Ivan Dobronravov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Ivan Dobronravov is a representative of the famous acting dynasty Dobronravov. Ivan and his elder brother Victor managed to achieve a high plank of professionalism, which Fedor Dobronravov raised. In the piggy bank of the artist there is a prestigious award "For the Best Male Role", received at 21 at the Kinotavr Film Festival, as well as other filmmakers.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in Voronezh on June 2, 1989 in a creative family. The parents of the boy graduated from the Voronezh Academy of Arts: Mother Irina Dobronravov - a certified organizer of mass events, and Father Fedor Viktorovich - actor, both Russians by nationality. The family moved to the capital when Vanya was fulfilled a year, and Vite - 7. To Moscow, in the Tatroup Satirikon theater, Constantin Rykin, who has noticed a talented artist on the scene of the Voronezh youth theater.

The acting art of the boy was carried away from early childhood and, as soon as she had grown, began to participate in theatrical productions along with his father. In the play "Servants and Snow", Vanya played the role of Podlidysh Miki, and in the formulation of the "city of millionaires" was on the same stage with the famous Inna Churikova and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Often the roles of Ivan got small and even without words, but each of them was a kind of "brick" in a young actor career.

In the youth, Ivan Dobronravov seriously carried away drawing and even wanted to enter the design faculty after school, but the acting genes won. After graduating from school, Ivan became a student of the B. V. Schukin. During his studies at the university, the young man showed himself in the production of "Procession" on Joseph Brodsky, "On a Boykoe Place" in Alexander Ostrovsky. Diploma on higher education Dobronravov-Jr. received in 2011. Soon, the young man replenished the troupe of the Theater Anton Chekhov, where he received the role of Drew in the "Fence" play Norma Foster.


For the first time on the screen, Ivan Dobronravov appeared in the series "Seekers" in 2001. At the sample, the 11-year-old Vanya fell by chance. From boredom, he came with his father on Mosfilm and fell to the eyes of the creators of the mini-series "Seekers". The producer did not like the previously approved candidate, and the assistant was urgently looking for a boy suitable for the role of the boy. Vanya was approved after the first sample.

In the "seekers" Ivan Dobronravov got an episodic role, but a year later, he starred in a multi-sieu film "Taiga. The course of survival, "where he entrusted the role of the son of one of the main characters. On the shooting "Taiga" the guy also got accidentally.

The brightest work of Ivan Dobronravov in the young years was the role in the film "Return", released in 2003. Director of the picture Andrei Zvyagintsev entrusted the 14-year-old guy a major role. At the Venice Festival, Drama Zvyagintsev received five prizes, including the main award - "Golden Lion". In Russia, the picture was awarded the Nika and Golden Eagle prizes. In Lido, speaking to European journalists, the 14-year-old Ivan Dobronravov was first publicly admitted that it would connect life with acting art.

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In 2006, Dobronravov passed the samples in the series "Cadet": the student "Pikeki" approved the role of Suvorov Levakova, a high, thin (now the growth of the artist reaches 177 cm, weight not higher than 76 kg) orphanage. Shooting a 17-year-old actor compatible with graduation school exams and enrollment in Pike. A tight work schedule and study turned out to be a difficult test for Ivan, but he did not leave the project. Father appeared in the "Cadet": Fyodor Dobronravov played the father of Suvorovtsa nephery.

Father and son met on film shooting sites more than once. In the Ukrainian TV series "Svata", Ivan played a policeman who detained Ivan Budko, and in the Mom's film Fedor Viktorovich fulfilled the role of the father of the hero of Vanya. In 2008, in the creative biography of Dobronravov-younger, it was a one-year break, but from the 2010th actor appears on the screen in 2-3 pictures per year.

During the years of students and filming in the dramatic paintings, Ivan Dobronravov wade a characteristic actor. The audience was remembered by his work in the films "Short circuit", "truce", "Elena" and in the series "Poor relatives" and "Fate labyrinths". The main role in the painting "truce" brought a new splash of popularity to the young artist: at the Festival "Kinotavr", the film was noted by two prizes.

The melodrama "Elena" was successful, released on screens in 2011. This is the second film Andrei Zvyagintsev, in which Ivan Dobronravov starred. The picture was awarded the prize of the Cannes Film Festival, and Dobronravov was lucky to work on the shooting with the stars of Russian cinema with the hope of Marquina, Andrei Smirnov and Elena Lyadova.

The artist does not change and agrees to work only with the best directories of Russia and Ukraine. In the repertoire of Ivan Dobronravov, the drama "Judas", "Champions of the Saving" and "House" appeared. He starred in the wonderful comedic filmalman "Moms", in which Marina Blue was his filmmaker.

In 2012, Ivan tried his strength in scenario art, becoming co-author of short films "Victory Day". He also played a major role in the film. The film has received a prize at the competition of military projects "filmmaking" in the nomination "The best movie of the year".

A mansion in the filmography of the actor is the Serbian-Ukrainian Social Drama "Istalgia", in which Ivan Dobronravov entrusted the key role of the young men of Bogdan, the son of Eastern European emigrants. The film was discussed about the relationship between three pairs of lovers of different ages and social status.

2013 It turned out to be especially generous for artist. Ivan starred in the biographic drama Pavel Parhomenko "Gagarin. The first in space, "where Boris Volynov played the cosmonaut. In the wide rental of the tape came out in the summer of 2013. In the same year, 5 serials were broadcast with Ivan Dobronravov. High ratings received projects "Passion for Chapay", "Legends about the Circle" and "Love by Million".

Loud success was accompanied by the historical project "Catherine", the premiere of which took place in 2014. Ivan Dobronravov appeared in the first season of the series in the form of Metropolitan Pimen. Next year, the artist was pleased with the work fans in the psychological thriller "Method": along with the main characters performed by Konstantin Khabensky and Paulina Andreva Dobronravov Jr. appeared in one of the 16 episodes, playing Pavlik Tolmachev.

In 2016, the actor starred in two sparkling comedy ribbons. The idea of ​​the film "Country of Miracles" belongs to the Quartet and. The Chief Heroes of the Comedy played the "quartetovtsy" Leonid Baraz, Alexander Demidov, Camille Larin and Rostislav Khait. Nice roles went to Ivan Dobronravov, Elena Yakovleva, Janu Tsaznik and Oles Zheleznyak.

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The second comedy, the premiere of which took place in early January 2016, - "Man from the Future". A no less interesting project for Ivan was the comedy "to marry Pushkin", in which the main character, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, played Alexander Bortich.

In 2017, fans welcomed the appearance of Ivan Dobronravov in the 16-serial spy detective "Hunt for the Devil", where he played a specialist in European languages ​​Andrei Koltsov. The main role in the series went Sergey Bezrukov.

In March 2018, an event occurred in the Dobronrav family, which forced them to rally even stronger than before. Fyodor Viktorovich fell into the hospital with a diagnosis of stroke. The attack from the actor began on tour, during the performance. Fyodor Dobronravov was on stage, when suddenly he had a hand. Signs of stroke recognized his partner on the stage of Tatyana Vasilyeva.

The artist was taken to Moscow, highly qualified doctors connected, operation was carried out. Ivan Dobronravov talked with journalists. He said that the state of the Father stabilized. Together with Viktor and Mother, the young man was constantly in the hospital. A month later, Dobronravov-Sr. has already returned to the theater.

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Family troubles were not knocked out Ivan from the creative gauge. It is still involved on the scene of Anton Chekhov's theater, and also plays in new film projects. Among his works - the role of the second plan in the sensational drama "Buy me" with Julia Hlynina, Anna Adamovich, Svetlana Ustinova in the main acting ensemble.

In 2018, Ivan Fedorovich Dobronravov appeared on the screens in the 16-serial melodrama of Dmitry Cherkasov "Free Matter", where he got one of the key images. The crime drama Yuri Frost "Player" about the talented graduate student who came up with a scheme to beat the casino was also published on the screens. Ivan, along with Maxim Matveyev, Artem Tkachenko, Alexandra Child, Nikolai Kozak entered the main acting.

In the same year, the artist's filmography was replenished with new work in the short film "Attack of the Dead: Osovo". Director of Painting Vasily Chiginsky in a short time managed to deploy an epic story on the screen about the feat of the soldier of the Russian army during the First World War. In the film, Ivan played a major role, submitted to the audience in the form of Vladimir Kotlinsky, the porquet of the Russian Imperial Army.

Interesting for the actor was the work in the series "Vocal-Criminal Ensemble". Since the events of the multi-sieuled tape have unfolded in the 70s of the 20th century in the Union, the Contractor had to submit to the public a "portrait" of a fashionable musician of that era - in the broken jeans, with long hair and mustache. The fans saw Dobronravov in the image of the group's drummer, Pasha Pasha.

Personal life

Being an actor already held, Ivan lived for a long time in the parent house and did not think about his own family. In any case, the personal life of the artist always held "for the scenes" and never talked about novels with girls. In December 2017, it became known that the representative of the acting dynasty changed the family status. His wife became a girl named Anna Dobronravov.

The wedding passed in a closed format, only close and native newlyweds were invited to the celebration. Photo events fell into accounts in the social networks of the wedding guests. Ivan himself did not start a profile in the "instagram", but the pictures of personal content fell into the Internet.

In the plans, young people had the creation of a happy family and the birth of children, because before the eyes of Ivan, an excellent example of the marriage of parents and her older brother Viktor Dobronravov, who had already grown two daughters - Barbara and Vasilisa. In 2018, the spouse presented the daughter with the actor, Veronica Dobronravov.

Earlier, in 2015, the male part of the Dobronravoy family became the guests of the New Year's release of the Evening Urgant show. In the program, the actors shared with the audience with cute histories from childhood, they spoke about the traditions of the meeting of the New Year, and also took part in comic "fortunening", predicting the future of the country.

Men also appeared together in a festive program dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. In the program, the Family Trio performed a wonderful military song "Evening on the raid". The composition created in 1941 composer Vasily Solovyov-gray on the verses of Alexander Churkin.

And during the quarantine, caused by the epidemic of coronavirus infection, Dobronravov again pleased the fans with the joint performance of her beloved hit. This time the choice fell on a popular hat "There is only a moment". This song was composed by Alexander Zatsepin for the words of Leonid Derbenev for the Soviet film "Land Sannikov". The audience appreciated family creativity - the video scored a lot of views and received enthusiastic comments.

Ivan loves travel. Somehow, in an interview, the young man was mentioned that Rome and Venice made an indelible impression on him. In his free time, the actor meets with friends, playing basketball, visits the concerts of jazz teams, listening to classical music and plans to visit France.

Ivan Dobronravov now

In 2020, the actor continued his career in the cinema. Fans saw the performer immediately in several bright projects. So, Ivan participated in the repeated film "Mary" directed by Sergei Pikalov. The picture starts in 1914, and ends in 1921. In Lente Dobronravov played the investigator Voronov, who conducts interrogations of the main character accused of organizing the Yaroslavl Mondezh in 1918. Aksenova, Yuri Chursin and other performers also entered the cast.

An episodic role was performed by Ivan and in the sensational film director Angelina Nikonova "Has anyone seen my girl?", Telling about the Karina of the Qotor and Her Money Sergey - young people who were considered the most bohemian pair of St. Petersburg of the 90s.

Ivan also met on the set with his relatives, father and brother, this time in the melodrame "from sorrow to joy." In the series, Fyodor Viktorovich embodied on the screen the image of an exemplary family man, the front of production, facing a serious life test, - with the love of the younger son to a woman who is much older than him, the mother of three children. The role of "Ladies of the Heart" was played by Irina Pegov.

The actor filmography entered another ironic short film "seemed". The director Baybulat Batulin presented a fun picture in front of the audience, in which the character played by Ivan was a teacher of physics Alexander Aksenov. An unusual object, seen by the hero near his house, changes the life of both the teacher and the city administration.


  • 2001 - "Fortors"
  • 2002 - "Taiga. Survival course "
  • 2003 - "Return"
  • 2006 - "Cadet", season 1
  • 2012 - "Poor relatives"
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space »
  • 2013 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "Love by Million"
  • 2014 - "Catherine"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2016 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2016 - "Man from the Future"
  • 2017 - "Devil Hunt"
  • 2018 - "Buy me"
  • 2018 - "Filter Grem"
  • 2018 - "Theory of Probability"
  • 2020 - "Has anyone seen my girl?"
  • 2020 - "Mount"
  • 2020 - "From sadness to joy"
  • 2020 - "seemed"

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