not give artist to build a new relationship.

Marina Fedunkiv now

Now Marina is in demand in many projects. She acts both in different shows and private holidays as a leading and DJ Fedun.

On the eve of 2021, the actress posted a new New Year's song with an incendiary clip on its Youtyub-Channel.

In January, the humorist met with Karina Cross in the Battle show "What I see, I sing!" The artists competed in the knowledge of the songs.

Fedunkiv became the first guest at the new "DNA show" with Lolita Milyavskaya on the TV channel "Friday". The presenter has deciphered the tests of the actress, finding out that it is temperamental, attractive for men, but prone to depressions and hyperfect.

The filmography of Artists replenished one of the main roles in the comedy "Prababatushka of easy behavior. The beginning ", in which Vova Rubinstein is trying to earn, giving himself to the star of Soviet pop. Having in the hands of the KGB, the hero is forced to agree to cooperate with the authorities and, changing the currency prostitute Louise Karpovna, fulfill a dangerous mission. In this tape, Alexander Revva spoke not only by the artist leading, but also producer and screenwriter.

In the theater repertoire, the actress included the "surprise" performances, "I'm looking for a wife. Inexpensive, "" Date on four ", etc.


  • 2010-2019 - "Real Guys"
  • 2013 - "Nozlob"
  • 2014 - "graduation"
  • 2014 - "Corporate"
  • 2014 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2015 - "Floor War"
  • 2017 - "Zomboyashik"
  • 2017 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior"
  • 2018 - "Happiness! Health! "
  • 2019 - "Grandma of Light Behavior-2. Elderly Avengers »
  • 2019 - "Fitness-2"
  • 2020 - "# Vmacke"
  • 2020 - "Real boys against zombies"
  • 2021 - "Great behavior great-grandmother. Start"


  • 2008 - "You give youth!"
  • 2013 - Comedy Woman
  • 2017-2018 - Love Is
  • 2018 - Comedy Club
  • 2019 - "Invite a wedding!"

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