Victor Horinyak - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Vladimir Yaglych, wife, children 2021



A talented actor spent loud after the appearance in the rating sitcom "Kitchen", where he played one of the main roles. Since the release of the series, Victor's biography and personal life are interested in fans of his talent.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Viktorovich Horinyak (height 184 cm, weight 75 kg) was born in March 1990 in the cold minusinsk, which in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Three children were brought up in the family, Victor has older brother and sister. Parents are not connected with the world of art, nevertheless, their younger child grew artistic.

His hobbies were not limited to and were not controlled by the elders. Since childhood, he was glad to participate in school productions and KVN, a poem readably. Several times participated in the competition of readers, but it was not possible to defeat him. This caused Victor surprise, because he sincerely believed that he was reading the best.

As a child, Horinyak was a leader, an active participant in various school events, was not sitting in place. Leadership qualities have repeatedly come in handy in life, including in resolving the decision to change the initial plans and enter the theater university, where many were dreamed of falling, and the units did, on the way to the tops of the acting profession.

The guy in childhood was fond of sports, highlighting volleyball, judo and boxing. He studied well. At 10, Victor became a cadet of the Norilsk Cadet Corps. In the new place of study, the teenager managed to show leadership qualities: he was appointed commander of the company and received 100 people into submission. At the end of the educational institution, Chorinyak chose any university of the country, as the results of the exam were brilliant.

Victor's professions were several. In the first place was medicine. The guy crashed without exams to go into a medical university. Oddly enough, the acting in the list of Horinyak stood on the last line of the list.

When choosing a city, where it was to be a student, Victor decided not to be broken and chose the capital. When he arrived to conquer Moscow, the priorities suddenly changed: Acting came to first place. A simple guy from the provinces from the first time entered the School-studio MHT, withstanding the competition. Victor studied in the workshop Dmitry Brusnikna and Roman Kozak.


Playing the scene of the Small Art Theater Victor began another sophomore. It was not easy, as student studied thoroughly, did not miss the classes. Therefore, the novice artist has finished home: rehearsals and performances after classes in theatrical occupied almost all day.

Once the director MHT Alexander Mokhov, noting the efforts of a capable student, risked and entrusted him a major role in the play "Lady McBet Mtsensky County". The setting was held in Tabakcoque, and accompanied by considerable success. Theaterly immediately noticed the excellent game of an unknown young actor, a brilliantly fulfilled the role of Don Juan from the province. For the work in the performance of Mokhov Horinyak was awarded the Oleg Tabakov award.

At the end of the university, the actor was enrolled in the composition of the theatrical troupe of the MHT. In his repertoire - productions "Pickwick Club", "Konk-Gorboon", "Undina", "Piece" and many others. There are loved roles. The novice actor plays the Raughn in the play "Crime and Punishment".

The nature and motives of the actions of this hero Victor are understandable and close. The artist receives the same pleasure when performing in the "Pillow Man". There he is reincarnated in an evil policeman. Remarkably played the actor of another hero, this time Bulgakovsky. The artist entrusted the role of the master in the formulation of the novel "Master and Margarita".


Fame to the young artist came through participation in Bright Sitkom. The cinematic biography of Viktor Khorinyak is not as great as the theatrical, but the appearance in the cinema brought a recognition to the actor. For the first time he appeared on the screens in 2007, starring in the TV series "Law and Order". In the period between 2007 and 2011, Viktor Horinyak performed episodic roles in the "Stroybataya" TV projects, the "risk zone", "Team Che" and "Night swallows".

Victor Horinyak in the series

Wake up the popular TV series "Kitchen" helped him. In this project, the actor has been shot since 2012, playing an insecure and cute bartende, which arrived in the capital from Krasnoyarsk. For truthfulness, the young actor had to visit Barmen's courses, where he was trained to cook cocktails. But during filming, new skills did not succeed - in the frame, the actor mostly rubbed and put the glasses and made coffee.

On the set of this many beloved Master Series, Victor met such matrahm of cinema, like Dmitry Nagiyev and Dmitry Nazarov. At the stage platform, the artist became close to young performers - Mark Bogatyrev, Sergey Lavygina, Mikhail Tarabukin, Sergey Epishev, who played the employees of the restaurant.

Huge series ratings forced the creators to write a continuation of exciting history. In 2014, "Kitchen in Paris" came out, and 2016 presented a new portion of humor in the comedy "Hotel" Eleon ", where Horinyak also played one of the main roles along with Olga Kuzmin's on-screen wife. After such a well-played image, the actor starts to receive interesting offers from directors.

In 2013, Horinyak is removed in the sensational series "Thaw", where the actor Ruslan, a real Russian guy, who was experiencing a fervor one of the heroes - the brother of the main character. Illuminated by Victor and in the TV series "Kuprin". The role of Anatoly Kovalev in the "Young Guard" was noticeable, telling about the activities during the war created from adolescents a sabotage detachment who had confused in the ranks of the German troops. Together with Horinyak, Nikita Teesin, Katerina Spitz, Vyachesil Chepurchenko, Irina Gorbacheva, Yuri Chursin, entered the main acting of the military drama.

In the main character - the swimmer of Artem Savushkina Victor reincarnated in the melodrama "CONTHERY, OR LESSONS OF FLOW WILL STAIN". Having received an injury that put a cross on his professional career, the hero returns to his hometown, where youth forgot about sports. Artyom will have to return interest in him to teenagers.

Victor's films begin to enjoy great interest in the audience, and, as noted by some critics, the actor has great prospects and considerable creative potential.

Viktor Khorinyak is often confused with another Russian actor Vladimir Jaglych, who was shot in the films "We are from the Future", "Warrior", "Crew". The actors are similar, although Horinyak younger Jaglycha for 7 years.

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In 2016, Horinyak starred in the picture "Champions: faster. Higher. Stronger". In the film dedicated to the victories of Russian athletes, Eugene Pronin, Christina Asmus, Sergey Bondarchuk Jr. were also played. The role of the athlete of Vova, in love with one of the twins, the artist performed in the comedy "Keep a blow, baby!" Where Ekaterina Vladimirov also appeared, Mikhail Porechenkov and Konstantin Kryukov.

Among the new films of 2017, with the participation of Victor, a detective thriller "Dead Lake" is listed. The main character performed by Eugene Tsyganova, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, departs from Moscow to a small northern city to reveal the mysterious killing of the daughter of a local magnate. Gradually, the investigator learns all the new and new secrets of the inhabitants of the city lost in the Siberian Taiga. In this picture, in addition to Horinyak, Pavel Tabakov, Glucose, Alexander Robak, Lion Jumperov, Timofey Tribunesey were shot.

Horinyaka got the main role in the comedy fairy tale "The Last Bogatyr". According to Ivan, who is played by Victor, making a living, issuing himself for psychics. Once he enters the fantastic world, populated by the characters of Russian fairy tales.

Victor Horinyak - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Vladimir Yaglych, wife, children 2021 20898_2

Here Ivana is taken for the son of Ilya Muromets, the sword is a mood and waiting for great feats. Ivan is shocked, but forced to take the case. Elena Yakovlev, Ekaterina Vilkova, Konstantin Lavronenko, Sergey Burunov, Alexander Sechov also starred in this picture.

Another film with Viktor Horinyak in the lead role was "Purga". Shot along the novel of Andrei Kivinov, who wrote a script to the film. According to the plot of 3 friend, fate is changing, fading New Year's desires. Finding into a difficult situation, all three dream of one thing - to survive.

The famous franchise that gave the TV series "Kitchen", "Hotel Eleon", received a continuation in the comedy of 2018 "Grand". This time the story is built around the new employee of the Moscow Hotel Ksyusha (Mila Sivatskaya). Victor appears in the familiar role of the bartend bone.

Comedy 2019 with the participation of Viktor Horinyak in the lead role - the film "Sober driver." The main character on the first night after arriving in the capital, where he plans to work in a taxi, gets acquainted with the Hunt for the wealthy men of Christina (Irina Martnenko). The girl takes his companion for a millionaire.

Also, the actor replenished his filmography of many more projects. This is a military film "To Paris" with Dmitry Pevtsov in the lead role and drama "End of the film", where Yana Trojanova appeared.

Perhaps the most vivid premiere of 2020 became the comedy series "Raincom" about a single father, who not only brings up the Son, but also participates in the activities of the school parent committee. Victor played a major role. Olga Lerman, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Pavel Vorozhtsov and other actors took part in the filming.

Personal life

With the future spouse, the actor met in his native Minusinsk. Young people married, being students. But the artist does not like to tell the details of private life. It is known that the wife of Viktor, Olga, works by a children's psychologist.

Interestingly, in the theater university Victor studied at one course with Paulina Andreva. Young people sniffed close, but the relationship did not go beyond friendly. After the Horinyak's spouse moved to the capital, the young man fully focused on family life.

The actor dreamed of the primary boy. So it happened - in 2013, Horinyak's wife gave him the son of Ivan. The Union of Victor and Olga existed for 8 years, after which the couple decided to part. Now the personal life of the actor is again established, but Horinyak prefers not to disclose the name of the new chosen. However, during the interview before the release of the film "The Last Bogatyr. The root of evil "the actor, when in a conversation, we were talking about two of his children, did not correct the interviewer. Who is the mother of the second child's stars "Kitchen", is unknown.

The actor participates in the upbringing of the Son, filming the cinema, plays the theater and in humorous style leads the official account in the network "Instagram", where the fun and dynamic photos are laid out. The acting profession gave Victor the opportunity to travel around the world. The artist visited the tour in Switzerland, France, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Colombia.

Victor Horinyak now

2021 The year for Horinyak began with the release of the 2nd part of the fabulous film "The Last Bogatyr. Root evil. " Regarding his character, the actor said that this time Ivan again had to face evil - not only from the outside, but also inside him. The transition to the righteous existence of his Hero Victor compared with its own changes. According to the artist, he takes steps every day to the best version of herself.

Another interesting project, to which the artist joined in 2021, is the "naughty" director Vladimir Cotta. One of the ideas of the creators of the painting was the desire to show that social networks like "Titock" and "Instagram" may be good.

Viktor The theme of the tape seemed to be toply angry, so he immediately agreed to the role. His hero, hiding in a provincial monastery, is forced to pass by work therapy. So, the role itself the role was accounted for on the set constantly pricking firewood, carry water and clean the snow. By the way, the project Vladimir Cotta received permission to shoot in the current churches, which happened for the first time in the history of Russian cinema.


  • 2007 - "Law and Order: Department of Special Investigations - 2"
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2012-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - "Contused, or free-style swimming lessons"
  • 2014 - "Kuprin. Film 1. Yama "
  • 2014 - "Officer Wives"
  • 2015 - "Young Guard"
  • 2016-2017 - "Eleon Hotel" "
  • 2017 - "Kitchen in China"
  • 2017 - "Purga"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2019 - "Sober driver"
  • 2019 - "To Paris"
  • 2020 - "Rabcom"
  • 2021 - "The Last Bogatyr. Root evil "

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