Sergey Makhovikov - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Sergey Makhovykova is called an actor with the face of the hero and a child's soul. In all films, with rare exceptions, the artist plays positive heroes, courageous, strong and fair. Directors do not see negative characters in it, which is not surprising. A person awarded the medal "Patriot of Russia" is difficult to even imagine himself a traitor to the Motherland at least on the set.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Makhovykov was born in Pavlovsk, suburb of St. Petersburg, October 22, 1963. Parents of the future artist had no relation to art. Mother Mother Vasilyevna worked as a speech therapist, Father Anatoly Vasilyevich - Builder.

The house of the flywheel family was 5 minutes' walk from the countryside Paul's first. The location of the dwelling serves as a reason for the joke of Sergey, that he grew up "at the court of his imperial majesty."

From the early years, the child was drawn to a hystage. The boy satisfied his views before the dackets, which settled in the house of the flywheel in the summer. In adolescence, Mom made a gift to his son, which he later called the fateful, guitar. Since then, Sergey compresses, sings the song and writes music for movies.

Having received secondary education, the flywheels went on a different way: he entered the branch of the navigator to the Higher Naval Community School named after M. V. Frunze. Six months later, Sergey was transferred to the Military-Mechanical Institute, where he studied at the missile department. Without even one course, the young man became a Ligitmik student, where he studied at the course of Igor Gorbachev.


The creative biography of Makhovikov began in his student years: a sophomore took to the staff of the Alexandrinsky Theater. After completing studies, the actor settled in the theater "Shelter Comedians".

The fascination of cinema led Sergey to the film school Alexander Sokurov, a famous Russian director. The year of the flywheels fasted the basics of the new art for himself, and after the completion of the course, he founded his own theater - studio, having served the first stage.

At the outcome of the 80s, Sergey Anatolyevich was invited to work at the Khabarovsky Drama Theater to the position of director. This city brought two plane and nine film colleges to Makhovikov's piggy bank. In 1993, the actor appeared on the stage of the Moscow Mkat named after A. P. Chekhov in the formulation of "Milk van does not stop more here." At the magazine of Mkat, the artist was delayed for a year.

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The beginning of the 90s brought the artist victory in the acting song contest named Andrei Mironov. Participation in Him turned the career of Sergey towards the cinema, as the film director Evgeny Ginzburg noted him and invited him to his film called "Simple".

Here, a broadly high artist (Sergey's height - 184 cm) appeared in the image of the Indian on the nicknamed Hercules. For this role, Makhovikov received awards of the festivals "Constellation" and "Smile, Russia". Later, the artist's filmography was replenished with a bright project - the series "Marsh Turkish", where he appeared in the lead role.

Removing the cinema, Sergey Makhovikov developed a musical career. He writes songs, tours as the author-performer in Russia and participates in charitable promotions. The compositions recorded in the period until 1999 entered the Debut Album "Catcher". The songs of the artist sounded in the films "Instructor", "Cadets", "Blind", "Platinum".

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In 1999, the actor was elected by the Chairman of the Directorate of the Presidential Programs of the Culture Foundation. In the same year, Makhovkov played a major role in the omnuzhaty film Vyacheslav Nikiforova "Ranger from the atomic zone". Spectators learned him in the leader of the gangster hammer Vitaly. The film is notable for the fact that it turned out to be a rare example when the actor entrusted the role of a "bad guy".

2008 and 2009 presented the fans of Sergey Makhovikov pleasant surprises in the form of two plenty paintings, where the main roles got a favorite artist. This is a fighter Murad Aliyev "Home Hall" and the psychological thriller "Personal Captain Rumyantsev". Films were awarded international awards.

In 2010, Sergey Makhovykov presented the military drama "Quiet Zadava", in which he noted as director, director and screenwriter. The picture did not remain unnoticed by film critics. The sign for the artist was the role in the TV series "House with Lilies". For his work, Sergey was marked as the best performer.

Personal life

Sergey always avoided big shocks in his personal life, so he had not decided for marriage for a long time. With the future wife of Larisa Shakhvorostovaya Makhovikov met on setting the film "Simple". Larisa agrees with her husband that they did not have love at first sight: young people felt a sympathy to each other. But relationships developed rapidly, and a year later, the couple played a wedding.

Colleagues noted that Makhovikov and a shaft-painted strong marriage, atypical for the world of Russian show business and cinema. The spouses together go through life, although they recognize that they have "not sugar" characters, besides very different. Union has passed serious life tests. Larisa was next to Sergey at a time when he fought for life, which was threatened due to serious kidney disease. A couple unites faith - they are the parishioners of the temple in Trinity-Glenchev, which is near Mosfilm.

Sergey Makhovikov argues that the birth of Sasha's daughter in 2002 is a miracle given over. The girl is an agonated child, which appeared when the spouses despair to wait for children. Sergius and parishioners were helped by Father, who was tirelessly prayed "for childless Larisa and Sergius." The daughter was called Alexander in honor of the patroness of the temple.

Sasha Makhovikova, like dad, sings, plays a piano and guitar. The girl is engaged in choreography and starred with his father in the TV series Vladimir Krasnopolsky "House with Lilies".

Sergey Makhovykov now

Now Sergey Anatolyevich leads an active concert activity. With the program "From Pushkin to Vysotsky", he visits the large and small cities of Russia. In the summer of 2019, he became the guest of the XXI International Festival "East-West. Classic and Avangard, which took place in Orenburg. On the red carpet of the flywheels appeared along with his wife Larisa Shakhvorostovaya.

On the V Festival of Cinema and Telephilms of the spiritual and moral content "Saint Vladimir", which took place in Sevastopol in early October 2019, the picture "Look my love" Alexander Sukhareva was presented. In this film, Makhovikov performed a major role. Together with him, Oleg Gaas and Daria Belloded became in the cast.

Sergey highlights his creative activity on the pages of the official site. Photo from a personal archive, he places in "Instagram".


  • 1994 - "Simple"
  • 1997 - "Snake Source"
  • 1999 - "Ranger from the atomic zone"
  • 2000 - "Turkish march. Dirty games"
  • 2001 - "Men's work"
  • 2004 - "Blind"
  • 2005 - "Secret Guard"
  • 2007 - "White Arrow"
  • 2008 - "New Life of Gurov's Detective"
  • 2011 - "People's Commissar Towing"
  • 2012 - "Odyssey of the detective Gurova"
  • 2013 - "House with lilies"
  • 2015 - "White Arrow. Retribution"
  • 2016 - "Next to us"
  • 2017 - "Silver Bor"
  • 2018 - "See my love"

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