Innokenty Smoktunovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Mysterious and detached, as if not from the world of this, Innocent Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky created and embodied on the screens the image of a naive, pure genius, incomprehensible and touching intellectual.

Actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky

According to the memories of directors and colleagues, it was impossible to work with Smoktunovsky as with other actors: he was a master, a man of creativity and therefore could be fully disclosed only in the conditions of maximum comfort. And for Innocent Mikhailovich, these conditions were created. Only for him.

Childhood and youth

Innocent Mikhailovich was born in March 1925 in the village of Tatianovka, that in the Tomsk province (now - Tomsk region), in the family of Mikhail Petrovich and Anna Akimovna Smoktunovich, he became a second child. According to the nationality of the Jew, but the questionnaire wrote that Belarusian. The ancestors exiled to Siberia after suppressing the uprising of Polish Jews in the middle of the 19th century.

When the boy was 4 years old, the family fled from hunger to Tomsk, and later - in Krasnoyarsk, where relatives lived in Smoktunovsky. There, the situation has improved a little. The head of the family worked as a loader in the port, Mom Innokenti got on a sausage factory, but there was still a live root. In order to feed, Anne Akimovna had to steal from the work of the bone with the meat residues and use them for cooking soups and broth.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky (left) with brother and aunt

In 1932, when hunger reached Krasnoyarsk, and Anna dismissed, the older children Keshu and Volodya had to give up the hope of Hope Petrovna and her husband. A married couple who did not have his own children, sincerely loved boys, and life became relatively prosperous.

Smoktunovsky learned badly, was not interested in school objects, showed freedomiff and quick temper, which really did not like teachers. In addition, the boy did not recognize the authorities, and also often got involved in fights. Being in the 6th grade, Innokenty, already then loved to the theater, signed up in the school drama circle, but soon it was abused. Going on the stage on the day of the premiere of the play, from the excitement of a teenager, it turned around in front of the auditorium and eventually could not play. However, despite this episode, the theater continued to attract a young man. By all the truths and increments of Kesch tried to get on the play of the city theater.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in his youth

The situation was complicated by the fact that there was no money, and for the sake of the cherished act, the guy walked on risky and often illegal steps, up to the rustling of tickets. Later, Innokenty got a job on a part-time job in the theater of the statist, and then he entered the school of film mechanics, and it seemed that life was settled until another trouble had happened.

The Great Patriotic War began, the Father was taken to the front. The young man was forced to combine the usual activities with part-time job to help the family, in which four children raised. At the end of 1942, the news came that Mikhail Smoktunovich died, and after a few months and Innocent himself took to fight.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in youth

About the period of life The Grand Actor later told in an interview and autobiography. For 2 years, a young man managed to visit Captive, from which he fled only thanks to the unexpected help of one German soldier. Innokenty survived the famine, who almost born him to the grave, and escaped only because the family of the peasants was sheltered him, rejected and worked, risking with everyone.

Throughout his life, Smoktunovsky rushes a sense of deep gratitude and after the war did not lose touch with his benefactors.


At the end of the war, Innokenti returned to the family. Having tried several areas of activity, the young man again settled in the theater studio at the Krasnoyarsk theater. The statists were sometimes invited to play in production, so soon Smoktunovsky soon got the opportunity to go on stage.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky as Gamlet

However, the lack of special training was affected: every time the young man was written during the performance, his speech became quiet and vague. The director expressed claims a failed actor, the same answered sharply and nervously. Due to the permanent conflicts, in less than a year, Innokenti was expelled from the theater.

In search of happiness, Smoktunovsky went to Norilsk, where he was lucky to settle in the second Polar Theater of the Musical Comedy and Drama. At the same time, Innokenty changed the surname of Smoktunovich on the pseudonym, under whom the audience knows. They say that the artistic director of the theater insisted on this. Others argue that the name of the actor changed voluntarily so that he was not taken for the Jew.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Tatyana Doronin on stage

In Norilsk, thanks to the support of colleagues, Smoktunovsky passed the acting school, got rid of grips and was finally able to reveal as a terrific artist. Almost instantly Innocent began to receive leading roles in performances.

Gradually, the climate of the North began to undermine the health of the actor, and Smoktunovsky is forced to exchange Norilsk to Makhachkala. There, the actor managed to get into the Dagestan Russian Drama Theater, but soon I was silent without interesting roles and in the next year I moved again, this time - to Stalingrad, where at the same time the restoration of cultural life began.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky on stage

Having played in the play "Taming with a plump" episodic role, Innokenti was able to make attention from the press and proven himself as an actor who can "pull out" and make a bright even a tiny role. Smoktunovsky began to embody more significant images and soon became the star theater. But he gradually increased the conflict between the actor and the main director of the Gorky theater. Later, Innokenti pounded with his wife who worked in the same theater, and it became the last straw. In January 1955, the artist quit and went to Moscow.

Smoktunovsky failed to immediately consolidate in any of the major metropolitan theaters. For several months, the actor sold personal belongings, periodically spent the night and dined with loved ones of Markov's friends, then in the theater named after Lenin Komsomol, worked for meager money.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky

Innokentia saved the acquaintance with Sulamifi Kushnir, the future wife. Penetrating sympathy to the young man, the girl, who worked as an artist-make-up, introduced him to Ivan Pyriev, who arranged the artist to the theater-studio of the film actor.

In 1957, in a happy coincidence, Smoktunovsky received the role of Prince Myshkin in the formulation of "idiot" in a large dramatic theater. Thanks to this role, Glory came to the actor, and not only in Moscow, but also throughout the Soviet Union.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the role of Prince Myshkin

The Union of two Geniyev Georgy Tovstonogov and Innokentia Smoktunovsky literally shook theatrical world. Innocent began to work in BDT, playing the main roles in several performances. At the same time, the artist began to actively film. Soon it happened that because of the filming, Smoktunovsky was late at the beginning of the season in his native theater. Hot-tempered Tovstonogov dismissed the actor. It happened in 1960.

In the theater of Innocent Mihaylovich returned only in the 70s and for the 20 subsequent years, played in many performances, strengthened and inappropriate his glory. The scenic duet of Smoktunovsky and Oleg Efremova was especially distinguished.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Oleg Efremov

Until recent years of life, Innokentia Mikhailovich, two friends often played together.


Since the 1960s, the actor actively starred in the cinema, the filmography of Smoktunovsky makes a good one and a half hundreds of paintings. The most memorable Soviet viewers with films with his participation became "Beware of the car", "Tchaikovsky", which brought the festival award in San Sebastian, Hamlet, awarded by the Lenin Prize. The role of Petrophrys Petrovich in "Crime and Punishment" was noted by the State Prize of the RSFSR.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the film

The words of the "little-known artist" from the melodrama Vladimir Menshov "Moscow does not believe in tears" turned into one of the most frequently mentioned quotes from the Oscarone tape. Critics noted that the criminal authority in the comedy "Genius" with Alexander Abdulov will be more involved and convincing individual real bosses of Mafia.

In TV except "Mozart and Salieri", Smoktunovsky reincarnated in the brilliant composer, in the "small tragedies" - already in the teacher and the conductor, who was considered by his killer.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the film

Probably, because of this extraordinary ability to combine softness and intelligence with stiffness, and sometimes the cruelty of Smoktunovsky trusted the characters whose intonation or one only the movement of the eyebrows was forced to measure in a half-word or, on the contrary, to run without regard. High growth (184 cm) were also considered as a way to transfer majestity and status.

Unforgettable turned out to be performed by Innocent British Prime Minister in the TV series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" - a kind of combining English primacy and hotness in one bottle.

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And how his emperor Justinian was fascinated in the Drama "Rus Primy", with a blatant smile, sent subordinates to death, the French king in the "Legend of Tile", the Irkutsk governor in the "star of captivating happiness."

Throughout the creative life, the ensemble with Smoktunovsky was the brightest actresses. In the detective, "theft" on the play of Jack London Innocents starred in Tandem with Anastasia Vertinskaya, in Anna and Commander - with Alice Freindlich, in the "Tight Lady" - with Tatiana Vasilyeva. In the film Sergey Gerasimov "Daughters-Mother" Actor played the spouse of Tamara Makarova and Father Larisa Udovichenko.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the film "Mother's Daughters"

Latest projects continued to emerge after the death of Innokentia Mikhailovich. For example, "Wine from dandelions", where the role of Smoktunovsky had to voiced by Sergey Bezrukov, since they did not have time to write down the sound track.

Personal life

Details of the Personal Life People's Artist of the Soviet Union shared freely in an interview. The first marriage of Innokentia with a colleague on the stage of Roman Bovkov lasted 2 years. Gradually, the beauty cooled to the spouse and was fascinated by another man. Smoktunovsky did not squeeze such a turn of events, divorced with his wife and went to Moscow, where he met Sulamifs Kushnir.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky with wife Sulamifye

This girl, stretching the hand of the help of a unfortunate actor, eventually became his companion for life.

Three children were born in this marriage. Senior Nadia died 6 months after birth. The second child in 1957 became the son of Philip. Mary's daughter appeared on spouses in 1965. Innokenty Mikhailovich wanted children to continue their dynasty, but the younger Smoktunovsky did not love the theater as father.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky with family

True, Mary, who danced in the Bolshoi Theater, and then headed the Maschat museum, managed to light up in the episodes of paintings "Sukhovo-Kobylin", "Envy of the Gods", "Lady Tailor". Philip became a translator. In the footsteps of Grandfather, Anastasia, who was born in the Filipian family and ballerina Olga Buckevich went to the Filipian family. The girl plays in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan theater.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky with daughter Masha

According to her daughter, Smoktunovsky believed from his youth in God, collecting icons, because with trepidation it was treated to the creation of audiobook "Biblical stories". The film of 15 years has lacquered on the shelf, then a limited circulation of plates came out, from which units remained, and those are stored in the personal archives of fans. Records are available on the network, where Innokentiy Mikhailovich reads Pushkin, Cervantes, Chekhov, Dostoevsky.


The cause of the death of Smoktunovsky in August 1994 was a heart attack. The previous one, according to the stories of loved ones, the actor suffered back in March. Did not mean, continued shooting in the paintings "White Holiday" and "Sun attraction". Moreover, in both Innokenty, Mikhailovich played old people, whose life is nearing an end. Upon completion, I went to the sanatorium, and after a couple of days I wanted to return home. Relatives arrived to pick up the already deceased artist - he did not survive the fourth heart attack.

The grave of Innokentia Smoktunovsky

Farewell to the famous actor passed in Mkate named after Chekhov. Those who were present then recalled the photo exhibited on stage: "Prince Myshkin's insightful look." The grave of Innokentia Smoktunovsky is located at the Novodevichy cemetery, in one row with Oleg Borisov and Ivan Kozlovsky.


  • 1969 - "Crime and Punishment"
  • 1970 - "Uncle Vanya"
  • 1974 - "Anna and Commander"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1982 - "Theft"
  • 1985 - "Children of the Sun"
  • 1985 - "Strange Story of Dr. Jekila and Mr. Heyda"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, ahead!"
  • 1990 - "Lady Tailor"
  • 1990 - "Trap for a lonely man"
  • 1993 - "Killer"
  • 1994 - "White Holiday"

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