Sasha Sokolova - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, songs



St. Petersburg Cyber ​​Folk Group "Atlantida Project" appeared in 2007. At the same time, the fans of high-quality club music learned and Sasha Sokolov - the original executor with an amazing challenge.

Sasha Sokolova in 2015

Each team composition is a concentrated musical idea, energy clot and extraordinary, unearthly images. There is no excessive prostratism, no vulgar and beaten plots. The voice of the soloist, as Ivan Alekseyev recalled (he is Noize MC), "Speaking Space." With Raper, Sasha recorded the last song of the song "Jordan" and removed the eponymous video.

Childhood and youth

Sasha Sokolova was born in St. Petersburg on March 20, 1981. In 2005, he received a departure of the College of Culture and Arts in the specialty "Head of the Folklore Ensemble". More information about the early years of the biography of the singer is not.

The wish to sing led the girl to the team called "Red Theater", then the group "Aorta" appeared, for her - "Coast". There were still nameless teams consisting of friends - the ethnic fans, with whom Sokolov performed at urban events.

Sasha Sokolova

In 2007, Sasha sang with the "shore" in a semi-faceted club on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. The meeting place of music lovers organized Sergey Zyazin. With the acquaintance of young people and a new page began in the singer's career.

Alexandra was an inspirer and curator of Atlantida Project, and her unusual voice and an amazing charisma very quickly turned the project into a well-known and recognizable far beyond the limits of the hometown and even the country.

According to the memories of Igor Starshinov, the St. Petersburg musician-electronics, now living in Tyumen, Sokolov's friends called Alice. So called an analog synthesizer, on which Sasha, coming to visit, played hours.


Each composition, Sveta Sasha Falcon, is unique. A strong "folk" voice in combination with super-manual cyber motors produce an indelible impression on the listeners. In the short time of the existence of "Atlantida Project" about the guys and the vocalist itself, they learned far beyond Russia.

After the adoption of a debut album, consisting of 12 compositions, the group actively toured around the country. Having traveled large cities of Russia, the musicians began to leave for foreign tour in Estonia, Poland, Israel, where he was obtained. At the festivals, the team team Alexandra was the same followers of non-traditional sound - group I-Laska Band, Flash, "Noises of Russia".

When asked how Sasha was able to write songs that are not like alone on the other, the performer replied that he was competed on the Nativity and follows feelings. Each composition is a flow of consciousness and inspiration, which Sokolova embodies in words and music. The main thing is that this thread is clean and clear.

Sasha Sadolova songs are really like a light beam or stream. They are surprisingly harmonious. Everything else is the case of technology, in the literal sense of the word. Sasha's conceived cyber brand and musical "landscapes" created Sergey Zyazin - a musician and a multi-instrumentalist. Music accompanying singing vocalists was created without the use of a computer or DJ console. These are analog synthesizers. Music fabric skillfully woved instrumental music and electronic sound.

As for the instruments used by the musicians of the collective, then among them there were amazing and unusual, such as the Tibetan bowl, Diderid, well recognized by lovers of Indian music, percussion and others. Sasha and Sergey Zyazin often changed at concerts tools, it created a certain unexpected-pleasant performance.

Sokolova defined musical experiments of a group as a Syber-rsycho Runk and Syber-Folk. An important point of creativity of the team was very careful and respectful attitude towards the folk music of different countries. Interestingly, the musicians did not give preference to the folklore of a particular country. They also had Slavic jerseys, and Indian mantras.

Personal life

Sasha's personal life is closely related to the profession. With Sergey Zyazin, the girl got close to the basis of creativity. Passion between lovers raged serious. In a pair, and in the "shore", Sergey began to dominate. The rest of the colleagues did not like it, the spouses were gone and founded Atlantida Project. After a serious quarrel that broke out in 2008, romantic relationships gradually fugged. But the artists understood that none of them would find another person who understood it in a musical plan, and the creative union is only faster.

Sergey Zyazin, Alexandra Sokolova, Kirill Solovyov

About the second chief of Sokolova named Dmitry Mak nothing is known. A young woman did not have time to marry the beloved and create a family, the appearance of which had long dreamed. Upon learning of the death diagnosis, the singer first thought not about what would die, but the fact that the operation is ahead, after which it is impossible to have children.

Disease and death

Alexander's ovarian cancer learned in May 2014 in Israel, where the group arrived on tour. Apparently, a heavy climate and not too comfortable conditions in which the musicians stopped, became the last straw: the disease manifested itself with sudden and terrible pain. Sasha was hospitalized immediately at the end of the concert. Doctors announced a diagnosis that knocked down. As Sokolov told him in an interview, she was in shock. The most terrible for her was that the doctors did not give any time nor the chance to recover. Month - That's how much did the doctor of a 33-year-old woman interviewed.

Another problem is a huge amount that was required for an urgent surgery that gave hope for the extension of life. Half a million rubles for the musicians of the group and the performer itself turned out to be a freactive cargo. Then they asked through the social networks of fans of help. Money collected amazingly quickly - for the May holidays.

In support of colleagues in the Moscow club "B2", a concert was held with the participation of Inna desired, Mash Makarova, Olga Arefieva and teams that perform the music for the gourmets of extraordinary genres.

After surgery and chemotherapy, Sasha Sokolova returned home. He began severe and painful treatment. In the interruptions between the next sessions of chemotherapy, vocalist went on the scene. It seemed that the disease retreated. And although Sasha was very weak (sat during concerts), the fans rejoiced the appearance of the singer and hoped for a positive outcome.

Since classical medicine was powerless, the falcon was treated with unconventional methods. In St. Petersburg, a woman was lucky to get acquainted with Dr. Vyacheslav Sienin, who changed the treatment regimen and used hyperthermia. Sasha is considered the first official patient on which experimental virus therapy has tried.

Most of the metastases were destroyed, and the cause of the death of the singer was the so-called side, which caused swelling of the lungs and stroke. The message that a vocalist died, appeared on the page of the group in Vkontakte, in the "Instagram" of the account neither at the collective, nor Alexandra did not.

The grave of the popular performer is located on the Komarovsky cemetery, not far from the places of resting Anna Akhmatova and Sergey Kurekhin. To organize decent funeral, the organizer of Atlantida Project concerts had to throw better crying about help in social networks, because the resolution of the city authorities was required. Also, the whole world collected 480 thousand rubles. on a monument to Sasha.

After death, Alexandra Starshinov found in archives, among old photos and tracks, a joint song recorded in 2012. 6 years later, Igor and Sergey Zyazin decided to release the composition "Goat's eyes" in memory of his friend. The group dedicated the soloist album "the abyss."

In December 2016, the premiere of the last clip of Sasha Sokolova, filmed on the composition "We are here". In 2017, on Youtube, there was a previously not published acoustic version of the song "Jordan". The roller was shot at the St. Petersburg club in 2014, Sasha accompanies himself at Domre.


(as part of Atlantida Project)

  • 2010 - "New dimension"
  • 2015 - "Peace"
  • 2016 - "Abyss" (posthumous)

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