Nadezhda Babkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Nadezhda Babkin - a singer who turned the stereotypical attitude towards a folk song as a boring, intended for a narrow circle of specialists. The colorful scenic numbers of the ensemble leading are not inferior to the staged clips. And if in the eyes of the viewer shock, it means that the goal is achieved.

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda Georgievna appeared on the light of the early spring of 1950 in the village of Black Yar, located on the bank of the Volga, on the sign of the zodiac she is a fish. Her father of Georgy Ivanovich Babkin took place from the Cossacks, which in the previous years served in the White Army. The mother of the artist was called Tamara Alexandrovna, in the pre-revolutionary years, her family was owned by the Moscow Manufactory. The exact nationality of Babkina is unknown.

In childhood, the girl was a slightly troubled child, a lot screamed at night and, as her mother Tamara Alexandrovna said, "developed a voice."

The first dreams of the career of the actress in Babkina appeared at the 4th age. However, parents were categorically against such a profession: they saw the daughter with a serious formation of a doctor, engineer or teacher.

Already in the 1st grade, Nadezhda collected the full halls of teachers and performed folk songs that caused admiration of teachers and parents. Babkina was proud of her daughter, but not in a hurry to learn specially music. Brother Valere lucky more. Already in 5 years he was given to a music school, where he studied the game on the Bayan.

Soon there was a piano and guitar in the family. Valery and became the first person who accompanied the hope of her children's speeches.

In the school, Babkina was recorded in the circle of artistic amateur and finally stopped at the profession of singer, but did not have the idea where and how to get such an education. Fortunately, after the 8th grade of school students took the music school in Astrakhan and arranged audition.

The young artist with a fading heart waited for the verdict of the vocal teacher. The teacher proposed to wait 2 years and give the voice of the young singer to strengthen, after which he gladly agreed to listen to the girl again.

Two years in school for painted Babkin flew unnoticed. Nevertheless, parents did not accept the decision of the daughter and persuaded it to submit documents to a medical school. There, the future actress lectured the whole semester, after which he went to one of his relatives, who at that time worked by the conductor. Hope persuaded him to help with admission to the music school and in 1967 became a student.

Personal life

The first husband of Hope was the musician Vladimir Student. The couple met at the airport. The attitudes of the artists developed rapidly, and six months later they played a wedding. In 1975, the son of Daniel was born in a couple.

Their marriage lasted 17 years old, but the happy personal life of the couple is difficult to call: it was taken by treason, which were present from the very beginning of the attitude of artists. Professional jealousy of Vladimir took place. The musician did not accept the famous spouse and secretly started a novel from her. At the insistence of mistress he divorced. The performer learned about it only when a man's passport accidentally saw. Hope silently gathered things, took the son and left the spouse forever.

Daniel Vladimirovich Maxhevov acquired a family. With his wife, Tatiana brings up three children - the son of George and her daughters of Marfu and faith. Moreover, the grandchildren do not name the artist grandmother, and turn by name - Nadia.

Babkina with his head plunged into the work to forget about family misfortune. New love came unexpectedly, in 2003, during the contest of a song, where the performer acted as a judge. The chief of hope was the singer Evgeny Mountains.

Although the man was younger than celebrities for 30 years, the novel between his colleagues, who at first shocked the audience. The pair was often compared with the former Union of Prokhor Shalyapin and Larisa Copenkina, which once due to the difference in age were actively discussed in all telecasts and online publications.

The mountain was called Alphonse, which, besides a young body, nothing else can give an artist. These accusations of the couple noted, explaining that there was no mercantile attack in their relationship, just the stars came together.

At the wedding of the heir, Nadezhda Georgievna caught a bouquet of the bride. But neither the mountains nor Babkina seek to legalize relations. Evgeny claims that it is so less reproached in mercantility, and he considers a simple formality in a passport.

Despite the relationship that the celebrity does not hide from the press, there are many rumors around her personal life. At one time, the woman appeared in public in the company Anton Sobyanin, which gave rise to new conversations. However, in the transfer of "let them say" Babkina put all the points above I, saying that, besides creativity, it does not associate her with this man. According to the artist, they met in Kuzbass, the woman invited Anton to work in the "Russian Song" theater.

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Scandalous news around the name of the singer and popular bloggers are generated. One of these was Rustam Solntsev, a former participant in the Dom-2 project, published in the "Instagram" post about the fight Babkina and Hope Kadysheva. Allegedly the incident occurred during the record of the next "blue light". Representatives of both singers quickly responded to this news, stating that there was never a similar case.

The actress is not afraid of time to shock fans. Hope does not see anything terrible in the fact that in "Instagram" a photo appears, where it is without makeup and styling, in a home coat. And how many conversations about Babkin plastic.

According to subscribers, the results of surgical intervention turned out to be quite good, but with cosmetic procedures, in particular with injections of beauty, their favorite is still reluming. To such a conclusion, fans came, comparing the fresh singer snapshots with those that are made if not in youth, then at least in the mid-2000s. The same people were suspected of the same time that Babkin carries a wig, in their opinion, at the age of the artist, real hair cannot look so thick and shiny.

The filled figure - the hope of lost 36 kg - it is obliged not to operations, but fractional nutrition, sports and a good mood. Babkina admitted that he equipped the kitchen in the office of "Russian Songs" and carry jars and containers with meals everywhere. Favorite cakes and pancakes gave way to apples with cinnamon and honey. Now, with a height of 165 cm, the weight of the artist - within 65-67 kg.

Celebrity and now tries to adhere to the right nutrition, and instead of diet uses the advice of its girlfriend - the actresses of Nonna Grishava: 8 and 16. This method allows you to have anything for 8 hours a day, but the remaining 16 have to refrain from food. He helped Babkina to keep himself in excellent form. A woman told about this in an interview with Internet editions.

Despite the excellent figure, the snapshots in a bathing suit Babkina prefers not to exhibit on the universal review.

As a lady of "Buizer", as Nadezhda itself says, in collaboration with the designer Victoria Victoria Victoria, she released a collection of clothes for women with a non-standard figure. The next time the partner of Babkina became the fashion designer Svetlana Naumova.

The official website, where the organizers of the concerts publish information about the upcoming events, and also post photos from the already past performances of the performer.


The first successes on the musical field artist began to do more in the 10th grade. Then she regularly attended various festivals, which allowed her to become a laureate of the All-Russian Youth Competition in the People's Song genre.

The next stage of the creative biography was working in the regional control of film distribution, where before the start of sessions in the cinema, the young singer was performed by Russian compositions. Soon people began to come more often to listen to her performances than to watch movies.

This success and recognition of Babkina presented the vocal ensemble "Russian Song". It entered the first composition of the reorganized team, becoming his artistic director, and together with him went on tour.

The first concerts did not enjoy in great demand, as the ensemble performed mainly in factories and factories. But gradually the fame of the "Russian song" grew, and after the speech at the All-Russian competition of the Soviet song in Sochi in 1976 the team began to appear the first fans.

The support and approval of famous people was equally important for hope. One day, the young artist performed on the same stage with a star of dance and ballet Mahmoud Esambaev, a favorite of women of all ages.

After the rehearsal, the young performers fled to the courtyard to look at the dancer surrounded by the fan. Then Esambaev called the singer and stated that one day she would achieve incredible popularity. The hope was simultaneously embarrassing and flattering. In the future, the star of the Soviet ballet always supported the folk song performer and became her a good friend and comrade.

Following the victory in Sochi, other awards followed. "Russian Song" and her leader received a gold medal in Bratislava, again won the All-Russian competition and received a prize for the better performance of the folk song. Hope has invested a lot of strength in this ensemble, inventing production from beginning to end, so that the viewer could fully enjoy the presentation.

The diversity of the repertoire also affects imagination. No wonder the actress at one time collected the masterpieces of folk art in the distant corners of Russia, and now the team can satisfy the demands of any resident of a huge country. Among the most recognizable songs of Babkina - Rosa, words and music for her, Mikhail Ustinov wrote. Baryna-Sudamnya is executed together with the "Russian Song" ensemble.

In 1993-1994, the Russian Song was reorganized first in the folklore center, and then to the State Music Theater. The artistic director remained Babkina, whose name was insolently connected with the ensemble. Hopefully collaborated with the best designers of Russia, which came up with costumes for performances. For its bright stage image, such a guru of fashion, like Valentin Yudashkin, Vyacheslav Zaitsev and others.

Hope was also leading to the Russian Radio, where lived with ethnographers and folklinists live.

Her merit was not unnoticed, and in 1986, Babkina became deserved, and after 6 years he received the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2010, the Nadezhda Babkin, known for his cooperation with the best designers of Russia, became the most coordinating popular program "Fashion sentence".

Television plays a big role in Babkina's life, and this applies not only to the broadcasts of her performances. In the spring of 2017, the show "Perfect repairs" came on the first channel, where Babkina became the main heroine. Designers offered her to arrange an apartment on Bryusov Lane in Moscow. The son of the artist also helped: as an architect he became a full member of the project and helped create a design for a cabinet, living room and kitchen.

In addition to real estate in Moscow, Hope Georgievna has a country house near Zvenigorod. Son built him, he chose a European style. An extensive territory is decorated with numerous trees, flower beds and shrubs.

A year later, Babkina again became the heroine of the program, this time she appeared in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". In a frank interview, the artist voiced the little-known facts of their biography, and also shared his thoughts and feelings during the important turns of fate. A year later, Nadezhda Georgievna visited Ivan Urgant's studio on the first channel.

The work schedule of the "Russian Song" Theater is scheduled for a year. Musical performances, concerts, tours have not left the hope of Georgievna time to protect the "defendants" in the show "Fashion sentence." For some time, the singer will replace the former "brilliant" Anna Semenovich.

New Year's holidays 2019 Babkin and Mountains spent in Dubai, as told photos in "Instagram" artists. In the hot oriental country, the singer went at the end of the tour of Siberia with the play "Kalina Red". As the celebrity, Siberians noticed, like no other, accept and evaluate the work of Vasily Shukshin, based on the works of which is carried out.

Social activity

Nadezhda Georgievna did not remain aside from political and economic transformations. Thus, the singer wants to influence the culture from laws, and not only as a popular pop star. The desire for the leadership of the artist was inherited from his father, at the dawn of the 20th century serving in the White Army and who had learned the daughter of responsibility.

Babkina - a member of the United Russia party, which includes almost from the day the foundation. Its social activity includes rides around the country and collecting materials, opinions, as well as problems faced by ordinary cultural scope figures, ranging from heads of small circles to the directories of orchestras and theaters. Hope collects their suggestions and transfers to the adoptive president, so that when developing important laws that have an impact on art, the opinion of the people and professionals in this area was taken into account.

Since February 2012, the singer is a trustee of the current Russian president Vladimir Putin and fully supports its current policy. In 2014, the artist became a candidate for the election of deputies of the Moscow City Duma. This became possible thanks to the popular voting "My Moscow", which took place on June 8 of the same year.

The proximity to the power of the property allowed the International Group Transparency International to blame Babkin in corruption. Nadezhda Georgievna - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma and a member of the Commission on Culture. This is an organization recognized in Russia by a foreign agent and saw a violation of legislation. Allegedly the head of the "Russian Song", using the official position, illegally receives government contracts.

In 2018, according to Transparency International, the theater thus earned 7 million rubles. Representatives of the artist stated that there is no conflict of interest in this situation.

Nadezhda Babkin now

At the end of February 2020, Nadezhda Georgievna appeared on the air of the NTV television channel in the Lera Cudryavtsevtsevsky Program "Secret by Million" and first revealed the soul before the multi-million audience of the audience. The woman said that he wounded her in the heart, who had caused her pain and that was the reason for the laminating of the actress with his family.

In that broadness, the celebrity was told about the tragedy, which happened to her son in the distant past. At 17, the young man fell into a car accident, a little bit of his life was premature, but maternal love helped him to dig.

By the 70th anniversary of Babkina, the first channel prepared a special issue of a "fashionable sentence". On this day, in the circle of his colleagues Alexander Vasilyeva and Evelyna Khromchenko, the singer became the main character of the program. Together with her and special guests, the presenters recalled outfits in different years of artist, including in his youth, when she loved to look bright, despite the rigor and condemnation of Soviet citizens.

Despite active shooting, Nadezhda Georgievna has time to participate in urban events. For example, in March 2020, she became the face of Maslenitsa, held in the Odintsovo City District at Zakharovskaya Polyana. To make it a woman offered the head of the district Andrei Ivanov, and Babkina did not refuse.

Health status

In early April 2020, fans sorrified the news about hospitalization of the beloved singer. It turned out that Nadezhda Babkina did not just hit the hospital, but also is in a medicamental coma. The media immediately appeared rumors about Coronavirus, but soon the representatives of the singer clarified that the tests for COVID-19 in the hope of Georgievna are negative.

Nevertheless, the state of the health of the artist continued to inspire concerns: she was diagnosed with "extensive bilateral pneumonia". A woman was connected to the IVL apparatus. According to physicians, the introduction to artificial who was necessary for the effective operation of this equipment.

It turned out that health problems began at the performer even earlier: on April 1, the singer was hospitalized and was already under the supervision of doctors. Workers of the Hope Theater Babkina suggested that the reason for the malaise of the artist could be a strict diet, which she adhered to.

The sickness of the artist was concerned about her fans and friends, and Andrei Malakhov even devoted this release of the program "Direct Ether". The whole country watched the news about the state of health of the hope of Babkina and wishes her early recovery.

Fortunately, everything went well, and at the end of April, the singer was discharged from the hospital. Nadezhda Georgievna immediately gave an interview in which he thanked doctors for the salvation of life and told about the operation and details of the disease.


  • 1986 - "Soul in Steppe"
  • 1995 - "Cossack Nadia"
  • 1998 - "believed. I believed "
  • 2000 - "How to Zhane!"
  • 2001 - "Dame Russian"
  • 2004 - Grand Collection
  • 2006 - "Covano Wheel"
  • 2007 - "In Star Horovodet"
  • 2008 - "Songs of Russia"
  • 2010 - "New and nonsense"

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