Liam Nison - Photo, Biography, Actor, News, Personal Life, Films 2021



Liam Nisson went to the tops of fame for a long time. But when he turned up a happy case, he broke into the cinematic world so loudly that everyone understood - a new star rose. Now the filmography of Nison is dozens of melodram, militants and thrillers. Some of them have been crushing criticized, the part is entered into the honorary lists of the best paintings in history. The result is one - the audience do not remain indifferent to the work of the actor, producer and director.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in 1952 in Northern Ireland in a poor family deeply believers Catholics. Father worked at the local school by the caretaker, and Mama is a cook. In addition to the son, parents brought up three more daughters. Nison's name is derived from the Irish form William. And so called the local priest, which in the city was very respected.

Liam was fascinated by boxing, even won the championship in his weight category. Another passion became the theater. The creative biography laid the first major role in the school play.

But to study at the Nison time lacked. He was expelled from the Royal University of Belfast, where he studied physics and computer science. The guy worked as a driver, operator for a forklift, an assistant architect, a carpenter and in parallel to audition.

So Liam got into the theater, but played in episodes. The audience actor discovered John Burman. The director gave Nison the role in the "Escar" fantasy "Eccalibur". The next stage in the career was the paintings "Bounty" and "Mission".

In 1987, a young man decides that the closer he will move to Hollywood, the sooner success will achieve. In the same year, Liam is starring in the movie "Suspected" in the company Cher and Dennis Quaida.


The first hint of recognition is a fantastic detective "man of darkness." The artist is nominated for the Saturn Prize. The Star Hour of Nison struck in 1993. Participation in the famous drama Stephen Spielberg brought him nominations for Oscar, "Golden Globe" and BAFTA. Volpi's Cup marked Liam's reincarnation in compatriot Michael Collins in the same picture of the Nile Jordan. The image of Knight-Jedi in the legendary "Star Wars" "cost" the actor of another "Saturn".

Later, Harrison Ford became the hero of this film card. Colleagues worked together in the historical project of Catherine Bigelou "K-19". The tape was based on the tragic events of the early 60s - the accident on the Soviet submarine.

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Then, Nison went the band of luck. One famous film with the participation of the actor was replaced by another: claimed 10 Oscars "Gangs of New York", the comedy "Padual love", awarded the Award of the Empire magazine. For the Bayopic "Kinsey" Liam almost received the "Golden Globe". The action movie "Host" at the box office gathered $ 200 million and laid the beginning of a separate franchise. The last fact performer leads to the leading role and gave way for a fee of $ 20 million.

Among the bright paintings with the name of the stars in the Tutors - Thriller "Fight", the Detective "Unknown", the superhero history "Batman: the beginning." An Irish actor is organized and in the role of Admiral in the militant "Sea battle".

The spectators remember the picture "Life Behind the Grand", where Christina Richie became a partner of Nison, and the film "Chloe" with Amanda Seibride. "Dark Knight: The revival of the legend", in which Christian Bale played the main role, collected over $ 1 billion in line.

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In 2017 at the Film Festival in Toronto, a picture "Watergate: Wheel White House" was demonstrated. The actor appeared in the form of an FBI agent that helped journalists in the investigation, which eventually led to the resignation of the US President.

Thriller "Passenger" - an attempt to find an answer to the question of how far a person is ready to go for his own family. In the plot, Liam's character holds a lot, makes dangerous alder. In life, he tries to avoid sharp moments.

"Moraha, experts on martial arts taught me how to behave in conflict situations. And I will gladly share this knowledge with you: at the first signs of the fight look through the door and go away. Be a coward, but alive. "

Personal life

The first loud romance is a stateless man (height 193 cm, weight 97 kg) started with the already popular Helen Mirren. The status of the actress, public and financial, pretended over relations. Liam did not carry female superiority, and the pair broke up.

The wife of Nison became the colleague Natasha Richardson. 15 years his personal life did not dare neither scandals nor the intrigues. They say it was a truly exemplary and strong union of two loving people. Two sons were born in the family - Michael and Daniel.

The eldest of children overcame drug addiction, opened the Maison Mais Non art gallery in London, trying forces to the cinema - starred in the remake of the favorite father's film "Michael Collins". The youngest released clothes under the Pine Outfitters brand, engaged in charity and writes music. Photos of the family periodically appear in the fan "Instagram" fan accounts.

In 2009, the tragedy happened: Natasha, riding in the ski highway, received a deadly injury. Liam promoted spouses from the last minutes, and the authorities then sacrificed to transplantation.

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Only a few years later, the man began to go out into the light with beautiful companions. True, not in a hurry to marry. Journalists reported Nison's novels with Olivia Wilde and Kristen Stewart. These rumors the actor soon denied.

No official confirmation and what Liam accepted Islam. According to his agent, Nison simply likes how Muslim prayer sounds, but he is not going to refuse Catholicism.

Now the celebrity lives in Milbruk, suburb of New York, on leisure fishing or watching the matches of the football team "Liverpool". Liama ​​has the citizenship of three states, but he believes the place where he was born - the city of Ballimen. The actor listed $ 85 thousand to Northern Ireland, obtained in referral to a court decision on the slander's case. For this noble act and unconditional talent of Elizabeth II made Nison Cavalier of the Order of the British Empire.

Liam Nison now

In 2019, "People in Black: International", the restart of the film with Will Smith and Tommy Li Jones came to the screens. In the new project in Liam, the role of the head of new characters in the face of Tomsa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth.
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Without billing at the age of Nison continues to be filmed in bright action. Such became a fighter with elements of the comedy "Snow blower" and the criminal drama "Widow". In the second project, the wives of the main characters, whose robber husbands died in a shootout. The wife of the series "How to avoid punishment for the murder" of Viola Davis got into the wife of Liam.


  • 1993 - "Schindler List"
  • 1999 - "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "
  • 2002 - "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack »
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2008 - "Host"
  • 2009 - "Chloe"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2012 - "Sea Fight"
  • 2012 - "Hostage 2"
  • 2014 - "Air Marshal"
  • 2015 - "Hostage 3"
  • 2016 - "Silence"
  • 2017 - "Watergate: White House Wreck"
  • 2018 - "Widow"
  • 2018 - "Passenger"
  • 2019 - "Retribution"
  • 2019 - "People in black"

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