Vitaly Mutko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politician 2021



Vitaly Mutko is the main acting person of Russian sports from 2012 to 2016. Since the emergence of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, a long time was the only and unchanged head of the department. He is an ex-president of the RFS, Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for Construction and Regional Development (2018-2020).

Childhood and youth

Born Mutko Vitaly Leontievich on December 8, 1958. The family lived near the city of Tuapse, in the village of Kurinskaya (Krasnodar Territory). Nationality Vitaly Leontievich - Russian. Parents of the future official were ordinary people: the father worked as a loader, and the mother was a machine in Lespromkhoz.

Having dreaming from the very childhood to become a captain of long-range swimming, he after the 8th grade went to Rostov-on-Don and wanted to enter the river school, but failed the entrance exams. Then a purposeful young man did not fell in spirit and clearly decided not to return home with anything - he went to Leningrad and entered the construction vehicle, from where he marched in a professional nautical school in Petropralism, who graduated with honors and received a Motorist's diploma.

The next 2 years after the end of Vitaly Leontievich, Vitaly Leontievich was a sailor in the Leningrad Seaport on the side of the excursion boats and dry cargo services "River-Sea", which was repeatedly sent abroad. In 1978, the future Russian statesman entered the Leningrad River School, and then decided to continue the education and became a student of the Institute of Water Transport.

After graduating from school at the university, Mutko entered the St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Economics, and in 2006 he became a candidate of economic sciences, defending his thesis at the State University of Economics and Finance.

Career and politics

In his youth, Vitaly Mutko showed activity in the Komsomol line, which in 1979 led the young man in the CPSU. Party work made the future Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation by the head of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg.

Support and devotion to Anatoly Sobchak allowed Vitaly Leontievich to achieve heights in politics - he oversaw health, culture and sports in the St. Petersburg City Hall. At that time, Sobchak team included well-known political figures of Russia, including Vladimir Putin.

Vitaly Mutko and Vladimir Putin

In 1992, Mutko fell into Russian football and became a curator of the Zenit football club, which later headed. In 1996, Vitaly Leontyevich's political career was under threat, since the whole team of Sobchak, in the case of his loss in the elections, promised to resign. As a result, the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg lost the struggle for the chair of the head of the city, but the government was left only by Mutko, Kozak and Putin.

Soon the future sports minister dedicated himself to work in the Zenit football club. In this post, Vitaly Mutko brought the team to a worthy level, introduced a team in the elite of Russian football. He led the team until 2003.

In 2000, the presidential elections ended with Victory Vladimir Putin, so the road to the world of great politics and sports opened for Mutko. The post of president of the Russian Federation, and in 2005, he received the position of head of the Russian Football Union in 2005, was the first of his step of climbing political altitudes.

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In 2008, after Dmitry Medvedev became head of the Russian Federation, and Putin - the country's prime minister, Vitaly Mutko, headed the newly created Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, and did not lose the portfolio of the President of the RFU.

In 2009, the official was part of the Executive Committee of the International Football Federation (FIFA), and already in the fall fell into opal to the chief leaders of the country. In particular, Medvedev said that sports organizations should not head civil servants, but professionals, ready to give sports 24 hours a day, thereby making an emphasis on the profile minister. Then Mutko left the post of president of the RFU, retaining the portfolio of the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, Vitaly Mutko again returned the position of head of the Russian Football Council: on September 2, he was elected to the presidency of the RFU, since he was a non-alternative candidate. Until September 2016, the statesman combined work in the ministry and the RFU.

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In October 2016, another turning point was occurring in the biography of Vitaly Leontievich. The official took the position of Deputy Prime Minister for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy.

Soon after the appointment, the Minister was aware that FIFA removed Vitaly Mutko from participating in the elections to the Council of the Organization. The reason for the solution was the "discrepancy between the Mostko updated Rules of Sports Structure", because the Council is prohibited by the participation of representatives of state power.

Vitaly Leontievich Mutko continued to promote Russian sports in the international arena until 2016. The Deputy Prime Minister controlled work on the construction of sports facilities, which was planned to use at the World Championships in 2018.

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On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. Immediately after the entry, Putin offered the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Vitaly Mutko appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on Construction and Regional Development. Valery Fedorov, heading by VTsiom, said that Mutko became an antiller in popularity in the new Government of the Russian Federation.

In December 2018, Vitaly Leontievich left the presidency of the RFU. A year before, he suspended its activities in this position. Acting at this time was appointed Alexander Alaev.

Personal life

Personal life Vitaly Mutko does not differ from many Russian officials: family secrets of the prominent statesman remain "for the scenes" for society. It is known that with Tatiana Ivanovna, the future spouse, he met at the time of her work in the department of personnel of the Baltic maritime shipping. Now Tatiana Mutko is a keeper of a homely hearth and is engaged exclusively by the household.

Vitaly Mutko and his wife Tatiana

In 2010, Mutko's wife became a key figure of the scandal, unfolding around the trip of the Russian delegation to the Olympic Games in Vancouver. Then it turned out that she was not an official member of the delegation, and the journey to Canada was carried out for state money. The loud scandal with Mutko was settled, and the wife of the Minister of Sports of Russia paid 52 thousand rubles. In compensation for a ticket.

Vitaly Mutko has two children, Elena and Maria. Elena's older daughter became a successful businesswoman and headed the Dental Clinic "Leon". Maria went in the footsteps of the Father and graduated from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University.

According to official information, the income of Vitaly Mutko decreased almost 2 times in 2014: he declared 6 million rubles. And his spouse - 1.5 million rubles. Their property has two land plots, a garage, an apartment of 118 square meters. For the 2016 fiscal year, Vitaly Mutko earned 9.01 million rubles, in 2017 this figure decreased to 7.66 million rubles.

Vitaly Mutko's name appears not only in state chronicles. In the fall of 2018, the public was talking about the fact that the official was "an intrigue on the side": his passion allegedly became Victoria Lockarev, FIFA Ambassador at the World Championships in Russia. "Miss Russia - 2003" participated in many events dedicated to the International Competition.

For a debt, she had to closely communicate with the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. In the press fell their shared photos. Later became aware of the pregnancy of the TV host. Lockarev herself did not reveal the identity of the father of his child, but a number of Internet media suggested that Vitaly Leontievich could become. Later, Victoria denied these speculations in an interview.

Vitaly Mutko now

Vitaly Mutko all forces director their official duties as Deputy Chairman of the Government on Construction and Regional Development.

In mid-2019, he took control of the situation in Siberia. Together with the President of Russia, the statesman visited Tulun right away after the flood, in the fall Vitaly Leontievich visited the region with the inspection. The policies were under the control of large families, which first of all it was necessary to provide housing.

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Another of the federal programs that Mutko pays special importance is a project for clearing and improving the Volga. At the meeting with representatives of the United Russia faction in the fall of 2019, Mutko discussed the details of the implementation of the National Project "Housing and the City Wednesday". With these and other events, Vitaly Leontievich introduces subscribers of a personal account in "Instagram".

In January 2020, after the annual Message of the President to the Federal Assembly, the governments led by Dmitry Medvedev took place. At a meeting with the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, within the framework of the Gaidar Forum, Mutko commented on what was happening.

According to the policy, such developments contributed to the "Change Request". Vitaly Leontievich, in a positive key, responded to entering the structure of the executive authority of the State Council, which was created as a deliberative body.


  • 1994 - Honor Order
  • 2002 - Friendship Order
  • 2002 - Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation
  • 2003 - Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • 2005 - Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • 2005 - Honorary Mission of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2008 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2008 - Honorary Mission of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree

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