Denis Swedes - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, TV shows, filmography, actor, wife 2021



Denis Swedes is the Russian actor and cinema actor, which consists of many non-sabroval roles - from ordinary orders to doctors and sophisticated villains. The artist successfully embodies on the screen the image of a courageous hero, but not alien to his characters and notes lyrics.

Childhood and youth

Denis Eduardovich Swedes - Native Moskvich. He was born in November 1981. A few years later, the second child appeared in the family of the Swedish family - daughter. Soon after her birth, the parents divorced. Mom had to work in 2 shifts to feed the children. Denis spent most of the time with the peers in the Moscow courtyards. He studied not very well, but succeeded in sports by choosing rugby for himself.

Denis Swedes neither in childhood, nor in his youth dreamed of being an artist. At the end of the school, he entered the tourist university, but he studied without desire. Once the Swedes, listening to a story of one friend about studying in the theater university, caught himself on the thought that he heard very interested in him. Friend, noticing this, introduced Denis with the father-actor. He, carefully looking at the son of the son and talking to him, advised to enter the theater university.

The guy decided and took the certificate in Shchepkinskaya School - he simply did not know another theater institute. On the first listening, the Swedes heard an unexpected verdict from the commission: he was accepted. At first he did not even believe. Together with him, the guys came, for several years she studied in theater studios and attending tutors.

Swedes hit Nikolai Afonina. Studied student enthusiastically, prolonging gaps in knowledge and reading a lot of literature. At the end of the theater university, the Swedes was adopted at the Russian Academic Youth Theater, where he serves now.


Denis Swedov's creative biography began with roles in the play of the native theater. It is surprisingly easily reincarnated in different images, playing the Don Quixote, then Martina island, then Nyunina in the play "Chekhov-Gala". Theatralls remembered his work in the production of "Red and Black", where he played the count of the croissue, and the comedy play "Pure English Ghost" (played Mr. Hiram B. Otisa).

The recognizable and popular Denis Swedov was destined in cinema. The debut work in cinema for the artist was a small role in the picture of the "weakness of a strong woman." After that, the episode of the Swedes is removed in a number of paintings, but still - in secondary roles. Happy film design for Denis becomes 2008. The actors were invited to play a major role in the movie "Dormant Girlfriend for All". But this tape was not widely known.

The recognition came to Denis Swedov in 2011 after the emergence of the director Yuri Bykov's director Yuri Bykov. This work brought the first award to the artist: he became a laureate of the International Festival "Kinorrik" in Sweden. Denis played brightly a major role and was soon invited by the bull in another his film called Major.

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For this work on the actor many awards fell. In Vladivostok, he received the prize of the International Film Festival "Meridian of Pacific." Also, the picture was also rated at the KinoTavra in Cannes. And in Shanghai, the tape received 3 prize at once.

Once again, actor of the Swedes and the director of the bulls met at the site, where the 8-serial criminal picture "Collectors" was shot. Denis played the College of Sergei Chromova. The role of a brutal and a larching hero (with an increase in 190 cm, the weight of the artist is 85-98 kg) fastened for the Swedish. Despite this, the audience note that Denis Swedes and Comedy Club Ruslan are white outwardly similar. It is good that artists have different roles, and it is impossible to confuse them.

One of the bright pages in the filmography of the actor was the series "Commes", in which he fulfilled the main role. A film about a woman and three her lovers was broadcast on TNT TV channel. Elena Lyadov, Kirill Kyaro, Yevgeny Stychkin, Mikhail Trucin, were also included in the main acting.

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A new wave of popularity raised Denis Up after entering the arthouse melodrams Anna Melikyan "Star". The series "Major", in which the actor also appeared, added him popularity. The success of a detective criminal film center, in which the main character on the screen was embodied Paul Priluchny, was such that the creators decided to extend it to the 2nd season. On the screens, the new part was released in November 2016.

In early 2015, the TV series "Method" was broadcast on the first channel with Swedov. But the most attention the artist attracted to his person after the appearance in the same year in the picture "elusive". According to the plot of the film, Denis plays the villain - the oligarch Sergei Polyansky, who, knocking down the girl on the car, throws it and runs away from the crime scene.

The actor starred in the painting "Eternal Cold", where he played with Ivan Shahnazarov, equal to Currician and Love Tolkalina. This is a fantastic project about the team of hockey players. Athletes are forced to fight the evil ancient spirits, which accidentally woke up.

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In 2017, the showing of the criminal series "File", adapting the French project of the same name. According to the plot, the four employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have to reveal a crime, as a result of which their friend and colleague died. The main roles went to Vladimir Mashkov, Denis Swedov, Alexander Poland and Lucierier Ilyashenko. In the film "Life ahead", the artist appeared in a pair with Arthur Smolyaninov.

One of the last theatrical works of the artist became the entrepreneurial play "Cosmetics of the Enemy", in which the Swedes played with Cyril Kyaro. Denis, according to his confession, for a long time he walked towards the entrepreneurs. Basically, he is busy on the theater platform of the RAMT and in the film projects.

In 2018, the Drama "Former" was displayed, where Denis again appeared in the lead role. His partner in the frame was the love of Aksenov. In the film, we were talking about the patient of the rehabilitation center and the psychologist, between which the novel begins. The series received high ratings of the views, which is why next year the creators issued a continuation.

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The main premiere of 2019 for Swedov was the exit to hire a social drama "Plant". This is another joint work of Denis and director Yuri Bykov. The film tells about the abduction of the director of the enterprise by his workers. Denis reincarnated in the organizer of this operation. The owner of the plant played Andrei Smolyakov.

The leading leadership and director of the film visited the Studio of the Evening Urgant program, where in briefly outlined the essence of the project. In the story of the hero, Swedov in his youth visited a hot spot where he got injury - he lost his left eye. In order to feel the image, the actor went to the streets of the city in Grume several days.

In 2019, Swedes worked on the series about the formation of plastic surgery in the Soviet Union. We are talking about the picture "Dr. Preobrazhensky". Swedes played the main character of Lion Preobrazhensky. The partners of Denis became Maria Andreeva, Agnia Ditkovskite, Julia Aug and others. The premiere took place in November 2020. The main role of the artist performed in the criminal picture of the Rake, and also took part in the filming of the series "Ivanko".

Personal life

Denis Swedov's personal life at the same time laconic form: "Looking". Previously, relations with the artist's women were complex. How he said:"I and women are like a mentally retarded, trying to collect Rubik's cube: it is unlikely that something happens, but there is always a chance."

Most of his time Denis Swedes spent in the theater and on the set. In rare periods, he likes to drive with friends to Bali, where he surfing. Then the Swedes admitted that the desire to have a family had greatly increased. He had a girl, actress Ramt Alexander Rosovskaya, the daughter of the famous scenario and director Mark Rosovsky.

And indeed, the changes occurred. Svobrov's civilian wife in July 2016 gave him a daughter Miroslav. Hello magazine! Pleased with the readers the news that the couple without a noisy ceremony registered a marriage in continuation of the year. Photos of stars with wedding rings appeared on the pages of social networks.

In an interview with Denis, Denis shared his views on paternity:

"When a child appears, priorities change. When the daughter was delivered to you, even if you did not get enough sleep, you are at the top of bliss, because it is absolute love. The only means to defeat your own egoism is children. Only they bring you to paradise. "

In April 2018, the family replenished again - Alexander presented Denis Son. The actor has long dreamed of the heir, and after the birth of the daughter, the couple did not tighten with the advent of the second child.

Swedes are not indifferent to tattoo. On his body, several tattoo is knocked out, including on hand and chest. Photos of these images, Denis often demonstrates on a personal page in "Instagram".

Denis Swedes now

In the 2020th, the showing of a mystical detective "Phantom" with Evgenia BRIC, Angelina, Pavitsy, Paul Vorozhtsov started. Swedov got the image of the main character of the picture. In the series "Wolf", released in the same year, Denis had the opportunity to play a scout, who was the hostage of Arab prison. Actors do not know because of the large amount of makeup. Although the character of Swedov connects certain relatives: "Well, yes, I also have to quickly receive instant solutions. It charges and incredibly gives the ripple of life, so I perform this periodically ".

The Russian academic youth theater noted the 100th anniversary. In the Audio Schedule, dedicated to this event, the turning circle found the voice of Denis Swedov.

As a guest, the actor was invited to the program "My Hero", where Tatyana Ustinova put Denis before choosing: Theater, TV series or full-length movies. To the question that he is closer, the artist responded firmly: "I feel more comfortable on the set."

Fans of Talent Denis Swedov are waiting for new interesting work. In the summer of 2020, the shooting of the continuation of the TV series "Former" was started, where the actor is engaged in the lead role. Polina Gagarin joined the established Casta, having experienced the image of the writer. Swedes participated in the creation of the mystical series "Dream Alice".

The actor received a new experience in the realistic show "The Last Hero", replacing Sergey Odintov in the champions team at the beginning of 2021. Leading Yana Trojanova presented Swedov as a person whom the audience "TV-3" called the "man of the year".


  • 2007 - "Weakness of a strong woman"
  • 2010 - "Live"
  • 2011 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "Collectors"
  • 2013 - "Major"
  • 2014 - "Major"
  • 2015 - "Treason"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2017 - "File"
  • 2017 - "Life ahead"
  • 2018-2019 - "Former"
  • 2019 - "Plant"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Preobrazhensky"
  • 2020 - "Phantom"
  • 2020 - "Wolf"

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