Oleg Belozerov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Oleg Belozerov - Russian State and Public Worker, Valid First Class State Council, Young official and head of road transport enterprises. For his professionalism in May 2009, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, and on August 20, 2015 received an increase in the decree of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev was appointed head of Russian Railways.

Born Belozers Oleg Valentinovich on September 26, 1969 in the Latvian city of Ventspils. Parents worked by doctors in the local clinic: the father - a radiologist, a mother - a neuropathologist. From an early age, an easy athletic was a serious passion of the boy - jumping in length and sprint. In the distance of 400 m, Oleg has achieved astounding results. His school record still officially remains unobvious.

Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

As a child, the railway impressed the boy. Oleg loved with her parents to travel in Latvia, and then performed small vigions on their own. The romantic nature was surprised by medieval castles, by which the train swept. Such travels left indelible memories in the memory of Belozerov.

Oleg was an approximate student at school, sought to gain knowledge, which allowed him in 1992 to successfully end up St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance and get a diploma of an economist in industry planning. In addition to obtaining higher education, Oleg Belozerov gave the debt to his homeland, served the year on the border with Norway, in Murmansk. Completed the service young man in sports.

Oleg Belozerov

After graduating from the university, Belozerov decided to continue their studies, so he entered the graduate school to get a degree of candidate of science. And here he was expected to be successful: Oleg defended his thesis on the topic "Organization of logistics of deliveries to vertically integrated corporate type structures" and became a candidate of economic sciences.

Having received a higher education, Oleg Valentinovich first worked in a specialty and received precious experience in the chosen field of activity. As a result, the biography of Oleg Belozerov came to another level. Thanks to hard work and perseverance, the future head of Russian Railways came to the world of energy, taking a leadership position at OJSC Lenenergo.


Since 2000, Oleg Belozerov's career has been continuously connected with the road transport direction. The first position at the new stage of the biography was the "cargo vehicle enterprise No. 21", in which he held the position of Deputy Director. Having worked out a little on the post, Oleg Valentinovich fell into the office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative on the territory of the North-West Federal District, where he headed the Financial and Economic Department.

Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

In 2002, the future head of Railways Oleg Belozerov was invited to LOMO OJSC for the position of head of corporate property, at the end of the same year the general director of the Russian Fuel Company OJSC was appointed. Two years later, Oleg Valentinovich received an increase and became the head of the federal road agency, which literally headed after half a year. Over the next five years, until 2009 inclusive, Belozerov led the road agency and argued his professionalism on this field.

In 2009, he was noticed in the Government of the Russian Federation, where as a result he came as Deputy Minister of Transport of the country. In the Ministry of Transport, the future head of Russian Railways has been issued by the development of automotive and railways, proven by himself as a responsible employee who, despite the difficulties with budget and investment, made a lot for the country in this direction.

Dmitry Medvedev and Oleg Belozerov

During the labor activity, the achievement of Oleg Belozerov was repeatedly marked by honorary titles and awards. In 2004, he won the "Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex", in 2006 he received the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of the I degree, and in 2014 he became the owner of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV.

On August 20, 2015, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Oleg Belozerov was appointed head of Russian Railways. Decree on the appointment was signed by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who instructed Oleg Valentinovich without the "Rashchka" begin to fulfill their duties in a new position. To get this post, Belozerov managed after the predecessor Vladimir Yakunin voluntarily resigned, leaving the chair of the head of the Russian state vertically integrated company included in the top three in the world.

Oleg Belozerov and Vladimir Yakunin

The change of leadership occurred due to the fact that the former head of the Russian Railways could not establish the work of a monopoly organization without constant preferences from the state budget. Belozerov was tasked with optimizing industry expenses.

In the new position of the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov had to develop promising projects planned by former leadership, including the reconstruction of railways in Serbia, the construction of the Transcorean highway, the continuation of the construction of high-speed highways in Russia in the direction of Moscow-Kazan. At the same time, before the new head of the Russian Railways set the tasks to "connect approaches" in passenger traffic, reduce the percentage of passengers dissatisfaction from the services provided by the transport company and support the economic level of Russian Railways, without allowing the unprofitability of the enterprise.

Oleg Belozerov

Belozerova is high, competition with the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, who made a lot for the development of the largest infrastructure monopoly, but he immediately began to fulfill duties. The new head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov focused on improving the speed of movement in Russia, and also put efforts to invest capital in this industry of the Russian Federation.

First of all, the company got rid of unprofitable assets, but at the same time continued to finance railway hospitals, clinic, as well as football and hockey clubs Lokomotiv. The new head of Russian Railways made personnel permutations, increased the flow of container transportation. Russian Railways refused to buy imported rails, instead of contracts with Russian Metallurgical companies "Evraz" and "Mechel" were concluded.

Oleg Belozerov at the celebration of the championship FC Lokomotiv

Trucking prices were raised by 9%, some benefits were canceled, which made it possible to increase RZhD profits. On the one hand, such a measure allowed the company to fully do without financial injections from the state, on the other hand, became indirect tax for Russian citizens, since prices for transported goods increased. But in 2016, the Corporation for the first time in recent years has reached maximum freight indicators.

Personal life

Oleg Belozerov's personal life is also stable, as well as labor activity. Head of Russian Railways since 1994 is married to Olga Alexandrovna and raises two children. The son of Matvey was born in 1996, receives a diploma of a journalist. Daughter Veronika, 2001 births, is determined with the choice of university. Family photos of the Russian Railways leader do not appear in the media.

Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov

Oleg Valentinovich did not appear in the scandals or career questions or personal. Friends and loved ones consider him an excellent family man, a caring father and a loving husband.

Oleg Belozerov's revenues in 2014, according to information from official sources, amounted to a little more than 12 million rubles, and the same amount also earned the same amount. Also, the head of Russian Railways has an apartment with an area of ​​nearly 220 square meters. meters, cottage and land.

Oleg Belozerov Now.

In 2017, Russian Railways under the leadership of Belozerov reached record rates of profit, which amounted to 139.7 billion rubles, which influenced the growth of the wages of the head of the Holding. If in 2015 the Belozers earned 86.2 million rubles per year, then in 2016 the amount of annual revenues was 172.9 million rubles. Unlike the predecessor, Belozerov gives the tax return on openly. Such growth is due to the high efficiency of Oleg Valentinovich.

In the same year, Belozerov turned to the leadership of the country with a request to change the name of his position with the "President" at the "CEO", since the second name was taken in international practice.

Oleg Belozerov

In May 2017, at a meeting with Chinese colleagues in Beijing, Oleg Belozerov became ill, and the general director of the Russian company was hospitalized with a diagnosis of inflammation of appendicitis. In the hospital, Oleg Belozerov was safely operated on.

Now Belozers continues to improve the work of the Russian Railways holding, but in 2018 he failed to increase tariffs for places in a placentar due to the intervention of the antimonopoly service.

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