Vitaly Kudryavtsev - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, maria kulikova, movies, "instagram", Filmography 2021



Vitaly Kudryavtsev is considered the hero of the series, where a noble type is required, a handsome man with a shrill look. It is interesting to play any role to play any roles, to reside someone else's life, to represent, as if he behaved in situations, in which the character falls on the will of the screenwriter and director. And if this is the villain - all the more, then then it is necessary to find an excuse for his actions, to convey to the viewer the idea that in life a person does not always come correctly.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Kudryavtsev was born in Moscow in early 1977 in the family of professional football player. He grew up a regular guy and did not dream of acting profession. At school age he was fond of sports, choosing an athletic athletics for themselves.

In the youth Kudryavtsev, he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law. Having received a lawyer's diploma, began working in one of the metropolitan courts. Fate Vitaly changed the case. High guy (height 187 cm) with a notable appearance invited to try themselves in movies. Then, in 2000, the popular series "Mosseck, 12" was shot.

In a series called "India Summer", men were required on the role of tax police officers. Vitaly Kudryavtsev came to the samples along with a friend who received a similar offer. Soon after samples, young people called representatives of the film studio and invited to shoot.

In the process of working on the film, Vitaly suddenly realized that the acting profession was actually what he needed. The law practice of Kudryavtsev left right there, enrolling in the Studio Studio MCAT. At that time, the guy was 24 years old. For the beginning of student life later, the company "Adedia" just made focus on adults, deciding to gain them within the framework of a creative experiment.

School-studio Kudryavtsev visited with pleasure, because the teachers of the experimental group were Sergey Zeztsov and Igor Zolotovitsky. The young man joined the taste of theatrical training that he decided to continue it. To do this, chose the Slavic Institute named after G. R. Derzhavin. In 2006, Kudryavtsev graduated from the course, whose leaders were Lyudmila Ivanov and Vladimir Baich.


After graduating from the university, Vitaly was adopted in the acting troupe of the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky. But the process of obtaining education did not stop. To unlearn the separation of Gitis's director, Vitaly took a 2-year-old break in the filming and returned to the stage in 2011. The first for him was the role of Tana in the play "Six characters in search of the author". The next project on theatrical stage was the "Menu" and "Bouquet of Chicken Blood" in the "Comedin" theater.

As for film colleges, until 2010, the actor was invited to act in the series mainly in episodes. The first major role of Vitaly took place in the criminal melodraman "Studs-2", in which the artist played the investigator Alexei Mikhailov.

In 2013, the actor filmography was replenished with bright work in a mystico-detective series "Special Case". Pictures of the Budders of the Private Agency involved in the investigation of the mysteries, for which the police are not taken were launched. In the project, the artist got the main role - Vitaly embodied the image of Igor, a former operative, endowed with the gift of reading information from items.

In subsequent years, the Contractor was regularly filmed in serial projects of different genres. Among them were dominated by melodramas, in which Vitaly managed to reveal all the verge of dramatic talent. But they were among them and comedy, in particular "a policeman from Rublevka - 3.

Fans of the artist fell to his hero Pavel Korostylev in a saturated with bright events and complex weavers of fate of the characters of the Angelin of the Motheric Melodrama. The director Roman Barabash successfully picked up actors, whose type were ideally suitable for the heroes of dramatic act. On the screen Maria Kulikova, Tatyana Kolgana, Alexander Yatsko played serious passions, close and understandable viewers.

The artist's unusual and experimental in Kinobiography was the work in the LGBT drama director Ksenia Town Hall. According to the creator, the picture is designed in the "style of poetic surrealism." The tape is replete with frank scenes, although film critic Anton Dolin characterized the project as a "normal youth film, moderately provocative."

In the ribbon, different storylines and temporal lines are interspersed. One of them is associated with the school teacher Igor Vladislavovich, in the distant 80s who worked in the burlesque in the image of an excellent Nina. At that time, a stormy novel flashes between Nina and famous General. In the role of "artists", Evgeny Schwartzman spoke, and the Kudryavtsev played "her" beloved.

Carefully opposed in terms of the mouthpiece, but no less dramatic was the work of Vitaly in the series "Three sisters". In an interview, he noted that the character selected for him by the director Roman Barabash, was almost alter-ego of the artist himself. Situations included in the script were familiar to Kudryavtsev in their own life. Therefore, the Contractor did not have to invent anything, born into the image.

Personal life

In responses to questions about the personal life of Vitaly Lienogoslovna. It is known that the artist lived in a civil marriage with a colleague on the creative workshop of the seraphic nodovskaya. In 2010, the civilian wife gave birth to him Son Savelia. After a few years, the couple broke up. According to one source, the eldest son actresses from the previous marriage did not find a common language with stepfather. According to others, Vitaly decided to leave the family because of the new novel. At the same time did not stop participating in the education of Sava.

Journalists tried to guess what a lady conquered the heart of the actor. The press appeared in the press that an artist Maria Kulikova became the chief of Kudryavtseva. It is known that they met on the set of the series "Too beautiful wife," and after parting, Vitaly from the town began to live together in the Mary near Moscow.

The artist was still in an interview in 2018, it was mentioned that not alone, finally feels relaxed and enjoyed life. But in instagram accounts, the actors do not place joint photos. In the program of Boris Korchevnikova, the Lowovskaya reported that their common son with a kudryavtsev son is happy to go to visit the pair and during that time managed to make friends with the son of Mary.

Vitaly Kudryavtsev and the former civilian wife Seraphim Nodovskaya

The actor noted for this statement that it was not going to disclose the details of his personal life, but could not prohibit someone to do it publicly. The performer also received an invitation from Korchevnikov to come to the transmission, but refused, confessing that he would not want to "wave in front of the audience with his lower linen. And this program is for both created to wave. "

Vitaly Kudryavtsev now

In 2021, the actor continued to work in the cinema. Viewers were able to appreciate the work of Kudryavtsev in an exciting melodraman "End of innocence", which replenished his filmography. Directors of the project Stas Ivanov and Konstantin Frolov managed to collect a bright cast on the same platform. On the screen, together with Vitaly, the audience saw Anton Khabarova, Valery Lanskaya and others.

The artist appeared in the project "Beauty and the Beast", in which he got a major male role. Together with Olga Olkina, the actor created an organic duet on the screen. The picture immerses the audience into the world of the old noble manor, against the background of which in the XXI century, serious passions and conflicts flared up.


  • 2006 - "Stalin. Live »
  • 2007 - "Resort Roman"
  • 2009-2010 - "Studs"
  • 2010 - "Desant is a landing"
  • 2010 - "Insurers"
  • 2013-2015 - "Special case"
  • 2014 - "Six Hare Happiness"
  • 2015 - "Too beautiful wife"
  • 2015 - "Aliens Children"
  • 2016 - "Cold Heart"
  • 2018 - "Angelina"
  • 2019 - "House which"
  • 2019 - "Never happens late"
  • 2020 - "First Love"
  • 2021 - "End of innocence"
  • 2021 - "Farmer"

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