Ksenia Xiabitova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Rose Daughter Xiabitite 2021



Ksenia Xiabitov is a TV journalist, a psychologist, whose biography is known in connection with her mother - a loved one for the sharp tongue of televasy Rosa Syabitova. Her daughter repeatedly became a guest of the transfer "Let's get married", which parents leads. Ksenia is optimistic about the future: it is passionate about the career and the establishment of life in a country house, which appeared from the Family of the Syabitovy.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia was born in 1992 in Moscow in the Tatar family by nationality. Her birthday fell on the sign of the Aries zodiac, which subsequently affected the character of Ksyusha - she grew by a cheerful and purposeful child.

Her childhood was on the dashing 90s, and, like all the children of restructuring, the girl survived the lack of funds, and the fracture of ideals, and the schools and mugs were closed everywhere.

In 1993, the father of Ksenia died. Michael was older than his wife, moreover, suffered from cardiovascular diseases. Ksyusha with brother Denis raised Mom, who approached this with all responsibility and even after 20 years continues to arrange the life of his heiress. The reason for such a long guardianship lies in the past roses - before the appearance of the firstborn, the woman survived 12 miscarriages, which put a cross on her dreams of motherhood.

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The control and enthusiasm of the Xiabitite is justified not only by maternal love, but also its own childhood. As the famous TV presenter remembers, her parents were alcoholics and did not care about children.

After the death of the spouse and brother, Rosa tried to open a jewelry store, but the harsh 90s and the raquency spread did not give her things. After losing business, the mother of Ksenia began to abuse alcohol, but he died on time and took himself in hand for the sake of children. The woman decided to make them happy, whatever it cost her.

Ksenia studied at the Moscow Secondary School No. 865. The girl showed the average results and school graduated as well. She distinguished himself, perhaps only at the competition "Fair of ideas in the south-west", in which children put design and research work. Ksenia took the diploma of the 2nd degree in this circumferential competition.

Personal life

The hype around Ksenia rose from the moment her mother decided that the girl was married, and began to look for her spouse. It started from the moment the daughter turned 19 years old.

The girl's personal life was formed when her mother was looking for a lawyer for personal affairs. Andrei Sknetkov's husband was a little older than her. A man teaches in the University of Law. The couple met about six months, and, finally, the dream of both mom and daughters took place. In August 2015, Ksenia married.

It is not surprising that Syabitite's wedding was under close attention from the first day of preparation. The organization assumed her mother. Rose decided to hold a fabulous event.

The triumph of Syabitova spent 15 million rubles, of which 800 thousand rubles. The bride went to the wedding dress, in which miniature Xenia (height 142 cm, the weight of 50 kg) looked charmingly.

Is it worth talking about all the seriousness of the approach to the organization, even if they chose the date with the help of famous astrologers. Rose also has also been a screenwriter and a leading event. Despite the numerous Tatar traditions in the family, the wedding was withstanding in Russian style.

However, the family life of Ksenia Xiabitite did not work out. The girl quickly began to take partition and routine in relationships, as well as complete misunderstanding in communicating with her husband. As a result, the marriage of Ksenia and Andrei collapsed.

As later it became known from the mouth of the girl himself, before the marriage of her groom planned to transfer the celebration, and immediately after the wedding began to complain about mental discomfort. As a result, the lovers lived together only a month, after which Andrei decided to leave his spouse. After a couple, the couple officially divorced.

The Divorce of Ksenia experienced hard. Even after 2 years, telling the details of the parting with her husband, the daughter of Rosa Syabitite could not hold back tears. According to Teleswa, only her husband is to blame for the parting of the spouses: she considers Ksenia to be an ideal wife.

The girl bites the tongue to the blood, only in order not to swear with Andrey. In addition, according to a Xiabit-Elder, it is possible that the man married the calculation, pursuing mercenary goals.

Ksenia on the topic of his divorce was on the air "Let's get married." According to her, the reason for the separation was the unpretentiousness of Andrei to family life. This version was voiced by sniffers in court on a marriage process.

However, the girl did not give fans due to the last girl. A correspondence with one of them Ksyusha laid out in "Instagram". Perhaps a stranger was inspired by one of her photos in a swimsuit, which she demonstrates in a personal account. There, Xiabitova lay out pictures from recreation, family parties and even frames on which it appears without makeup.

In 2018, Ksenia, together with his mother, visited the Ryazan Higher Airborne School as part of the Telecommunication "First In the Army". Communicating with Cadets, Syabitova-Elder did not forget about her daughter, looking after her a couple. As the rose later admitted, she needs to be called only with the dynasty, for example, from an officer or general family.

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In winter, 2018, Ksenia met the future chosen one. They became a man named Maxim Shevchenko. The first meeting occurred at the party in the hookah friends. The couple did not delay the candidate-batch period and had soon passed.

Maxim for 5 years older than Ksenia, works by an engineer-technologist. According to one information, it comes from the old Oskol, on the other, from Siberia. Man, like his chosen, loves to travel. Together they visited Paris, where they visited Disneyland. The photo of the kissing couple fell to the page of Ksenia in "Instagram". Followers Xiabitite rated her choice.

The offer of Ksyusha, her new boyfriend made a joint trip to Prague in December 2019. The solemn event occurred on the Karlovy Bridge in the light of the lanterns.

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For his groom Ksenia married in July 2020. Only close relatives of the couple were invited to the wedding. The bride was afraid that due to the pandemic of coronavirus infection, it would have to cancel the celebration, but it took place, albeit with some restrictions: guests tried to be at a distance of each other.

On the eve of the wedding, which was decided to celebrate in the country house of Xiabiti, the parents of Maxim and his native brother with his family arrived. Their welcoming rose placed in a guest house. Ksenia's dress acquired to order, as the purchased options for the girl did not fit. The mother hopes that the second marriage of his daughter will turn out to be more durable than the first, and the long-awaited grandchildren will soon appear in the family.

Haters were ambiguously reacted to the news about the marriage of Ksenia. She is predicted only the year of happy family life. In addition, rumors began to spread, about the fact that the bride is pregnant. Xiabitova really gained weight. As the girl admitted, it happened during quarantine. Ksyusha herself calmly reacts to the lips of the public: she is confident in his choice and in feelings.


After graduating from school, Ksenia entered the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation. She chose psychology specialization. The first independent achievement of the girl was the author's column in the journal "Women's Secrets", which she began to be held since 2013.

As a second higher education, Syabitova chose School of television "Ostankino". Plans to have an ambitious girl - to become a requested TV presenter. Ksenia sees himself in the future of the "Good Morning" program. A journalist impresses the possibility of first on the air to meet the viewers and give them a positive charge for the whole day.

In 2018, Xiabitov at the request of the mother became its director. She was engaged in the organization of business meetings Rosa Rafovna, the optimization of the schedule of her esters, meetings with the press. Syabitova-senior satisfied with the result. In addition, Ksenia is often independently appearing on television. For example, she spoke in the "Friday" channel dedicated to Ilona Mask.

One of the bright media projects of Rosa Xiabitite became a microblogging for the construction of the house "Generic nest", in which the TV presenter covered all the nuances of the construction of a country mansion. In the creation of the mother's project helped daughter. The girl was often becoming a direct participant in construction. New Ksenia skills mastered enthusiasm.

New 2019 Year The whole family of Xiabitis celebrated in a rolled country cottage. Mother and daughter bind not only related feelings, but also sincere friendship. Together with Rosa Ksenia began to regularly visit the gym. The girl, like her mother, managed to lose weight in a short time. Photocollage before and after Slimming Teleswa laid out in his microblog.

Ksenia Xiabitova now

Ksenia Xiabitov at the insistence of the second spouse changed the last name. After marriage, she became Ksenia Shevchenko. Now the girl continues to engage in the development of family business.

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