Anna Penchev - biography, photo, nude, personal life, model, latest news 2021



Anna Penchev was born in Lugansk in 1987. Shortly after the birth of the daughter, the family moved to Odessa, where the childhood and youth of the girl passed. Father Putchen - Businessman, owner of one of Odessa night clubs.

There is no reliable information about the formation of Penchev, but the girl reports that he has a diploma of the tourism manager. The specialty worked for two years in one of the foreign countries.

Anna Penchev: Model Business

At the end of the secondary school in 2008, Anna Penchev began professionally engaged in model business. A year later, her photo session in the style of Nu appeared in the Maxim Magazine magazine. In an interview with the publishing house, Penchev said that they would not refuse to continue to cooperate with publications for men.

In 2009, Penchev becomes the first Vice-Miss based on the results of the beauty contest Miss Teen Ukraine. The next 5 years, the girl works in the model. Not so long ago, Anna was offered the work by the leading on Odessa Fashion Channel - the local TV channel about the news of fashion.

Anna Penchev: MVD Odessa

At the end of August 2015, Anna Penchev was temporarily appointed head of the press service of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Odessa region. Official information about this appeared on the Office website. It is reported that the functions of Anna Pencheva include control over the website of the departments.

Since previously Penchev had nothing to do with the service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor to any other work in law enforcement agencies, then resonance from information about its purpose turned out very loud, and the reaction is ambiguous. Therefore, on the website of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Odessa region a refutation of information about the new press secretary of the public relations department has appeared. It is officially reported that Anna Penchev has recently been working in the public relations department, carrying out control over the functioning of the GUMA website. But she works temporarily, since the spokesman is now in the holidays on duty.

The public of the city, and not only, spoke "about the continuation of the course" of the new governor of the Odessa region to recapt to the significant positions of girls of model appearance without experience in the civil service. Recall, the Vice-Governor on Social Affairs Mikhail Saakashvili recently appointed daughter Hydar Gaidar - Maria Gaidar. Another deputy Saakashvili is the 25-year-old activist Maidan Julia Morushevskaya.

Since the scandalous resonance with the appointment of Anna Penchev is not the first, earlier Saakashvili has already spoke over. He stated that he intended to select applicants precisely on visual indicators, because these workers would have only executive functions and would not solve anything. Obviously, the appointment of Anna Pnechen is based on the same arguments.

But attentive observers believe that this appointment has a deeper base. From him, the new governor begins the "general cleaning" of regional law enforcement agencies. Not so long ago, the scandal happened in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the head of the regional ATS Oleg Makuha was caught on a large bribe. This case greatly brought out the governor Saakashvili, and he promised to disperse the entire old structure of the local service, typing new people.

Anna Penchev: personal life

The personal life of Anna Ponchheva has not yet been a matter of large public interest. At the moment, only the fact that Anna Penchev is not married and has no permanent satellite.

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