Kirill Kyaro - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Film, Series, Top Roles, Filmography 2021



Kirill Kyaro is a talented Russian and Estonian film actor and theater, in whose piggy bank a lot of star work. For many years, he remained the performer of the roles of the second plan, but in 2013, Fortuna was on his side. The artist managed to convincingly recreate the image of the rebus character, whose life is shrouded in mystery fler.

Childhood and youth

Kirill Kyaro was born on February 24, 1975 in Estonia. His parents are not related to acting: Father - Far Sailing Captain, and the mother worked as an educator in kindergarten. By nationality, Cyril on a quarter of Estonian, but feels a real balt, since all childhood spent in Tallinn. Interestingly, the acting profession of life devoted another member of the Kyaro family - cousin Uncle Cyril Waldemar Kyaro.

As the artist subsequently recalled in an interview, in the theater studio at the Russian Drama Theater, he went with a mercantile target - to become more sociable, to put it on that it would be useful in the future. In addition, he has already visited the Section of Oriental Martial Arts.

After graduating from school in 1992, Kyaro decides to become an actor. The guy goes to Moscow and goes to the Theater School named after Schukin to the acting faculty. Marina Panteleeva became the head of the course.


The creative biography of Kyaro begins after the release from the School. In his youth, Kirill managed to work in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan 2 years, after which the artist returned to his homeland. Until 2004, he played in the Russian theater of Estonia, and then again attempted to settle in the capital of Russia.

Since 2005, Kyaro worked in Moscow at the "Practice" theater. The most famous work of the artist on the stage is considered to produce "Collector of bullets", "Red Cup" and "Art". Among others, you can select Arshin-Mal-Alan and Russian Laugh.

Now the stars of the Nyukhach series focuses on a filmier, rarely appearing on stage, but continues to cooperate with the "man" theater.


Since 2005, the actor starts to act in the full-length movie and serials. At first he got secondary roles. Fame and love of the public came to Kyaro after the release of the series "Liquidation", in which Vladimir Mashkov played. Cyril appeared in the form of Glory - the nephew of Shtehel. Although the role was not the main thing, but because of its characterity, the character was remembered and loved by the audience.

Among the successful work, the actor highlights the role of Major Yershov in the television series "Zapowa Zilina", the tutor in "1814", Bryzgalov in the film "Wizard", also the image of the photographer with a world name in the series "Margosha" was also famous.

Kyaro received the greatest popularity and love in 2013 after the release of the Nyukhach series. The Russian answer to the American TV series about unusual people with supernatural abilities was warmly adopted by the audience. Cyril creates a unique image of a person with an extraordinary sense of smell.

For his role in the detective series, Kyaro received a nomination for a professional prize of the Association of Cinema and Television Producers in the field of television cinema.

In 2015, the actor starred in the TV series "Treason" in the role of Cyril, her husband's main heroine ASI. Elena Lyadov (Asya), Glafira Tarkhanova, Evgeny Stychkin, Nadezhda Borisov, Mikhail Trukhin, Denis Swedov and others are becoming partners in the shooting partner.

In 2016, the artist played the main roles in three projects of absolutely different genres. This is a melodrama "at the crossroads of joy and grief", psychological detective "Teach me to live" and the comedy "Night of St. Valentine".

On April 3, 2017, a psychological detective "Consultant" has begun on NTV. In the series, Kyaro played the consultant issued in the name, the psychologist Vyacheslav is wider.

In April 2018, a dismissal detective "alive" was started on the NTV television channel, in which the hero Kyaro is a journalist, who is alone struggling with criminal syndicate. Another long-awaited premiere was the series "Mentalist" ("The one who reads thoughts"). In the mystical project, Kirill voiced the main character of Daniel Romanov, which was played by Israeli actor Yehzkel Lazarov.

In 2018, the filming of the fantastic drama of Andrei Dzhunkovsky "is better than people", in which the artist performed one of the leading roles. Partner Kirill on Kinolent became Paulina Andreeva, who depicted a robot android.

Another equally bright project filmography from the artist is a criminal film "Green Cats" of Russian-Estonian production.

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The main premiere of 2019 for the actor was the show of the apocalyptic drama "Epidemic", in which it went to rescue a small group of people in a fatal pandemic. Together with Kirill, Victoria Isakov, Alexander Robak, Mariana Spivak starred in Kinokartin.

Personal life

The first wife Kyaro became the actress Anastasia Medvedev, who took the surname of her husband after the wedding. They met in the theater school. The marriage existed only six months. The discontent of those surrounding was the cause of the decay of the family and departure the actor to Estonia. Although, as Anastasia Kyaro is recognized in one of the interviews, she and after the divorce experienced strong feelings for the former spouse.

The decision of Cyril Return to Moscow was not supported first, but over time, they met and understood that it turned out to be absolutely correct. From Estonia, after the artist moved, Julia Duv, the Russian theater advertising manager moved. Personal life of the actor and its chosen is harmoniously, but the Civil spouses are not in a hurry.

Julia is a creative nature and fond of. In Moscow, she took up the business - the production of copyright candlesticks, ceramics and pass through the Academy of Photography.

Kirill and Julia have long been preparing for the emergence of children. Happy moment has come at the end of 2018. The spouse gave an artist daughter. The pair called the baby peace. Her photos appeared in the Instagram-Account of the famous Father not immediately - about the birth of the firstborn Kyaro reported only in the first days of January 2019.

Kirill Kyaro now

At the end of 2020, Kirill tried out the role of a mystical character - a soul manner in the human entourage of the modern world. On a taxi of yellow, his hero tried to figure out the dead people that they continue to keep in this light. The novelty went out on the video service Start, and Kirill had a chance to divide the removal process and with beginner actors, and with the stars of the domestic cinema of Julia Aug, Veniamina Stokhov. The latter, according to Kyaro, was his idol in childhood.

With the director of the mystical painting "Passengers" by Karen Ogannya, the actor worked in 2021, starring in the psychological drama "Direct Ether". The plot is about the fact that in priority - the number of likes or the life of a person undoubtedly caused an interest in the viewer.

Another long-awaited premiere with the participation of Kirill is the series "Epidemic-2". The artists of major roles returned to the participation in the shooting, and Kyaro on their page in "Instagram" wished subscribers to the word "epidemic" they associated exclusively with the cinema.

In the spring, the film "Love and Monsters" director Catherine Krasner is released on large screens - Russian comedy about an unforgettable sea vacation. For this picture, the actor had to try on colorful mustache, as well as to fight with fantastic creatures, against which, as it turned out, only one means works.


  • 2004 - "Africavich"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2009-2010 - Margosha
  • 2013-2017 - Nyukhach
  • 2015 - "Motherland"
  • 2015 - Londongrad
  • 2015 - "Treason"
  • 2015 - "Juna"
  • 2016 - "Valentine's Night"
  • 2016 - "Consultant"
  • 2017 - "Psychologies"
  • 2018 - "Live"
  • 2018 - "Green Cats"
  • 2018 - "Better than people"
  • 2019 - "Epidemic"
  • 2020 - "Passengers"
  • 2021 - "Direct Ether"
  • 2021 - "Love and Monsters"

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