Arkady Strugatsky - biography, photos, works, books, movies



Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky - Legend and Classic of Soviet Fiction. Writer is widely known worldwide. The works of the Strugatsky brothers were published in 33 countries and translated into 42 languages. It is difficult to list all Russian and foreign literary premiums, presented by Arkady Nathanovich and his brother in life. More than ten novels and stregatsky stakes are fused, and in 1977, the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory opened a new planet, which was given by the name Strugatskia.

Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky was born in August 1925 in the hotbed Batumi, in the intelligent family of art historian Natana Zalmanovich Strugatsky, who worked as the editor of the newspaper, and Alexandra Ivanovna Litvincheva, honored teacher who taught Russian and literature.

Arkady Strugatsky in childhood

The initial classes of Arkady Strugatsky visited in Batumi, but when the boy turned 9 years old, the family moved to Leningrad. There in 1933 and the younger brother Arkady was born - Boris Strugatsky. The cloudless life of the Strugatsky family interrupted the Great Patriotic War. The family was in a blockade Leningrad.

At the beginning of the war, 17-year-old Arkady Strugatsky participated in the construction of defensive structures of the besieged city, but soon went to work at the factory, where shells were made.

Arkady Strugatsky with parents

After the announcement of the evacuation, leave the blockade city was able only to the head of the family with the eldest son: Arkady was taken out by the Father on the Road of Life through Ladoga at the very beginning of 1942. Evacuate 9-year-old Boris failed due to illness. Mom stayed with her son in the city.

More Parents Arcadia did not see: dad fell ill and died in Vologda. Miraculously survived Arkady himself. Echelon with refugees, among whom was young Strugatsky, bombed the Germans. Survived units, among them and the future writer.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky with Mom

In the summer of 1942, Arkady Strugatsky stopped in a small village of Tashla near Orenburg. The year he worked at the point of purchase of products and even "Doros" to the head. Having earned money on the road, he managed in the spring of 1943 to pick up mom and the younger brother Boris from Hungry Leningrad.

In peacetime, Arkady Strugatsky received a higher education. At 18, he entered the Berdichevsky Artillery School, settled in the rear Aktyubinsk. After graduating from him, he received a direction to the military university, where they were trained in foreign languages. Arkady graduated from the institute in 1949, receiving a specialty translator of English and Japanese.

Brothers Strugatsky in Youth

At the end of the university, fate threw Arkady Strugatsky to the north. Until 1955, he served as a translator in Kamchatka, he taught Japanese and English in a military school, located in the city of Kansk. Two years old - from 1952 to 1954 - she worked by a divisional translator in Kamchatka, and in 1955, Strugatsky was transferred to the military part of Khabarovsk. After dismissal, Arkady Strugatsky moved to the capital.

Writing Career

Arkady who grew up in the family where parents knew and loved literature and literature, always pulled to the writer. The experienced disasters and horrors of the war, the mountain from the loss of father hardened him and became the most valuable luggage of life experience, asking for the pages of books.

Arkady Strugatsky in the army

The creative biography of Arkady Strugatsky began during their stay in Blocade Leningrad. There he wrote his first story called "Nakhodka Major Queen" and a few more works, but they were all lost. The first preserved work of Arkady Strugatsky is called the story "How Kang killed", written in 1946 and published in 2001.

After moving out of the north to Moscow, Arkady Strugatsky settled on the editorial work in Goslitisdate. For some time he worked in Detgiz. In the Soviet period, the first publications of the writer appeared in 1956. Debut becomes a story written by Arkady Nathanovich during the army service. It is called "ash bikini". As Arkady Strugatsky himself believed, this work did not imagine interest and literary value.

Arkady Strugatsky

In 1964, Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky accepted the Writers of the USSR.

Arkady Strugatsky became famous and as a translator. The writer opened Japan to Soviet readers, because thanks to his translations, they read the works of Japanese classics Ryunca Akutagawa, Abe Cobo, Natsuma Soseks and Noma Hiroshi.

Brothers Strugatsky under the pseudonyms of S. Berezhekov, S. Vititin and S. Pobedin together translated from the English language of American farts Aizek Azimov, Andre Norton and John Wyndem.

Writer Arkady Strugatsky

Japanese literature connoisseurs argue that Arkady Strugatsky made an invaluable contribution to familiarizing the Soviet readers with the culture and history of the country of the rising sun, because he translated into Russian with the old-fashioned world-famous novel "Tale of Oshitsune". This is a historical and biographical and adventurous story about the colonel of the XII century from Clan Minamoto.

His main and world famous works of Arkady Strugatsky wrote in collaboration with the younger brother. Interestingly, the brothers did not live near, when they wrote a story and novels. Even their meetings were not frequent: 1-2 times a year. Boris lived and worked in Leningrad, Arkady - in Moscow. The brothers met in Komarovo - the house of creativity in the Finnish bay. There they came up with and discussed the plot of the next creation, wrote His Stabul and drove around at home, where they worked.

World fiction

In 1952, in Kamchatka Arkady Strugatsky wrote a scientific fiction story "The fourth kingdom (on the verge of possible)." The work saw the light in the new century: in 2001, the stalker publisher published a story as part of a complete collected composition of Strugatsky. According to Arkady's brother, Boris Strugatsky, "The publication of this text is of interest historical: so in those days they understood, thought and wrote fiction."

Since the end of the 50s, Boris and Arkady Strugatsky jointly wrote a story and novels in the genres of fantastic utopia and anti-astope fiction, which included in the Gold Foundation of World Literature. The first joint creation becomes novel "Zezvn", published in 1958. In 1959 there was a famous story "Country of Baghrov Tuch".

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

But the main writings are novels and the story "difficult to be God", "Beetle in an anthill", "Trainees" and "Monday begins on Saturday" - Strugatsky brothers wrote later. In 1968, a satirical story of the Strugatsky "Treasy Troika" was released, in which the connection was traced with the story "Monday begins on Saturday."

In the mid-60s, Arkady Strugatsky in collaboration with his brother was published in the collection of fiction "Ellinsky secret" part of the science fiction novel "Snail on the slope". Two years later, the Soviet readers saw another part of the story in the journal Baikal. In full "snail on the slope" was published in 1972 in the West German Publishing House "Sowing". Brothers Strugatsky called the story with their most perfect and significant work.

Writers Brothers Strugatsky

In the 70s, Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky chose a member of the editorial board of literary publications, such as the popular magazine "The World of Adventures" and the Anthology of the Library of Modern Fiction and Knowledge - Strength.

Since 1972, Arkady Strugatsky issued several ages and stories that signed the pseudonym "S. Yaroslavtsev. " These are the "Details of Nikita Vorontsov" and "The Devil among people."

In 1974, the story-tale of Arkady Strugatsky "Expedition to hell" was published. Its first name sounded like "chase in space." It is noteworthy that Arkady Strugatsky again signed by the creative pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev. In the story translated into Czech and Bulgarian languages, elements of humorous fiction are used.

Member of the Union of Writers Arkady Strugatsky

In the period from 1971 to 1982, the science fiction brothers wrote the novel "Chrome Fate", which readers saw in the journal "Neva" in 1986. A year before the publication, in 1985, Arkady Strugatsky was elected by the editor-in-the-service magazine "Ural Passion". Since then, the publication is the main ruger, in which the works of Soviet and foreign fiction are printed.

In the late 80s in the same "Neva" there was a new novel of the Writers "Grad Propy", which is called one of the most philosophical essays of Strugatsky. The name was borrowed from the painting of the artist Nikolai Roerich, hitting Arkady and Boris "with his gloomy beauty and a feeling of hopelessness, from her who proceeded." The working title of the novel - "New Apocalypse". The second name was also considered - "My brother and I", which indicates the original autobiographer of the work.

Speech by Arkady Strugatsky

The brothers wrote a novel for two years, completing it in May 1972. But readers saw "Conditioned" only in perestroika times. The first chapters published the magazine "Raduga", then the novel posted on its pages "Neva".

Strugatsky brothers are known and their stories. In 1960, called "six matches" a collection of stories turned into a bestseller was published. Some Strugatsky stories came out after their death. For example, a humorous story "Sober mind", dedicated to the criticism of fiction in the middle of the 20th century, published in 2005 in the Book Series "Unknown Strugatsky" after the death of Arkady Strugatsky.

Arkady Strugatsky collected for his creative life many awards and premiums, among which Russian and foreign ones. For his writings, the fictionity was awarded the Jul Prize, the Aelita award and the Great Ring.


Half of the novels created by science fictions are shielded. The first spectators saw the story "Hotel" from the deceased mountaineering ", written in the genre of a fantastic detective in 1970. In English-speaking countries, the story came under the title "Puzzle Inspector Glebski". He took off the picture Russian director Grigory Kromomans. The detective tape of the film studio "Tallinfilm" went on screens in 1979. It tells about the amazing events that occur in cut from the rest of the world from the mountains avalanche. The picture was removed on Estonian and duplicated in Russian.

Arkady Strugatsky - biography, photos, works, books, movies 20881_12

Life on the movie screen received and the work of the "picnic on the side of the road", which Boris and Arkady Strugatsky wrote in the early 70s. The film was called "Stalker" and went on screens in 1979. The script for him was written by the Brothers Strugatsky with the director Andrei Tarkovsky.

Andrei Tarkovsky and Arkady Strugatsky on the set

In 1982, the Soviet spectators saw the wonderful New Year's film "Wizards", which became cult. Not all the audience, who made this picture in the list of their favorite films, know that it is based on the work of science fiction brothers "Monday begins on Saturday." True, so modified that writers even asked to remove their names from the titles. The romantic and fantastic history of Love Alena Sanina and Ivan Pukhov, who separated the witchcraft of the director of the Institute of Nuhin Kira Shemkhanskaya, tells the picture.

In the main and secondary roles of "Charger", Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Yakovleva, Valentin Gaft, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Valery Zolotukhin and Mikhail Svetin, starred by millions of stars of Russian cinema.

Alexander Abdulov and Alexander Yakovlev in the film

The film "Eclipse Days" by Alexander Sokurov, who came to the screens in 1988, as well as "Wizards", based on the works of Strugatsky. At the same time, the picture is difficult to call by shielding. The playwright Yuri Arabov wrote a scenario based on the story "over a million years to the end of the world", written by Arkady Strugatsky in collaboration with his brother by changing the details of the work. But the sciences did not object to the interpretation of the story and even participated in the creation of the script.

The famous story of Arcadia and Boris Strugatsky "It is difficult to be God" was shielded twice. In 1989, the German director Peter Fleisman, and in 2013, Russian director Alexei Hermann. This is the last tape shot by Herman: It is released on the screens, like Arkady Strugatsky, did not wait. In this fantastic drama, Leonid Yarmolnik, Yuri Zurilo and Yevgeny Gerchakov starred.

Leonid Yarmolnik in the film "It's hard to be God"

In 1990, the director of Arkady Sirenko presented the painting "Temptation B.". The film is notable for the fact that the script for it was written by the Strugatsky brothers themselves, and their novel "five spoons of the elixir" was taken as the basis.

The film "Nasty Swans" directed by Konstantin Lopushansky spectators saw in 2006. This is the screening of the one-name Strugatsky. The picture was shown in the framework of the competition program "Kinotavr", she received warm reviews of critics, but did not come out in wide rental.

Arkady Strugatsky did not survive before the adaptation of one of the most popular works - the novel "Inhabited Island". The simmental screening - tape-anti-spectopia - appeared in 2009, after the death of Arkady Nathanovich. Filter Bondarchuk risked. The film came out in two parts, I starred Vasily Stepanov, Peter Fedorov and Julia Snigir.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer was Inna Shershova. They met when Arkady Nathanovich served in Kansk. But this marriage turned out to be fragile: in the mid-50s, the couple broke up. Joint children in Inna and Arkady did not.

Arkady Strugatsky with the first wife

The second time Arkady Strugatsky married in 1955 on Elena Voznesenskaya (in the Majannaya Majan). She already had a daughter from the first marriage - Natalia. Arkady Nathanovich raised the girl as a native.

Arkady Strugatsky with wife Elena

In the second marriage, Masha's daughter was born. Maria Strugatsky married the policy of Egor Gaidar, the grandson of the writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar.


Arkady Strugatsky found out about the death diagnosis - liver cancer - in the 70s. The writer long and courageously fought with the disease, but she won it on 67 years of life.

Funeral Arkady Strugatsky

Famous fiction died on October 12, 1991 in Moscow. Brother survived him on two decades. It is noteworthy that the cause of Boris's death was also cancer.

The body of Arkady Strugatsky, as he bequeathed, cremated and dispelled from the helicopter over Moscow. Also came with the ashes of brother. Writers indicated the exact location over which the remains were bequeathed: Pulkovo observatory.


  • 1960 - "Path to Amaltea"
  • 1962 - "Noon, XXII century"
  • 1964 - "It's hard to be God"
  • 1965 - "Monday begins on Saturday"
  • 1966 - "Snail on the slope"
  • 1967 - "Wavy Swans"
  • 1968 - "Truck Tale"
  • 1969 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 1970 - "Hotel" from the deceased mountaineer ""
  • 1972 - "Picnic on the side of the road"
  • 1972 - "Conditioned"
  • 1974 - "Guy from the Underworld"
  • 1988 - "Evil, or forty years later"


  • 1979 - "Hotel" At the deceased mountaineer "
  • 1979 - "Stalker"
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1988 - "Eclipse Days"
  • 1989 - "It's hard to be God"
  • 1990 - "Temptation B."
  • 2006 - "Nasty Swans"
  • 2009 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 2013 - "It's hard to be God"

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