Salma Hayek - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, "From sunset to dawn", husband 2021



Hollywood is full of movie stars from all over the world. Among them is a talented actress Salma Hayek, born in a distant Mexico, where she became a national heroine. But to world popularity, actress had to overcome a long way through discrimination and disbelief. She today does not lose a star status capable of surprising the public with a new bright way.

Childhood and youth

Salma was born in a secured family on September 2, 1966 in the city of Coatzacoalkos on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Her mother Diana Medina was Spanish by origin and a popular opera singer, and the father of Hayek himself, Lebanese by nationality, - a businessman who built a considerable state in the oil market. In 1975, a happy family was replenished with the heir - the younger brother Salma, named after the Father, was born.

From early childhood, the mother put a love for art from early childhood, and his father did not miss the opportunity to pamper her beloved daughter. After Sunday Mass themselves led children to the only cinema of the cinema, which was often completely scored. But for the Hayek family enough and one place, as the father sled his daughter on his shoulders, so that the girl could freely enjoy the cinema. Then Salma began to understand that she craves from the life of more and dreams to leave a close city.

At 9 years old she had such a chance. The girl has been engaged in gymnastics for several years, and she was invited to the national team. But then the father intervened, which was categorically against the departure of the young daughter in the capital, where she was to have exhaustive daily workouts.

Salma, like any other child, brought up in respect for their parents, submitted to the decision of the Father and remained with his family. However, the future actress did not refuse the city from the dream and later I could persuade parents to send it to Louisiana, where the Catholic boarding school was for girls.

The impressions of Hayek about school learning turned out to be ambiguous. She learned the material well and received good marks, adored to sing in Catholic Mesa and was often joking on mentors who did not hold evil to a mischievous student. But then Salma put an unpleasant diagnosis - "Dyslexia", which prevented fully seized the skills of reading and writing. In addition, the girl was shy to grow and small breasts, which made it inconspicuous on the background of feminine classmates.

In 15 years, Hayek briefly returned to Mexico to go back to the US, but now in the city of Houston, where her aunt lived. Long stay in an English-speaking country allowed the girl to master the language, as well as to absorb American culture and its values. Despite the future status of the movie star, Salma suffered from problems with skin, characteristic of many girls of her age. Against the background of fighting the shortcomings, she fell into depression and earned himself a digestive disorder, because of which it could not eat or absorb food in unthinkable quantities.

Unbalanced nutrition led to problems with weight and heavy experiences about appearance. Some time Hayek was so shy himself that he could not go outside. Nevertheless, she found the strength to cope with these challenges before entering the Ibero-American Institute in Mexico City.

Soon, Salma realized that the career of the diplomat does not impose her at all, and in secret began to learn from acting courses, playing in student productions. Soon she had to admire the father's passion, who first did not believe in the talent of his daughter, but still supported her desire to become an actress.

In 1991, the future star went to Los Angeles to study acting. There she had to get rid of the Mexican accent, who could prevent her career in Hollywood.

Career in Mexico

In the movie Salma hit the lucky accident. She performed at the play "Aladdin" on the scene of the Children's Theater, where the girl noticed a Mexican producer and offered an episodic role in the series.

Her debut turned out to be so bright that some time later the actress received a major role in Teresa's new multi-veneer telenovel, which went to screens in 1989. And although there were plenty of such series on Mexican television, "Teresa" was successful not least due to the charming and talented performer.

After the premiere of Hayek instantly became the most popular actress of the country. On the wave of this success, she was invited to the full-length film "Alley of Miracles". The director picked up the "Star" cast, and the picture used incredible popularity in his homeland and earned a number of prestigious awards.

Getting started in Hollywood

However, the ambitions of Salma demanded more. Therefore, she went to the USA, where at first faced serious discrimination. American directors simply refused to offer actress leading roles, believing that Mexican could not be a centered film character. However, she was lucky to meet on his way Robert Rodriguez, whose ancestors themselves came from Mexico.

The director rated the talents of Hayek and invited her to the film "Desperate" with Antonio Banderas in the lead role. The initial partner of the actor was to become Jennifer Lopez, but Rodriguez made a bet on anyone who was not famous in America Salma.

The film was released in 1995 and brought actress the first popularity in Hollywood, as well as new shooting proposals. Hayek himself was not delighted with the proposed roles, as most of the director saw it only in the image of the fatal beauty, while the performer wanted to show artistic talents, and not impressive appearance. She even thought to go back to Mexico, but the spouse Rodriguez persuaded her to stay.

Salma continued to be filmed in Robert's paintings, and in the following years the films "Four rooms" and "from the sunset to dawn" came out. In the last Hayek performed the famous dance with a snake and demonstrated his unsurpassed figure. Interestingly, the director did not attract the work of the choreographer, simply advising the actress to move to the music that she did with the brilliance.

Films and director

In 2000, Hayek founded the Ventanarosa Production Center, which was more loyal to Hispanic actresses. Her debut painting became the drama "Colonel Nobody writes."

The cult glory of Hayek brought the film "Frida" 2002. Salma dreamed of playing the image of the famous Mexican artist for 7 years, and when she became the producer of the film, this dream was embodied in reality.

For the actress's role, it was not even afraid to repel the real mustache, which were characteristic of Freeda Calo. Experiments with appearance, as well as the film itself, did not remain unnoticed. The painting received 2 Oscar awards, and Salma - a nomination for the best female role, which was the present recognition of her talent. The nephew of the artist was so imbued with the film that as a sign of appreciation gave Hayek a necklace belonging to the artist.

Not less successful for the creative biography of the actress turned out to be a directorial debut. In 2003, the film "Miracle Maldonado" was released on the screens, which brought His creator "Emmy."

After the success of Frida, Hayek was strengthened in the status of the Hollywood Star. The press and television included it in different ratings, calling it the most elegant star (TV channel E!), Then one of the sexiest women in the world (Stuff puts it on the 31st place; Maxim magazine - on the 24th).

Hayek did not twist in the clouds and continued to remove. At first she agreed to the role in the next work of Robert Rodriguez - "Once in Mexico." In Ribe, Hajek made up the company Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp, Enrique Iglesias. The film became the final in the trilogy about the musician.

Then Salma was involved in the adventure picture "After Sunset", where a couple with a pier with a chair performed the role of the highest level robber. Despite the fact that the location was chosen by Malibu, located in the Sunny State of California, during the shooting period it was so cold that the actors were from the mouth, which was then removed with special effects.

In the western Luke's Leson "Bandinka", the performer played with his girlfriend Penelope Cruz. And here Salma was born into the role of a skillful robber.

The picture was filmed in the native to the actress Mexico, she was comfortable on the site with a partner, with which at that time she had been talked for about 10 years. However, the public interpreted their relationship to his own way, and after the project, rumors arose that the actress bind closer than friendship, relationships. Critics did not ridly react to this tape, but the audience accepted her "with a bang."

Success served as a support for another work in a similar genre. On the way to the role of Elena, Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldan, was "especially dangerous" to the role of Elena in the film release of Don Winslow. The second home female party got Blake Lively.

Hayek, together with Vincenom Kassel, worked on the film "Scary Fairy Tale" directed by Matteo Garrone. The tape did not receive awards at the Film Festival in Cannes, but was awarded the signs of differences in Italy.

In 2017, a fighter "Killer's bodyguard" came out. The acting brightened by the names: Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Eldo Jung. Salma got an image of an emotional and charismatic wife of the main character, guarded by Killer, and embodied it so much expressing that the creators swung on the continuation called "Killer's wife's bodyguard."

The actress filmography supplemented the Drama "Beatrice on dinner", where Salma appeared in the image of Mexican nurses. For the sake of the role of Hayek, the usual gloss was not afraid. In an interview with Artist repeatedly expressed appreciation to the director Migel Artet for a wonderful creative process of filming and helping to create a complex character, which was close to her, because Salma also faced discrimination based on its origin.

To work with this director, the star was chased at the comedy site "glamorous bosses", where she surprised the fans of an unusual redhead chapel. The film did not cause positive estimates from critics, and the audience perceived it restrained.

Personal life

Hollywood presented actress not only world famous, but also bright novels. In Hayek's life there were a lot of men. The first chosen one of the Mexican star became the British actor Edward Atterton, with whom she met on the filming of the movie "Gorbun from Notre Dama," where he played Esmerald. Their novel lasted 2 years, as Salma chose to devote the lives of working, breaking the relationship.

In 1999, she met actor Edward Norton. Couple met for 4 years. The cause of parting was different graphs of filming, artists simply could not pay enough time to each other. Moreover, Norton never liked publicity, while his chief Hayek regularly appeared on the covers of magazines and gave numerous interviews.

During the year, Salma met with actor Josh Lucas, sincerely admired his talented companion.

At one time, Hayek hid a personal life from the press, and in 2007 it suddenly announced the engagement with the French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinot, which is owned by many fashion houses. Later it turned out that the actress is waiting for a child: the girl was born on September 21 of the same year and received the name of Valentina Paloma.

Wedding played 2 years later in the beautiful Venice Theater, where many famous figures of France and the United States were present. At the homeland, Salma's businessman lives under the name of the husband, who is more famous there than she.

According to the star, she did not strive to be dependent on the man and from his views.

In 2015, the star "desperate" and "Frida" dared to a brave act - a 48-year-old actress starred nude for the glossy magazine Allure. Despite the piquancy of individual pictures, where Hajek appeared before the readers of the topless, the photoset turned out by no means vulgar and even elegant. Despite the age, Salma Hayek almost the ideal parameters of the figure - 95-63-94, the growth is 157 cm, and the weight is 52 kg. Periodic diet helps in tone actress help.

The 50th anniversary of the actress again marked a frank photo session - this time for the GQ Mexico magazine. And in 2017, Hayek thought another anniversary - 20 years of friendship with another famous actress - Penelope Cruz. Two stars posted a joint photo in "Instagram" and thus proved that strong friendship in Hollywood is possible. And this despite different mentalities and religion (Hayek - Catholic, and Cruz - Buddhist). The secret of a strong friendship is that women met in the youth, before they became famous.

The actress lined the relationship with the opposite sex on equal. Therefore, since the beginning of the 2000s, Hayek became interested in the theme of domestic violence. For the rehabilitation of women, the celebrity opened the Salma Hayek Foundation Foundation.

Fans are confident: time is not powerful over the actress, it still surprises the ideal proportions of the figure, which boldly demonstrates in the photo in a swimsuit, and is not afraid to appear before the cameras without makeup.

Star Instagram subscribers are confident that she looks no older without cosmetics than 30 years. Salma itself assures that with age, her vision suffered most of all - the actress can no longer read without glasses, which often frustrates it.

Salma Hayek now

Salma Hayek reached incredible heights in the profession and glory of the Hollywood Star, now she chooses complex characteristic roles who challenge her skill.

One example was the image of Isabelle in the fantastic belt "Bliss", the premiere of which was held at the beginning of 2021. Salma wanted to work with Mike Kachil, so it was pleasantly surprised when the director himself called her and offered a role. The actress shared in an interview, which agrees with his heroine, which believes that good and evil are interconnected, and to feel the value of good events in life, you need to go through the trials and vice versa.

The celebrity attracted the attention of tabloids and network users in connection with the 93rd Oscar Award Ceremony. Anthony Hopkins became the winner in the category "Best Male Role". The actor, being at a respectful age, was not present at the event personally, but published a video where he performs a victorious dance with Hayek, who came to a colleague to congratulate the award.


  • 1989 - "Teresa"
  • 1994 - "Wonderland Alley"
  • 1995 - "Desperate"
  • 1996 - "From the sunset to dawn"
  • 1996 - "Fugitives"
  • 1999 - "Nobody writes to the Colonel"
  • 2002 - Frida
  • 2003 - "Once in Mexico"
  • 2006 - "Bands"
  • 2010 - "Odnoklassniki"
  • 2014 - "How to make love in English"
  • 2017 - "Killer's bodyguard"
  • 2017 - "Beatrice for dinner"
  • 2018 - "Parents of Easy Behavior"
  • 2020 - "Real Bosses"
  • 2020 - "Insanomed Roads"
  • 2020 - "Killer's Bodyguard"
  • 2021 - "Bliss"

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