Oleg Efremov - biography, personal life, cause of death, movies, photos, actor, father Mikhail Efremova



Oleg Efremov said that she would have rolled over the inclined, if it were not an actor. And becoming them, he hypnotized the public, not allowing the gram of false. As a director, he reformed the theater, giving this type of art by an unknown depth of psychologism.

Efremov could be kind and sensitive, harsh and extremely categorical, not accepting someone else's opinion, even the family was given a secondary role. But everyone who came across Oleg Nikolayevich in life or profession, responds to him with reverence and admiration.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Efremov was born in October 1927 in the Russian family, but the version of Jewish nationality was mutated constantly. "Search in noticeable people of Jews or at least some" Jewish "is a feature of Russia. Since the intellectual and a Jew is if not absolute equality, then a great resemblance. Therefore, people who could not be suspected of this, they still suspected, "said Sergey Yursky, remembering the speech of Oleg Nikolayevich at the evening of memory of the Khruch of the Moscow Jewish Theater Solomon Mikhoels.

The parents of Anna Dmitrievna and Nikolai Ivanovich lived modestly, because the childhood of the legendary actor, the director, the teacher and the founder of the Sovremennik theater passed in a large Moscow communal on Arbat. His best friends were the grandson of the Soviet artist of Vasily Kaluzhsky, Alexander Kaluga, and the adoptive son of the writer Mikhail Bulgakov Sergey Shilovsky.

Oleg often visited Bulgak houses in Nachichokinsky Lane, absorbed the intelligent creative atmosphere as a sponge, not even suspecting, with which great man he was lucky to communicate. Little Efremov then did not have time to read a single Bulgakov book. But then, of course, she crashed, putting not one work of the writer in the theater.

Efremov spent the school years in Vorkuta. His father worked as an accountant in the Gulag, so the Son had a real camp life nearly nearly.

Immediately after the war, Oleg went to take exams at the MCAT Studio School. Those who wish to enter the acting faculty was an incredible amount, but the 18-year-old young man, not a handsome man, managed to conquer the admission committee and go through the competition from the first time. Efremov was lucky to get to the course of an outstanding theatrical director, the laureate of the four Stalinist premiums Mikhail Kedrov and an equally famous actor and director, the laureate of the two Stalinist premiums Vasily Toporkov.

With all the youthful dustiness, the first-grandfather of Efremov fell in love with Stanislavsky's teachings, and so much that together with friends he swore in eternal loyalty. For a matter of seriousness, future actors crossed an oath with their own blood. And Oleg Nikolaevich was faithful to the end of his days.

A young man went to study with his head, dreaming about Mkate. The ambitious student wrote in the diary, which will become the main director of the famous theater, but after graduating from the studio, he did not even take it there even a statist. It was a complete failure. But Efremov was not desperate and entered the service at the Central Children's Theater.


In TsDT, a young actor immediately gave a major role. He went to the scene in the form of Volodya Chernyshev in the production of "her friends" of Viktor Roshov and loved the audience from the first performance. Efremov played so sincerely that no one saw a actor in it, but only a lively a real schoolboy, despite the fact that Oleg's growth was not children's height - 180 cm.

Soon the CDT became one of the most popular theaters of Moscow. Efremov played more than 20 roles on his scene. The actor was equally brilliantly managed to reincarnate in the impostor in Boris Godunov and Ivanushka-fool in the "Skate Gorbunk". And in 1955, Oleg Efremov himself put the musical comedy Mikhail Lviv and Vadim Korostyleva "Dimka-Invisible". The directorial debut was aimed by the famous Actor brilliantly.

Stanislavsky's method, which Efremov in studenthood swore in eternal loyalty, soon became unoden in theatrical circles, but, a true promise, the actor found himself like-minded among students of the Studio MCAT. After graduating from the school, Efremov remained a teacher in him, and the students loved him very much. Of these, he collected the first troupe of the future theater "Contemporary".

"Contemporary" fully justified its name. Theater raised the most actual problems. The plays of modern authors played on his scene, among which were Alexander Galich, Vasily Aksenov and Optic Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It was honest, lively communication with the audience. There was even a curtain in the theater.

Efremov, being the director of the "contemporary", remained and his actor, asked the tone and defined the style of the theater, and the rest of his colleagues were imitated. In 1970, Oleg invited the artistic director to MCAT. The ambitious dream, fixed in the youth on paper, became a reality. It was rumored that the position of Efremov got not without protection of Catherine Furtseva.

The Minister of Culture was not in vain called "Iron Lady of the USSR", she personally instructed in front of the town party for a person who was taken to a pencil for alcohol abuse. According to the memories of Oleg Tabakov, at least twice Efremov owes Ekaterina Alekseevna with its salvation before the power of the people.

True, the reality was not at all as it seemed. Efremova called into the collapsed MCAT as, in fact, the crisis manager. He suggested in full swing to new stage, but agreed only Evgeny Evstigneev. Over time, the new Khuduka managed to restore the former glory of the theater and replace Alexander Kalyagan, Innokentia Smoktunovsky, and then Tatiana Doronin.

Mkat's troupe was so big that the roles on all actors lacked. In the end, Oleg Nikolayevich suggested dividing the theater. So he became the head of the MHT named after Chekhov.

A real blow for Oleg Efremova was the death of his close friend Innocent Smoktunovsky. After that, the director put in the MHT only one play - "Three sisters". And 6 years later, Efremov left after Smoktunovsky. The theater was at that moment thousands of kilometers from him - on tour in Taiwan. The fans of the talent without exaggerating the great actor and the director brought him for goodbye as many colors that it was impossible to approach the MHT building in the chamber meter.


Oleg Efremov made his debut in the cinema in 1955, when Alexei Pizodova played the first echelon melodraman, Mikhail Kalazozova, who took the worldwide recognized film School "flying a crane", who received the Golden Palm Branch in Cannes. After a successful film, films with Efremov began to go out almost every year.

Efremov's kinoherroi were completely diverse, but each time the viewer seemed that the actor seems to play himself. And share in the "war and the world", and Dr. Aibolit in "Aibolit-66", and the investigator Maxim Podberezovkov in the film "Beware of the car!", And, of course, Taxiper Sasha in the "Three Tops on Plutch" was obtained from Oleg Nikolaevich such alive As if he does not play, but lives in front of the camera.

By the way, Eldar Ryazanov initially saw Efremova in the role of Yuri Delochkin, but it turned out on the film strokes that the great actor could not hide the volitional character, and to play the chief hero was invited by Innokence Smoktunovsky.

Tatyana Doronina and Oleg Efremov in melodrama

They say that Alexandra Pakhmutova did not want to write a soundtrack to the film "Three Poplars on Plugged," until they saw already filmed. Heroine Tatyana Doronina sang, and hero Efremov listened. The actor looked so much that his look as if from the depths of the soul inspired Pakhmutov to write music.

So one of the most piercing Soviet songs "Tenderness" appeared. And this episode has become the strongest moment in the film.

In St. Petersburg today has the namesake of the famous artist, too, Oleg Efremov. In the photo of the time of the 70s between young colleagues there is some similarity. The creative biography of this person has developed, perhaps not so bright, and the production of production injury: he received a contusion on the set, since the years began to hear badly.

In the 90s, Oleg Vladimirovich was almost not shot. Nevertheless, in the filmography of Petersburg Efremov, there are memorable projects: "Streets of broken lights", "Golden Mina", "State Border", "Life of Klim Samgin".

Personal life

Oleg Efremov was a very fellow man. Friends joked that no woman could not resist his silent look. The first love lasted the future actor still at school. Her name was Tanya Rostovtsev. She was 2 years under Oleg. Trying to attract the attention of the ladies of the heart, the boy's in love rushed into her window. Children's nipples filled with water until once, the shell did not hit the girl's aunt. On this "Roman" ended, not having time to begin. Tanya Rostovtseva, when he grown, married Yuri Nikulina.

In the Studio School, MCAT Efremov immediately fell in love with the first beauty of theatrical Irina Skobtsev, but the girl married another. Rejected in love, not particularly surviving, gave the heart of the Singleness of Lilius Tolmacheva, on which he soon married. The marriage existed half a year. The actor fell in love with Margarita Kupriyanov, who played Dimka in his debut performance "Dimka-Invisible", and also abused alcohol. The legitimate wife could not stand and gone. Oleg then sorry about it.

Shortly after the divorce, the artist found a sympathy for another colleague. Antonina Eliseeva was a preparation of TsDT, in which Efremov served at that moment, and older than the actor for 10 years, and even married to the executor of the role of Prince in the famous Soviet film "Cinderella". But the heart does not order.

In 1955, Galina Volchek introduced Oleg Efremov with a 19-year-old granddaughter of the polar pilot Irina Mazukuk. Officially register the relationship Couple did not become, but the wedding was played. Soon Irina gave birth to daughter Anastasia. True, it did not prevent the artist to continue to fall in love in all in turn actresses of his own theater.

During the first filming of Movie, Efremov broke out a passionate novel with a partner Nina Doroshina. In the end, Irina could not stand it and also began to take care of extraneous cavaliers, with some of them Oleg Nikolaevich even met personally. When the spouse finally left the family, Irina tried to commit suicide. Fortunately, a woman saved.

With Nina Doroshina Oleg Efremov parted more than once, but then the relationship was renewed again. After one of these partings, Doroshin married Oleg Dalya. Efremov came to their wedding and announced that the bride loves him more than the groom. Dal divorced himself with Doroshina in a couple of months.

Among the favorite women of Efremova, Irina Miroshnichenko and Anastasia Vernets were founded. The last actor first saw in Tashkent, on tour, and was so struck by the beauty of the "Eternal Assol", which climbed to the elected room in the balcony.

Anastasia made repairs in Efremov's apartment and even bought new furniture, but Oleg did not marry her and did not give major roles in the theater. Roman with Miroshnichenko also existed for long.

After the painting, "Stretched, the charming" folk folk was tired of Oleg on Savvina. In the film Efremov played the director of the plant on a pension, and Savvina is his random acquaintance.

Alla Pokrovskaya, the daughter of the famous Theater Worker Boris Pokrovsky became the last official companion of Efremov in his personal life in 1962. She gave birth to the son of Mikhail and endured the treason of her famous her husband longer - as many as 12 years.

Mikhail Efremov for a long time could not get out of the shadow of his famous Father, but now he is a popular and recognizable actor. His son Nikita, the grandson of Oleg Efremova, also went on the thorny path of serving Mellengene.

Anastasia Efremova operates in the union of theatrical figures with Alexander Kalyagin, organizes festivals, edits the magazine "Passion Boulevard, 10". She changed his children after a divorce with her husband.

Son Oleg died in 2002. Olga's daughter graduated from Schukinskaya school, starred in the paintings "Freud method", "Russian demon", "ship". Junior Vincent does not give the media to talk about himself.


According to the writer and poetess Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, everyone knew in the theater that Oleg Nikolayevich was solidly sick, while Khukruk himself never complained. In the workplace, at home and in the trains of Efremov drove the device supporting breathing. The daughter said that not a single course of the father did not bring to the end - threw as soon as he felt relief. And in the hospital, he did not give descend to others, constantly worked. A year before death for the ATV channel, the artist read Chekhov's story "My Life".

The director of the project later shared his impressions:

"Efremov, being the main and the only center of this work, is incredibly interesting and mysterious in itself. Not made by an external expression, not acting pose, not "taken" role or cleverly calculated behavior. He is interested in his open look, wise intonation, the Efremovian manner to speak and respond to his own thoughts and sensations. From his face it is difficult to take a look. "

Oleg Nikolayevich did not become in May 2000. The cause of death is lung cancer. The creative testament of Efremov is the performance of "three sisters", but finally, he managed to put "Sirano de Bergerac", which Nicholas Skirik adjusted to a logical end. The next 18 years of the Brazda of the Board of the MHT named after Chekhov held in his hands Oleg Tabakov.

The founder of the "contemporary" is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. The grave is located in the so-called Mkhatovsky Necropolis, next to Anton Chekhov, whose name was headed by the theater, and with Konstantin Stanislavsky, whose art he wondered.


  • 1963 - "Live and Dead"
  • 1966 - "Beware of the car"
  • 1967 - "Three Poplas in Plyukha"
  • 1969 - "Mom married"
  • 1969 - "Gori, Gori, My Star"
  • 1970 - "Case with long-standing"
  • 1972 - "Hello and Farewell"
  • 1977 - "Rudin"
  • 1979 - "Mnimy Patient"
  • 1982 - "Inspector of the GAI"
  • 1985 - "Battalions are asking for fire"
  • 1988 - "Poultry Flight"
  • 1998 - "Writing to Victory Day"

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