Ada Rogologseva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Hell Rogotseva is one of the favorite actresses of the Soviet cinema. Her heroines on the screen are spiritual, proud and internally aristocratic women. The creative biography of the artist began in Ukraine, and she never changed his homeland, it was not impressed by the opportunity to move to Moscow. Now He hell Nikolaevna enters a peculiar ten of the most famous Ukrainian grandmothers, still filmed in the cinema, and also participates in the political life of the country.

Actress Ade Rogzhev

When the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, the Rogoltsev in the Interior Studio "Inter" stated that henceforth does not intend to accept invitations from Russian colleagues. Allegedly condemned it for 3 years for listed the earned fee in support of the Ukrainian army.

This information was not confirmed, but hell of Nikolaevna remains true to its position. About Russia actress responds as a country-aggressor, is afraid that her and children will "make slaves again", in an interview with Radio Liberty admitted that the main relics in the house is the flag with the autographs of the participants of the Right Sector.

Ada Rogshev with Ukrainian fighters

Nevertheless, Rogotseva starred in the series "Fernary Flower", supplied by the Russian director.

Childhood and youth

Head Nikolaevna was born in the small town of Glukhov, which in the Sumy region, 2 years before the beginning of World War II. Mom girls worked as an agronomist, and his father served in the NKVD, the son of Glory had already grown up in young spouses. When the USSR turned out to be drawn into hostilities, the corporal family found himself in Odessa. There Nikolai Ivanovich, the head of the family, tried to organize the evacuation of relatives through the ferry crossing.

Anna, his spouse, was pregnant at that time, and therefore neither she nor the children had time to climb on board. This saved them life. The ferry, which had to go Rogwessev, exploded a few minutes after despair from the coast.

Hell revolt in his youth

After this incident, Anna Rogovseva returned with children in Glukhov, and Nikolai Ivanovich went to Moscow, where he served in the protection of Nikita Khrushchev. Closer to the end of the war, the head of the family managed to knock out for the native room in a communal apartment in Kiev, and soon they all moved to the capital of the Ukrainian SSR.

They lived the cornerstoles to be unborn, but together, and even in friendship with their neighbors. About those times the actress later responded with a subtle irony and warmth. A few years later, when hell has already studied in the 5th grade, the Father translated again, this time in Poltava, where it was better with the products than in Kiev. Hunger, all this time pursued the family, retreated.

Hell revolt in youth

In this fertile edge of hell finished school. The talented and diligent student's girl was given easily, and, in addition to the classes themselves, Rogowsev often had been occupied in amateur in amazing, eagerly performed with verses of both classical and its own essay.

In addition, participated in theatrical productions. In the graduation class of Hell planned to enter the faculty of journalism, but, thinking, decided to risk and submitted documents to the Kypenko-Karoga Kypenko Chair Institute.


The young student was one of the best student of the course. The teachers celebrated her talent, hard work and perseverance. Soon hell became the Stalinist scholarship. On the 4th year, a familiar corner, actor theater and cinema Oleg Borisov, invited a promising artist in Nartd named after Lesia Ukrainka.

Head Rogoltseva performed on the stage of the theater. L. Ukrainki

Already in 1959, the girl debuted in the lead role in the formulation of the "Youth Poly Vorkie". Such a fast career growth turned out to be due to the fact that the young Rogoltsev turned out to be the youngest in the acting staff, and she had almost no competition.

At 23, Hell received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. By that time, yesterday's graduate managed to play 3 main roles in performances. Since 1960, since 1960, the rare season did without new plays, where the hell did not perform leading roles. In 1967, the young actress embodied on the scene of the native theater the image of the Poles gels of the Model from the play "Warsaw Melody" and did it so well that theatrical critics instantly began to praise the performer.

Actress Ade Rogzhev

For 3 dozen years, in the Academic Theater of the Russian Drama, Rogovev performed over 50 roles, including 5 images in the "Per Gunt" formulation. The artist worked with many talented directors. Among them, Eccentric Roman Viktyuk, appreciating the dramatic talent of actresses.

After a new artistic director Mikhail Reznikovich appeared in the theater, the atmosphere in the team began to heat up. The administrator began to survive people out of the theater uncomfortable for him. According to the hell of Nikolaevna, she became for the main enemy for Reznikovich. Soon the actress was forced to take advantage of Eduard Mitnitsky's proposal and start working in the theater "On the left bank".

Hell Rogovseva and Roman Viktyuk

In zero hell, the Rogovsev received Roman Viktyuk, an old friend and admirer. Cooperation with the theater of this director lasts a few years, together they created a play dedicated to the last years of the life of Lesia Ukrainka, where the actress played the role of Great Poets. After this hell, Nikolaevna participated in the entrepreneurial performances.

The actress cooperates with the "Constellation" theater, where the director of the daughter of Catherine works.


To participate in the film production of hell Nikolaevna began, while still a first-year student. In 1956, the first film was released with the participation of the actress - the "Bloody Dawn" film, where the Rogothev played a secondary role. For one and a half decades of hell, he also participated in a number of projects, appearing on the screen literally for a couple of minutes.

Ada Rogoltsev in the film

In 1970, a film was released, who made him the corrodentist famous for the entire USSR - two-particle military drama "Salute, Maria!". There, a young actress reincarnated in the underground worker Mary, a girl with a heavy and tragic destiny. Hell became so popular that the readers of the magazine "Soviet screen" assigned her the title of the best actress. The picture itself in the cinemas looked at 17 million viewers.

In 1971, the young Rogothev participated in the play by the play "Stone Host". Her partner on the set was Bogdan Mortar. In the painting on the development of space "Taming of Fire", He played the wife of the General Designer (Kirill Lavrov). The film is awarded the main prize of the film festival in Karlovy Vary.

ADA ROGORTSEVA and Cyril Lavrov in the picture

Then the work was followed, which is still considered the brightest filmography of artists and according to which it will first learn - the Motheric drama "Eternal Calls". Rogotsev starred as a woman, humiliated with his native father, married the unloved and all his life hiding feelings towards another man.

In the melodrama "Father's three sons" Head Nikolaevna appeared in the image of a family of a family, within which the conflict begins, and only the tragedy unites his members.

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The actress was often often played by mothers, wives, grandmothers, in general - heroines living concerns about others, all understanding and all forgiving.

If these characters do not sacrifice their own interests, then move them far to the background. For example, "Elegia near Moscow", "Seventeen Left boots", "Tomorrow will be tomorrow", "Hunt for the Island".

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However, in the drama "Winter Romance", the heroine of the cornerstsev borne such an existence, and her decision to leave home to a random acquaintance turns close to shock. The same in the spirit of women, decisive cool to change the fate, turned out to be at the Caucasus and melodrama "Two kilometers from the New Year."

Personal life

With her husband, Constantine Stepankov, Youth Hell met, enrolling in the university - the future spouse taught at her course. The feelings between young people flashed rather quickly, but the couple waited until the Rogovtsev releases from the walls of the institute, and only then Konstantin made a beloved sentence. In 1962, the son of Kostya was born in the family, and another 10 years the daughter of Catherine appeared.

Hell Rogoltseva with her husband Konstantin Stankan and daughter

5 years old Konstantin Petrovich did not live to a golden wedding. The actor died for a long time and painfully, the family struggled for his life, but in 2004, Stepanov died. After 8 years, another tragedy occurred: Constantine, the son of the cornerstone died of lung cancer. This loss sucking the actress. According to the hell itself, Nikolaevna, she remained to live only thanks to her daughter and Troim grandchildren. Later on the personal life of the star of the movie wrote the book "My Kostya", based on the diaries of the husband.

In 2018, according to a number of sites, the name of the famous artist was introduced into Ukrainian history textbooks, along with the name of the young colleague Ahtem Seitablaeva.


With him, Hell Rogoltsheva plays in the play "Be at home". In addition, a man is known in Ukraine on the film "Cyborg" about the defense of the Donetsk airport, which has established a record for cash collecting.

Head Nikolaevna told that he did not love pursuing in his youth, and with age, he believes there is no need to decide in diamonds. The actress, of course, loves all sorts of "female things", but only about. In the photo she tries to look restrained elegant.

Hell Rogoltseva now

2019 began for the hell with a revolt with a new theater formulation. Together with Satyrian writer Viktor Shenderovich, the actress played in the play called "What the hell!?".

Viktor Shenderovich and hell Rogologseva

The premiere of Anhydriza took place in London, because the producer and co-author of the play lives there.

In February, Nikolaevna came across the All-Ukrainian Forum "Open Dialogue" in support of Peter Poroshenko as a candidate for the presidency.

Petro Poroshenko and Ada Rogtsev in 2019

The artist urged to judge applicants for the highest state post of the country for specific cases, and in the baggage of the current chapter, the Rogotsev believes, a lot of achievements.


  • 1956 - "Pavel Korchagin"
  • 1970 - "Salute, Maria!"
  • 1973 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1980 - "Heavy"
  • 1998 - "Two Moon and three Suns"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2006 - "Rocks. Song Long in Life »
  • 2008 - "Ermolov"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2010 - "Stamp"
  • 2013 - "Efrosinya"
  • 2014 - "Dangerous Love"
  • 2016 - "I love my husband"
  • 2017 - "Love Recipe"
  • 2018 - "Ring Ring"

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