Jennifer Lopez - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Ben Affleck, Films, Songs, Children, Clips 2021



Jennifer Lopez began his creative career as a dancer in the cinema, but vocal data was brought to her world popularity and glory. The girl dreamed to prove that talented in everything, including music, and she was more than succeeded. Today on her account studio albums, dozens of filmtin, the Golden Globe Prize and many business achievements.

Childhood and youth

Jennifer was born on July 24, 1969 in the Castle Hill quarter in New York. On the sign of the zodiac she is a lion.

For its bright and atypical to the Americans, the appearance of a talented artist is worth a thanks to parents, Puertorikans by origin. Her father David has worked at the night shift of the insurance company, before he got a job in a computer company. Guadeloupe's mother was a housewife and was engaged in raising Jennifer and her sisters.

In childhood, Lopez lived modestly, a family of 5 people jutter in a small apartment, which was managed to change the house only a few years later. Guadeloupe raised from the daughters of the young lady, putting them a feeling of taste and refined manners. The girls were forbidden to walk on the street for a long time, and with the onset of darkness they should have been at home. Mother also tried to develop talents in children.

When a little Jennifer turned 5 years old, she was given to the lessons of singing and dancing, which helped her in the future. To protect the daughter from the harmful influence of the surrounding world, the future actress and singer sent to a Catholic school, where she continued to sing in the choir. Lopez gladly participated in school productions and arranged similar performances at home along with sisters.

The young singer also reached considerable success in sports: she was engaged in gymnastics, performed at the national competitions on the run and was a member of the school team on the softball. Alas, Lopez's family did not see her as a star of show business. Mother believed that Jennifer should master the honorary and prestigious profession of a lawyer, tied his life with jurisprudence.

In the graduation class, Lopez passed the casting to the film "My little girl". The picture was not successful, but gave young artist with a dream. From that moment on, Jennifer wanted to become a famous actress, whose play would admire the whole world. But, being the obedient daughter of his parents, she entered the law college, leaving him after the semester.

The girl tried to explain to the parents that she dreams of becoming an actress, but instead of approval heard accusations of stupidity and in the fact that no longer Latin American was able to become famous in Hollywood.

Jennifer was not agreed with his family and even left the house, removing the apartment in Manhattan. The girl settled in a law office, and at night he worked as a dancer. In his youth, she participated in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and Oklahoma!. There, the talented girl was noticed and invited Golden Musicals of Broadway to the choir, which for half a year toured in Europe. However, the participation in it disappointed the singer: she was the only one from the choir did not receive the solo party.


The first films involving Jennifer Lopez could not boast of serious plot or fame. All of them are associated with dance talents of artist. It was the "Bright Paints" show on television, one of the dancers could not participate in the project, and Lopez took her place. After 2-year cooperation with the project, Jennifer announced a desire to take acting career and left the show.

In 1993, the actress received the first invitation to shoot the film "Lost in Wilderness", which came out exclusively for home viewing. Nevertheless, for the artist, this picture became the next step towards a dream, and she finally moved away from musical and dance projects, starring first in drama.

Lopez's debut in Big Cinema took place at the premiere of the paintings "My Family". For the role of young Mary, she even received the first nomination. But the subsequent films involving Jennifer were failing, their cash charges only slightly exceeded the budget and did not interest the viewer.

The first success for the actress was the painting "Selena". Despite the fact that the film was withdrawn by the same director who had previously participated in the creation of "my family", the actress had to go through the tedious casting. The screening of the biography of the singer Selena allowed the actress to fully show their stage talents, which to the depths of the soul were struck critics, previously skeptically related to the artist.

High professionalism presented Jennifer the first nomination for the "Golden Globe", which was recognition for a beginner actress of the cinema. Career Lopez rapidly went up, and her work was successful.

The picture "Outside sight", where the artist played with the famous actor George Clooney, gave her a fee of $ 1 million and the glory of the first Latin American actress, which was awarded such a major amount as payment.

With the development of musical career, Jennifer has become a frequent guest of lyrical comedies. In the films, she invariably plays the main roles, because due to its popularity, the name of Lopez is capable of making a project commercially successful. This can be traced in the Comedy "Wedding Stir", which also starred Matthew McConauga. But in her filmography there is a place and dramatic picture, like the "Angel's Eyes", "I will have enough", "unfinished life," "fan" and many others.

From particularly bright work, tandem artists with Richard Girome in the melodrama "Let's dance", as well as the main role in the fantastic thriller "Cell", the costumes for which was created by the famous Japanese designer Eiko Isyoka, known for his cooperation with Bjork and "Circus du Soleil" .

Among the works of celebrities, the audience is celebrated by a comedy "if the mother-in-law - monster", where the heroine Lopez has to share the love of one man with his mother, which Jane Fonda performed. But critics turned out to be less favorably to the comedy talent of Latin American and made her name to the list of nominees of Antipremia "Golden Malina".

Criticism only contributed to the fact that the actress began to make more efforts to work on the set. Soon she appeared in the Drama "Border City", which herself also produced, the comedy "what to wait for, when you expect a child," the Criminal thriller "Parker", where Jason Steaten came to her partner.

In 2015, the "Shades of Blue" with Jennifer in the lead role came out on the screens. She played a single mother who works in the police and comes to the FBI to fight corruption from the inside. For the actress, this is the first serious role in the multi-sized film.

In early 2019, the next lyrical comedy was started in Russia with the participation of Jay Lo "Start first." The main heroine of the Maja narrative receives a place in a prestigious company, where, thanks to his talent, it seeks large heights.

In the same year, the movie "Stripter". He talks about the dancers of the elite strip club, which due to the financial crisis lose all their bank savings. Girls decide to seduce famous financiers with Wall Street to earn money.


In 1999, Jennifer published the first single IF YOU HAD My Love, which instantly became a hit. The name of the actress, and already singer, turned out to be at the top line of the popular American hit parade Billboard Hot 100. Surprisingly, but such success with the debut composition was previously achieved to achieve only the singer Britney Spears.

Critics with the fading of the heart were waiting for a full-fledged album Lopez, lost in guesses, why she had to start a career of the singer. According to them, the unsuccessful record could have a negative impact on the acting profession Jennifer. Nevertheless, the album called On The 6 was met a deafening success on the part of the audience, which became a surprise for critics and forced them to recognize Lopez "A woman who has many talents."

Music Jennifer has become so popular that by the end of 1999 eclipsed her career in the cinema. The fans of the singer are not different as Jay Lo, and she accepted this scenic pseudonym, who also served as the title for the second album Jennifer J.lo, which appeared on the shelves in 2001. The record again flew to the highest positions of the American charts and dreamed of a huge circulation.

His 4th album - Rebirth - Jennifer dedicated to the boy by name Patterson. In 2004, as part of his visit to the Children's Hospital, the singer got acquainted with the 11-year-old boy by Page, which was sick of cancer. Despite all the efforts of doctors, he died in November of the same year. This event has become a shock for Lopez, which realized the importance of actions aimed at helping needy.

Soon, Lopez drew attention to the Hispanic audience, and its discography replenished the album COMO AMA Una Mujer. Despite the fact that all the songs of the collection sounded in Spanish, the album turned out to be commercially successful in the United States.

The subsequent works of the artist did not bring the expected result, and it was forced to change the music label with which many years collaborated. Its new recording company became Island Records. The singer was not mistaken: the next successful work was followed - the LOVE record was followed by one of the singles of which the Dance Again composition was filled with the Pitbull rapper.

In 2014, Jay Lo spoke at the World Cup in Brazil. Together with Pit Bull and Claudia Leitte, she performed the hit WE ARE One.

In the spring of 2018, the premiere of the clip was held on Hispanic Hit El Anillo, which during the day scored more than 3 million views. In less than a year, this figure reached 250 million marks.

On February 2, 2020, the most losing event in the US Sports Life - Super Bowl 2020. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira appeared on it. The singer's concert performed the tracks Jenny from The Block, Get Right, Waiting For Tonight.

In March, the star took part in Challenge with dressing up. The video on which Jay Lo and Alex Rodriguez are changing clothes, quickly separated over the network.

In October 2020, Jennifer Lopez in a duet with a singer Maluma spoke at the 48th awards ceremony American Music Awards. The singer's number on the song Pa'ti + Lonely caused a lot of disputes on the net. The audience saw in it plagiarism on the performance of Beyonce and Raper Jay-Z, which they showed at Grammy in 2014. The striking similarity was noticed not only in the speech itself, but also in the dressing and hairstyle.

Fans Jennifer Lopez immediately stood on her defense. They found the video of 1993, on which the singer performs with a similar stage, only without a partner. They noted that the Song of Cell Block Tango from the Broadway musical "Chicago" of 1975 served as inspiration for scenography.

On Thanksgiving Pop Diva released a new single in The Morning. The cover for him was created by Merrt Alas and Marcus Piggot, who are known for their cooperation with Rihanne and other world stars. At the picture, Jay Lo appeared absolutely naked, delighted fans of the beautiful figure in 51 years.

Celebrate the release of the new single Lopez decided along with Alex Rodriguez and children. She broadcast her home party in "Instagram", so fans could join the holiday online.

Personal life

Personal life Jennifer is not less saturated than her career. For the first time, the singer married in 1997 for the Cuban waiter Okhani Noah. Their marriage was short-lived, because after a year a couple broke up. But the guy was not averse to gaining the popularity of the former wife and in 2006 tried to publish a book about their relationship.

Jennifer discouraged him, referring to the fact that it would be a violation of their confidentiality agreement, but Okhani did not obey, and the case was transferred to the court. The judge ruled that the work of NAA places the singer in a bad light, and forbade the publication, and also ordered a unlucky writer to pay compensation at $ 545 thousand.

In the period from 1999 to 2002, Lopez met with Sean Combs, who pulled it into an unpleasant story with shooting in a public place, and was also married to Dancer Chris Judd.

The next chief of the singer was the actor Ben Affleck. The press instantly imposed their "Bennifer" and was not different as the "Super". Lovers even planned a wedding for September 2003, but the day before the event without explaining the reasons were canceled by the ceremony.

In 2004, Lopez married the musician Mark Anthony and gave birth to him twin - the son of Max (Maximilian David) and the daughter of Emmy (Emma Maribel). Later, the actress was recognized that many years could not become pregnant, so it was already desperate to become a mother. The birth of children was perceived as a gift over.

However, this relationship did not bring happiness singer. In 2011, she stated that he plans to disperse with her husband because of the "irreconcilable disagreements". Finally, the divorce was finalized only in 2014, by the time Jennifer has met for more than 2 years with another man, Casper's dancer SMART. The couple broke up for a while, but in 2015 renewed the relationship, and rumors appeared about the upcoming wedding, which were never confirmed.

In 2016, Lopez declared final parting. Soon the singer became increasingly going out into the world with a rapper Drake, with whom, on the assumption of reporters, her novel was twisted.

In the spring of 2017, Baseball player Alex Rodriguez became chosen star. A couple of months lovers hid from paparazzi, but then more and more often began to enter the lenses of the camera.

In the spring of 2018, their engagement took place. Jennifer did not get tired of recognizing his chosen one in love and did it openly. In an interview with the singer explained that she was associated with Rodriguez the same views on life, raising children and creativity.

Together with Alex in the winter of 2019, Jennifer spent 10 days on a fleet diet. The artist was sure that the refusal of sugar and flour would help her improve the already attractive figure.

In March 2021, rumors about parting a couple were actively spread, but Lopez denied them. And in April, the ex-lovers confirmed parting, noting that they remain friends would work together and support each other.

After a couple of months, the star was seen in the company of ex-boyfriend Ben Affleck. Former lovers, as reported in foreign media, held a shared vacation at the ski resort. By the way, the actor was previously also broken up with the last chief of Alna de Armaas.

According to Insider, Affleck and Lopez send all efforts to revive the former relations and even build plans for a joint future.

The star always made an impression of his external data to the public: fans were delighted with the singer's exits in open dresses, from her photo in glossy magazines in a swimsuit or underwear. Now, with a height of 167 cm, the singer holds the weight within 56 kg.

In addition, Jay Lo monitors the condition of the skin, so it is often demonstrating in a personal instagram account photo without makeup, which looks much younger than its age. Some think that the singer resorted to the plastic.

The actress tries himself in different directions, and not only in music and movies. In November 2019, she released the spirits of his brand J.lo called Promise. This is an aroma for women, it belongs to the group "Floral wood-musky". In the composition there are notes of pear, pink pepper, root of iris, amber.

In March, Jay Lo closed the fashionable show of Versace in a green dress with a deep neckline. The star went on the podium boldly and boldly, fascinating the admiring views of all those present.

Jennifer Lopez now

In May 2021, a landmark event was held in Los Angeles, given that coronavirus restrictions on this literally made any events impossible. There were tens of stars at the SO-Fi stadium, and the number of spectators was calculated by thousands.

This event was devoted to the important problem of the modern world - the equitable distribution of the vaccine from COVID-19. Speed ​​on stage and Prince Harry, uttered a penetration about the need for accessibility of vaccinations for each person.

Lopez came to the chadliner. In addition to incendiary numbers. The artist introduced the audience with his mother. Made this singer in order to show: Now that the mother passed the vaccination procedure, the daughter is not scary for her health, and they can see and meet where they want.


  • 1986 - "My little girl"
  • 1995 - "My Family"
  • 1997 - "Selena"
  • 2000 - "Cell"
  • 2002 - "Mrs. Maind
  • 2004 - "Let's dance"
  • 2005 - "If the mother-in-law - monster"
  • 2013 - "Parker"
  • 2016-2018 - "Shades of Blue"
  • 2019 - "Start first"
  • 2019 - "Striptear"


  • 1999 - On the 6
  • 2001 - J.LO.
  • 2002 - This Is Me ... Then
  • 2005 - Rebirth.
  • 2007 - Brave.
  • 2011 - LOVE?
  • 2014 - A.K.A.

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