Valentina Talyzin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alevtina in the "Zigzag of Good luck", an assistant in the "elderly robberry", an engineer in Athos - these roles would have enough for Valentine Talyzin forever imprinted in the memory of the audience. But the role of girlfriend Vali in the "irony of fate, or with light steam" turned the actress in the first-value star. With the voice of the main heroine Nadi in the house of millions of people inhabiting the post-Soviet space, and now new year comes.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in Omsk in 1935. She is the second, but the only child at the parents: Senior Brother Lenya died, without living and 3 months.

Shortly before the war, the family moved to the Belarusian town of Borovichi. Mom Valentina had to be difficult: the husband, rubbed Polyak Illarion, went to another woman. Evacuated to Siberia managed miracle - they advised the neighbors, saying that the Germans would shoot all the communists.

Father will appear in the life of Talisina twice again. The first time - when she will learn in theatrical. After 20 years, Valentine will take him, suffering from dementia and not the necessary former wife, from a psychiatric hospital and takes to Omsk. There Illarion marries again.

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The main in the biography of Talyzin could have been the East - this science liked the girl still at school. But life ordered otherwise, and Valya entered the agricultural university in Omsk on an economist. Pursuing in a dramatic circle, she realized that the world of the theater and cinema was her world, so I threw an agricultural institute after the 2nd year.

In 1958, Valentina Talyzin graduated from Gitis and joined the Mossovet's Theater Toroupe. In the youth actress was not easy. Faina Ranevskaya with his inherent direct stifler stated that the girl was not beautiful enough to film. Later, colleagues had a friendly relationship, and Valentina Illarionna says that Ranevskaya has become an excellent mentor for her. But the main person who has made an invaluable contribution to its formation, Talyzin considers the director Yuri Zavadsky.


The actress filmography is over one and a half hundred work in the full-length paintings and serials, including sounding characters. Debut turned out to be an adventure tape "Path to Saturn". " Loud success was brought by the projects of Eldar Ryazanov "Old Klyachi" and "Old Mutniki", "Hugelyant Adventures of Italians in Moscow" and "about the poor hussar will silence the word", an unforgettable "Irony of Fate".

Georgy Deliay invited Talyzin to the comedy "Afonya", and Alexey Korenev - in "Taimyr" and "Large change". Then the paintings were released on the screens "and it's all about him," the dresser's dresses "," French Lessons ". Valentine's herself considers the best of his work the role of the frank in the picture of Sergei Bodrov "Non-professionals".

With age, the actress often performs in images moms, grandmothers, nurse. EE on the screen children were Vyacheslav Grishechkin in the series "Soldiers", Anatoly White in a melodrama "On the way to Heart", Igor Mirkurbanov in the picture "Groom".

In the project Evgenia Ginzburg "Ruonan Deva on Nickname Pushkin" Talyzin got the role of a singer of a public house, Valentina's comedy played a tourist teacher, in the New Year's Pope - Concierge, in Dostoevsky Dostoevsky Dostoevsky drama - aunt classic.

In a detective, the "sign of the true path" actress - the owner of the beauty salon, in the "thief" and "Rider" - the judge, in the "kitchen" - a mother-in-law chef.

In 2015, Valentina Talyzin presented to fans a book of memories "My hillocks, streams". In memoirs, honestly and talented about losses and victories, unknown facts about star colleagues are given. The actress described by the actress is similar to Gogol laughter through tears.

Personal life

Personal life Valentina Thalyzina was not so successful as a creative career. The actress was married the only time behind the artist Leonid Nepomny. In 1969, the only daughter of Ksenia was born. After 12 years, the Union of Talyzin and Nepomnya collapsed.

Valentina fell in love with the colleague Yuri Orlova. Romantic relationships started on the set. Kinolyubov turned into a real. But this Union of the actress stopped and having weighing everything and against, preferred the family. It was later that rumors were commemorated that the uncompressive was not sinless: he also had a novel.

Valentina Illarionna claims that all for the better. Loneliness helped concentrate on his beloved work and achieve success.

Daughter Ksenia Kharyova - actress, gave her mother granddaughter Nastya. The girl is the name of the grandmother and, judging by the photos, grown her copy. As a child, she dreamed of dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, and graduated from Schepkinskaya School. Talyzin-senior is very glad that the family of dynasty is growing in the family.

Anastasia starred from Alexander Domogarov - the youngest in the horror movie "Peak Lady: Looking Game", the series Anario Mamedov "Thin Matters".

Valentina Talyzin now

Another reincarnation in the mother of the main character in Thalyzin occurred in the melodrama "Marusya. Hard adults. " In the daughter of the actress I got Anna Bolshava. Valentina's heroine is the powerful and tough, not tolerant of the independence of family members and the unlightening adopted granddaughter. Vladimir Yankovsky, nephew Oleg Yankovsky and cousin Philip Yankovsky became the director of the film.

In the full-length film adaptation of Mikhail Zoshchenko's stories, called "about Leil and Minka", Talyzin starred in the company's great-grandfather of Writer Zoshchenko, as well as Roman Madyanov, Olga Krasko and Sergey Stepaneko.

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In 2019, rumors appeared that Valentina Illarionna will play the mother of Julia at the beginning in the biographical film about the singer. Shooting allegedly had to postpone because the actress required hospitalization. The media wrote that at Talyzin microinsult. Ksenia Khairova on questions about the state of health Mom answered that the "foot hurt" and worried about what.

Valentine's self confirmed that it all is well, and information about participation in the baiopic has denied. Allegedly there was only one call, but there is no agreement.


  • 1968 - Zigzag Good luck
  • 1970 - "Taimyr causes you"
  • 1971 - "Old Rogue"
  • 1972 - "Big Change"
  • 1975 - "Afonya"
  • 1975 - "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"
  • 1978 - "And this is all about him"
  • 1978 - "French lessons"
  • 1980 - "Clear the word about the poor hussar.
  • 1985 - "Non-professionals"
  • 1988 - "Primorsky Boulevard"
  • 1990 - "Yama"
  • 1994 - "Tasting"
  • 2000 - "Old Klyachi"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2011 - "Dostoevsky"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2016 - "Close Eyes"
  • 2019 - "Marusya. Hard adults »

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