Sergey Chigarkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, "Chizh & Co" 2021



Sergey Chigrakov - the legend of Russian rock, a musician, whose songs sing in karaoke, and in the yard under the guitar. His name was forever in the history of domestic rock, along with the names of Vyacheslav Butusov, Boris Grachekova, Konstantin Kinchev and others. His songs "On Love", "Phantom", "Eternal youth" today they feed not only devotees of fans, but also a new generation of listeners.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Chigrakov, or just chizh, was born in Dzerzhinsk. Parents of the future rock star were simple workers.

Playing the guitar you taught the elder brother, returning from the army. Senezh then was 11 years old, 6 of them he already studied in the Dzerzhinsky Music School named after Scriabin in the class of piano.

Legend of Russian rock Sergey Chigarkov

By 14 years, the young musician owned a guitar quite professionally and, together with his brother, played in various amazing ensembles of Dzerzhinsk, and then soldered. The first song, with which young Seryozhe Chiographs came out to the real stage, was the composition of Alexander Gradsky "Blue Forest".

The future rock star, having finished a music school in Dzerzhinsk, goes in the music school. The student life of the performer is always full of fun and temptations: a lot of new friends, girls, alcohol, rock and roll and natural departments. As a result, Sergey Chigrakova was expelled from the musical school for the ingredients. True, then the musician took up the mind, began to master the accordion, recovered and finished education almost perfectly.

Sergey Chigarkov in youth

Next, Sergey Chigrakov went to Leningrad to impress the admission committee of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. Krupskaya, in the people of the referred to as "Cuckra". Talented applicant was accepted at the Department of Orchestra conducting and folk instruments.

Having received a diploma of a higher musical education, the future legendary rock performer settled in a specialty in Leningrad CultProsvet, but, worked there for a long time, left to give a duty to his homeland. Military service The musician took place in the tank troops in the Latvian port town of Ventspils.

Sergey Chigrakov

Returning from the army, Sergey Chigagakov continues to study in "Kulk" in absentia and in parallel goes to the Jazz Studio of the Leningrad Conservatory in the Class of the Barabana. After receiving another musical education, Chizh returns to his native Dzerzhinsk. In his youth, Sergey began working as a music teacher and singing in the usual secondary school number 33. It was this experience that many years later lay down the plot of the famous song Sergei Chigracova "Eternal youth".


By the time Sergei Chigrakova, all Dzerzhinsky musicians are already well known, which is not surprising for such a small town. Then the school teacher workers at weddings are invited to Kharkov to play there at the local "extended day group", abbreviated "GPD".

Sergey Chigrakov with Alexander Chernetsky

Soon the Kharkiv "GPD" broke up. Sergey Chigrakov stayed with Alexander Chernetsky, Pavel Mikhailenko and the rest of the musicians who formed a new group called "Different People". When Chernetsky seriously fell ill, the money for his treatment was collected by the whole world. Boris Grebenshchikov and Yuri Shevchuk organized several charitable concerts and even wrote in the program "Look." While Chernetsky was treated, the frontman in the "different people" instead was Sergey Chigrakov. Then Alexander went on the amendment, he was able to reach the stage again, and they began to sing their songs with Chizhom.

After a couple of years, Chizh left "different people" to make a solo career. Boris Grebenchikov has long called the musician to Petersburg.

Sergey Chigrakov and Boris Grebenshchikov

In 1993, with its help, the chiographs recorded his own first solo vinyl record, which he called "Chizh". The hits of the album were the tracks "She did not marry", "eternal youth", "mouse", "I want tea."

The famous colleagues on rock and roll activities arranged Sergey a few concerts in St. Petersburg clubs. The sophisticated public adopted a new rock performer quite favorably, and Chiz decided to finally move from Kharkov to the Northern Capital. In a month he already had his own group "Chizh & Co", which the whole country soon learned about.

The year did not pass, as "Chizh & CO" already released the first studio album "Crossroads" and the live record "Live", without ceasing at the same time to perform on the scenes of various clubs. A year later, Sergey Chigigarkov and his company recorded a new album "On Love".

Chizh became the most real rock star. It's time to release the album of the best songs. The musicians went along the path of the least resistance: they recorded their speech in the St. Petersburg DK "Jubilee", where the hall was tuning to the front in almost every song. On the Wave of Success "Chizh & Co" went to the United States.

The creative biography of the musician is rich in foreign trips. In 1998, "Chizh & SO" tours in Israel and records the album "New Jerusalem" there, which included songs "on the field of tanks rumbled" and "Phantom". Then the artist goes to London. Having learned that Chizh in London, legendary since the Soviet times, Voice of America Sawa Novgorod residents invites musicians to their transfer to BBC radio. Then the recording of this program will be released as an album of the team "at 20:00 Greenwich".

A year later, Chizh and his company play a rock festival in New York, give a concert in Chicago, then return to Russia. No major rock festival in Russia can no longer do without "Chizh & CO".

Sergey Chigrakov and Chizh & Co Group

In 2002, Sergey Chigigarkov and his team participated in the creation of 3 tribute albums: Doshi Romanova, Egor Letov and the "Secret" group. And in 2004, Chizh carried a long-time dream, playing the blues of his own essay with real black blues musicians. In the project, called "Chizh & Blues Company", took part musicians "Herbert Maitlandt Band".

During the same years, Sergey records several albums together with his friends in the "Different People" group. In a duet with Alexander Chernetsky, the singer released a ComeBack plate, and with Pavel Mikhailenko - Disk "About Elephants". In 2010, the release of the album "Names" took place, in the creation of which Evgeny Margulis, Sergey Chigrakov and Romario participated. Critics and listeners have reacted positively to the experience of cooperation of three musicians, and the song "Tanya - Dura!" I got to the top of the chart-parade of Our Radio.

Sergey Chigarkov on stage

The anniversary of the Chizh & Co Group was celebrated with the scope of concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The team congratulated the most famous Russian artists. The last musical compositions recorded by Sergey entered the song "April". In its creation, the Tula Rock Group "Angel of Heaven" participated.

Personal life

Sergey Chigarkov is married for the third time. The first chief of the singer was Marina's classmate in the Dzerzhinsky Music School. The girl gave birth to Sergey Mikhail's Son, but after 3 years the marriage collapsed. Chizh, to which the musical glory just started to come, fell in love with Olga fan. Relief, by the way, was familiar with Marina, as girls studied together at one course.

Sergey Chigarkov with the first wife of Marina and Son

Sergey and Olga had daughter Daria daughter. The marriage of the pair existed for 15 years, but then the story repeated: Chizh fell in love with a random fellow train, which was younger than the musician for 20 years. New chief name was Valentina. Married at that time the rock musician dedicated the song to the new Muse, he was sought for a year. A young wife gave birth to Sergey Son Nicholas, and after 9 years, Daniel appeared in marriage.

Sergey Chigarkov and his wife Valentine

Personal life with Valentina has developed happily. According to Sergei himself in an interview, they have complete mutual understanding with their wife, they even "are silent" equally. "

Total musician has four children. The extramarital child, the son of Vlad, went in the footsteps of the famous father and became a musician. Later he gave the father of his grandson and granddaughter. But a short life was died of fate - a short life was shot down, the guy died.

Sergey Chigarkov with the son of Misha and the daughter of Dasha

Mikhail's eldest son received a medical education, works by a resactivity, Daria's daughter sings in the Father group, and Nikolay was passionate about football, every summer spends on sports fees. Often, a photo of a musician with his heirs appears in the press.

Sergey Chigarkov Now

In 2018, Sergey once again decided on a collaboration, which was successful. Together with the soloist of the Band Band Group, Mikhail Basakov, he recorded the song "to be famous."

Chiographs are still in demand with solo concerts on the expanses of the post-Soviet space. According to Sergey, his secret is simple. Every time he plays in a new way than surprises fans.

Sergey Chigrakov and Chizh & So Group in Tallinn in 2019

In early 2019, as part of the anniversary tour, the singer visited Tallinn.


  • 1993 - "Chizh"
  • 1994 - "Crossroads"
  • 1996 - "Polonaise"
  • 1998 - "New Jerusalem"
  • 1998 - "at 20:00 GRINVICHU"
  • 1999 - "nothing to lose"
  • 2001 - "Gaidn I will!"

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