Andrei Espai - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Director Andrei Espai Cinematic Biography is obliged to Father. The head of the family, who wrote Snaggers "And the snow goes", "Muscovites", "Two shores", looking at the mediocre success of the Son in a music school, decided that it should not be zealous in this direction.

Film director Andrei Eshpai.

The choice of profession was predetermined, because the director, screenwriters and actors constantly visited. Subsequently, the eldest and younger Eshpia worked a lot together: one shot films, the other wrote to them the music.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Andreevich Eshpai was born in Moscow on April 18, 1956. Andrei Yakovlevich Eshpai - the father of the director, by the nationality of Mariec, the famous composer. From an early age he tried to crush the son of the love of art. Therefore, at an early age, Andrei knew that would connect life with a movie. School years the director remembers with a smile. The young man was considered the worker in the classroom, often walked friends to different pranks. The teachers belonged loyally to the behavior of the boys, and the tricks have repeatedly went up with young hooligans from the hands.

Andrei Eshpay in youth and now

After school, Andrei entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture at the Faculty of Theater Directory. A capable and talented student often allocated among other peers. The future director tried to achieve high results already in youth. After graduating from the MGIK, the ambitious applicant filed documents to another university - the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. The film "Zvan", which became the graduation work, received at once 3 awards at the student festival.

After receiving the second diploma, the guy was engaged in self-improvement and self-development, debuting on television already in 1983 with a short tape "When Baha".


"When Baha played," opened the way to his creator to the world of movies. 5 years after the release of the first picture, Andrei Eshpai took off the full-length tape "Jester". The film turned out to be difficult for perception, but a close viewer. This work discloses the topic of social inequality and psychological deviations. After such a successful start, Andrei Andreevich continued to be improved in the director. Soon his filmography was replenished with the projects of various focus, which the audience was perceived with delight.

Andrei Eshpai.

The following was published by the drama "humiliated and offended", filmed based on the same name of the novel Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Kinolent was criticized for some time, but the general moments were perceived positively, especially since Nikita Mikhalkov participated in the picture. After 6 years, a premiere show at the Venetian festival took place.

"The blooming hill among the empty field" is the next job director. The film is removed on new technologies of that time. First, the fragments were filmed on the digital chamber, and later moved to the film. For the interesting course and development of cinema tape received the Nika Prize, a prestigious award in the Russian cinema.

Evgeny Tsyganov and Chulpan Hamatova in Drama

Complex images and social interactions are able to directly and easily. The television series "Children of Arbat" on the works of Anatoly Rybakov so loved by the viewer that many were offered to remove the continuation of their own scenarios. According to producers, the shooting management first offered Sergey Ursulak, but he was busy. Dykhovichnaya and Alexander Peshkina appealed to Ivan, they stopped at Andrey's candidacy as on the "Master of Psychological Interdomitia, which owns the tongue of halftone and subtext."

On the role of Sasha Pankratov, Daniel of fears was tried, but from the young actor and had a negative charm. As a result, he played not the most positive officer of the NKVD Yuri Sharoka.

Joseph Stalin in the picture turned out to be unusual largely due to the executor of the role of Maxim Sukhanov, who did not approach either the age or in growth. Andrei Andreevich subsequently noticed that it was worth demonstrating a film 3 times as the viewer would begin to perceive the character well.

The bright page of the Ashpaya creativity is a Multiple Melodrama, in which the director again appealed to the terrible 1937. The film seems to be sharpened to the executive to the leading role to Evgeny Simonov, but the images and Chulpan Hamaya, Inhi Oboldina, Evgenia Tsyganov were successful.

Evgeny Tsyganov in the film

In the adaptation of the play by Vladimir Nabokov "Event", the family of the main character with excitement awaits the exit of the man's prison, which 6 years ago tried to kill them. The acting ensemble of the picture in full swing in a new project from "Dots".

In 2000, Andrei Andreevich teach directorial art in his own workshop in Vgik, where many talented followers brought up. Since 2010, master classes at the School of Cinema have been added to the work of the director. Ashpay perfectly combines the shooting of new films with interesting lectures for the younger generation.

Andrei Eshpai.

In 2010, the mystical drama "Elysium" appeared. The picture became the winner of the Film School festival in the nomination "Best Operator Work".

The tape plot very much like the audience, because the mysterious hoax is associated with the name of Nikolai Gumileva, as well as Maximilian Voloshin, great Russian poets. According to the myth, due to the non-existent poetess of Cherubina de Gabrikkov, who was invented by the Voloshin, there was a duel between the poets, since Gumilev fell in love with a fictional character and considered himself deceived.

Film director Andrei Eshpai.

The director himself spoke in an interview that the fate of the heroes was not specifically considered in the tape, and simply an attempt to convey the spirit of time. According to Eshpaya, this time is associated with a certain ultimate state, colossal changes in society, because during the First World War, the poets tried to create masterpieces, creations, which in the future will become a symbol of the era, at the same time staying at the limit of their existence.

In the TV series "Adult daughters", Andrei Andreevich appealed to modernity. The film told about the police captain, raising 6 girls. The financial situation leaves much to be desired, and the hero agrees to simulate an attempt on a businessman, and after 14 years have been forced to hide from justice. During this time, a wife died, giving birth to a long-awaited son, the boy was adopted by other people. And all this situation he can not forgive the growing daughters.

Andrei Eshpai on the shooting of the series

In April 2017, the XXII film Festival "Literature and Cinema" was held, where Andrei Eshpay headed the jury. Together with the famous director, the best gaming and non-game films were assessed by prominent representatives of Russian culture: People's Artist of the Russian Federation Tatyana Doglev, writer and essist Vladislav Otroshenko, composer Alexei Shelygin and operator Sergey Yuriserty.

On April 14, 2017, the opening of the Musica Con Text "Musica Con Text" took place at the Moscow Bashmet Center. The program sounded the symphony works of the composer and the father of the director Andrei Yakovlevich Eshpaya, as well as the poetry of Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova.

Andrei Espai at the opening of the VII Film Festival

The first evening was dedicated to the symphony of the Eschpay-senior. Music works performed Maria Eshpai, daughter Andrei Andreevich, and the choice of poems entrusted Evgenia Simonova, the director's wife. The director himself proposed to use Ahmatova in the Requiem program.

Personal life

In his youth and now Andrei in personal life accompanied and accompany bright, unforgettable Russian actresses. The first wife is a unique performer of the role of eccentric manca-bond Larisa Udovichenko. Glory and the demand of the spouse played a screw joke: According to the media, the marriage collapsed because of the jealousy of Eschpay. There were no common children from the pair, therefore they broke out without any problems. In an interview with Larisa, there is extremely positive about the former husband, comparing with Anton Chekhov.

Andrei Eshpai and Larisa Udovichenko

With Evgenia Simonova, the second wife, the director met during the filming of the film "When Baha played." Beauty with expressive eyes sunk in the soul Andrei Andreevich. Eschpay did not embarrass the fact that the actress had already had a daughter from the first marriage with Alexander Kaidanovsky. Lovers together brought up a small zoya. After a couple of years, the daughter of Maria was born, and only then the girls' parents registered relationships.

Evgenia Simonova and Andrei Eszpai

Zoya graduated from Gitis, starred in popular TV series "Method" and "Sklifosovsky", in the projects of the stepfather "Multiple" and "Ivan Grozny". And Maria was lit in the same place, which in the titers appears under the double surname of Eshpai Simonov. However, in the first place at the girl's music, she is a talented pianist. Her husband Evgenia Simonova, as Gregory Aleksandrov and Leonid Gaidai, replaced the fact that he constantly uses family members in his projects. The director replies that no one else about people closely bother to him.

Andrei Eshpai with his wife and daughters

Andrei Eshpai is not present in social networks, but the actors participating in his projects will gladly publish the photo director in their accounts. Snapshots accompany comments with gratitude for the interesting job and rich experience.

Andrei Eshpai now

In 2019, Andrei Eshpai released the TV series "Tell the Truth" on the screens. Related ties have affected this project: the script for the film wrote Anastasia Vyazemskaya, the daughter of Professor MGIMO and TV presenter Yuri Vyazemsky, who falls by the brother Evgenia Simonova. The story of Yuri Pavlovich was based on the Social Drama "Jester".

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According to tradition in the shooting process, a spouse and stepdaughter are involved. In addition to them, the roles in the picture about a woman suspected of a husband in treason play, Pavel Trubiner, Gosh Kutsenko, Aglaya Shilovskaya, Victoria Isakov.


  • 1983 - "When the Bach played"
  • 1988 - "Jester"
  • 1991 - "humiliated and offended"
  • 2001 - "Blooming Hill Among Blank Field"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2006 - "Multiple"
  • 2008 - "Event"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2010 - "Elysium"
  • 2014 - "Kuprin. Fight "
  • 2015 - "Adult daughters"
  • 2016 - "Performance"
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"

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