Arina Sharapova - biography, personal life, photo, news, TV presenter, age, "Good morning", husband 2021



Arina Sharapova is listed on the list of the most influential women of Russian television. It is not surprising, because it is involved in the creation of a modern media space. Over the years, the journalist managed to work on the largest television channels of the country, but even now continues to delight the public with new programs of programs with their participation.

Childhood and youth

Arina Sharapova was born on May 30, 1961 in Moscow, by nationality - Russian. Although the surname is misleading, it is not a relative of the Tennis player Mary Sharapova.

Early biographies The future celebrity spent in the Middle East, where her father Ayan Veniaminovich Sharapov worked as a diplomat. She even attended school in Iraq, but later the parents sent her to Moscow to her grandmother.

The girl quickly loved literature and reread the entire home library in a couple of years. Another hobby was a foreign film, she looked at Sophie Lauren and Catherine, and Katrin Denev, and in the adolescence he thought about his career on television.

After graduation, Arina decided to act in Moscow State University, but he did not want to go to the philological faculty, submitted documents to the philosophical, where she studied applied sociology. Already in the student years she began to work, at first - a librarian, then a journalist. By the time of admission to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Moris Torez, the girl was the employee "RIA Novosti".


In the information agency, the star began working in 1985. She was engaged in writing articles on political topics and was not going to go under the sights of cameras. The situation has changed by chance - in the building "RIA Novosti" was cast by a casting to the TV presenter. The girl went past the open office, where there were interviews, and attracted the attention of the employee who invited her to participate.

In subsequent years, the celebrity worked in the television segment of the information agency, and then received from Oleg Poptsov to become leading on RTR. There, the girl entrusted the maintenance of the news program "News", thanks to which she became famous for the whole of Russia. Later, Arina worked on the transmission of "60 minutes" of joint Russian-American production.

For 4 years of work on the TV channel, a journalist has launched a lot of useful dating, deserved the authority among his colleagues and actually became a face of RTR. She would have worked there for a long time if there were no persistence of two influential personalities. Producer Konstantin Ernst and Millionaire Boris Berezovsky set out to travel it to ORT (Channel One).

During the year, the girl refused to change the place of work, but in the end surrendered and accepted the proposal, despite the fact that they did not want to let her go with RTR. There was a conflict, which agreed into a situation where Poptsov a month did not sign a statement about the care of the protege.

But in the end, the transition still took place, and from 1996 to 1998 the TV presenter read the news in the time program on ORT. Staying in the project only strengthened the popularity of ambitious journalist, although it is not immediately used to the transfer format. But in the rest on the TV channel there were not so much work, and when her place suddenly took Sergey Dorenko, it became a heavy blow.

Having received more free time, the celebrity thought about creating a copyright show. She thought over the concept of the program, and with the financial side of the question helped an influential friend. As a result, the transfer of "Arina" appeared, the first release of which came out on competing with ORT TV channel NTV.

The talk show did not reduce the love of viewers. The format of the program with people from the people was still new, unusual. In addition, criticism played a big role. The creator was reproached in insincerity, in the absence of interest in the guests of the Studio and the game to the public. The project lasted a couple of months, after which it was quietly closed.

The celebrity remained again without work, but not desperate. She received an invitation to work outside the capital and, for a long time, not thinking, answered consent. So Arina Ayanovna became the leading program "Place of Meeting", which took an interview with the elite of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the memories of a woman, the shooting was held by the "Watch method" - she came from Moscow to create several releases at once, and then returned home.

Siberian Teether's Star Biography page remembered a wave of overwhelms that she for a very high fee forms the image of the administration of the Governor Alexander Lebed. The journalist left without commenting rumors about wages and noted that he considers himself a stateman. Therefore, there is nothing terrible in that it works for the benefit of power, "a good leader and just a person with whom it is convenient to work."

After 2 years, a triumphal return to the "big" television took place. The leadership of the First Channel suggested a woman to conduct a good morning information and entertainment program, over which she worked down until 2020.

In the breaks between the work on the transfer of Teediva starred in other sensory projects. For 3 years, the show "Fashion sentence" showed as a "defender", where Vyacheslav Zaitsev was company. When the fashion designer is punished, Arina Ayanovna advised to take Alexander Vasilyev to his place, but herself in the end went.

Then the transmission of the "best husband" appeared in the creative biography of the celebrity, where she replaced Catherine to Bulkin. On the set, Sharapova had to be embarrassed, because in one of the issues the participant had to catch the rats, which she was afraid of horror.

In 2018, Arina Ayanovna received a place leading in the program "Ten photos" on the "Star" channel. As part of the show, she offered the guests of the studio to tell what the moment of life is captured on a different picture. Often came across photos, about which the participant did not even suspect that he helped cause sincere emotions.

A year later, the TV presenter was pleased with the appearance of her friends on the transfer of "my hero" - Tatyana Ustinova. The writer is so close with the star that he even chosen the heroine of the novel "Goddess Prime-Time" Alina Herbrow. Sharapova offered to play in the film simulation, but she refused.

During the period of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the name of the journalist also remained on hearing. She gave an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda and commented on the events that occurred with Mikhail Efremov, calling them the "story of the biggest deception." Also, Teediva noted that they and an actor studied at the same school.

Social activity

The celebrity is involved in Russia's political life: back in 1999 he participated in the parliamentary elections from the Unity block. After years, the TV presenter worked in the team of Sergey Sobyanin, who claimed the mayor of Moscow.

In the past, in an interview for Radio "Echo of Moscow", the star said that he would not join any party, although he was experiencing for the destiny of the country, but later changed his words. In 2016, the journalist entered the Supreme Council of United Russia and became a member of the Party Commission on Ethics. In the same year, she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of Moscow.

Soon after that, the activist was headed by a working group of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of public policy in the field of protecting family and children, and in January 2019 he made a meeting of the Federation Council. She focused on the problem of creating positive Internet projects, since the current generation is almost all the time on the network.

Personal life

In love for the TV presenter, many star colleagues recognized. In 2016, the singer Alexei Vorobiev even frankly told about how one day he saw a woman on TV and returned to go to Moscow to marry her.

But the personal life of celebrities was far from immediately. For the first time she married in his youth, became the wife of the poet Oleg Borushko. According to Teediva, it was "crazy love." Later, the Couple was born the son of Daniel, but it did not help to keep marriage.

Mutual feelings destroyed life, because the spouses were too young and inexperienced to understand and maintain each other. Later, the celebrity admitted that, be near the wise adviser, who explained to her how to respond to some actions of the chief, the crisis would be able to unlock.

After a divorce, Teediva moved to his parents and devoted himself to work and upbringing the heir. Then the nephew of the wife of Joseph Stalin appeared in her life - Sergey Alliluyev. They lived together for 7 years, but also broke up, in which the man then accused the former chief.

The next beloved became Cyril Lean - General Director of the Stream television company. It is concerned that after parting, he interfered with the development of a career Sharapova. This explains the fact that they do not communicate, while Oleg activist always called the best friend.

The star was almost desperate to find love, but the fate sent her a businessman Eduard Kartashov. The man immediately demonstrated the seriousness of intentions and achieved the location of the teediva by long and persistent courtships. He easily found a common language with the son of the chosen, while she began his daughter with his daughter.

Heir to celebrity went on her footsteps, also tied life with television. He became producer, worked for some time on NTV. Alina Daniel loved his future wife to be a teenager, so they got married immediately after school.

In 2006, Sharapova became a "young grandmother" - the Son with the daughter-in-law was made by her birth of the grandson of Nikita. In childbirth, she was present personally and took the baby in his hands immediately after Daniel. Later, the family was replenished with another child - Stepan.

Although in the instagram account of the public figure a lot of pictures, it is not in a hurry to share personal, since it does not allow for traditional upbringing. But this does not prevent fans to discuss her figure - Teediva weighs about 75 kg with growth 165 cm. The network periodically falls on her photo in a swimsuit with the beaches.

In the past, Sharapova took himself with diets and tried starvation, but over time he learned to control appetite. A close friend was helped in this - the leading programs to "live great" and "health" Elena Malysheva, who offered to participate in his project "reset the extra".

No less discussed are changes in the appearance of the star. In an interview, she repeatedly stated that it was not going to use the services of plastic surgeons, and even abandoned Botox Ukolov, but doctors argue the opposite. They are confident that a woman made a bluperoplasty, rhinoplasty and contour facelifting.

Arina Sharapova now

In 2021, the star continues to delight the public with the appearances on the television screens and remains unchanged leading "ten photographs". In March, she again fell into the press headlines, after commented on the article about Alla Pugacheva and called himself a fan of performer.


  • "News" (VGTRK)
  • "Time" (ORT)
  • "Arina" (NTV)
  • "Good Morning" (Channel One)
  • "Meetings with Arina" (Krasnoyarsk television)
  • "Island Crimea" (Channel One)
  • "Fashion sentence" (Channel One)
  • "Ten photos" ("Star")

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