Nicole Kuznetsova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Battle of Psychics" 2021



The biography of Nicole Kuznetsova, the finalist of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics", is overflowed by non-coordinated facts and riddles. However, the veil of mystery is the necessary attribute of the life of sorcerers, healers and other owners of "magical" talents. Slim beauty calls himself a white magician and claims that he received amazing abilities as an award for incurable illness and tragic fate.

Childhood and youth

Nicole was born in Moscow on September 15, 1988. According to unconfirmed information, the witch is the daughter of Svetlana Ternova, Colonel Police in retirement. Biological parents, according to Kuznetsova, refused her, learning about the incurable disease of the baby. In 2012, the throat had to insert the tracheostomy tube to breathe normally. Therefore, Nicole appeared in public places in the headscarves and scarves, masking the device, and talked to a semi-coat.

Skeptics assured that the girl is a charlatanka, a tube - a dummy, and the whole disease of the "White Maga" is a sophisticated PR-move. So it attracts attention and creates an image of an unfortunate mysterious witch.

Half and now does not leave Kuznetsov. In "Instagram", in addition to selling photos in a bathing suit, pictures of children and advertisements, it publishes reporting posts on operations. The German doctors helped to get rid of the tube and partially return the voice. The health status of fears does not cause, but every 3 months require surgical intervention.

Nicole told Nicole's adoptive parents. Dad and Mom brought up her "According to the concepts": the head of the family was driving friendship with the criminal authority Vyacheslav Ivankov, a Japanese nickname.


In childhood, Kuznetsova suffered two clinical deaths. After the second she opened the gift of clairvoyance. The six-year-old girl knew the fate of relatives, predicted the diseases and events in the life of acquaintances. Parents believed her daughters when she told the Father that he was waiting for him in the coming months, and the words came true.

At 15 years, psychics acquired a personal mentor, whose name does not call. This person helped develop the gift and taught how to use it for the benefit of people. In esoteric circles, Kuznetsova became known as Agata Matveev.

Application for participation in the "Battle of Psychic" sent its director. Lady, as a desperate man, prone to risk and loving thrill, adopted an invitation coming after a month later and did not regret. A white witch with expressive eyes and red curls from the first ether struck the audience and impressed Skeptics of Sergei Safronov. The audience was divided equally: some said - the girl psychic talent, others - a skillful game and "allowing dust in the eyes."

Nicole, Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro and specialist in the occult sciences Victoria Rydos, reached the final stage. The victory won Rydos, the 2nd place went to Kerro, and Kuznetsova became the third. She later told how the proposal rejected to speak for money with the exposure of the transfer. Nicole understands that there are their laws on television, denying that there are actors, stupid among the participants, but "denying a gift is still more stupid."

In March 2017, Nicole Kuznetsova appeared on the TNT channel again: the White Witch participated in the project "Psychics conduct an investigation. The battle of the strongest. "

With the idea that the ability to foresee the situation will smooth possible conflicts, in 2019 Nicole went to a remote island, becoming a member of the psychic team in the show "The Last Hero". Relations with colleagues and rivals had smooth. Kuznetsova made friends with Aida and supported Tatyana Larina when the rest were combined against that. The launcher's project examined not as a competition, but to check their own physical and mental strength.

Personal life

Nicole told that Vyacheslav Ivankov often had in their house, but saw in the girl exclusively a friend's daughter. As a woman drew attention to when he was convinced that she "learned to hardly solve complex problems."

Skeptics, making uncomplicated calculations, pointed to mismatches on dates and age. It turned out that the communication of the Kuznetsova with a Japanese occurred during the period when she was from 10 to 17 years. But the lead says that the elder son Egor is born in civil marriage with Ivankov. The boy seems to be traced extrasensory abilities. The similarity of the child with the mother and in the fact that he is disabled, suffering from diabetes.

Personal life Nicole Kuznetsova today is filled with secrets no less than in the period of early youth. In social networks they write that the husband's husband is a TV presenter Alexander Sadokov. ON Father of the younger son Stepana. The witch openly calls Alexander by the father of his children, a loved one, hoping and supporting.

A fragile figure (weight of 42 kg, an increase of 165 cm) extrasens decorate tattoos. In the drawings on the body, Nicole puts a deep meaning, believing that they serve as a faith from evil eyes and ill-wishers. Another intervention in the appearance of Kuznetsov allowed itself in 2017, when he turned to plastic surgeons for the correction of the nose.

Nicole Kuznetsova now

Nicole - author of the publication "I see your soul! Book-Obereg. " In Him, the launcher shared his advice and gave recommendations, how to attract good luck and protect against evil. According to the White Witch, magical properties are invested in the book: applying palm to the specified places, the person finds an answer to the question of interest.

In 2015, the woman announced that he would help those who wanted to develop magical abilities, for this hesitate the Center for the Center for Right Magic. Subsequently, an online store appeared, where tarot cards, amulets, charms, candles are sold. In addition, Kuznetsova leads a personal reception, organizes trainings, on which "combined spiritual and material". At the end of 2018, she opened the beauty salon "Studio of reincarnation", where there are quite "earth" cosmetic services.

Own gift, Nicole is recognized, in life it does not help her.

"I have no right to use it for yourself. If you are doing certain things - you catch the wallet, bring men, remove the opponents, you choose one way. I chose another. "

To the fortuneteller, psychics should not go in search of healing, a child's leakage, and the like, but in a situation where you are before the choice - work, place of residence. And statements about damage or evil eye - it is simply the dying of money.


  • 2015 - "Battle of Psychics", 16 season
  • 2017 - "Psychics are investigating. The battle of the strongest ", season 6
  • 2019 - "Last Hero"

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