Timur Bekmambetov - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, director, filmography, "ninth" 2021



Almost every actor, director or producer dreams of a career in Hollywood. Alas, it is not possible to achieve such heights, and therefore, on their background, the achievement of the Kazakhstani director and producer Timur Bekmambetova looks truly grand. Starting a career as a director of commercials, which found themselves very innovative for the USSR, he passed a long way from low-budget movies to multi-million blockbusters who have conquered the world.

Childhood and youth

Timur was born in the warm June day of 1961 in the city of Atyrau. The genus of his father Nuruahite rises to the ancient and revered Khansky dynasty, the ancestors can be traced until the 10th century. Bekmambetov family was considered sufficiently provided: the father of the future star, in addition to the famous family, could boast of an equally honorable position of the head of the major energy company, and the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of God worked as Deputy Editor of the regional importance newspaper.

Nuruahite - Kazakh, the world - Jewish, so a number of sources dedicated to celebrity biographies, emphasize that Timur is a Jew on Galahe. In other words, the nationality of the director was transferred by the mother, the origin of the father does not have a value.

Timur Bekmambetov in youth

With such high-ranking relatives for Timur, all doors were opened, the guy could become anyone. At the insistence of the Father, who dreamed in the future to convey to his business, the future director entered the Moscow Energy Institute. But Bekmambetov Jr. was not too interested in energy and other technical items, the young man began to manag the world of art. Timur, who threamed his studies, immediately called on the army, and 2 years he served under Ashgabat.

Next Bekmambetov was in Tashkent. There, a young man wanted to continue his education, but this time chose a university on his own sense of heart and entered the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute named after Alexey Ostrovsky. In parallel with the study of Bekmambetov, he worked on the "Uzbekfilm" film studio and in the local theater, which allowed the director on his own experience to see the "cuisine" of cinema from the inside.

Timur worked there as a director's artist, his duties included the creation of an atmosphere and scenery, against the background of which the events of a particular picture were unfolded. But the modest studios "Uzbekfilm" did not suit the ambitious Timur, and the salary did not meet the needs, and he decides on a trip to Moscow.

In 1989, the capital turned out to be favorable for the young director than the previous time. But in the world of cinema Bekmambetov was far from immediately. To earn money and stay in the capital, he settled in the office engaged in the production of commercials. This video genre just began to develop in Russia and enjoyed a vast demand for various organizations. The first was the commercial about the bank "Credit-Moscow".

Timur Bekmambetov on the set

In addition to stable and tangible earnings, business presented a lot of useful contacts to Timur. Thanks to the help of Mikhail, the Lesinsky director met Sergey Rodionov, president of the Bank "Imperial". Rodioni at that time was conceived a large-scale project and was looking for a person who could implement it. They became Timur Bekmambetov, who commissioned the Empire Corporation Corporation "The World East of the Empire Bank".

To implement this project, the future star of the movie collected the team of professionals, which includes popular actors, screenwriters and decorators. In the future, such a costly fully justified itself, and Bekmambetov mini-films deserved a huge number of awards, were not perceived as an advertising video, but as a real full-fledged art.


The Movie Timur Nuruahmetovich debuted as a screenwriter in the military picture "Before the Big Dear War", filmed at the "Uzbekfilm" film studio in 1987.

In 1993, Timur Nuruahmetovich began shooting "Peshavar Waltza", the first film, where he acted as director, producer and screenwriter. The picture was based on real events that took place in the time of the Afghan war. In 1994, the tape saw the world and became the winner of a number of international festivals, but the Russian viewer was not noticed.

Loud success came to a man in the XXI century. The cinema of Bekmambetov returned 7 years later, receiving an order for the production of the 8-serial film "Our 90s". Few people know, but the first joint shooting with American colleagues in Timur Nurahahmetovich occurred in 2000, when he was invited to the picture of Hollywood producer Roger Kormman, famous for the projects of Tresh.

Timur Bekmambetov and Konstantin Ernst

Served two stars of the magazine "Playboy", as well as the Russian singer Yulia Chicherina, who was personally invited by the director. In addition to the role, the performer also wrote a title song. In the Russian rental film came out under the name "Gladiatrix" and did not take much fame.

The real breakthrough for Bekmambetov was the fantasy "Night Watch", which came to the screens of cinemas in 2004. The painting was preceded by an aggressive advertising campaign, which successfully coped with the task. Russia and the CIS countries were looking forward to the first so large-scale fantastic film. And the picture with interest justified the funds invested in it and effort, making the name Bekmambetov recognizable all over the world.

Foreign companies were interested in such incredible success of the Russian project and even bought the rights to show the film in America and Europe, which happened extremely rarely. Timuruba Nuruhahmetovik managed to do what was not able to any director: he raised the Russian cinema to a completely new level, proving to the world, which is capable of moving with the famous Hollywood director.

After the deafening success of the "night watch", Bekmambetov invitation to Hollywood became only a matter of time. In 2004, the American producer Mark Platt conceived the screening of the comic book "Wanted" and decided to call the assistants to Timur Nurahahmetovich, who made considerable changes to the original scenario.

Timur Bekmambetov and Angelina Jolie

The Platt came delighted with cooperation with Bekmambetov, and already in 2007 they began shooting the film "Particularly dangerous" with Angelina Jolie in the lead role. The picture is recognized as in Russian box office and the world, received nominations for Oscar and one award "Best Fantastic Film of the Year."

Timur Nuruahmetovich works tightly with the famous colleagues from Hollywood, but does not plan to move forever to America and work exclusively to the foreign market segment. For him, shooting in Hollywood - something like a protracted business trip, interesting and useful in terms of creating a movie. With Tim Burton, he discharged the Animation tape "9", nominated for Annie and the US Guild Prize, Triller "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter." In this project, the head of state appears in the unusual image of a wrestler with evil spirits.

In the filmography of the Russian specialist - the "Apollo 18" filmmaker, the Phantom fighter, which was involved by Gosh Kutsenko, Emil Hirsch, Rachel Taylor and Arthur Smolianinov involved.

Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov

The delights of the audience and critics were silent after the premiere of the historic drama "Ben-Gur". Without detraining the merits of the main roles of Jack Houston, Nazanin Boniadi and Morgan Freeman, the press marked the unnatural elevation of the plot, the lack of ideologicalness and the lack of a scope inherent previously implemented projects.

In Russia, at this time, the fantastic fighter "Hardcore" with Danila Kozlovsky and Heili Bennett and Fantasy "He - Dragon" began to be considered failed. However, the latter suddenly gained popularity in China.

The producer calmly refers to the situation when the film receives ambiguous estimates, because the reaction of the viewer is impossible to predict. The same "irony of fate. Continued "failed, they say, the success of the masterpiece of Eldar Ryazanov does not repeat. However, the peculiar sequel is the most cash picture of 2008.

Whereas more positive feedback gathered the comedy almanac "Christmas tree", which for 8 years the audience waited as a constant gift for the new year. Charges of each new film from the cycle were calculated by hundreds of millions of rubles. "ELKI-3" established a record of the Russian film industry by entering the three most profitable films with the amount of over 1 billion rubles.

Timur Bekmambetov - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, director, filmography,

In the fall of 2018, a picture of Bekmambetov "Profile" ("Profile") was presented at the London Film Festival ("Profile"), which managed to receive the audience of visual sympathies at the film reform in Berlin. The film about the journalist, which was prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of other countries, the ISIL organization was removed by the screensing method, like a horror movie "remove from friends", and the "Search" thriller.

The latter was awarded two Prizes of the Sandrence Festival, Sony acquired the rights to his world rolling for $ 5 million.

To the new 2019, the producer presented to the audience a gift with the element of sadness - the "Christmas Trees". To remove the continuation of the Timur Nuruahmetovich cycle, but promised that in the future, the series "Trees" will appear, only without heroes of Ivan Urgant and Sergey Svetlakov, as well as the television channel of the same name.

The sex scandal with Harvey Weinstein prevented the exit to the global rolling of the film Bekmambetov "War of currents". Russian cinematographer worked on the picture along with The Weinstein Company owned by the Hollywood producer.

After accusations in Harasment, the company was eliminated by the company, Timur Nurahahmetovikovich owed $ 800 thousand, and the performer of the leading role Benedict Cumberbatch had lost a chance to get an Oscar (the film was planned to include in the Long-leaf of the Prize in 2018). When and how the conflict is resolved, it is unknown.

Timur Bekmambetov and Benedict Cumberbatch

Bekmambetov plans in 2019 marked the format ScreenLife when the film's action unfolds on the computer screen. Screen capture, the director believes, it is not even a genre, but a new language of cinema. Timur Nuruahmetovich is confident that the form in this case is more important than content. He generally considers luck, which was at the right time and in the right place, realizing that you could talk about a person through the screen of his gadget. For the same "profile" writing the script and the selection of actors passed through Skype.

Copyright to a new way of creating bioproduct of Bekmambetov did not make it believing that the idea cannot belong to a particular person. But the screens record patent is obtained, as well as on other tools for ScreenLife.

Personal life

Personal life, famous director arranged from the second attempt. On the first wife, the relationship with which did not work out, Bekmambetov does not like to remember. In this marriage, the daughter of Zhanna was born. The girl went in the footsteps of the Father, just chose the animation.

Timur Bekmambetov with the daughter of Jeanne

In 2018, the leadership of the director released the Shik-Chirik short tape. In an interview, she admitted that since childhood dreamed of shooting a movie and always listens to the Soviets of the Father:

"He is amazingly skillfully able to think. Always sees a story, the plot is like in two cuts - as a director and as a producer. He has amazing intuition. "
Timur Bekmambetov and his wife Varvara Avdyushko

Now Timur is happy in marriage with Barbara Avdyushko. The couple met at work, as the director's insanity is also connected with the world of cinema - he began the artist in costumes, then became producer. At the time of the meeting in 1999, the woman was divorced and raised her daughter. For Bekmambetova, she became a muse that inspiring new heights to conquer. In the spouse, the director found what was missing in youth - trust and understanding, and without it it is impossible to be realized in the family or in creativity.

"When such contact arises with a person is fate."

Avdyushko is 13 years younger and 5 cm above the husband (the growth of Timur itself is 168 cm). There are no joint children from spouses.

Timur Bekmambetov now

In April 2021, it became known about the new project Bekmambetov - books about ScreenLife. The goal of the director in this work was the involvement of a variety of people, from writers to cinematographers, to the idea of ​​humaniforming the digital world. The action of ScreenLife projects, according to the author, will unfold on the screens of mobile devices.

In the spring, the premiere of the Military film "Ninetaev" with Paulil is primarily in the lead role. The son of the Soviet pilot Mikhail Nestiyaeva was attended by the Preview of the picture in Kazan, about which the tape was removed.

In an interview with Bekmambetov, stressed that the main idea of ​​movies telling about the national hero is forgiveness. As for the shooting process, the director found himself a very difficult choice. In the plot, the German captive must be exhausted. But to demand from primarily to lose weight so it would be inhumanly. By the way, Paul really threw 15 kg before shooting. And the director decided not to interest the viewer with naturalism, therefore did not resort to additional computer processing of the appearance of the central character.


  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2009 - "Black Lightning"
  • 2010 - "Trees"
  • 2011 - "Apollo 18"
  • 2012 - "Gentlemen, good luck!"
  • 2013 - "Gorky!"
  • 2014 - "Fir-tree shaggy"
  • 2015 - "Remove from friends"
  • 2016 - "Hardcore"
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2018 - "Search"
  • 2018 - "Profile"
  • 2019 - "Trees last"
  • 2020 - "Laying"
  • 2021- "NINTOTAEV"
  • 2021 - Romeo and Juliet

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