Marilyn Monroe - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Kennedy, Films



It took more than half a century since the mysterious death of the famous actress, an inimitable blonde, the lively embodiment of the "American Dream" - Marilyn Monroe. But the interest in her personality, biography and the circumstances of death do not subsigh today. Initially imitating the luxurious Gin Harlow Marilyn subsequently became the object for worshiping from the Khollywood film actress.

Marilyn Monroe - Hollywood Legend

Obviously, such popularity required from the young diival of hardness character, mind and purposefulness. Unfortunately, to the end of the life, Marilyn Monroe perceived only as a living personification of sex, and will see the insightful and strong woman in the actress later.

Childhood and youth

The norm of Jean Mortenson was born in Los Angeles, California, June 1, 1926. The girl was the third child Gladis Baker, besides her mother had a son and daughter from previous relationships. With the Father Girls, a woman diverged a couple of days before the birth of a common daughter. In the birth certificate, the mother pointed out the fictional information that she had no living children. In addition, it is not known who is the father of the Hollywood Star. Being in a mature age, the actress itself argued that the records in the paternity certificate were not true, and the biological father of the norm is someone Charles Stanley Gifford.

Marilyn Monroe in childhood

The childhood of the future star is heavy and difficult tests. Due to Daia, Mother Gladis Baker, did not agree to take a child in his house, the girl had to give to the adoptive family of the Borenders who contained a family-type children's home. Here the girl lived before the age of age, regularly seen with his mother. Gladis also paid everything you need for her daughter, ranging from food and ending with campaigns in movies.

In 1933, the mother took the norm to himself, but literally a year later, the girl was left again without bed and protection, because Gladys was taken to the hospital with a nervous breakdown. Guardian over the baby took Metka, the best girlfriend mother of the girl. Unfortunately, the misadventures of the norm did not end.

Marilyn Monroe in his youth

In 1934, Grace married, but since the newly new spouses did not have enough money to provide themselves, not to mention the norm, they gave a new girl in the orphanage. In the future, the baby spent the time in the orphanage, then someone from relatives or friends of the mother. Later, the actress recalled that the teenage age became a harsh test for her, because several times she was trying to rape representatives of the families of those houses in which she lived.

Having become acquainted at 15 years old with James Dogrti, the norm soon married him. Marriage allowed the girl not to return to the shelter every time the next "virtues" will refuse her.


At 17, the actress began working at Padioplane Aviation Plant. In 1944, the photographers of the US Air Force were aimed at creating a number of propaganda photographs to maintain the combat spirit of soldiers participating in World War II. Then the norm and met David by Convor, a photographer, who offered a blonde blonde to work the model. It is not known that it attracted a man in a pretty, but at the same time an ordinary and simple girl, but soon this meeting was decisive in the fate of world celebrities. In January 1945, the norm left the plant and began to earn in what posted for Convers and his friends-photographers.

Marilyn Monroe in youth

David advised the young girl to contact the model agency, and in August, the norm signed a profitable contract. At the same time, the young model was recommended to change the image and take a pseudonym. The norm repainted the hair into a platinum color and was already filmed under the name of Jin Baker. The new image was popular, the woman quickly became a successful model in the agency. Such a rule saw billionaire and media signal Howard Hughes, who became interested in the participation of spectacular blonde in filming movies.

At the insistence of Ben Lyon, the executive producer of the 20th Century Fox film company, the norm again changed the creative name. The girl took the name of the mother's name, and the name suggested Ben, to whom the norm reminded the Broadway Diva Marilyn Miller. So the world famous name Marilyn Monroe appeared.

Marilyn Monroe in youth

For a long time, the actress did not receive invitations to the world of big cinema, but this was not grown Marilyn. Free from shooting time The girl spent on the lessons of dancing and vocals, as well as to learn as much more details of the filmmaking. In 1947, the contract with the actress extended. So far, the time of the second treaty has not expired, Marilyn appeared in several roles that did not attract much attention, but allowed to get experience to continue their careers.

In 1948, Monroe returned to the work model, and already in March he concluded a new agreement with the Columbia Pictures studio. Work in this studio did not bring a girl or noticeable roles, nor fame, but helped further development as actresses. Marilyn got acquainted with several talented scene workers who gave movie actresses a number of valuable councils about the image and appearance.

Marilyn Monroe in a swimsuit

In 1950, the star of cinema returned to the Studio 20th Century Fox and got the first role there, thanks to which the audience noticed the girl. In the painting "Asphalt jungle", Monroe appeared in the frame only in a few minutes, but the film crimits favorably responded about the young performer. A few months later, another film was published with Marilyn. The film "All about Eva" was destined to become a classic of Hollywood cinema, and the press with delight responded about the film that won 6 Oscars. Young Monroe received his share of glory.

Marilyn Monroe in the film

1951 became extremely successful for the actress. Monroe starred in several comedies, critics and journalists favorably responded about the young star and propheted to her by ambulance. So it happened, especially since the popularity of the actress influenced numerous spicy scandals, ranging from the founded photos from the naked Monroe, ending with the difficult personal life of Hollywood's stars.

In 1952 and 1953, Marilyn gained the fame of the kinodius, sex symbol and the most hot actress of the United States. A young and charismatic actress starred in a number of extremely successful paintings, and its partners around the platform were many Hollywood stars: Carey Grant, Fred Allen, Jane Russell.

The reputation of the sex symbol Monroe secured the participation in the film "Itching seventh day", and the episode with a "flying dress" (white dress) Actress has long been considered to be a cult. Unfortunately, at the time for Marilyn, the image of the "silly charming blonde," from which the star never gets rid to the end of life was fixed.

We remember the world and songs performed by Monroe in films. The composition I Wanna Be Loved by You from the film "In Jazz only" was especially popular.

For some time, Monroe did not even agree on the roles that differed in the stylistic from the already familiar work. Kinodiva repeatedly declared a desire to embody a serious dramatic image, but for a long time no one risked to conduct such an experiment. Only in 1961, a couple of months before his death, Marilyn Monroe played in the film "Incoming" girl named Rosil Tayber, a smart and sensitive person, looking for not marriage or adventure, and human heat.

Personal life

The scandals associated with numerous novels were constantly unfolded around the kinodius. The first marriage of the future star with the American baseball player Joe Di Majo officially lasted several years, but in fact, after six months after the solemn marriage ceremony, the spouses stopped experiencing feelings to each other, losing mutual sympathy.

Marilyn Monroe and Joe Di Majo

In 1955, Marilyn married Arthur Miller, who responded with admiration and respect. In this union, the woman tried to become a mother, but the pregnancy was ectoped. Couple divorced in 1961. Soon the playwright committed suicide with him in unclear circumstances.

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller

There were loud rumors about Marilyn Monroe's novel with US president John Kennedy and his brother Robert, but there were no official sources of confirmation of this version.

Marilyn Monroe forever remained an example of femininity and a symbol of beauty. In the appearance of the American actress, figure (height - 166 cm, weight - 52 kg), charming and creative character is hidden by the elusive spark of talent, incomprehensible for many.

Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy

It is assumed that the world's legend made rhinoplasty, this is evidenced by the records of the plastic surgeon of the Hollywood star Michael Hurddina. From the conclusion of an American physician, it follows that Monroe had damage to the nasal partition, probably obtained as a result of the fall.

Marilyn Monroe

American life is a grand novel, where a fairy tale, the story of love and the detective mixed together. The fate of the beautiful, famous and infinitely unfortunate woman did not give calm even scientists who tried to explore in detail each event that happened to the celebrity. Nevertheless, unsuccessful marriages, dozens of abortions, as well as staying in a psychiatric clinic forced to look at the other side of the life of Hollywood legends. Psychoanalysts Susan Israelson and Elizabeth Makawa, having studied the life and activities of the legend of world cinema, named in honor of the movie star, the special type of incompleteness complex - Marilyn Monroe syndrome.


Kinodiva went away in 1962 at the peak of a career. This caused a storm of conversations and versions around the happening, and in American society immediately spoke about the causes of Marylin's death.

It is known that the body of a dead actress discovered the housekeeper Actress Unis Murray. Monroe lay on the bed, squeezing the handset, and indoors were empty bubbles from drugs. Doctors who arrived in the place of the tragedy confirmed the first guess: the actress died from overdose of sleeping pills.

Marylin Monroe's grave

The position of the body (Monroe lying, stretching, face in a pillow), the strange fact that Marilyn did not leave a death note, as well as the fact that nothing in her behavior did not foreshadow such a desperate step, pushed the public on suspicion that the death of celebrities - Not suicide. In addition, constant gossip around the communication of the Hollywood actress with President Kennedy added a political tint to this tragedy. The mysters of the death of the star still remain unexplored.

Nevertheless, the official version of the investigation claims that the famous blonde committed suicide. One remains indisputable: with the death of Monroe Hollywood lost a bright style icon, which has become a legend else.

Monument Marilyn Monroe

After the death of film actresses, American directors often tried the first to embody the story of her life on the screen. Director Terry Sanders created in 1966 the documentary film "Legend Marilyn Monroe." This picture will be called the most truthful film in which the creators tried to show the actress of different, but at the same time realistic. In the film Director John Houston also presented the identity of the actress in an unusual perspective. Earlier, Houston invited a movie star in the film "Incomponed".

Running and brilliant, but at the same time, the tragic fate of a mysterious woman, which from an ordinary girl became a symbol of the era - the dramatic history of the twentieth century, forever won the minds and the hearts of millions.


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