Shannen Doherty - biography, personal life, photo, news, now, movies, "instagram", cancer, "enchanted", health 2021



Shennen Doherty is the famous American actress, which has become famous thanks to the roles in the iconic series "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Enchanted". However, not only creativity influenced its popularity, but also the scandalous nature of the celebrity, which she demonstrated on the shooting platforms, and in life. Chennen's conflict quickly became a lie in the towns, and the actress herself is a lackless piece for paparazzi.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on April 12, 1971 in Memphis in the family of real estate agent Tom Doeherty and the owner of the beauty salon Daerty Rose. Silent Shannen girl has grown into one of the most provocative Hollywood actresses.

6 years after birth in her life there was an event that determined the whole fate: the parents of the girls decided to change the quiet city in Tennessee to the noisy and attractive Los Angeles.

In the capital of world cinema, Yunaya Shannen felt her life, her passion. The first small step towards the "American Dream" was the request of the girl to record it in the theater studio. And although Rosa was not delighted with this daughter's desire, did not stand across the road.

Carier start

The acting path began with a huge number of castings. And in 1981, Doherty received a small role in the TV series "Father Murphy". Shortly after this event, her career began a rapid takeoff. Michael Lendon, "Father" of the adolescent series "Little house in Prairies", gave her a bright role, and directed by Ron Howard involved in the episodic role in the project "Night Change".

From 1986 to 1988, Shannen embodied the image of Chris Witherspoon, the eldest daughter in the television show "Our House". For this work, the actress received the first award of the Young Artist Award. And already in 1989, Youth Doherty played the first serious role in the film "Deadly Attraction".

Tangible ascent of the actress on the Hollywood Olympus began in 1990, when Shannen received the role of Walsh brands in the cult series "Beverly Hills 90210" of the famous television producer Aaron Spelling. This work brought her popularity. Together with Jenny Garth (the role of Kelly Taylor) and Lyuki Perry (the role of Dylan McKay) Shannen Doherty found world glory.

At this time, they began to revive the very "devils from the quiet pool." In 1994, after the completion of the 4th season of the television series, Shannen left the project due to disagreements with colleagues in the workshop and the film crew. Doherty himself admitted that in life she is the full opposite of brands from Beverly Hills.

In the film, her heroine is characterized by modesty and calm character, but the actress itself has created an image of a real "bad girl", and to strengthen such "glory" doherty even undressed in a frank photo shoot of Playboy magazine.

Later, the girl took part in the photose of Antoine Ragge, appearing in front of the camera in a swimsuit. Famous men's editions Maxim, FHM, Ask Men Internet magazine has repeatedly made her name to the list of the 100 sexiest actresses of the world. Miniature (Shannen's growth - 163 cm, weight - 43-45 kg), endowed with an explosive character, she clearly caused interest among the men's half of humanity.


In 1998, a reconciliation of the producer of Aaron Spelling and Shannen Daerty took place. The result of their friendship was the work of film actresses in the new series "Enchanted" - the role of Prue Hollyll, the eldest of three sisters-witches. This time the girl got the image of a wise, balanced woman art historian, endowed with magical ability. And to restore in the project, the artist managed not long. During the filming of the series "Enchanted", the same problems began that once in Beverly Hills.

However, the actress actually became wiser: she did not wait for the scandals, and did a "horse's move," saying that the series did not give it the necessary professional growth, she was tired of participating in the project for teenagers, deciding to leave it for the sake of "big cinema".

At the same time, the television series became a kind of progress in a creative biography for other actresses: Julian McMahon, Holly Mary Combs and Alissa Milano. In the future, thanks to the popular project, these representatives of Hollywood will become in demand in the American film industry.

During filming, there was no conflict with colleagues. The warm relationship between Doherty and Alissa Milano was smashed. Repeatedly US media reported that allegedly Shannen arranged a colleague of provocations, and Alissa did not remain in debt. The producers even planned the death of Phoebe, Heroine Milano, but to escape because of the permanent scandals on the stage site still had Shannen: her Prue was killed in a fight with a demon.

At the peak of popularity

In 2003, the actress continued his "soapy way", removing in TV shows and television programs. A failed attempt to create your own talk show "Divorce with Shennen Doerti" brought only low ratings.

To the sources of Doherty returned in 2008: she again became Brand Walsh in Spin-off "90210: a new generation." In the same year, Shannen embodied another image in the film "Treasures of Aztecs". In 2009, I tried myself in a new capacity: Art-Director of the Pasadena Glossy Tabloid, which was a successful event, because at this work she lasted long enough.

Full-length work, the actress in 2010 was replenished with a comedy "Burning Palms". Despite the active advertising campaign and attracting talented actors to the main composition (Dylan McDermott, Shannen Doherty, Zoe Siddan), the film did not become the event of the season and failed at the box office.

After 4 years, the artist tried to take revenge, fulfilling the main female role in the Bukowski's biographical drama director James Franco. The picture also did not bring the film cartridge performer of that push to which she counted.

Despite the lack of serious roles, Shannen cannot complain about the absence of awards that are measured by popularity. From 1983 to 1992, the actress was nominated for the receipt of Young Artist Award in various categories.

With the participation of the performer in 2018, the serials "fatal attraction", announced earlier in the instagram account of the actress, and "no one wanted to speak." Both films are devoted to the problems of adapting adolescents in society and first love.

In 2019, the celebrity continued to be filmed in a comedy "How to make a deal with the devil", in which she has the main role. The premiere of the remote shooter "Partners from the supermarket" is also held, where Doherty again appeared in the main acting.

After the death of Luke Perry Shennen, he declared the readiness to play in the 4th season of the series "Riverdale" as a invited actress. In addition, she participated in rebooting the series "Beverly Hills 90210".

Personal life

The personal life of the artist developed unpredictably and violently, in accordance with its character. In his youth, her chosen was the owner of a photo studio Ding Facter, Rieltor Chris Fuffst, actors Dean Cain, Rob Wece, Luke Perry. But all the novels turned out to be speedy.

Despite the fact that Officially Shennen Doherty was married three times, there are no children from the celebrity. The first marriage was spontaneous, in 1993 she married the musician and actor Ashley Hamilton. The wedding took place 2 weeks after the acquaintance. The divorce decorated after exactly 6 months later was equally spontaneous.

Rick Salomon became the second husband, the American producer, but this marriage was collapsed: in 2003, after 7 months, he was annulled by a marriage life.

On October 15, 2011, Maliba Shannen married Kurt Isvarenko, a famous photographer. Now they live together on Ranch in Ventura District, California, where the actress breeds horses. There are couples and mansion in Malibu.

Over time, the parameters of the figure of the actress changed significantly - influenced the disease and long-term treatment. Nevertheless, Schonnen does not apply to the services of plastic surgeons, believing that beauty should remain natural. Many private photos on the page of the performer in "Instagram" demonstrate it.

Health status

On August 19, 2015, the international news agency Associated Press published a message that Shennen Doherty at the age of 44 was diagnosed with breast cancer. According to the source, for this reason, the actress filed to the company Tanner Mainstain Glynn & Johnson, which was engaged in its affairs.

The essence of the claim was that the company was dragged with the design of medical insurance Shannen, as a result of the actress did not pass the survey on time, and the cancer was not detected at the initial stage. The insurance company refuted all the claims, stating that insurance was issued within the time limit.

The American media reported that the disease progresses and the Hollywood celebrity dies. Soon Shannen began the struggle for life, and her health state gradually improved.

The press has repeatedly informed that in May 2016, the film actresses made one-sided mastectomy, but the cancer did not retreat, and the situation only worsened. Doherty has been appointed numerous courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. According to celebrities, the worst is ignorance, because there is never a guarantee that treatment will work.

Already in November 2016, Shannen Daerty received a premium for courage. The award was awarded actress by American oncological society in Los Angeles.

The star of the serial "Beverly Hills" did not lose hope for participation in new projects. After long courses of chemotherapy, the actress first appeared on the public during the event Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation's, which organized the American Foundation for the Protection of Animal Rights.

From the face of Doherty did not go smile, and many noticed that she no longer puts on a handkerchief, because her hair was thrown away, she had a stylish haircut. The actress talked with media representatives, stating that he feels great and ready to fully live again. According to her, cancer is dangerous in that it can destroy the spirit of man, isolating it from the outside world.

In the spring of 2018, Shannen again fell under the supervision of doctors. The next analyzes showed an unacceptable increase in one oncomarcker. The actress did not lose positive and hoped for the best. Soon the therapeutic events helped her to return to his relatives.

In the 2020th artist fans, sad news were waited: Schiennen's disease returned, the actress diagnosed the 4th stage of cancer. However, despite the severity of the diagnosis, Doherty was not going to give up and began to fight with an alaugh of all forces. As a result of chemotherapy, the artist managed to achieve remission.

Shannen Doherty now

After the state of health actresses stabilized, she as a true professional again with his head plunged into the work. In 2021, Shannen successfully passed the casting in the action movie "Fortress", where Bruce Willis became its partner in the scenic platform.


  • 1981 - "Father Murphy"
  • 1982 - "Little house in Prairies"
  • 1989 - "Deadly Attraction"
  • 1990 - "Beverly Hills, 90210"
  • 1994 - "Prison Escape"
  • 1998 - "Enchanted"
  • 1999 - "Paparazzi Hunt"
  • 2004 - North Beach
  • 2010 - "Huge Growth"
  • 2010 - "Burning Palmies"
  • 2014 - "Bukovski"
  • 2017 - "My Nightmare House"
  • 2018 - "No one wanted to talk"
  • 2021 - "Fortress"

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