Irina Slutskaya - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Figure, Husband, Illness, Children 2021



Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya is a famous figure skater of Russia, TV presenter and actress. It reached extraordinary results in a sports career. But in her fate there were not only bright victories, but also annoying defeats. The celebrity demonstrated that it is capable of perfectly keeping and courageously struggling with troubles. This can be judged by the fact that Slutskaya managed not to get lost after leaving the sport.

Childhood and youth

Irina Slutskaya is a radical Muscovite, by nationality Russian. She was born in February 1979 under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. Parents did not have any attitude to the sport: the father worked as a teacher in college, and his mother before his retirement was the position of engineer on the autocombor.

When the parents assigned the daughter to the sports section of the Moskvich club, she did not pursue the goal from the famous figure skater. Ira often sick in childhood, and a woman by attracting sports decided to strengthen her health.

From four years, sports training for the future Olympic champion in single female figure skating began. Then the potential of a capable girl celebrated Jeanne Fodorovna Gromov, who became the first coach of Slutskaya. Regular training, perseverance of the athlete and the experience of the coach led Irina to the first serious victories.

The formation of a figure skater received in the youth of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Culture and Sport. She studied from 1995 to 2000. And in 2014, earning a large number of titles and medals on ice, Slutskaya entered the Russian State University, where the specialty "State and Municipal Management" was released.

Figure skating

Hard character and discipline allowed Slutskaya to occupy prizes, starting with junior international competitions. At 17, she was able to become the first Russian athlete who had achieved the title of European champion in figure skating.

This significant event took place at the World Championships in Sofia in 1996. Then, Irina Eduardovna gained a bronze reward at the World Cup. From this point on, a light strip in Slisky sports biography was launched: she began ascent to the Olympic victories.

In 1998, the figure skater took part in the Olympic Games in Nagano, where he won the 5th place. But the next year was not so successful in his career, since Irina Eduardovna was not included in the Russian national team, and she had to skip a few championships. But then bitterness from professional lesions was compensated by personal happiness.

In 2000, an athlete gradually began to return the winners of the winner of the highest world contests. Already in 2002, the Olympiad in Salt Lake City allowed Irina Eduardovna to bring silver to Russia, she did not have enough one point to get ahead of Sarah Hughes.

In the fate of the figure skater, success was replaced by failures. The mother of the athlete was seriously ill, and she was forbidden to play sports due to problems with vessels: the doctors were diagnosed with vasculitis. Due to illness, Irina Eduardovna every day, for half a year, he handed over blood for analysis. Any changes to them threatened with a fatal outcome. Also athlete to the end of life is forced to take hormones and other drugs that allow you to control vasculitis. But no misfortunes influenced the desire of Irina Eduardovna to win. She coped with the disease and again went on ice.

In 2005, the native Moscow walls helped Slutsky again conquer gold at the World Cup. Che-2006 brought figure skater success. She received a record seventh gold with an arbitrary program. On the same year, the Olympic Games in Turin took place, where the Russian woman was at the 3rd step of an honorary prize pedestal.

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By November 2006, the figure skater decided to leave professional sports and find himself in other activities. The result of her sports career was 40 gold, 21 silver and 18 bronze medals.

Television and social activities

The end of a sports career was not for Irina Slutsk, the starting point to forget: she found herself on television as a participant in ice projects, leading sports reviews, actress theater and cinema.

For the first time, the viewers saw Irina Eduardov in the unusual quality - in the role of Marat Basharov - in the "Ice period". Later, the figure skater together with Evgeny Plushenko led the show "Stars on Ice". And in the 2nd season of the program, a miniature Slutskaya program (with a height of 160 cm, its weight did not exceed 49 kg) appeared on the ice as a participant, taking himself to Gedeminas partners Tarandu. In 2009, together with Anastasia, Zavorotnyuk athlete led the show "Ice Age - 3".

In 2007, Irina Eduardovna debuted as an actress in the film "Three and Snowflake". The Russians were also able to appreciate the acting work by Slutsk in the series "Hot ice", where it appeared in the form of coach Anastasia Ivanova, and in the comedy musical "successful deal".

In 2011, the celebrity received the status of the ambassador of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi - 2014. In the same year, the first channel got to his staff commentator - as a browser, Slutskaya led sports news.

Irina Eduardovna never forgets about sports, leads an active lifestyle and worries about young Russian talents. In August 2015, the Slutskaya figure skating school was opened in Lytkarino. In an educational institution, pupils are engaged in three programs - primary, wellness and sports. The purpose of creating a school celebrity sees the propaganda of the traditions of the Russian school of figure skating.

In 2017, a new project "School of Scandinavian walk" was launched for people suffering from diabetes. During the year, 10 institutions opened in the suburbs. The figure skater has long been a fan of this sport, which is safe and allows you to develop up to 90% of all muscles.

Annually an athlete organizes a summer skating camp, which is invited both children and adults. Classes are carried out in several programs - for beginners and advanced pupils.

Often the name Slutska put next to the name of the famous football coach of Leonid Slutsky. However, they are not relatives.

In the fall of 2016, at the age of 37, Slutskaya was elected by a deputy of the regional Duma from the Party "United Russia". She managed to demonstrate another line of his personality - as a policy and a distinct person with an active social position.

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At the beginning of 2017, the deputy made an initiative to create a healing physical culture in the clinic of the Yakutia. Her proposal was discussed and supported.

In 2018, the figure skater launched the Ice Show "Fixing on Ice. A big game ", in which the characters of the animated series were the main characters. Simka, Noliki, Fayer, Igrek, Spool and Verta have to fight robots in a hockey match. During the speech, fabulous men not only show the art of possession with a stick and washer, but also demonstrate a cascade of the most complex elements. The purpose of the project on the plan of Slutskaya is to acquaint children and parents with game sports to attract small spectators on the ice. The premiere of the show took place in St. Petersburg, after which the creative team went on tour in Europe.

In early 2019, in the Resort "Dobrograd", not far from Vladimir, Irina Eduardovna presented a new program "Infinite History", whose participants were Tatiana Navka, Alexey Yagudin and students of figure skating of the Vladimir region. The feature of the production was the use of a natural lake as a scenic place. Solo and group numbers The creators of the performance added a light show. This is not the first performance of the skaters in the Vladimir Earth: in early 2018, Yevgeny Plushenko and Adeline Sotnikova were already visited here.

In 2019, Irina Eduardovna watched the events from the world of figure skating. She gave a comment on the championship of Russia - 2019, in which Anna Shcherbakov, Alain Kosostna and Alexander Trusov defeated:

"I am sure that it will be very hot, interesting and exciting! This composition of the old world has not yet seen. Eh, shaking Europe! "

In the same year, Slutskaya became the Guest of the Transmission of the Fate of Man. In a frank interview with Boris Korchevnikov, the figure skater told about how she was preparing to become a mother for the third time and even showed the photo where she was pregnant. In the conversation, the topic of the career was affected and the athlete shared, as she came to success.

In March 2020, Irina Eduardovna called on all citizens to adhere to quarantine measures and comply with the social distance. She said that it was possible to defeat a coronavirus infection if he had a healthy lifestyle. The emphasis should be done on proper nutrition - fat and fried foods should be eliminated from the diet. And useful recipes can be found in the "Instagram" of the figure skater, where she lay out them within the framework of the "Culinary Friday" rubric.

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Slutskaya actively commented on the events in the figure skating of Russia - commended the departure of Alena Costorna from Eteri Tutberidze to Eugene Plushenko. According to Irina Eduardovna, transitions from one coach to another is a normal phenomenon for this sport. So, Alane did not suit something, she wanted something new. The main thing is that the results remain high. The celebrity also criticized Plushenko for the negative of the Cosovna programs, which set Trebridze.

Personal life

Irina Slutskaya was married to former boxer Sergey Mikheev. He saw a future wife on the TV screen and fell in love.

They met in the suburban holiday home, where Irina Eduardovna arrived with her friend for a couple of days. Then the athlete was still a young girl and did not hurry to respond to the courting of a young man, but he won his face of the figure skater with his persistence and patience. In August 1999, a couple officially issued relations.

Spouses became parents of two children. The son of Artem was born a year after the end of the professional sports career, and the daughter of Varbara was born in 2010. Now the young man is engaged in hockey, and the girl became the continuing of the case of a talented mother, although initial Irina Eduardovna saw her in rhythmic gymnastics.

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Marriage of Irina Slutskaya and the older for 8 years Sergey Mikheeva, many considered exemplary. But there were rumors that the former figure skater, and now the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma has long broke up with his spouse: they do not appear anywhere together. But next to Irina Eduardov, he often saw her assistant and general director of Voluntary Physical Union Alexey Tikhomirov. They were attributed to a romantic connection. However, the couple did not confirm and did not refute the speculation about personal life.

Attentive subscribers of Slutskaya and Tikhomirov pages in the social network, they noticed that they laid out a lot of common photos. At the same time, Irina Eduardovna photos did not find a husband. The meticulous journalists also noticed: on a non-named finger, a woman was absent wedding ring.

Familiar Irina Eduardovna told reporters that it was Tikhomirov who was engaged in her PR on the eve of the primaries in the Moscow region. I am not visible from Sergei Mikheev next to Slutskaya in secular events, the woman answered that he would like to be in public.

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In 2018, Irina Eduardovna played a wedding with a businessman Alexei Shovina. They were familiar for a long time, worked together over several projects. Love at first glance did not happen. Slutskaya for a long time perceived beams as a colleague. However, unexpectedly, the man began to take decisive steps in her direction, so the relationship began. She told about it in the program "Secret by Million".

In 2019, the figure skater gave birth to a third child. Newborn girl called Kira. Pregnancy was accompanied by big risks, because she hasnden to the child in 40 years. Fortunately, the worst fears of doctors were not confirmed.

Now Irina Eduardovna with her husband and children lives outside the city, in the suburbs. It is difficult for her every day to work, but it is not yet possible to buy a spacious apartment in Moscow.

You can follow the life of the star of sports through "Instagram", where it actively publishes photos with family, colleagues, in a swimsuit and stylish outfits. She also has an official website and a profile in Facebook.

Irina Slutskaya now

Now Slutskaya tries to devote all the time to the family - in social networks, the mother of three children admitted that he feels lonely when forced to leave for business and stay at night in hotels. The instagram account of the former figure skater is filled with photographs of the heirs, and posts are increasingly characterized by Irina Eduardovna as a caring mother, with the use of the successful success of the heirs with subscribers.

Nevertheless, it does not prevent her from share an expert opinion regarding the events in the world of sports. After the victory of Russia in Osaka in 2021 at the World Team Trophy tournament, Slutskaya with the statement said: Russian athletes were and remain undoubted favorites.

Irina Eduardovna shared his thoughts and about the current stars of figure skating. So, she expressed the hope of the Olympic Future Elizabeth Tuktamysheva. But in relation to Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedeva, he tried not to make up, noticing only that nobody sees them for a long time.


  • 2003 - Cavalier of the Order of Friendship
  • 2007 - Cavalier Order Honor
  • Two-time world champion
  • Seventh European champion
  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia


  • "Hot Ice"
  • "Three and Snowflake"
  • "Successful deal"
  • "Hot ice"
  • "Stars on ice"
  • "Ice Age"
  • "Ice Age. Cup of professionals "
  • "Winx on ice"
  • "Fixes on ice. Big game"

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