Ernest Matskavyusus - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



The TV channel "Russia-1" is difficult to submit without this person. He dedicated to the work on television a quarter of a century. Talented TV host news, journalistic, entertainment projects, the speaker of the central TV channels of the country Ernest Matskaviqius love the audience and marked by state awards.

TV presenter Ernest Matskaviqius

In 2008, the journalist was awarded the medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland", and in 2014, the Order of Friendship was presented.

Childhood and youth

Ernest Mackevicyus was born in the fall of 1968 in Vilnius. Mama Marina Matskavichene - Journalist, father Gedrulyus Matskaviquaus - the founder of the plastic drama, the creator of the metropolitan theater of the plastic drama, Honored Artist of Russia. Ernest's father by nationality - Lithuanian, Mother - Russian.

In the house where Ernest Mackevicyus grew up, a creative atmosphere reigned. The future head of the television has learned early to read and write. In the first classes (up to 10 years old, Ernest studied in Vilnius) He wrote poems, short stories and scenarios for performances of the puppet theater. There is nothing surprising in this: dad played in the Pantomime Theater and in 1967 he received the title of "Best Mim Baltic".

Ernest Matskevicyus in childhood with his father

When the son turned 10 years old, her parents moved to Moscow. Mom worked in the newspapers "Evening Moscow" and "Labor", wrote to the journal "Crocodile". Father became a student of Hitis, after a couple of years he headed the amateur studio of Pantomime at the House of Culture of the Atomic Energy Institute named after I. V. Kurchatov.

Intelligent parents brought up the Son in the atmosphere of Full Freedom: the word "impossible" Ernest did not hear. From 10 years, the boy allowed to listen to the "adults" conversations of parents with guests who were sitting at hospitable owners for midnight.

Ernest Matskavicyus in youth

In an interview with Ernest Matskavičius admitted that already in 11 years he felt like a mature personality, and in the family never gave to understand that it was not. Therefore, the Son in adolescence escaped mistakes that made peers for the sake of self-affirmation. The guy did not use alcohol and did not smoke: he understood how parents would be grown. And the idea that I flew, did not occur.

Teenage hobbies Matskavyusius turned out to be harmless: the guy was fond of break dance, karate (the TV presenter green belt), played the guitar and read.

Ernest Matskhavyus

Mackevicyus did not shy away from the army: served in the border troops. Demobilizing, went to the feet of Mom and entered the faculty of MSU journalism. At one course, representatives of the future television channel NTV "First Wave" Vladimir Lensky, Sergey Gaponov, Andrei Cherkasov, Alexander Khabarov and Vladimir Chernyshev, studied with Ernest. A young journalist was presented a diploma in 1994.


The television biography of Ernest Mackevicyus started on the 1st year of Moscow State University. Since 1991, a novice journalist works on television. The young man took the correspondent of the BYD television company. After a couple of months, Mackevicyus led the program "13-31". A year later, becomes the correspondent of the program "Archipelag" on the first channel and makes materials for the Central Express International TV project.

In 1993, Ernest Matskavičius moved to NTV television channel. 8 years he was a parliamentary correspondent in the programs of this channel.

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In the fall of 2001, a journalist together with the team of Evgeny Kiseleva left NTV and began work at TV-6. He was a correspondent of the reality show "Behind the glass", the leading program "Touchlight". The year Matskaviqius worked by the Parliamentary correspondent "TV-6".

On the channel "Russia-1", a journalist has been working since 2002, starting with the author and leading Morning Prolog program. In 2003-2004 and 2007-2008, Ernest Matskaviqius led the election debate on the presidential and parliamentary elections, in 2005-2006 - the program "Vesti. Details. "

Ernest Mackevicyus in the program

Since May 2006, a journalist represents "news" and the "Vesti +" program. From 2008, the announcer leads "to lead" with Salima Zarif, Marina Kim and Tatiana Remezova. Ernest Matskavyusus was one of the permanent leading programs "Conversation with Vladimir Putin: continued" in 2008-2011.

The journalist has repeatedly become the winner of the Fort Boyard show. Twice participated in the game "One hundred to one": as part of the "Lokis" team in 2000, "lead in the frame" in 2013

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From the autumn 2015 to January 2016, Ernest Matskaviqius led the 2nd season of the Vocal Project "Home Scene" on the channel "Russia-1" in a duet with Nargiz Zakirova, which Marina Kravtsov later replaced. Tele show participants became musicians speaking in groups or solo. To the victory of each of them should have given a mentor - the star of the Russian show business.

Mackevicyus is known for the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin's policies. In April 2014, for the coverage of events in the Republic of Crimea, a journalist was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Vladimir Putin and Ernest Matskaviqius

In the summer of 2015, Ernest Matskavičius declared the refusal of international standards of journalism, offering to consider modern journalism mobilization. According to Matskavyqius, today journalism "allows you to defend in terms of information war", and the main "professional reflex" of colleagues should be the need to defend.

In 2016, a journalist, together with a colleague, Dmitry Guberniev, commented on Eurovision Song Contest from Stockholm. Ernest Matskavičius criticized the ban of Ukraine to enter the Kiev Russian participant in Yulia Samoylova and endorsed the refusal of the first channel to broadcast Eurovision 2017.

Dmitry Guberniev and Ernest Mackevicyus

The journalist believes that non-participation of the contestant from Russia contradicts human standards and is a spit on the basic principles of Eurovision.

"After all, the competition was created to unite the broken Europe after World War II. This is the first precedent for 6 decades, which is unpleasant to observe. "

In 2017, a new page appeared in the Ernest Labor Biography of Ernest: TV presenter gained a workshop and engaged in preparing future journalists in Mribis.

Ernest Matskaviqius prepares journalists in Mirbis

At the same time, he submitted to the court to the audience a documentary tape "Soros. Quantum of destruction ", which created as a director. The project on American financier and Philanthropes George Soros received warm responses to the public.

Personal life

In the youth Ernest Matskavičius, all the forces gave professions. He met the future wife when he worked as a parliamentary observer in the State Duma. The high school student Alina Akhmetova ran out of school and came to an excursion to the Supreme Legislative Body of the Russian Federation. Ernesta turned 30 years old, Alina 17. 5 years old Couple checked feelings. The young people did not hurry with children: Anna entered the university at the Faculty of Political Science. The hand and heart of Matskavyusus suggested a beloved girl in 34 years. The wedding of the couple played in 2003 in the restaurant of the Moscow Iris Hotel.

Ernest Mackevicyus with his wife

At 35, Ernest Mackevicyus became the Father. The daughter of the TV presenter appeared on a weight of 3.07 kg, 50 cm tall. The birth of Dahlia TV presenter considers the most significant event in life. In 5 years, she learned to read by dialing words on a computer keyboard. Daughter does not miss the releases of programs with his father and is his main fan. He is interested in learning English and mastering the piano.

The personal life of the television star was formed: a 13-year-old difference in age, he said, decreases every year.

Ernest Matskavyusus with family

I have free time at Matskavyqius, but when there are free days happen, Ernest reads, engaged in karate, plays a guitar or resting in the fresh air on the dacha near Moscow.

Favorite television dish - Lithuanian zeppelin.

Ernest Matskevicyus now

Now Ernest, in addition to the main work of the TV presenter, teaches at the First Academy of Media, where Andrei Malakhov can also be found among the lecturers. This educational site was created on the basis of the Mirbis Institute. In March 2019, entrance exams begin in the undergraduate of the university for courses of TV presenters, journalists and advertising specialists.

Ernest's professional secrets are also divided with orphans. His ward is the pupil of the Dmitrovsky orphanage boarding school Philip Battenin.

Ernest Matskaviqius and Andrei Malakhov - teachers of the First Academy of Media

Teaching talent Mackevicyus demonstrates both on-site master classes. Lectures of the television journalist could be heard in the summer of 2018 at the festival of modern journalism in Sochi. A particularly TV presenter is engaged in several high-ranking persons who teach the ability to give interviews.

In 2018, Ernest celebrated the 50th anniversary. Visiting the TV host visited the film crew "when all at home" program.

On the air, a man spoke about his family. Today, his loved ones is a daughter, a spouse, her mom and his native uncle TV presenter. As Mackevicyus explained, in the late 2000s he lost his father and still regrets that he could not say goodbye to him before his departure. After 3 years, Mom died from oncology. Moreover, Ernest was with her and at the last minute of her life. In memory of the favorite parents, Matskavyukius periodically accommodates their photos in "Instagram".

Ernest Matskavyusus, Tatyana Remezov and Nikita Mikhalkov in 2019

At the beginning of 2019, with the participation of Ernest Matskaviqius and Tatyana Rezhezova, a ceremony of the film "Golden Eagle" took place. Nikita Mikhalkov, Nikolai Fomenko, Vasily Lanova and other representatives of Russian cinema were present at the event.

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