Sergey Checkanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Sergey Chamobanov is a singer and composer, the author of hits "do not promise", "Tango", which he himself performed in his characteristic manner. The roller on the composition "Oh, God" is considered hardly the first erotic clip on Russian television. He made arrangements for Christina Orbakaite and the group "on-on", wrote songs for Angelica Agurbash, Philip Kirkorov and Diana Gurzka.

Singer Sergey Chelobanov

Alas, Sergey did not cope with the burden of fame, in the photo and video now as if another person, devoid of gloss and aura of mystery. However, the artist, who considered the favorite of the most Primadonna, retained a sarcastic smile recognized from youth and became a little frank.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Chelobanov was born on August 31, 1961 in Balakovo, the small town of the Saratov region. An intelligent family hoped on the eldest son as a reliable support and assistance in old age. Father Future Celebrity Vasily Vasilyevich Chelobanov worked at the factory engineer. Musician and teacher Nina Petrovna, the mother of the future musician, instilled in children the love of art and literature.

Sergey Chelobanov in youth and now

The boy was very active and hot-tempered. Close on all the forces tried to curb the crazy nature of Sergey. He was taught to play piano, given to various sports sections. But even such measures did not always save, fights and skirmishes between the groups of youth. In school, parents complained about the permanent attacks by Chelobanes on their children. Then Vasily Vasilyevich accepted the only solution to him correctly - he took the Son to the box of the box.

Such a move has positively affected the character of the future composer. In addition to the art of fighting, boxing teaches to restrain his own rage and produces culture of behavior. Fights retreated to the background.

Boxing taught Sergey Chelobanes to control emotions

In school, Sergey Chelobanov for the first time felt the action of star illness. Victory in the ring and significant successes in the music school affected the self-esteem of the teenager.

The attention of girls, envy classmates and boxing partners, the feeling of permissiveness, pride and overestimated self-maturity played with young Sergey a bad joke. For rudeness in relation to a random acquaintance, he was repeatedly punished by older guys.

Sergey Chelobanov

In high school classes, the situation improved a little: Sergey Chamobanov was seriously carried away by music, in particular rock and roll. This affected attendance of classes, but the teachers did not prevent too much, because the guy was engaged in all the events and concert life of the school.

It was at this age that Chamobanov for the first time seriously abandoned the law. It was amenable to influence the fashion actions of that time, the future musician coited a motorcycle, which was going to conquer the hearts of the girls. But vigilant militiamen caught a hooligan. Sergey Dali 3 years conditionally.

Sergey Chelobanov in youth

Not knowing what to do with the son-Balamut, Vasily Chamobanov decided to arrange it to work for the plant. But it was difficult to call it the work therapy: the day Sergey was squeezed out, and at night he played a heavy rock. He gathered a musical team who performed in the local culture house. The conditional conviction did not allow to get into the army on time, so Sergey Chamobanov became a conscript only in 22 years.

After the army, the future composer began to use drugs. On the basis of drug addiction, Chelobanes arrested the second time. In search of money for the next dose, Sergey with the company stole a synthesizer and sold it. The second court appointed 3 years in prison with serving the period in the colony-settlement, where Chaurbanov continued to engage in music.


Arkady Ukupnik helped the large scene Sergey Vasilyevich: Thanks to him, the cassette with the records of the group "H-Band" got into the hands of Alla Pugacheva. Interested in music and a pleasant voice, Alla Borisovna came to personally meet the young performer. After a long conversation, Sergei Chelobanov was invited to sign a contract with the Pugacheva Theater, which he agreed.

Sergey Chelobanov and Primaudonna

Since 1990, the group "H-Band" began to perform on the famous sites. In the same year, Sergey was invited to the Blue Spark. A year later, the musician recorded his first album called "Uninvited Guest". At about the same time, Chelobanov composed 2 works for the film "God's creature", in which the role of Jesus played. Another cinematic experience in his biography is a musical tape with the participation of the group "A-Studio", named according to the composition "Julia". In the clip on the song "You remember", the artist starred in 4 different images.

Under the start of Alla Pugacheva Chamobanov toured through the territory of Russia with his program. At that time, there walked a lot of rumors that the young musician and Alla Borisovna Roman.

Sergey Chelobanov and Alla Pugacheva

Sergey Vasilyevich himself did not confirm these rumors, but did not refute. According to him, no relationship, except for business, between artists was not. Later, the program of the Kudryavtsevaya "Secret per million" singer suggested that Harry and Lisa, the children of Alla and Maxim Galkin, were born with the help of biomaterial that the star couple passed in those times.

Thanks to the influence of Alla Borisovna, Sergei Chelobanov got into society of popular musicians and performers of that time. But their cooperation did not last long. In 1994, a split happened in a coordinated team, and for some time, Chelobanov stopped appearing in public.

Tosca on stage and grateful listeners made the musician back and continue his work. Another 3 albums followed, which were recognized by the composer's creativity fans.

Then Sergey Vasilyevich tried several more times with a solo program, but the songs did not find feedback in the hearts of the listeners. But the arrangements of Chelobanova took advantage of Philip Kirkorov in the Album "Chelophilia", which easily split and earned some popularity. After working with Kirkorov, Sergey Chamobanov threw attempts to sing himself and devoted himself to the work of the composer and arguer.

In the 2000s, the singer participated in the boxing show "King Ring", went to the scene at the three chord singers, reminded himself by the former fans and acquired new ones in "Superstar". In the last, along with Hubanov, the old hits performed Aziza, Alexey Glyzin, Shura and Anna Western. The competition was considered as the ability to "resuscitation" forgotten stars. Joseph Prigogin managed to conclude a contract with Sergey, but then the case was not advanced: they rumored that the producer refused to work with the ever drunk artist.

Nevertheless, in "Instagram", the fans have brought a page on behalf of their favorite, publish photos and videos and urge to resume concert activities.

The latter, or, how to say creative people, the extreme performance of Chelobanes, according to the fan communities, was held in 2012 in Native Balakovo.

Personal life

The first school love Sergei Chelobanova remained just school love. Although the composer himself recalls the relationship as stormy and passionate days. He terribly jealous of his passion literally to all in a row and often reached the fight. But the relationship was depleted and did not lead to anything.

The first wife of the artist was the girl named Lyudmila, on which he married, being in the army. She gave Sergey Vasilyevich Sons - Denis and Nikita.

Sergey Chelobanov with wife Lyudmila and children

Lyudmila passed with the composer all the way from the very beginning of his musician career. A loving wife tolerated the rest of the famous husband and did not react to rumors about Sergey's novel with Alla Pugacheva. Lyudmila Chelobanova - a person is not public and in secular events appeared extremely rare, leaving the attention of the press and fans completely Sergey Vasilyevich.

In 2008, the spouses decided to stop relations and peacefully divorced. The reason for separation of Sergey Chelobanov left secret.

Elena Sparrow and Sergey Chelobanov

In 2012, Parodist Elena Sparrow reported the press about the novel with the composer, but the Chelobanov himself chose not to give any comments on this.

In 2014, Sergey became close to Evgenia Grande's countrygram (on a passport - debt), the back-vocalist of his team. The girl is 25 years younger, but this did not prevent the development of the novel. In 2016, the couple was born a son Alexander, and after a year of Zhenya moved to another apartment.

Sergey Chelobanov and Evgenia Grande and Son

With her husband, according to a woman, it is impossible to be nearby because of his addiction to alcohol. The media wrote that Pugacheva was trying to influence each other, drove up clinics, but he again fell. In response, the singer stated that he would not throw at all, but the dose would decrease.

Sergey Chelobanov now

It seems that the performer began a new stage, Sergey even made the proposal of Mother of Little Sasha, as suddenly in 2018 again attracted attention to his personal life. He selected the rights for drunk driving, then a man performed on the NTV channel with a statement, which doubts his fatherhood. The offended Eugene proposed to betray the results of DNA test, if Chelobans need.

Sergey Chelobanov and Evgenia Grande in 2018

The public managed to forget about Sergey's revelations in the Lera Kudryavtsevaya show, as he again remembered the connection with Pugacheva in the program Andrei Malakhov "Hi, Andrei!". According to rumors, after Ether Alla Borisovna, angrily reported TV presenter for the fact that he digs in her past.

"A woman who sings" in 2019 celebrates anniversary. The media reported more than once that the singer could not live to a round date when in 1992 he fell into intensive care with complications after a plastic surgery. Allegedly, she went for this step for the sake of young and cute Sergey Chelobanov.


  • 1993 - "Uninvited Guest"
  • 1993 - "I do not know how to tell you"
  • 1995 - "Caprice"
  • 2000 - "Chelophilia" (together with Philip Kirkorov)

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