Harry Kasparov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Chess player, Politics 2021



Harry Kasparov - a chess player, which is called the greatest player of the chess world. The eight-time winner of the Chess Olympiad, the 13th World Chess Champion, 11-fold Chess Oskaronosc. In 2005, he left professional sports in politics and headed the Opposition Coalition "Other Russia".

Childhood and youth

Harry Kimovich Kasparov was born on April 13, 1963 in the capital of Azerbaijan in the family of intellectuals. The nationality of the chess player has repeatedly caused disputes in the Soviet society and sports circles. It is known that Kasparov has a Jewish origin on the father's line and Armenian - on the maternal. Kim Moiseevich and Clara Shagenovna, grandfathers of the grandmaster, were considered the elite of Baku Society.

The parents of the future chess king worked as engineers, and also seriously engaged in chess game. Therefore, the enthusiasm of the chess genius began with this sport from the very birth - already at the age of 5, the young Harry began to learn the game from a professional coach.

At the age of 12, Yunoye Wunderkind became the champion of the USSR in chess among young men, and in 17 he received the title of Master of Sports. At the same time, the young world champion graduated from school with a gold medal and entered the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

In 1980, Harry won the title of chess king of the world and grandmaster, which became the starting point in his star biography. His mother played a big role in the formation of a chess player, who devoted her life to the promotion of his son on an international field. The woman decided to change his son not only nationality, but also the last name - with those of the Jewish chess player Vinstein became Armenian Kasparov.


In 1985, Kasparov became the 13th world champion in the history of Chess, Odane Anatoly Karpova. A fight held in Moscow will later be called an example of an enchanting game.

Harry Kasparov managed to become the youngest world champion in 22 years 6 months and 27 days. The chess player led a serious rivalry with Anatoly Karpov, who became his main competitor on the global chess stage. Their rivalry was called "two to".

Harry for 13 years was the constant leader of the prestigious Elo rating with a mark of 2,200 points, and thanks to numerous victories in the global chess championships took its place in the ranking of the best professionals.

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In 1996, the Chess World Champion created a Virtual Chess Club Kasparov, who became popular on the Internet. Then the game of Harry against the Deep Blue supercomputer was initiated. The first meeting won the chess player, the victory in the second got the car.

And in 1999, Kasparov won the match against all worldwide network users organized by Microsoft. Then the intense and exciting game of the chess king with amateur chess players, which lasted for 4 months, looked more than 3 million people.

In 2005, Harry said that he had from professional sports in politics, as he had achieved in chess all what he wanted.


After leaving professional sports, the great chess player created and headed the opposition movement "Joint Civil Front". Then he helped himself loudly against the policy of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In 2008, Kasparov created the opposition democratic movement "Solidarity" and began to work on organizing protest rallies for Putin's resignation. But the ideas of the policy did not receive support and coverage in the media.

In 2013, Harry said he did not intend to return to Russia, continuing to fight the "Kremlin crimes" at the international level. In March 2014, Kasparov's website, which openly published calls for unlawful work and mass events, was blocked by Roskomnadzor.

Its vision of the problems that are called between Russia and Ukraine, the politician has expressed a politician on the broadcast "Visiting Dmitry Gordon". Her show took place in 2014.

Personal life

Harry Casparov's personal life is not less saturated than his sports career and socio-political activities. An attractive chess player (height 174 cm, the weight of 80 kg) has always remained an object of close attention from women. The man was married three times, he has children - four recognized heirs.

The first wife of Kasparov in 1989 was the Inturist guide of Maria Arapova. In the 1992th, the daughter of Polina was born in the Kasparov family, but soon the Family Union gave a crack, the spouses had to be divorced at the initiative of Harry Kimovich. Later, Maria and Polina received American citizenship and went to the United States.

The second time the chess player married an 18-year-old student Julia Vovk. In 1996, the second wife of Kasparov gave birth to him the son of Vadim. After 9 years, the second marriage of the world chess champion also collapsed.

Immediately after the divorce Harry Kimovich again plunged into a love relationship. This time his chosen was the secular lioness Daria Tarasova, which is 20 years younger than Kasparov. In 2005, Harry Kimovich married Darius, who gave him a daughter Aida. In July 2015, Kasparov's family was replenished with the heir - the spouse gave birth to her husband Nicholas.

In addition to official relations, Harry Kasparov also consisted of loved ones with the actress of theater and cinema Marina Neelan, who gave birth to a chess daughter of Nick. But at the request of the mother, a man refused to admit her, despite the fact that Nika Neelan looks like a father like "two drops of water."

To communicate with comrades and friends, Harry uses an account in Twitter, and in "Instagram" a photo policy and chess player appear on the pages of his fans.

Harry Kasparov now

Now Harry Kasparov continues to contribute to the development of a chess business in Russia. The former world champion and the Kasparov Chess Foundation conduct activities to introduce chess as disciplines into the educational system in different countries of the world.

In the fall of 2019, the chess player acted at the opening of the "Freedom Forum", which for many years passes in the capital of Norway. Kasparov, who holds the position of the Chairman of the Foundation for Human Rights, in his speech once again drew the attention of the listeners to the situation in Russia.

According to Harry, Vladimir Putin is interested in Donald Trump remained as long as possible in power. Thanks to the President of the United States against Russia, truly harsh sanctions are not introduced. All existing problems in the Russian economy arise from counter-displays, which operate in the country.

Kasparov compared Russia and China, calling the underground "long-playing player" aimed at strategic achievements, while its northern neighbor is important tactical acquisitions or short-term benefits.


  • 1982-1983, 1985-1988, 1995-1996, 1999, 2001-2002 - Chess Oscar
  • 1987 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1991 - "Flame Guardian"
  • 1994 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples
  • 1995 - Order of the Croatian Star with Fano Buchara
  • 1995 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation
  • 1996 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation

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