Vladimir Gestoshin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Actor, 2021



Vladimir Gestoshin - Soviet and Belarusian actor and film director, whose creative biography began in 1970.

The number of his roles in cinematic projects has long exceeded a hundred. Vladimir Vasilyevich often appears in military and historical films, but the special love of viewers won the main role in the TV series "Truckers".

Childhood and youth

March 10, 1946 in the city of Sverdlovsk was born a talented actor Vladimir Vasilyevich Glevukhin. The boy grew up in a creative family. Father Vasily Gostyukhin headed the house of culture, and Mom worked as an actress of amateurant theater. The life of the child looked predetermined, but Vladimir surprised the family and after school went to study in radio engineers, while working in parallel with an electrician, after which he became the main energy.

During his studies, Vladimir Vasilyevich fell into the student theater. The future actor threw the technical school and spent a mass of time in the studio at the House of Culture. Gostyukhin more and more fond of acting skills and came to the conclusion that he wants to study this craft in the future, so I went to Moscow.

In 1970, Vladimir enters Gitis (then the State Institute of the Mooncharsky theatrical art). In the same year, he first starred in the movie "Was Month May", where he played an episodic role.

Then Vladimir Vasilyevich called on the army. After serving 2 years, Gostyukin returned to the capital. The actor worked at first in the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army, where he worked not on the acting profession, but was responsible for the furniture.

Looking after the scenery, Gostyukin 6 years spent a chance in anticipation of the stage. And after a dream, the dream was accomplished when the actor troupe fell ill, and Vladimir Vasilyevich was offered to replace the patient.

Personal life

The actor is reluctant in an interview with information about personal life. Even such a simple fact as the exact growth of the actor is not known. Sources in the media report different numbers: from 170 cm to 184 cm. About the family of Gostyukhina is also known a little.

For the first time, Vladimir Vasilyevich married in early youth, while studying in Gitis, on the girl named Galina. However, this marriage existed for long.

The second choices of Gostyukhina became the assistant of the artist in the costumes of Zinaida. In 1972, the spouse gave birth to an actor daughter Irina. But this marriage broke up 5 years later. The girl did not go in the footsteps of his father or mother, she found her job work, then settled in Aeroflot.

The third wife of Vladimir was the artist-Gymna Svetlana. With her, the artist met on the filming of the filmalman "in profile and anfas", which took place in Belarus. Gostyüchin stayed in Minsk. The couple got married in 1977, and in 1982 Svetlana gave birth to her wife to Margarita's daughter. The girl was creative in kind. She was fond of music, subsequently received the profession of the Germer and is now working at the Studio "Belarusfilm". This Union has existed until 2000. Immediately after the divorce with the Svetlana, the actor married the fourth time on Alla Straolich.

The actor has an extramarital daughter Alexander, who was born in 1986. Mother Girls became Tatiana TV journalist. Subsequently, Sasha graduated from Moscow State University and married an American. Gostyukhina children communicate with each other. Especially friendly Irina and Alexander. Their joint photos with the Father often appear in the media.


The debut works of Gostuhun in the cinema became poor roles in the paintings "Great Hunger," Heart of Russia "and others. The actor also appeared in a number of episodes of paintings dedicated to the military topic. The war entered the life of the artist, according to his recognition, in childhood. Vladimir's hometown after victory was filled with soldiers who returned to a peaceful life. Gostyukhina's father, who received disability at the front, often told his son about military time.

The first noticeable role was the work in a film about the feat of the Belarusian partisans "climbing" director Larisa Shephenko. It was a well-deserved success, as the guesthouse had to pass a complex casting, and he was chosen to their role. The film was highly appreciated by critics and the public. Film "Climbing" received international awards.

An important role in the fate of the actor was played by a multi-seater film "Walking on the flour". Gostyukhin after filming became a recognizable actor, people loved him, and began to invite many directors to shoot. Among the best works in the cityography of Gostyuhun, the films "in search of Captain Grant", "time chose us", "Fox hunting", "shore" and others.

Excellent actor game does not remain unnoticed, and Vladimir Vasilyevich begins to receive awards. In 1980, Gostyüchin was awarded the Leninsky Komsomol award for the role of seeds in the picture "Time chose us." In 1982, his game in the painting "Fox hunt" was celebrated at the San Remo Film Festival, where the artist received a reward for the best male role. In the same 1982, guesthouse awarded the State BSR Award for the role in the painting "I will take your pain", where the actor played Ivan Batrakka.

After 3 years for the role in the film "Coast", guests receiving the USSR State Prize. 1990 brought Vladimir to the reward for the best male role in the film "Our Armored Train" at the festival in Sopot. In the same year, the artist played the main character in the comedy Nikita Mikhalkov "Highway", which also starred Nina Ruslanov.

Initially, the director did not plan to create a full-length tape, the material was filmed for the Fiat car commercial company, but it was enough to install a full-fledged film.

In the 90s, Vladimir Vasilyevich began to appear on the courts in less often. The actor, the man of the old quenching, did not want to film the cinema and sistered the sentences. But in 1991, guests took part in the filming of the film "Urga" and received for this the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Later, his repertoire was replenished with the main roles in the film "Ameriken battle", "General", "Zavalnya, or Belarus in fantastic stories." In the role of the investigator, Vladimir Vasilyevich appeared in the Dram "Son for Father", in which Nikolai Eremenko-senior and Nikolai Eremenko-Jr. starred.

In 2001, the Actor agrees to the role that made it popular among modern spectators. Vladimir Vasilyevich plays one of the main roles in the TV series "truckers", the experienced trucker Fyodor Ivanovich. At the beginning of the series, Fyodor is deprived of the usual partner and is trying to adapt to the new one - the young and explosive Sashka Korovin, who played Vladislav Galkin.

The series about the adventures of the drivers' drivers and the acting duet developed in the project was loved by the viewers, so in 2004, Vladimir Gortheukhin returned to the image of an experienced driver in the 2nd Trankumkovian Season. In 2010, the actor is filmed in the 3rd season, his Fyodor Ivanovich is no longer a truck driver. He became temporarily acting director of the Avtobaz.

In addition to the popular TV series, the actor played in the sports melodraman "Team", where she reincarnated in the coach, who had a football team-outsider in the leaders of the tournament table. On the set by Vladimir Vasilyevich, Yaroslav Boyko, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexey Shevchenkov, Alisa Grebenshchikov.

Among the bright works of this time, the filler's "Hunting for Debr", "First After God", "Enchanted Plot" are launched in the artist's piggy bank. The topic of the Great Patriotic War, the artist continued the films "Death to spies. Crimea "," Military intelligence. West Front, "Three Days of Lieutenant Kravtsov".

Among the notable works, the audience was remembered by the film "Thaw" director Valery Todorovsky, who went to the screens in 2013. This year also brought the actor 4 main roles: in the Russian-Ukrainian military drama "1943", in the adventure film "Without right to choose from", in the drama "For a meeting", filmed by the story of Roman Stengin, and in the adventure melodrama "Train to North "

In 2014, the audience enjoyed the actor's game in popular films "Alchemik", "Christmas Trees 1914" and in the 4-serial criminal melodraman "Doctor Death".

In 2015, Vladimir Gestoshin played the main roles in the Mystical Drama "Cain Code" of Russia, Belarus and the United States and in the military mini-series "Sniper: Resistance Hero". In the same year, the actor began shooting in the adventure TV series "on the neutral strip", but the picture was not completed.

In 2016, Vladimir Vasilyevich played Ataman Peter Lazarev in the criminal series "Cossacks". In the film, we were talking about the murder of a married couple in the village of Krasnodar Territory, whose investigation was attracted by the metropolitan police major. He managed to go to the trail of the criminal. Anton Pupinous and Evgeny Sidikhin became performers in the film. In the same year, a family fantasy film "Santa Claus was released on the screens. The battle of magicians, "in which guests also starred.

In March 2016, Vladimir Gostouchin became the guest of transferring the first channel "tonight", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the actor.

Colleagues Maestro shared with viewers with memories of the stages of the career of the actor, and the jubilee showed fans of the family, the house and the country, which he considers the best place in the world. Despite the fact that the actor is not Belarusian, he loved Minsk and at one time decided to set off here. In Belarus, the actor noted the anniversary date by the monospectness of the theater studio of the Filmaker's National Film Studio "Belarusfilm" "Anna Snegina".

Vladimir Gostouchin now

After 3 years of creative break, Vladimir Glemouchin is ready to shine again on the big screen. In the series "Guardian Angel", which is devoted to the family chronicle of contemporaries of the October Revolution, the actor fulfilled a secondary role. In the multi-stage drama "Breaks of Grapes", the action of which unfolds from 1953 to 1980, Gostyukhin appeared in the form of the grandfather of Mihassa, through the story character.

In the historical saga, Vladimir Vasilyevich, Vladimir Vasilyevich plays one of the main roles. Karina Andoltenko, Anton Khabarov, Artem Bystrov entered the main acting. The artist appeared in the movie "Miraculous".

A noticeable premiere of 2020 became the dramatic series "Broken Mirror", in which the artist got one of the main roles. Ekaterina Volkov, Ekaterina Guseva, Stanislav Madznikov and other eminent actors took part in the project.


  • 1970 - "Was month May"
  • 1976 - "Climbing"
  • 1977 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1980 - "Fox Hunt"
  • 1985 - "In search of Captain Grant"
  • 1988 - "Our armored train"
  • 1991 - "Urga - the Territory of Love"
  • 2001 - "Truckers"
  • 2003 - "Team"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2011 - "Plot"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2015 - "Thin ice"
  • 2016 - "Santa Claus. Battle Mages "
  • 2019 - "Guardian Angel"
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2020 - "Broken Mirror"

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