Lada Dance (Lada Volkova) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, songs, movies 2021



Lada Dance is a bright and charismatic singer with a strong voice. The Russian executive was considered a sex symbol of show business of the beginning of the 90s. Hit "Girl-Night" (Baby Tonight), sung by red-haired model of model appearance in 1992, has gained unprecedented popularity among Russian youth.

Childhood and youth

Lada Evgenievna Volkov, which the country knows as a singer and actress Lada Dance, was born in September 1966 in Kaliningrad. The family of the future pop star had nothing to do with the music: Dad worked by an engineer, Mom - a translator. In addition to her daughter, the son grown up in the family. Today he is an artist.

It is known that Lada studied at the same school with the former wife of the President of Russia Lyudmila Putin. Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov is another well-known student of this school.

Since childhood, Lada Volkova has demonstrated strong vocal data. Parents gave daughter to a music school, where the girl got the opportunity to develop their musical abilities further. After graduating from this music institution, Lada entered the music school, where he first studied academic vocals, but then decided to go to the jazz-pop faculty.

The creative biography of Lada Dance began in school years: the girl played in the keyboard in the school music group. The student years did not leave the thoughts about the stage, continuing to perform: sang on discos, as well as for visitors of restaurants and bars. It is noteworthy that at the dawn of his musical career Lada played, and singing only in a music school.


Professional Career Lada Dance began in 1988 at the festival in Jurmala. The performer did not bring home awards, but participation in the popular Latvian festival opened the doors to the Most of the pop. In Jurmala, Lada met with two future colleagues - Svetlana Lazareva and Alina Vitebsk. Soon the girls began to perform together, creating a "fence" trio.

The peak of the group's popularity falls on the years of restructuring. Their songs had an essential character, singers often became guests of musical and political programs, including the popular project "Perestroika Flooder". But by 1990 such speeches have already lost relevance. The ensemble collapsed.

After the collapse of the "fence", Lada Dans lost her job, but did not want to return to his native Kaliningrad. Soon the girl got a back-vocalist in the team of the famous Russian pop singer Philip Kirkorov. But in this capacity, the Russian executor worked a short time, as he dreamed of starting a solo career. And she succeeded. The composer Leonid Velichkovsky was helped to implement the plans of the singer, who is known for cooperation with the Technology team.

Dating Lada Dance and Velichkovsky soon turned out to be effective. The joint composition called the "Girl-Night" becomes the first hit of the singer who conquered the audience. This song brought a singer fame and popularity.

The performer began to invite to music events held throughout Russia. Next, another hat followed - "Live needed in the buzz" ("Reggae in the night"). In 1993, these 2 songs were the basis of the debut plate, called the "night album". The first disc was separated by millions of editions, and speeches were held with crowded halls.

On this collaboration, Dance and Velichkovsky ended. And again the performer had to go into free swimming. Initially, she sang together with the Kar-Meng group, but in 1994, after Speat with Lvosh Leshchenko, the Sangman "Neither, for nothing," the singer's career went up again.

In the mid-1990s, Lada Dance becomes a pop star. The singer often appears at different prefabricated concerts. In those years, DENS meets composers from Germany, and new hits are becoming the fruit of their cooperation. In 1996, a second album appeared under the name "Taste of Love", all the songs of which are filled in fashionable then disco style. It was a starry hour of Lada Dance. With touring tour, she traveled a large number of cities in different regions of the country, and abroad the artist spoke at the festival "Popkomm-95".

The performer increases its popularity in frank photo sessions in fashion magazines. So, in the late 90s it appeared in several rooms of the magazine "Playboy". In 1997, the singer pleased the fans with two new plates.

The album "On the Islands of Love" became one of the most popular singer in the repertoire, and the song "Aroma of Love" was named the best composition of the record. Numerous performer clips were very popular: "Cowboy", "I will not be with you", "Happy Birthday", "Aroma of Love", "Unexpected Call", "Winter Flowers", "Night Sun" "Dancing by the Sea", "Dai-Dai" and others.

In the same year, the artist released another job - a plate of "fantasy", in the creation of which Oleg Lundstrem's orchestra participated. Marilyn Monroe "I Woman Be Loved By You" and Woman In Love Barbara Streisand, as well as the best songs of the Lada Dance itself, entered the album track-leaf. With the new material, the actress is increasingly entering the scene of Moscow nightclubs.

In the 2000s, the singer again tries to enter the European scene with the songs to the music of German composers, but, however, not very well. Soon, Lada Dance waited for a complete reboot of the image. The last plate "When Gardens Flower" came out in 2000, but, unfortunately, there was no victim. T

Nevertheless, the musical composition "Once a year of the gardens bloom", which previously entered the repertoire of the Soviet artist Anna Herman was popular. On this hit Lada released the clip. Despite the fact that in the 2000 singer stopped recording studio albums, her video cell was replenished with new clips on the songs "How I loved", "Control Kiss", "I loved the tanker."


In 2004, cardinal changes occurred in the career of the singer. Lada Danz became the actress, taking part in the filming of the series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...". The appearance on the screens of the new film was successful. In the future, the actress accepts invitations to participate in other TV projects.

Julia Menshova, Alika Stakhova, Zhanna Epple and Lada Dance (Shot from the series

Earlier, the popular performer has managed to famous in the cinema. The cinematic biography of Lada Dance began with episodic roles, but soon the artist stated loudly about himself in the picture "Spanish Voyage Stepanych", where the company began a prominent representatives of the Russian cinema - Love Polishchuk and Ilya Oleynikov.

Then the series "The Territory of Love" and "Balzakovsky Age, or All Men ..." came to the screens. The last ribbon enjoys a particularly great success. In addition to the Lada Dance, Julia Menshova, Jeanne Apple and Alika Szekhova starred starring. The series turned out to be so popular that in 2013 a continuation of the painting appeared.

The actress was remembered by the viewers of the shooting in the comedies, but Lada herself hopes to play more serious characters. The artist filmography consists of dozens of work.

The Russian pop star participates in the show, combining singing with dancing, and also plans to re-film. In 2016, the viewers were remembered by the participation of the singer in the showing show "exactly in-point", when she, among other things, presented to the public of the Soviet pop singer Vadim Muleman, fulfilling the Lada song. The famous Russian woman received a special service from the jury on the basis of the competition. It was repeatedly spoken about her as a performer who has a strong and beautiful voice.

In January 2017, the singer visited Olga Buzova. Lada presented the TV host a special gift: for an hour, she performed her best hits from the 90s, which was danced by the gathered. Olga did not at all tried to hide his own joy, enjoying the compositions performed by the idol of millions.

Personal life

Lada Dance has 2 marriages. Leonid Velichkovsky - the first husband of the singer. This civil marriage existed for long. In 1996, the couple broke up. The official marriage was concluded with the owner Pavel Svirsky. During the second marriage, the artist had children: the son of Ilya and the daughter of Elizabeth. Over time, the spouses began to move, the family gradually broke up.

After the divorce of Lada, he experienced a heavy shock - during skiing she broke her leg. The long stage of rehabilitation followed. Daily singer had to swim in the pool, do special exercises and massage.

Lada Dance owns the recruitment agency. Her clients at one time became Dmitry Kharatyan, Irina Dubtsova, Glory and Andrei Grigoriev Apollonov. Another business is the interior and clothing design. The personal victory of the singer on this field was the creation of a dancer lamp, which is withstanding in the style of variety. The original lamp has repeatedly become a prize-winner of various design competitions. Celebrity hobby - horse riding.

Today the performer is confident that she managed to achieve significant success not only in creativity. The personal life of the singer has never been simple, but it admits that she did not feel the feelings of loneliness. According to Dance, to be lonely for a woman - unnatural. The main sense of Lada's life considers care for children. The son of Ilya is mastering the profession of architect, daughter Lisa studies in London.

Do not forget Lada and health. Celebrity closely monitors the figure, fond of skiing. Users of social networks "Instagram" and "VKontakte" are available to view the photo of the singer with training in the pool, as well as from different trips and travels.

The actress closely monitors the appearance, so over the years has been a regular visitor to the Cosmetology Cabinet. Lada itself does not advertise an appeal to plastic surgeons, but experts assure that it resorted to the plastic of the chest, and also regularly uses Botox injections. The last pictures of the performer plunged into the shock of her subscribers - the skin of the frets looks no way as in his youth. Fans noted that, even despite the use of beauty enclosures, the artist cannot hide wrinkles around the eyes.

Lada Dance now

The singer was referred to a bright future - a brilliant career and a long success, but gradually forgot it. Fans are disappointed that Lada Dance infrequently appears on stage, and it is impossible to see it in new films. Nevertheless, the celebrity is ready for the next accomplishments, and the difference in a diverse image says that she will also declare themselves, will return to the former glory.

Lada still gives concerts in all cities of Russia, its tour is painted in 2019 for months ahead. Also, the actress participates in the TV projects. In November 2018, she appeared in the release of the program Elena Malysheva "Live Great!", A month later, I became a member of the TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire" in a pair with Evelyina Blonds. The plans of the vocalist - the release of the album "My second I". So far, nothing about the release date is not known, but the singer is already written by a new material.


  • 1993 - "Night Album"
  • 1994 - "Dancing by the Sea"
  • 1995 - "The newest is the best"
  • 1996 - "Taste of Love"
  • 1997 - "Fantasy"
  • 1997 - "On the Islands of Love"
  • 2000 - "When the gardens bloom"


  • 2002 - "Return of Mukhtara"
  • 2004-2007 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2005 - "My personal enemy"
  • 2005 - "Thai Voyage Stepanycha"
  • 2007 - "Troy from above 2"
  • 2009 - "Path"
  • 2009 - "Beauty Territory"
  • 2013 - "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ... 5 years later"

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