Nikolay Soskov - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, health, "Instagram" 2021



Nikolay Soskov more than half of life spent on the stage and for these years realized one thing - it is necessary to sing in your heart, work well. He can fulfill a threat composition, but it will not do this to the public, because as an artist has long gained its topics, and its original musical language."I consider myself a happiest person because I am a musician. If someone from the musicians says that the music broke his life on the shreds, in my case the music for me is a rescue circle. Without her, I would crazy in this world of reality. I would not have this exit to another reality or unreality. "

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born in January 1956 in a large family in the small town of Gzhatsk. Parents of the future singer had to work a lot to feed such a numerous family: in addition to a small amount, 4 children were brought up in the family.

Ekaterina Konstantinov's mother went to the boil in early in the morning, and then went on a construction site. Father Ivan Alexandrovich worked on a local meat processing plant, he possessed an inflexible character, enjoyed this authority and respect for the future musician and taught his son to never give up.

When the boy turned 8 years old, the family moved to Cherepovets. Here, Nikolai went to school, where he was engaged in creativity - he participated in matinee and school productions, and at one time I tried to sing in the local choir. With the latter it did not work out, about which the teachers were conveyed to the Father. When Ivan Alexandrovich asked her son, why he decided to quit his passion, the schoolboy seriously replied that she prefers to speak solo.

The boy was solemnly transferred to Bayan, who had once bought his older brother. The artist, with full responsibility, approached the study of a new tool, selecting the melody independently. In the future, socks also mastered the game on the piano, guitar, drums and pipes. The first musical recognition for the student came at 14, then he successfully performed at the regional competition of young talents of Russia, taking 1st place.

Nikolai dreamed of tieting life with music, but the head of the family considered otherwise. The son first had to stand up on his feet, learn a serious and demanded profession, for example, an engineer, and only then pay the hobby time. Therefore, graduating from high school, socks entered the professional technical school on the specialty of the electrician. Having gained useful skills, the young man began to sing in local restaurants. The artist forever remembered respect in his voice and look at Ivan Alexandrovich, when she brought his fee of 400 rubles. The older sock had to admit that the musician was also a job.


Nikolai Ivanovich came to the music industry thanks to the group "Pelevock" and a friend who solemnly stated the artistic director that all 15 people from the ensemble are not suitable for anything, unlike talented Noscova. Khudruk, struck by such audacity, became interested in a guy and asked him to convey his Moscow telephone.

The musician arrived in Moscow and scored the cherished number, in response he heard an invitation to speak. Nikolai Ivanovich from the station broke into Rosconcert, and in the evening I went to the "Young Youth" festival. There, the singer first heard the "necessary" people from the parties, who were delighted with his performance.

Noskova was taken to the group "People", where he performed throughout the year. Then she came to change the ensemble "Hope", but and there the performer did not fit. The repertoire of Moscow teams seemed uninteresting and trivial artist.

The first popularity of Noskov was involved in the Moscow team and cooperation with the genius composer David Tukhmanov. The musician first introduced the opportunity to work on a professional studio, and Tukhmanov turned out to be a demanding supervisor: he carefully followed the intonation and range of the performer. The composer taught the singer to follow his way and not attempt to become like someone else.

The group "Moscow" long existed, the participants recorded only one album and gave a couple of concerts.

In 1984, Nikolai Ivanovich moved to the "Singing Hearts" ensemble, and a year later, the vocalist of the popular rock collective "Aria" was tried to the place of the vocalist. Finally, in 1987, the performer fell into the Young Gorky Park, which was destined to bring real fame and the popularity of Noskov not only in Russia.

The team immediately aimed at a foreign audience, which could not please not please Nikolai Ivanovich, a fan of English-speaking rock. Then the performer and was written by the Bang song, which later became the megapopular, rising to the 3rd place in the MTV hit parade and still sounding on the radio stations.

Time in Gorky Park is the brightest page in the biography of Noscova. The guys were heated at Scorpions, and in 1990 they recorded a joint track, the first in the history of Russian rock concluded a contract with an American sound recording company, and with Polygram. The Collection of Gorky Park, released in 1989, took the 81st place in the list of the 200 most popular albums of the Billboard magazine, in Denmark the disc was gold. On stage next to the group stood Motley Crue and Cinderella, Bon Jovi and Ozzy Osbourne.

Unfortunately, the overseas managers were deceived inexperienced musicians, relations in the team deteriorated, and Nikolai Ivanovich began problems with voice. The socks left the project, Alexander Marshal came to replace the "Park of Gorky", who also did not stay there.

In 1996, the singer began to cooperate with the producer of Joseph Prigogina, revised the repertoire and style of execution. His compositions were now focused on the general public and fell under the definition of Pop Music.

1998 became a peak in a solo career in a solo career, Nikolai Ivanovich continuously toured in the country and gave a huge number of concerts, invariably gathering the Achlags. Soon the company Prigogine "Ort-Records" released the Album "Blazhe", the larger success brought the paranoia plate and the song of the same name, which became a hit for many years.

The composition was awarded the Golden Gramophone award, and in the anniversary evening in 2011, she sounded performed by Noscova and Pelagia. Both collections reprinted in 2000, under the names of "Glass and Concrete" and "I love you."

"I breathe silence" the performer himself considers some experiment and response to the requests of students who believe that socks are penetrating and in a unique manner performs the ballads. Therefore, the "Winter Night" was recorded on the verses of Boris Pasternak, the work of Heinrich Heine "To Paradise", "Snow" and "It's great", accompanied by a clip. The latter again recruited Nikolai Ivanovich to the top of the country's charts.

"Romance" on the poems of Nikolai Gumileva repeatedly sounded in a duet with Larisa Valley.

The album "On the belt in the sky" is a kind of surprise for those who are used to Rocker's socks. In addition to traditional electronic tools, the Indian Tabla and Bashkir Kurai sounds there, the compositions are inspired by the memories of the journey in Himalayas:

"I went to Tibet to meet people, in the eyes of which there is no envy and personal ego, I really missed her eyes. I was looking for them in Russia, but I could not find anything. "

Hit "I disagree to the smaller" chose to speak with the star Member of the Star Factory Dmitry Koldun.

In 2012, socks replenished their discographs the collection "Untitled", and also released a clip for one of the songs of the album - "Honey". In 2014, the premiere of the video was held to the composition "It is worth it."

In 2014, the artist gathered fans in Crocus City Hall, where he introduced the new trilogy program. Nikolai Ivanovich fulfilled ballads and romances, as well as famous compositions with albums accompanied by the Magnetic Fantasy string quartet.

In 2016, in the same hall, the performer celebrated the anniversary with concerts with the Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Chorus of the Sretensky Monastery. And at the same time, socks told that he recorded 3 songs for a new album, but the release was not in a hurry, because it takes time to obtain a meaningful result. But the musician pleased the fans with the clip to the composition "Gray Children" in 2017.

2019 was marked by the release of a new collection "Live" and a concert of the same name in the Crocus City Hall Hall in Moscow. The artist with Triumph returned to the scene after a 3-year break. Support a colleague and take part in the speech came Lolita, Stas Pieha, Vladimir Presnyakov, Nargiz, etc.

For details on their new program, the singer told in the program "Evening Urgant" visiting Ivan Urgant in November 2019.

After a concert in social networks and the media, enthusiastic reviews of the musician fans, who admired both the talent and the power of the Spirit of Noscova appeared. But there were negative comments: so, according to the leader of the Moral Code group, Sergei Mazaev, the performance of Nicholas Ivanovich was a "miserable spectacle", and the state of the performer himself is "weak."

Personal life

His only love and wife Marina Nikolai Ivanovich met in the restaurant of the city of Cherepovets, where he spoke in his youth. The singer fell in love at first glance, but the girl at first did not respond to courtship, although later admitted that she also liked the musician. The novel of the couple lasted 2 years, after which the lovers officially legalized the relationship.

The spouse of the artist graduated from the Textile Institute and has a degree in the designer of a female dress, but she did not work in a specialty for a single day. In the family of socks, they decided that her husband would earn money, and his wife was engaged in the house.

In 1992, the spouses were born daughter of Catherine. In childhood, the girl was very shy of the "star" status of the Father and even asked him not to come to school so that the peers would not recognize the popular rocker. Over time, she got rid of these fears and began to be proud of Nikolai Ivanovich.

Noscova already has grandchildren: in 2015 and 2017, 2 girls were born at his daughter. In 2020, the artist in an interview stated that he would soon be the grandfather in the 3rd time. Photo of the singer with granddaughters can be seen on his page in "Instagram".

Socks lives in the Moscow region and rarely appears in secular events, preferring silence and peace. The singer has a favorite shepherdon named Rosa, which always follows the owner.

In 2017, rumors crawled out that Nikolai Ivanovich broke up with his wife. The representative of the artist Yulia Sazhina then did not confirm anything and did not refute, only indignant, why the audience is interested in the personal life of the artist, and not creativity.

Health status

In March 2017, Nikolai Ivanovich had an ischemic stroke. At that time he rested alone at the cottage and almost a day spent without medical care.

The singer suffered an operation to remove thrombus in the cervical department, passed a rehabilitation course, and soon the producer Viktor Drobysh published an optimistic photo with socks, saying that he returned to creativity. The family of the artist even let the "Perfect Repair" program in the house.

A year later, fans and media were concerned about the state of the health of the stars. Colleague in the "Gorky Park" Alexei Belov said that Nikolai Ivanovich with a repeated blow in serious condition was placed in the hospital. Subsequently, it turned out that the artist just went to the sanatorium.

A severe illness, of course, affected the physical condition of Noscova, but did not break his spirit. The singer was immobilized by the right hand, besides, he broke his leg and walked, leaning on a cane. According to Marina, there was a small depression around the clock around the clock. But the support of the family, friends and fans cheered up the artist, and he sings better than talking about, which showed the frames of the transfer "Let them say", which was broadcast on the broadcast of December 2018.

In an interview with media representatives, socks told how he managed to recover after a heavy stroke in such a short time. The artist had to go through several rehabilitation courses, which included droppers, massages and a variety of physical exercises. Nikolai Ivanovich grateful for the financial support that he had a Russian author's society and composer Vladimir Kubashko.

Already in March 2019, the singer was published, appearing at the presentation of the new single of the Finalist of the Vocal Show "Home Scene" Alexander Ivanov in Your Eyes.

Socks lost, although it was not distinguished by a large physique - with an increase of 182 cm, its weight was 80 kg. Now the artist continues to rehabilitate after a stroke, although the number of meetings with the doctor and decreased due to a coronavirus infection pandemic.

Nikolay Soskov Now

In 2020, only 2 live concerts took place with the participation of the artist. Much more speeches were planned, but they are transferred to 2021.

In December 2020, socks on his page in "Instagram" announced an online concert to all be able to enjoy the atmosphere of a live speech. The live broadcast was carried out in Victor Drobysh accounts on Yutubeub and in Odnoklassniki.


  • 1998 - "Blazhe"
  • 1999 - "Paranoia"
  • 2000 - "breathing silence"
  • 2003 - "Ocean of Love"
  • 2006 - "On the belt in the sky"
  • 2008 - "Best Songs"
  • 2012 - "Untitled"
  • 2016 - The Best
  • 2019 - "Live"

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