Aya (Svetlana Nazarenko) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "city 312", soloist, songs, singer 2021



Aya (Svetlana Nazarenko) is the Russian and Kyrgyz performer, the soloist of the group "City 312". Works in pop styles, alternative rock, house. With colleagues, the artist not only successfully creates hits, but also writes music to movies. The tracks in its execution sound in the Soundtrack of the Patterns "Day Watch", "Peter FM", "Waiting for a miracle", "Irony of Fate. Continued "and others.

Childhood and youth

The future singer Aya (Real Name Svetlana Anatolyevna Nazarenko) was born in 1970 in the Kyrgyz city of Frunze (now Bishkek). The parents of Svetlana professions were not associated with music and art, but everyone loved to sing in the family. 9 years after the birth of her daughter, the son of Alexey appeared in the family.

Already at 7 years old Svetlana Nazarenko - a soloist in a big children's choir. In 12 she received an invitation to speak at the Republican Film Creativity Festival. There, he noted one of the best Kyrgyz teachers of Vocal Rafail Sarlykov.

He called the girl into his famous ensemble "Araket", the basis of the repertoire of which was German, Spanish, Latin American songs, as well as compositions of different peoples of the USSR. The ensemble toured a lot, and his glory grew. Soon "Araket" - the winner of the 2nd All-Union Festival of the Political Song, which was held in Moscow. In Kyrgyzstan, the ensemble was awarded the title of folk.

However, Svetlana wanted something more than being one of the participants of the team. Therefore, she left the "Arakt" and took up the solo career.

Carier start

Aya - such a stage name chose Svetlana - actively participated in various festivals and contests held throughout the territory of the former USSR. At the festival "Bukhara" she won the 2nd place. And on the competitions "Tien-Shan" and "Yalta", Aya becomes the winner, leaving a lot of young and bright performers far behind his back.

Soon the singer - the finalist of the Festival "Yalta-Moscow-transit". To secure success, Aha records solo magneto albums, which calls "Calm Night" and "Broken Radio". They appear CD-albums "Music Dreams" and "Tea with strawberry aromas".

However, this is not what Nazarenko dreamed of. She understood that in Kyrgyzstan she would not be able to fully realize his considerable potential. With honors, graduating from the Institute of Arts in 2001, where she studied at the Faculty of Past Vocals, Svetlana goes to conquer Moscow. But not alone, but with a group of like-minded people.

Group "City 312"

Dim and Leon (Brothers Dmitry and Leonid Prichila) create a group "City 312" (312 - Phone Code of Bishkek). Aya becomes a soloist of the team. Kyrgyzstan was already conquered by Nazarenko: in 2007, she was assigned the title of deserved artist, despite the fact that the Nationality of the singer is not Kyrgyz.

It turned out to be much more difficult to conquer Moscow. Before the capital learned and loved the "city 312", singing at every corner of the hits "remain" and "outside the access zone", Aya and musicians of the group were forced to refuse themselves in everything. They are four-way, guitarists Masha, Leon and Keyman Dim - lived in a cramped apartment, because they did not have the means to remove individual.

But after a couple of years, the team was famous. At first, the musicians become laureates of the festival "Rainbow Talent". Then with the hits "outside the access zone" and "wrap" the guys perform on the best metropolitan concert venues.

The first album of the team was the record "213 roads", which appeared in 2005. Its songs included songs that the All-Russian glory subsequently brought musicians. Since 2006, Andrei Borisovich Lukinov, Director Real Records, becomes a permanent producer of the music team.

The first sign event in his creative biography of the singer calls the clip on the song "Stay", which became a soundtrack to the Russian blockbuster "Day Watch". Hit received the nomination "Best Soundtrack of the Year" on the Prize of the TV channel "MTV Russia".

Talented colleagues drew attention to the new team. Fedor Bondarchuk and Rubo Hygineisvili became directors of the clip on the song "Outside the access zone". Victor Odvalov removed the video on the "Lanterns" track. Musicians pleased fans with their productivity, released 3 disks for 3 years. In 2010, the release of the 4th studio work of the New Music Group was held, which included the tracks "Autumn", "help me", "not twist", "all or nothing."

A memorable event in the creative life of Ai and her colleagues was the event about the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the group. As soon as the singer recalled, many representatives of the Russian show business were invited to the 3-hour concert, and none of them left the event before the execution of the final song.

A new splash of interest in Ae and her work happened in September 2015. The actress appeared in the 3rd seasons of the show "Extremely". The singer successfully embodied on the scene of the images of Mariah Carey, Tree, Cher, Valentina Tolkunova and others, which allowed her in the final to enter the top three leaders.

In the fall of 2016, the group "City 312" noted the Solo Concert the anniversary date - the 15th anniversary of creative activity. Speech took place at the club Yotaspace. The public was presented with a new program "ChBK" ("man to be cool"). The guests of the evening were rapper Basta, Uma2Rman Group, Gosh Kutsenko, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and others.

Together with Igor Matvienko, Aha took part in the sign of the soundtrack for the film "Viking", which was called "Remember me when it rains." Later, another hit "Time remained little", which Karen Oganesyan used in his picture "Life ahead" in his picture.

In February 2019, the city 312 became a member of the concert of the channel Muz TV, which took place in the State Kremlin Palace.

Later, the artists appeared at the concert "What men sing about", held in Crocus City Hall. In addition to concert activities, a soloist has time to appear on TV: with its participation on the "Russia-1" channel, the show "Five per one" show.

Personal life

Personal life Ai is securely hidden from prying eyes. Svetlana says that she has a beloved husband, but to open his name and make their relationship with public, she does not want. In a conversation about children, the artist once mentioned that the daughter was raised. The girl did not go in the footsteps of the mother, but learned to MGIMO on the diplomat.

As a typical oriental woman, likes to create a homemade comfort and claims that it will not allow a man to host in the kitchen, he prepared or washed himself. She considers these classes exclusively female. But in response, she needs concern and confidence from a loved one.

Artist greatly feels his "outstand" from the homeland. She jershits in Kyrgyzstan and with the slightest opportunity tries to go there. Special love Ai - Lake Issyk-Kul. There, the singer loves to indulge in the extremal type of recreation - Windsurfing. Snapshots of the actress in a swimsuit on a sailboat sometimes come into open access.

Svetlana is watching the figure, resorting to various diets, sports and yoga, as it is 305 cm with its growth and the 5th sizes of the breast it is difficult to look slim. In 2017, the photo of the artist in the "Instagram" fans have noticed that Aha significantly added weights. As the soloist itself explained, she allowed themselves to relax because of little fatigue.

Aya now

In early 2021, Aha announced the beginning of a solo career. Her debut composition was the song "Time". The singer told subscribers that the format of the group "City 312" does not imply such creativity, and she wanted to share his own, lyrical history.

In addition to musical activity, Svetlana decided to develop his blog. In the instagram account of the actress, a new show appeared - # Netovo_lovo. Releases took place in an interview format with a guest, which Aya decided not to call the audience.

Before the premiere, Nazarenko told the prehistory of the project. Once she talked to a man whose opinion was very much with modern and her own in such aspects, as a friendship between a man and a woman, natural beauty, false for good, etc. In each issue, Svetlana and hero-incognito argued on one of the eternal topics, and the audience could hear absolutely different positions on the same issue.


"City 312"

  • 1992 - "Calm Night"
  • 1994 - "Broken Radio"
  • 1996 - "Dream Music"
  • 1999 - "Lights-tea with strawberry aroma"
  • 2005 - "213 roads"
  • 2006 - "Outside the Access Area"
  • 2007 - "Wrap"
  • 2010 - "New Music"
  • 2013 - "Do not lose me, Moscow"
  • 2015 - "Without options"

Solo project

  • 2021 - "Time"

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