Anna Kamenova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



With the work of Anna Kamenkova, every movie lover. She is not only a talented actress, whose peak career came on the period of the USSR's existence, but also an extremely popular dubbing artist: her voice in Russian dubbing was told Turman, Agent Scully (Gillian Anderson), Emma Thompson and other Hollywood stars.

Childhood and youth

Anna Semenovna was born on April 27, 1953 in the family of Soviet intellectuals in Moscow. Her parents Olga Alexandrovna Kamenkova-Pavlova and Semen Abramovich Gurevich, a Jew for nationality, were educated people, they taught Russian and literature and from early childhood the daughters of the culture of communication.

Anna Kamenkova in childhood

They dreamed that the girl would love a family business and, like parents, will become a teacher. Therefore, most of the time, young Kamenkov-Pavlova paid his studies and assimilation of a huge amount of information, because, according to her father, the teacher should be erudite in everything.

However, the acting talents at Anna began to appear since childhood, the will of the case in the age of 6 she was already on the set. The debut of young artist was successful, but the parents considered that she was still too small for a career, and forbidden her to film. The girl was given to the studio of the artistic word, where she played on the stage in numerous performances.

The life of Anna did not go around the sad events. In 1962, the mother left his life when the girl was 9 years old. She was worried about the loss and at that time came close to the older sister Olga, who replaced her mother. Later, the girl tied his lives with television, taught at the High School of Television of Moscow State University. It was not in 2009.

Anna Kamenkova in his youth

Education of Kamenkova fell on the shoulders of Father Seed Gurevich. He instilled his love for books, often drove it to the theater on performances based on novels than finally pushed Anna to the choice of the profession of the actress.

After school Kamenkova filed documents to theatrical colleges. In 1970, she became a student of the prestigious Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, where her leader was the Grand Soviet actor Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev. The study restlined the talent of the actresses and opened the doors to the best theaters of Moscow.


For the first time on the theatrical scene, Anna came out at 12, when a small actress was called for a child's role in the play "Mermaid". The leadership of the Bolshoi Theater took care of the grandeur of the performance and involved the great actors like Vedernikov, Kozlovsky and others.

Actress Anna Kamenkova

The girl with admiration watched the work of masters of his case, everything looked for her with magic. But most of all her was struck by the musical accompaniment of the production, which attached to the action a sense of completion. Anna as if Walked walked on the theater and since then could not imagine life without him.

The actress was again on stage 10 years later, while studying in Schepkinsky School. The teachers highly appreciated her acting abilities and recommended her to the head of the Small Theater, who invited Kamenkov to play in the formulation of the "Macropoulos" means.

After graduating from the school, she had a number of proposals from different theaters, but Anna stopped the choice on the theater on a small bronus, which was dictated by the personality of the artistic director of the institution - director Anatoly Efrosa, whose works actress was always admired. His performances enjoyed success among the public, and Anna, like other colleagues, dreamed of take part in them. In this scene, the actress played many roles, soon taking place by one of the leading actipers of the theater.

Anna Kamenkova in the play

However, Idilly lasted not long. After the deposit Epros, Kamenkova began to lose interest in the production, the feeling of the eternal holiday and novelty lost. She simply became bored with new directors, and in 1992, the actress left the theater. She did not doubt his own demand and was right, since she followed a proposal from the high hopes of the director. For half a year, Anna rehearsed the role in the performance, which, alas, was never supplied.

For several years, Kamenkova lived away from the theater when the crisis was in the yard. In the end, she waited for her starry hour, and she began to receive suggestions from the entreprepacy theaters. One of the first was the "Benefis", who presented the actress the main role in the play "enthusiastic with a swallow".

In 1998, Kamenkov played a marked role for himself - Hanna Heiberg from the eponymous stage of Hannah. Anna was fascinated by the strong character of the heroine, thanks to which the Hans Christian Anderson was born the image of the Snow Queen. But the performance did not discharge commercial success and was shortly closed.

After that, the actress has lost hope of getting a similar role, but unexpectedly the artistic director of the "School of Modern Plays" Joseph Rayhelgauz suggested her place in the play of French director Frank Bertier.

The role was severe and difficult, which only gave Azart actress. Anna invested in her soul, and after the performances she had to relax for 2 days to restore forces.


The first meeting of Anna with the world of cinema took place at a young age when the girl was 5th year. And this case predetermined the further creative biography of the performer. In the picture she got completely accidental. During a walk with the mother in the area of ​​the Revolution of Kamenkov, they noticed the assistant on the actors, who directly spent casting among children. The guys read poems, and Anna wanted to try.

Anna Kamenkova in the film

Together with his mother, she went to Minsk, where the film "Girl Looking for Father" was shot. For his game, the young actress received the first in his life award at the International Children's Festival, held in Argentina. But then Kamenkova's parents considered that she needed to get an education and arrange a life, so they were forbidden to film.

Kamenkova hit the set only 16 years later. By that time, she was already a graduate of a prestigious school, as well as the actress of the theater. With her adult debut in the movie was the painting "Forest swings", where one of the main roles was performed by her artistic director Anatoly Efros.

Then the movies "such a short long life" appeared in the filmography of the Young Dating, the "Spring Call", "the investigation is conducted by experts", in which the artist managed to recreate bright and solid images.

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Her career in the cinema developed rapidly, and in 1979 the actress played the main heroine in the "Young Wife" tape. The image of Mani Streltsova brought Anna the first Prize of the All-Union Film Festival.

In the early 80s, the films "State Border", "Sunny Wind" came out with her participation. In the adaptation of "Late Love" on the play Alexander Ostrovsky Kamenkov played together with Innochentius Smoktunovsky, Rodion Nakapetov, Elena Proclovoy. Then followed the shooting in the movie "City above head", "Ivan Babushkin", "Attempt on Goello", where the central roles were given.

One of the most bright and memorable roles Kamenkova was the image of Sofia Petrovna from the film of the same name. This character was not easy for actress, which was very worried about the events from the life of the heroine. First, she had to play a woman for 20 years older than himself, and secondly, the period itself, which was displayed in the film, rendered an overwhelming effect. Then she repainted into the blonde to feel the younger after the age role.

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During the crisis, which covered all areas of the country, a monetary question arose before the actress. Anna was categorically against participation in the series or shooting in advertising. Then she remembered the student passion and became a dubbing actress. Kamenkov previously also participated in radio stations and voiced the heroes of cartoons.

Anna's chic voice gave many Soviet actors and foreign stars. She likes to speak for popular actresses, she believes that it is much easier to work with them than with little-known personalities. Many already and do not represent another voice from a celebrity, which has become the object of Dubling Anna, which for the artist is the highest degree of praise.

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Nevertheless, in the 90s, actress managed to show himself on the screen in a number of significant projects. These are the films "Cleansing", "Circle of doomed", "Tests for real men" and one of the first Russian TV series "Goryachev and others". The artist at one time did not agree to the multi-metering projects, as later told in the program "Alone with everyone", but over time he felt interest in working in the series.

In the new century, she littered in the television films "Marsh Turkish", "Nine Unknowns", "Princess Circus". Bright projects of the actress in the 2000s became the detectives "Moore. The third front "," Freud method "and" Once Upon a Time in Rostov ". The last work of the stars of the screen include the main roles in the popular TV series "Pregnancy test" and the screening of Yuri Grymov "Three sisters".

Personal life

Anna does not like to tell Anna's personal life. However, she talks about the achievements of the Son and with pleasure.

Anna Kamenkova with her husband Anatoly Spivak, 1982

With the only husband, the actress met in the youth, on the stage of the theater on a small armor. Anatoly Spivak, then the actor, shone in the play "Golden Care". He was older Anna for 15 years. The young girl was fascinated by that charisma, elegance and chic that exy her chosen one. His houses, despite the modest salary, stood antique furniture, there was a big library.

Later, Anatoly took up the director. In 1980, a wedding took place, and after 7 years, Son Sergey was born. The appearance of the child was given actress hard: because of the dense work schedule, she failed to preserve several pregnancies, and after all, with Anatoly, they thought about children from the beginning of a joint life.

The theater did not interest the theater at all, did not even look at setting a mother and father, but chose to associate his life with jurisprudence, which is very pleased with the acting family. For a diploma Sergey chose the topic of copyright protection. But over time the theater also entered the life of the younger spirits. Now he works in Anhydrous "Independent Theater Project", where his mother is playing.

The actress, like many of her colleagues, carefully monitors the figure and appearance, although it does not take any fundamental actions towards appearance. Nevertheless, for many years with a height of 164 cm its weight is maintained at a mark of 55 kg. The image of charming and intelligent actress fans can observe in "Instagram" in the photo of her colleagues.

Anna Kamenkova now

The demand of the actress is not reduced over the years. In 2018, Anna pleased the lovers of her creativity by the appearance in projects "without me", "Van Gogi", "Family", where he was transformed into age-related heroines, mothers of the main characters of the narration.

Anna Kamenkova in 2019

In 2019, the performer has led to television screens in the TV series "Weddings and Divorces" and the second season "Pregnancy Test".


  • 1959 - "Girl looking for Father"
  • 1979 - "Young Wife"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 1989 - Sophia Petrovna
  • 1992-1994 - "Goryachev and others"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2017 - "Three sisters"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogi"
  • 2018 - "Without me"
  • 2018 - "Family Business"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2019 - "Weddings and Divorces"

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