Julianna Karaulova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "so strong", songs, "light degrees", gave birth to 2021



Julianna Karaulova is a popular Russian singer who reached musical Olympus, won the millionth audience of fans. Although the actress and began his career as part of the group, the greatest fame of the launched on it in the solo project.

Childhood and youth

Julianna Karaulova was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 (Zodiac sign - Taurus) in the intelligent and secured family of the diplomat, by nationality she is Russian. At 4 years old, the girl together with his parents moved to the Bulgarian capital Sophia, where her father worked. The future singer studied at school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria.

The girl began to be interested in the vocal in childhood, his talent showed her parents who did not miss the opportunity to develop creative abilities in his daughter. In addition to the secondary school, she visited music lessons and vocals, he was fond of dancing and figure skating.

The first speech of a small actress took place in 6 years on the school scene. After this concert, Julianna did not miss any events and participated in concert school programs.

In 10 years, the girl has become a participant in the competition of young talents "Dobrich" in Bulgaria. Her speech of the jury appreciated. The young performer received a diploma "for professionalism and artistry", which the Bulgarian performer of Lily Ivanov was presented.

After the eight years, Julianna returned to the Russian capital, where firmly decided to continue their vocal classes at a longer level. She graduated from the metropolitan school number 1106 and worked hard with music, taking part in creative contests.

However, the school period in the capital was marked for her with the first sad experience. The girl, hitting the team of Moscow disciples, was very different from them. She was an activist, did not swear Mat, did not know Russian pop stars. The lack of common interests was the cause of the bulling.

By the end of the school, she managed to establish relationships with peers largely due to the fact that Juliana learned not to respond to checked comments. And then it turned out at all that the most unfinished her boyfriend was secretly in love with the future star. But the young dating responded with refusal after the frank confession of the offender.

In 2003, the 15-year-old artist won the 2nd place at the "Face of the Year" contest, which was organized by the popular YES! Magazine. After 2 years, another competition was held by another competition, the winner of which should have become soloists of the YES group. As a result, three girls were included in the team, among whom was Julian. The group recorded four songs, the most famous composition was the composition "changed". So the start of the creative biography of Julianna was given.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, girls from Yes! I tried happiness on the casting of the project "Star Factory - 5", but only Karaulova passed. By the way, she herself, although she dreamed of getting on stage, skeptical about the show. The daughter was casting, insisted the father of the future star. And there, to the surprise of Julianna, her manner of execution and voice praised. Perhaps the celebrity is now thinking, in this the role of its European past played. For example, it was easily given melons.

At the end of the season, Maxim Fadeev has formed a group called "Netske", in which the finalist and two more soloists invited. On one of the compositions of the team even was removed the video, but the group never gained popularity. Then Karaulova decided to break the contract with the producer and became the first of the project's wards, which it was possible to do it painlessly. Moreover, Fadeev subsequently offered her cooperation, called to become a soloist of the Serebro group.

Then the performer decided to abandon a generous proposal, considering that it would be difficult for her to work with other team members. Subsequently, the girl regretted his decision when Serebro performed on Eurovision and brought Russia the Honorary 3rd place.

After the "Star Factory", Karaulova decided to get a higher education. The girl was always interested in journalism, she was even going to file documents on Zhurfak in Moscow State University.

At the last moment, Julianna changed his mind and delivered documents to "Gnesinku" to the Outlook of the Faculty of Pop Jazz Vocal. Simultaneously with the study, the girl was settled by the editor in the journal YES!. The Academy of Music named after Gnesini artist graduated with honors, and in 2014 he received the second higher education in the same school, finding himself on producer.

5STA Family.

In 2011, the singer got acquainted with the participants of the R'n'b-group of 5STA Family. At that time she worked in the editorial office of the journal YES!. The girl was offered to change the vocalist of Lyu, who left the composition due to creative disagreements. The guys accepted a new soloist and supported, understanding how difficult it was to join their male team. During the stay of Karaulova, the debut album "Why" (2012) was released in the 5sta Family Group.

In 2013, the team recorded a new song "Together we", which won the prestigious Golden Gramophone Prize, and in 2014 released the clip to the composition "My Melody".

3 years after Karaulov entered the group, problems began. First of all, the team participants appeared disagreements about the future of 5STA Family. In an interview with the ex-soloist said that she tried to somehow improve and offered new chips to colleagues, but they did not perceive her creative views seriously.

The overall voltage increased, as a result, the guys stopped finding a compromise even in trifles. At a certain point, very offensive words were told, which were given to understand the Karaulova, that her time in the group comes to an end. A year before the final care, she warned about this remaining team members. But it happened even earlier than the planned time: the ex-soloist "Ranetok" Lera Kozlov came to the team.

The fact that was so quickly replaced, did not greatly upset Julianna. Moreover, she was ready for a solo career and already presented his first video to the debut track "Not Such", the author of which became her friend Bianca.

The composition immediately sounded on all radio stations and ahead of many well-known performers by the number of downloads. For a couple of years on YouTube, the first clip of Karaulova was viewed over 32 million times.

Solo career

The successful beginning of an independent career allowed the singer without risk to leave 5STA Family. Without driving turnover, she continued to bold solo swimming and in a couple of months he presented their new video for the song "Houston" to the court of fans.

2016 in the Solo Career Julianna became no less productive: the girl released the third clip on the song "Sneorber" and recorded the "Sea" composition.

In September, the artist presented a new video on the song "Broken Love". The composition entered its solo album "The Sense of Yu", which became the first in the discography of Julianna. A month later, the singer spent the first solo concert in the metropolitan club Red. Soon Karaulova concluded a contract with the producer of Yana Rudkovskaya.

In 2017, being on the creative rise, the singer presented to fans of several tracks. In her repertoire, the compositions "not believe" and "just so" appeared, which entered the phenomena mini album. And under the New Year, she spoke on the "blue light", singing in a duet with Dmitry Malikov song about snowfish. She also appeared on the "Russia-1" channel on the "extraordinary light," performing the "All in Your Hands" along with Alexey.

In May 2018, Julianna was invited as leading to the presentation of the RU.TV award, but this experience ended for the actress is not very successful. When it was time to receive Olga Buzova award, Karaulova did everything possible to finish the monologue of a nominee, addressed to the audience, and achieve her departure from the stage.

This incident was not covered by the audience, who attacked the Social School of Julianna. Folloviers wrote that such behavior on stage is unacceptable, and others decided at all that Karaulov envies the success of Buzova.

In the same year, the artist pleased the public with the premieres of songs "Fly for me" and "Adrenaline Tequila". Then he spoke at the main festive concert of the country "Song of the Year - 2018". Broadcast took place on the channel "Russia-1". And at the end of the year, the celebrity appeared again on the "blue light", but this time sang in a duet with Sergey Lazarev, the composition of the couple chose the symbolic - "New Year".

Then the clip came to the song "Lighthouses", which struck the unusual of the plot. A married couple is comfortably located for joint viewing of a feature film, but in fantasies heroine Julianna presents various ways to kill her husband, so he tired of her.

In "Instagram", the actress shared with fans with his impression of filming. According to Karauloy, her favorite stage was the moment of the death of the on-screen spouse from pistachios.

In February 2019, Karaulova visited the studio of the musical channel Ru.TV and on the broadcast "Theme" gave a large interview with his leading Lisa hot. She told the secret of harmonious relationship, told about spicy shooting, working with leading directories of the country and about their friend Timur Rodrigse, resident "Comedy Club".

On March 15, 2019, the release of the new single Karaulya "Ariwiderchi" was released, and on the same day the pre-ordered of the new album Julianna "be strong", in which this song also entered. And in May, the artist presented a clip to the composition. Soon after that she took off another roller, this time on the track "Dancing on the nerves".

In December 2019, Julianna introduced the clip on the song "Wild Puma" on Yutiuba ("I worse than you thought"). Dancing prevails in the video, in addition to the artist itself, in the center of the plot, a man in a red overalls, on high heels and with Kokoshnik on the head, which performs Vog.

Despite quarantine because of the coronavirus pandemic, Julianna continued to develop as a singer. At the end of April 2020, the artist presented a clip to a unobtrusive track for noisy parties and listening alone "light degrees". The video quickly gained popularity in the network and after the exit increased the number of Karauloy fans.

TV project

In addition to the musical career, Julianna Karaulova continues to conquer the domestic TV. In the fall of 2016, she became a participant in the project "Ice Age - 2016", which 2 years later returned to the screens of Russian television. Within the framework of the show, which started on October 1, 2016, a partner and mentor of the singer was the titled figure skater Maxim Trankov.

A year later, in December 2017, together with the TV presenter of the Channel One Timur Solovyov, she entered the ranks of the legend of the program "Who wants to become a millionaire." Suddenly, the singer answered correctly to the decisive 15th question and became the owner of 3 million rubles. This case was sixth in the history of the project.

At the same time, she became a member of the project "It was not" Koki's clubs, admitting that she was sometimes threatened by fans. And also told about the unsuccessful experience of visiting a cosmetologist, after which the skin literally peelled the layers from the stars face.

In April 2019, Karaulova visited Ivan Urgant Studio, where he performed the song "Arividerchi." On this day, the artist celebrated his birthday, and thus the first channel decided to congratulate her.

In the summer of the same year, the artist became a guest of the program "Where Logic", which goes on TNT, and in a pair with Olga Seryabkin took part in the intellectual humorous quiz. Maxim Lagashkin and Nikolai Sobolev played against two beauties.

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In 2020, she became a participant in the spectacular vocal show "Well, all together!", On the stage of which the best performers speak and demonstrate their vocal data. The celebrity performed the composition "Sneorber".

The Karaulova also took part in the show "Masks" on the NTV channel. Her speech was one: she went to the scene in a bunny costume as an invited guest. But the members of the jury could not guess who hiding under a massive suit. The assumptions were different - Christmas tree, Ani Lorak, Nastya Kamensky, but all attempts to guess the artist turned out to be vain.

Personal life

The personal life of Juliana Karaulova is widely discussed among the numerous army of its fans. The first loud Roman occurred in the framework of the project "Star Factory". Her choice fell on the "manufacturer" Ruslan Masyukov, but these relationships left the status of the project.

In an interview, the star sharply responded to the accusations of Piara. In fact, she met the Ruslan still after leaving the show. Masiukov, touring, often stopped in the apartment of the Karauloy parents.

After some time, the girl had a serious relationship with a guy named Paul. This novel lasted 2 years, and in 18 years old singer seriously decided to acquire her husband. For the sake of his beloved, even for some period she threw a career, but the wedding did not take place: the lovers understood that they would be better to part, as the girl was not ready to abandon music, and her chosen one insisted at the end of his career, jealous to increased attention from Parties men. Played a role and a big difference in age - 12 years.

The next experience was still sadder - the beloved girl changed her. One day she even caught him on the other, after which she found the strength to forgive. But, as it turned out, such victims were in vain. Another intrigue on the side put a point in the relationship.

Now Julianna in a civil marriage with Sound Producer Andrei Black. With the current chief of the singer even got acquainted during the "Star Factory", where he worked in the recording studio. Then the young people were friends for several years, but at some point their friendship turned into love.

After the time, Andrei made his girlfriend's hands and heart offer during the speech of Julianna on the shooting of the New Year's show, which took place at the Ice Surveyor VDNH at the end of 2016. The singer responded consent, although at the first moment it was very angry at Andrei, but the young man was ready for any reaction to his beloved. The wedding decided to play in Georgia, but the creative plans of the artist prevented the celebration.

In March 2021, Karaulova stopped hiding an interesting position. The news that she was pregnant, the fans were perceived with a big delight, and the actress account in the "Instagram" flooded photos with a rounded belly.

A happy event happened in the late spring - a snapshot of the newly-made parents with the baby scored a huge number of congratulatory comments. Immediately after Julianna gave birth, the father of the long-awaited heir could not resist and told about the name of the child - the Son was named Alexander.

Celebrity carefully refers to their health and appearance since 16 years. In his free time he is engaged in sports, so with a height of 168 cm its weight does not exceed 48 kg.

The beloved winter fun singer is a snowboard. Yulianna's care products use Korean cosmetics, but several times resorted to the plasmolifting procedure.

To maintain the tone of the skin of the body of Karaulov periodically visits massage sessions. It demonstrates an accurate figure in a bathing suit, it does not make it difficult to pose in front of the photo lens and without makeup.

An important event in the life of the singer who occurred on the eve of 2019 was the purchase of an apartment in the capital. According to the celebrities, she detected money for real estate for 15 years.

Julianna Karaulova now

In May 2021, Karaulova presented a video for the song "So Strong." In it, the artist starred, being in the last period of pregnancy. Fans with delight adopted a lyrical composition.

The actress did not plan for a long time to sit on the decole. In an interview, she said that he knew a lot of examples of a successful combination of career and motherhood. Therefore, promised the audience a quick return on the scene.


  • 2016 - "Sense of Yu"
  • 2017 - "Phenomena"
  • 2019 - "Being Strong"

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