Rodion Gazmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Lucy, Instagram 2021



Rodion Gazmanov in creativity helps the education of the financier. Realizing that the economic crisis affects the artists, he began to work as a leading events, and in two languages ​​- Russian and English. Attitude towards yourself as a singer, Gazmanov-younger is pretty self-critical, but he knows the recipe, how to put the hall on the ears, - the supply of material, the performance of the performance.

Childhood and youth

Rodion Gazmanov was born on July 3, 1981 in Kaliningrad. Since childhood, the future artist surrounded the creative musical family. Oleg and Irina Gazmanov, parents of Rodion, assumed that the Son would choose a career in music. And they were right, the boy had already loved the scene as a child. In 5 years, the child went to the music school, mastered the game on the piano. A year after that, the Gazmanov family moved to Moscow, where Rodion continued to education.

The debut of a young singer took place in 1987, when his father recorded a clip for the song "Lucy", which was presented on the transfer of "Morning Mail". The song brought Rodion to the unprecedented popularity, because he spoke with this composition on a big stage and recorded on the records, which diverged by millions of circulation. The boy bought sweets and toys for the first fee. The scene never frightened Rodion, the young man was often present at the concerts of Oleg and felt perfectly well before a thousand audience.

When the guy was 14 years old, the father and mother broke up. After school, the young artist was sent to receive education in England. Rodion at all did not like the foggy albion. While in Britain, the future singer was constantly asked to go home, parents soon succumbed to persuasion and returned the Son to Moscow. At this time, Gazmanova-younger began to break a voice, and he decided to leave singing. Father understood the desire of the heir, tried not to prevent his decisions.

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Oleg Gazmanov brought up independence in heir, because at 18 years old Rodion had to work. He went away from the usual bartender to the post of managing a nightclub. Such experience was helpful, Rodion knows how difficult it is to earn money, and does not seek to spend funds into the slightest whims.

After a while, the future singer decides to try himself in business. Rodion enters the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at the Faculty of Financial Management.

As a student, the Jr. Gazmanov understood that he wanted to return to the stage, gathered a group and began to work again over his own songs. The academy artist graduated with a red diploma and worked as a financial analyst. During the global financial crisis of 2008, Rodion worked for some time in show business over different projects, after which he decided to devote himself to music.


Music is familiar to Rodion Gazmanov from an early age. There were moments in the life of the artist when I wanted to throw creativity and realize the potential in other directions, but the genes still demanded to return to the origins. The case was introduced when Julia Odeodov proposed to act a duet. The song was called "Dream", and the name of the son of Oleg Gazmanov again flees on the pages of the media.

In 2012, Rodion left Other hobbies and tightly engaged in the development of his own group "DNA". A certain breakthrough occurs in the creative biography of the Russian artist, and the records and individual songs are popular. In 2013, the first DNA album and Gazmanov called "anti-faditions" came out, then 5 more singles.

Texts for songs Artist writes and edit yourself. Therefore, each new composition is unique and personifies the personality of the author himself. Oleg Gazmanov's son has repeatedly stated that the desire to enjoy the name, which is known for all Russia, has never arisen from him, because from the young age it was used to seek everything himself.

The Rodion Gazmanov Group often rides performances by regions of Russia and even abroad. Sometimes the singer performs together with the famous Father. In addition, he owns a prestigious nightclub in Moscow.

Liked fans of Rodion and his clips, which, according to many fans, are becoming increasingly soulful and calm. Especially viewers remembered video on the song "Last Snow" and "Gravity". Later on the Yutiub-Channel of the musician, another composition was presented - "Lighthouse". Gazmanov Doros to a large scene - he gathered a hall at the Solo Concert in the Kremlin, on the stage of which came out with new songs and already famous hits.

In March 2017, the fans of the musician creativity were surprised when they saw a 35-year-old idol in the boarding school for the elderly and disabled. The singer visited the Social Institution in the city of Skopin (Ryazan region). Rodionu Gazmanov has drawn up actresses Elizabeth Arzamasov and Elena Charquiani.

The artists organized a concert along with volunteers from the Charitable Foundation "Old Most Joy." Capital guests performed favorite front-line songs, as well as compositions from their own repertoire.

Rodion himself believes that similar shares are extremely positively affect those around others, because most of the artists pay a lot of attention to children, and concerts for older people organize little. According to Gazmanov, the youngest, he likes when viewers who have few reasons for joy in life are having fun, having heard the performances of artists. The singer claims that he comes to the elderly people to make a stake in the world, to look at the joy and emotions, which are as a result of the wards of the boarding school.

With the same purpose - to raise people. The mood - Rodion performed before the contingent of the Russian troops in Syria, for which in April 2018 he received a medal from the Ministry of Defense. The social networks broke out angry posts, the young man was reproached in the fact that the award was "paid by the Pope-brought authorities." The singer himself noted that he did not expect "to hurt the strings of the silent" generals ", which can only write anonymous comments." However, the scandal served as a certain advertising to Rodion, increasing the number of follovers a few thousand.

Rodion Gazmanov continues to surprise fans with new compositions. In 2016, the singer sank the song "couples", which received positive feedback not only admirers, but also critics. The users of the social network "Instagram" have repeatedly noted that the song turned out to be very soulful and beautiful.

Having pleased the viewers of Rodion by participation in the musical show "Extremely", where paroded well-known Russian and foreign performers, including his father with his song "Esaul". The artist and in the competition of the first channel "Voice" took part. On blind auditions, the singer made a composition I Believe I Can Fly.

However, Mentor Grigory Leps preferred to Gazmanov another contestant, Witold Petrovsky, while he asked his colleagues on the jury to save his student, but none of them did this.

In 2017, Rodion gave a solo concert in the Small Hall of the State Kremlin Palace. His compositions were performed by Sati Kazanova, Ksana Sergienko, Lyudmila Sokolova, the group "Burito" and, of course, Oleg Gazmanov.

Rodion Gazmanov is known as a singer, but many remember the participation of the artist in the filming of the film "Train to Brooklyn". It is possible that in the future the actor will surprise the public, imaging in the new film, however, no less about such plans of the artist is not known.

Rodion demonstrates the Patriotic Spirit, participating in concerts of public events. The artist became a member of the Military-Patriotic Share "Kinemant" and the concert dedicated to the anniversary of the accession of the Crimea to Russia, performed at the Easter Dar festivals, the "Stars" Russian Radio ", received an invitation from" Autoradio "to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Radio Station on the Crocus scene City Hall and checked knowledge in the geographical dictation. In the concert hall "Oktyabrsky" Gazmanov sang for the winners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Mercy of White Nights", with the team of the Hope theater of Babkina "after 11" - for EMERCOM employees.

2019 for Rodion also began with concerts, and charitable. Later, the Contractor joined the group of the same creative people who risked to appear to the viewers in the images of popular kinoheroev in the project "Main role". In the first issue of Gazmanov reincarnated in a jazz musician from the musical "From Jazz". In the original version, Alexander Pankratov-black played this role.

The Jr. Gazmanov sometimes visits literary evenings in search of inspiration, loves to walk around the evening and lay out the scraps of new texts in the Twitter microblogging service. In addition, the musician leads his own blog on the Live Journal platform, in which fans are watching change in the life of the idol, watching new photos and video of the artist.

I tried myself a musician and as a theatrical actor. At the invitation of Lisa Arzamasova, he played the main character in its author's performance "through bed", the premiere of which was held at the Metropolitan Museum "Bulgakov House". In May 2019, the performer tried the image of the corona in the formulation of the "Tale of Silver Wings", shown on the stage of the Vyborsky DC St. Petersburg.


With the resumption of musical career, Rodion increasingly began to appear on television. He took part in the program "My Hero", later appeared in the TV project "The main role".

In September 2018, Rodion Gazmanov tried the role of the TV presenter - along with a journalist Irina Poody singer leads the show "Today. The day begins, "which goes on weekdays on the first channel. This year was rich in a variety of projects. Together with the co-host Son Oleg Gazmanov later took part in the TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?", And also visited the Studio "Evening Urgant". In an interview with Gazmanov, he told that he helps to rise at 5 am a alarm clock, on which the musician's own song was exhibited. In the mornings, in addition to coffee, it regularly performs 100 pushups, by number of years that the performer intends to live.

Personal life

Rodion Gazmanov - a person is quite open, but his personal life thoroughly protects from interventions. Even singer's friends prefer to hump on this topic. According to the artist himself, he plans to acquire his wife and children, but later.

The low (growth is 167 cm with a weight of 65 kg), but a charming and easy-to-communicate young man periodically appears in public with new companions. The tabloids managed to "marry" the singer with the winner of the beauty contest by Anna Gorodi, then considered that the relations of Rodion and Lisa Arzamasovoy, filmed in the Pole clip, not on the screen.

It was rumored that in his youth, he almost married some Angelica, but the chosen did not like the Mother of the Contractor. Allegedly Irina had enough words to shake the Son's confidence in the correctness of choice.

Later, as the media assumed, the singer began a novel with a colleague, a participant of the 5th season of the show "Voice", the pretty blonde Vasilina Krasnoslobodtva. As usual, confirmation of rumors from Rodion did not follow.

In 2019, rumors about the extramarital son of Rodion appeared on the network. Information allegedly was obtained from insiders. These speculation artist commented on the time after time, calling the article Feikova.

Rodion Gazmanov Now

In 2020, Gasmanov became a guest of the secret of the Million Secretary, where he introduced the new song "Deleted". Later, this composition served as the Soundtrack of the eponymous series. The Contractor was also invited as a guest to the transfer "Born in the USSR" on the Nostalgia TV channel.

In September 2020, the 5th season of the "Three Chord" project started, whose participant was Rodion Gazmanov. His rivals in the musical show were the stars of Russian cinema and show business: Sergey Makhovikov, Irina Medvedev, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Sergey Minaev, Nonna Grishaeva and others. The singer's vocal data demonstrated, executing the "Lilac Fog" from the repertoire of Vladimir Markina, Hit Vladimir Vysotsky "Girl from Nagasaki", the song "Polabi" Sergey Trofimova.

In the fall of 2020, Rodion also took part in creating the release of the youth project of Rosgvartia "Testing for Strength". Together with Andrei Cherkasov, he experienced his strength in the training program of the Moscow riot police. The singer managed to overcome the firestore strip in full military equipment, show the skills of a hand-to-hand combat in the fight against the hooligans. The artist entrusted the management of the armored car "Tiger", as well as a special water leaf.

Rich on the events in the creative life of Gazmanov Autumn presented him the opportunity to replenish his discography with a new release - the second solo album "What is love?". And in the metropolitan theatrical platform, Rodion appeared as a Paka in the musical "Night of Miracles". Now, with all the news, the artist introduces his fans through "Instagram".


  • 2013 - "Antiphases"
  • 2013 - "Gravity" (Single)
  • 2017 - "Headlas" (Single)
  • 2017 - "Fly" (Single, together with Sati Casanova)
  • 2018 - Poles (Single)
  • 2019 - "Lighthouse" (Single)
  • 2020 - "What is love?"


  • "Hello, car"
  • Light esters with guests (MusicBox)
  • "Today. Day begins "

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