Anna Bigova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Sect, Husband, Filmography 2021



Anna Bolshaya, unlike colleagues, does not prefer something one - a movie or theater, but recognizes that theatrical roles are more interesting than cinematographic characters. However, working on the camera is also pleasure."Everywhere there is our professional features, different craft nuances who need to learn. And the more you play or remove, the more you are in your profession. "

Childhood and youth

Anna Bolsova was born on January 26, 1976 in Moscow in the family of Russian athletic physicist Leonid Alexandrovich and Natalia Mikhailovna. The older sister of Alexander in education The musician graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky in the class of piano. Grandmother actress was a premix of large and small theatrical scenes in the provinces, so the connection with the art was not lost in the family.

At often there is no question of the nationality of Anna a specific answer. Grandfather in the father's line, the creator of the world's first radio telescope and the winner of the USSR State Prize, was the name of Solomonovich, and the grandmother is Bolshova. The surname of the prima and gave children to be easier to do in Moscow State University.

The childhood of the girl passed under the motto "Time all." Every day, after school, Anya went on additional training events: 5 times a week, skiing, still drawing, singing, solfeggio, swimming pool and English. Parents often included classical music at home to instill good taste.

Alexandra also did not sit idle, helped mother and father in the child's raising. For example, sister's efforts by five years, the girl has already knew the multiplication table, and later began to "go out into the light", because it was brought to her friends on the birthdays of friends, holidays and parties. There, the little Anna invariably became the center of attention of the company, and she liked it.

In the 7th grade, the future actress was translated into the theatrical Lyceum "Harlequin", where the study lasted a year. At the same time, at Gityis, the first and last set in college were opened - the guys were invited to the experimental course at the directorial faculty, where they studied special and general educational items. Of course, Anna to the university entered.

Bare parents divorced when the actress was already an adult. Both sisters took the side of the Father, and with the mother now they do not communicate at all.


In 1995, the artist sued the porch of the Russian Academy of theatrical art with a cherished diploma in his hands and immediately received an invitation to the Moscow Drama Theater named after N. V. Gogol. The audience had the pleasure of watching the game of a young talent in the performances of the "comedy about Frole Skobelev" and the "faithful wife."

In 1998, the actress was translated into Lenk, where it was involved in such a comedy, as a "hoax" in the role of Pannochka and "Royal Games" in the image of Anna Bolein. Immediately after that, the children's dream of Ani suddenly came true: she was entrusted to play a cum in the famous rock opera "Juno and Avos", and Nikolai Karachentsov became a partner. As the celebrity is recognized, she repeatedly strolled school as a child, if this wonderful performance was walking on TV.

The theater community did not expect such a turn of the events, since the actress played only comedy roles, and here - Copter. Nevertheless, the image was a success. Anna also participated in the musicals. In 2004, the artist fulfilled the game of Jane Smart in the production of "ISIKA WITHES", where the Russian actor Dmitry Singers became its partner.

In the Krasnodar theater of the Drama named after M. Gorky Anna acted in the main role in the performance of "Fintiflyushki" based on the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The serial star came to Kuban at the invitation of Nikita Grishpun, the Laureate of Crystal Turandot and the nominee for the Golden Mask. According to the actress, in this theater she served almost 3 seasons, but the leadership was changed, and the activity had to stop.

On the stage of the Nizhnya Tagil Drama Theater with anchlage, the play "We, the following" with the participation of Anna Bolshoy, Anatoly Kota, Andrei Kuzicheva and the local troupe passed.

Repeatedly journalists asked the actress about whether such a tour of the tours would cause additional questions from Mark Zakharov, the artistic director of Lenkom.

Anna belongs to this quite simply, arguing that artists are people who are not tied to a specific place of work. This is a certain charm, because in the stationary theater there is its own atmosphere and some kind of peculiar spirit.

"I have grown in this theater roots. "Lenk" for me is a native home and point of reference, a landmark in the profession, with whom I mean what I am doing in the movies, entrepreneurs, on television. But projects should not be to the detriment of the theater. And I try to combine everything. In general, it is happiness when you receive not only money, but also pleasure. "

Ghostova played with Gennady Khazanov in "Cool Badges" in the Anton Chekhov Antona Theater, with him - on the Lenkomovsky stage in an adventurous comedy "American Gorki", with Igor Mirkurbanov and Evgenia Gerasimov - in "Snakh Mr. De Moliere", with Andrei Sokolov and Alexander Zbruyev - in the "TUT PAYE, or all paid."

In early 2019, Anna posted a photo with Alexander Domogarov in the social network, informing fans that the new performance "Henry and Ellen" rehearse. The formulation is dedicated to the relationships and professional achievements of the British actors of the 19th century, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry. The premiere took place in January 2020.


Anna entered the cinema with a small role in the series "With New Happiness", which did not bring any special fame of actress, but the beginning was put. But after the episodic role in the "stop on demand", the girl began to learn in the face of the native city.

In 2007, the majority was approved for the first in his life a major role in the TV series "Swach". After that, the invitation to the film was sprinkled one after another: "Life continues", "Love and fears of Mary", "Canta", "urgently in the room".

In fact, the serials became the main works in the professional biography of the actress. In particular, in "Soldiers" for several years, Bolshaya played the role of Anna, the wisest of the ensign of Schmatko.

Work in the television series "Yermolov" in 2008 was for the actress of one of the most ambitious. The picture tells about dramatic events and relations in the Yermolov family. According to Anna, this project brought great joy, she realized a lot in his life. In one of the interviews, Bolshaya said that it was an understanding of various life situations and circumstances, she stopped thinking about age.

In 32 series of family saga, young artist played a woman for 40. According to Most, originally she felt some fear about this. Thinking about age, I realized that years are not as terrible if a person has accumulated inner luggage. On the set of the series Anna received a tremendous pleasure.

Bolsimov reincarnated in a single mother in the comedy film "To marry General". Inga Oletdina played a shamless girlfriend, Grigory Seregin became the main hero.

In the sports melodraman "Hot ice", Bolshaya starred, being pregnant. Colleagues of professional actors in the film were athletes-figure skaters. Later, Anna told the son that his native father is not the first who kept him in her arms. Even before, I managed to do Alexey Tikhonov. For the child, the future mother was not afraid - the champion of Europe, Russia and the world is not in vain is considered one of the most reliable partners.

In the lead role of the Jewelsecperspert, Evgenia Naskina Anna appeared in the criminal detective "Petrovka, 38. Petrovsky team."

In the series "Mommiks", the Heroine Baroye, together with six women, stood on the protection of a kindergarten from a businessman who intends to close the institution. Another picture in the filmography of the actresses, where motherhood is combined with official duty, - Moma-Detective melodrama.

Romantic Fleur flew from Anna's character in the criminal belt "Women on the verge". Here, the main character is a psychotherapist trying to figure out what pushes the representatives of weak gender for difficult crimes.

In the picture "Foreaging for Candle", Bolshaova performed in the form of the main antagonist, the owner of the magical studio, in whose hands the young girl comes endowed with the gift of foresight. Fallet mystics is present in the youth film "Angel or Demon", in which Anna starred in the company Anfisa Vidtingausen, Darya Volga, Yaroslav Boyko.

In 2016, she became Ninka in a mystical detective "The reverse side of the moon - 2". Partners were Pavel Derevyanko, Svetlana Smirnova-Marcinkevich and others.

In addition, the artist starred in the screen vessels of the writer Tatiana Ustinova "My Personal Enemy" with Dmitry Shcherbina, "Universal Conspiracy" with Maria Ivashchenko.

In 2018, Anna completed the work on the Detective "Presumption of Nevinost" about the lawyer, managed to set up against himself all policemen after "otmazal" from prison to the killer's colleagues. Bolshaya starred in the film at Nikita Panfilov, Olga Budina, Daniel Svivakovsky and Roman Mayakina.

The main roles of the actress played in the criminal melodrama "Native Hands" and Detective "Alexander and Alyales".

In the melodrama "Return to Sorrento", Bolsimov reincarnated in the wife of the character of Dmitry Pustilica. The unfavorable atmosphere in the house encourages the heroine to remember the long-standing hobby - a pretty Italian, which promised a happy life.

Picture "Marusya. Hard adults got a name by the name of the girl, it is unknown for what reason the remaining one in the train car. The neighbors on the coupe have to take care of the child. Anna Bolshaova received one of the main roles in the project.

In December 2020, the detective "Anatomy of the Murder - 3" was released. Bolshaya appeared in the first film "Snakes in High Grass".


An artist appears and on television. Anne was able to show children's sports developments in the Stars on Ice and the Ice Period. Participation in popular projects added awareness, and journalists were more interested in whether the celebrity plans to appear on TV screens in large-scale show.

Same Bolshaya assures that, most likely, refuses such proposals, as it believes: it is impossible to abuse television projects. According to the artist, it becomes a kind of bad tone and can cause a negative reaction not only colleagues, but also the audience.

Nevertheless, in 2014, Anna participated in the competition of parody "Repeat!" On the first channel. The actress bypassed rivals, won the well-deserved title of the winner. Her parodies became the best, and the jury and television viewers remembered Bolsharly in the form of the famous Soviet actress Lii Ahacedzhakova. According to the artist, this project is "Running for a short distance", where a small period of time should be laid out the most fully.

In the same year, Anna, herself became a member of the jury in the show "At the point." And in 2016, I took part in the "Cinechow" project, where the leading Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Maxim Averin arranged various competitions for celebrities.

Anna Bolshaova visited the studio of the program "Alone with everyone" with Julia Little, "Wife. History of love "With Kira Puttino.

In 2019, Boris Korchevnikov invited the celebrity to the program "The Fate of Man". Anna told about the classes by mountain skiing as a child with the Father, the first performances of the creative biography, their marriage, the divorce of parents and tender relationship with the stepmother. "The stamp semi-grant almost broke my life," said Bolshaya, explaining the story with the muddy organization of the ingenious mother.

In 2020, in the author's program "My Hero" with Tatiana Ustinova Anna confessed to an interview that he would not want to leave Russia.

Personal life

The personal life of Anna Bolshaya has become a source of loud news and scandalous exposures. For the first time, the artist went under the crown with a consolidated brother Anton Kanayan. The man did not come to her a blood relative (he is the son of the stepmother), but this did not prevent the journalists from the event of a scuba history.

The media have repeatedly informed that the artist fell into the totalitarian sect of the "Sun Valley", founded by Anna Kanaya (Asmita), the second wife of the Father. According to Natalia Mikhailovna, the mother actresses referred to the journalists, the head of the sect forced her husband (Anna's father) to divorce her and married himself. Allegedly, this Asmita ordered the Anna to marry Anton.

This page of life affected work and on loved ones. Directors Bolshov avoided, colleagues on "Lenkom" openly mocked. After that, Anna claimed that "filters relationships" with others: "I talked, worked, but I was kept at a distance. It became clear who is who really. Not in vain it says that a friend is known in trouble. "

Marriage collapsed in 4 years, according to rumors, because of a change of spouse. In addition, Kanayeva is 7 years younger and although at first attracted the major sense of humor and the warehouse of the mind, over time she realized that "their lives are not together, but in parallel."

The second husband was the artist Alexander Makarenko. Interestingly, acquaintance also took place on the initiative of the stepmother of the artist. In August 2008, the family of Daniel was born in the family of artists of art. A few years later, the spouses were divorced, but remained friends.

Bolshaya attributed a long and stormy romance with the actor of theater and cinema by Semyon Skalisko, but Anna allegedly did not want to officially consolidate the relationship.

The artist avoids publicity, in "Instagram" a photo of a creative character appears and only a little - personal. Answering questions about "female things," Anna told that he loves decorations, he did not use cosmetics in life and rarely rises on heels. Dressed prefers adequately situation, and as for the appearance of the kinheroin, then the clothes should correspond to the image.

However, the costumes of the village doctor in the series "Lesnik" sometimes did not fit into the plot, and the leading role of Oleg Stefanko did not make comments on this. The actress was justified by the fact that in the plot the girl is trying to like the harsh and brutal man in the available ways.

Celebrity growth is 162 cm, weight - 57 kg.

Anna Bigova now

The actress participated in the filming of the detective "corrected to believe. Web "whose premiere was announced on the 2021th.

Anna has become the heroine of the film "Wedding Charts". In "Instagram", the star posted a photo from filming, admiringly signing: "Oh, what partners! Oh, what director! " The company Actress amounted to Valery Barinov, Stepan Abramov, Alena Colimary and others.

Anna comes to the scene "Lenkom Mark Zakharov," appears in the "Temium on Serpukhovka", and in Mkate named after M. Gorky.


  • 2000 - "Stop on demand"
  • 2002 - "Life continues"
  • 2005 - "Case view"
  • 2005 - "My personal enemy"
  • 2007 - "Swach"
  • 2007 - "Soldiers"
  • 2008 - "Ermolov"
  • 2010 - "Mommies"
  • 2011 - "Forester"
  • 2014 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2018 - "Forester. own land "
  • 2018 - "Marusya"
  • 2018 - "Presumption of Innocence"
  • 2018 - "Native Hands"
  • 2019 - "Alexander and Alyosha"
  • 2019 - "Return to Sorrento"
  • 2019 - "Marusya. Hard adults »
  • 2020 - "Anatomy of Murder-3"
  • 2021 - "Fixed to believe. Web"

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