Sergey "Parch" Pakhomov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Pakhom Pakhomov - Showman, an underground actor, an avant-garde musician, an empty artist and a participant in the "Battle of Psychics" show. He left a noticeable mark in the cinema, appearing in the lead in the film "Green Slonik", and his Music Album "Bonchi" was named Artemia Troitsky "First Real Russian Rap".

Childhood and youth

Sergey Pakhomov (known more often under pseudonym pact) was born in Moscow in 1966. His patronage of the zodiac was a scorpion. According to him, at the age of 5, he was allocated to one of the musical schools of the capital, which he graduated from the class of violin. But the game on the instrument in Pat, I scored after the tragic chance: once during a walk on the Oblaged street Mom, slipping, fell on the violin.

In addition to the game of the instrument, Sergey Pakhomov already in early childhood was interested in drawing. To develop art talent, he graduated from 2 institutions. Behind his shoulders have completed education in the Krasnopresnensk art school in 1981.

After her, he studied in the metropolitan art and industrial school, ended in 1985. Here the guy became interested in icon painting and Russian painting technicians.


In the youth of Pakhomov began to show interest in music and sports. He played in different musical groups and was fighting. Pat reports that a year before the end of the school, he was placed in the psychiatric hospital named after Kashchenko, where a draft board sent him, instead of sending to the war in Afghanistan.

In the mid-80s, the artist took part in chamber art exhibitions held in apartments and clubs. But in the late 80s, he received the opportunity to demonstrate his skill at the exhibitions of painting in Russia and abroad, in particular in New York and Austria.

Patty in youth

From 1988 to 2000 Sergey Pakhomov had the opportunity to learn modern art in Europe and America. I could visit Paris, Berlin and Marseille.

Pasha's psychic also worked as an art director in glossy magazines. From 2002 to 2007, he edited as an artist Edition ELLE decor. In 2008, an acting art director of Marie Claire magazine, and since July 2009, passed on the same post to the editorial office of the Russian version of Elle.

Films and TV projects

Fame Pakhoma brought roles in the scandalous-known paintings of the director Svetlana Baskovoy "Green Slonik", "Cockki - Running Doctor", "Five bottles of vodka" and others. Basque Same Joint work with Pakhomov compares with the relationship of Fellini and Mastroanni, emphasizing that the underground actor is an "integral part" of her paintings.


Sergey Pakhomov is more critical, calling his work in cinema (and not only in it) "mixture of idiocy and absurdity." The most prominent filmmaker Pakhoma became the role of a village man, "having gone" the younger officer in the film "Green Slonik", where the hero copes the need for a frame. His partner in the plot was Vladimir Epifantsev, the executor of the role of "brothers".

The film was created within 2 days. The actors were difficult to cross over their own fears, playing in some scenes. The absurd and cruel plot of the film was thinking as a protest against the Chechen war.

Sergey Pochomov and Vladimir Epifantsev starred in the film

As Actor, Sergey appeared in the series director Valeria Gai Germanic. He starred in several series of her "schools", as well as in the "brief course of a happy life" (in the role of Swingers) and the "May ribbons". In the last film, Pakhomov worked as an artist-director. In Kinolent, Baskova "For Marx ..." Pat has played the role of a brigadier of the foundry plant of the plant, who kills the owner of the enterprise, the hero, Vladimir Epifantsev.

The picture received the "White Elephant" award in the category "Event of the Year", and was also presented at Berlin-2013 and "Kinotavra".


In the artistic circles of the capital, Sergey Pakhomov - the personality is quite famous. Some call it a "cult character", others - the "scroochome" and "social phenomenon". Music critic Leonid Alexandrovsky said:

"This is a Renaissance man with Novokuznetsk, a rayful buoy in the strings, the ever-incorporated match of the bohemian capital."

In September 2015, he became a member of the scandalous project "Battle of Psychics - 16". He assures that he knew nothing about the project and never watched a single season. He came there on the recommendation of friends who are known for its extrasensory abilities. Impressed the audience in that for the first time in the entire history of the project, he managed twice in a row in the trunk cars of the hidden man.


For magical "insights", a dive uses the immersion in the trans that resembles a strange dance.

According to the project fans, in a short time, Sergey Pakhomov managed to vouch with all colleagues, editors and operators of the program. Because of the initial nature, the participant left the show ahead of time, although his ratings were high. The artist suggested his candidacy in return for Mother and the Ravenov daughter, the names of which were in the black envelope. Pakhomov returned to the usual activity. He acted as an artist-director of the series "Bonus" and the film "Yes and yes."

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In 2017, Showman began cooperation with TV-3 channel. Initially, Sergey appeared on the Invisible Man's project as a guest. From November began to create a television show "Supernatural selection".


The creative biography of the artist is and work in the genre of Standap-gum. Pakhomov is known for lectures and comic monologues. His solo shows are pretty "perceived" meaning and have scandalous texts. Rooms "Barin-Gomosek", "Dead House" and others can be seen in the "School of Modern Pieces" theater.

Artist and artist steak (

Since 2008, the artist uses a creative pseudonym in steam. He is actively engaged in concert activities. So, together with the musician Mikhail Vivisector Antipova, he records 3 albums - "Bonchi", "Life is a cheerful carnival" and "Moscow". In 2013, the album of Pakhoma and Prokhor "Kurlyk" appeared.

Critics opposed the music of the artist to the songs of Dejl, Timati, the caste, and also conducted parallels with the musical compositions of Peter Mamonov.

Artist Sergey

As for Pakhomov-artist, most of the paintings he wrote in the 1980s. His canvas represent modern art and avant-garde. They exhibited in the German Museum of Ludwigshafen, the Saatichi Gallery in London and the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York. The last exposition of Pakhomov appeared in the Galman Marat Gallery in May 2012. He properly owns the technicians of Khokhloma, as well as Paleh and Zhostovskaya.

Personal life

Personal life Sergey Pakhoma Pakhomova, as well as creativity, is full of absurdity. In March 2007, the artist claimed that he was not married, being the father of the receiving son Ivan. At the same time, in one of the numerous interviews, he stated that he had an official wife and he brings up two children - native sons.

Patoma's personal life - Mystery (VKontakte

Only in 2013 there were rumors that Sergey Pakhomov is officially marriage with the former chief editor of the ELLE decor edition of Elena Tokareva. Although the strange details of this "Union" soon turned out. The woman is older than Sergey for 18 years and is officially married to the engineer Lvir Gelbstein. Most likely, this information has become part of the "Myth", which Sergey creates, according to him, around his name. Later, the showman repeatedly repeated that the novels started with young specialists.

Sergey Parch Pakhomov now

In 2019, Showman is going to expand his acting filmography. A year earlier, the director Svetlana Baskov began collecting funds through the crowdfunding system for filming a new painting "Hamlet", in which he plans to use his favorites - Pakhomov and Epifantsev.

Pahom in 2019

Now a step is preparing for fans a new show "Six Evenings with Pakhomom", which starts on the scene of Moskoncert in April 2019. The performance of Sergei's "blood in the stairwell" was based on the performance of the Drama genre with elements of Horror. Artist informed about this event with a personal account in "Instagram". Here the showman places the photo of his new cauldons.


  • 1998 - "Cockki - Running Doctor"
  • 1999 - "Green Slonik"
  • 2002 - "Five bottles of vodka"
  • 2006 - "Mozart"
  • 2010 - "School"
  • 2011 - "Short course of happy life"
  • 2012 - "For Marx ..."
  • 2014 - "May Ribbons"


  • 2008 - "Bonchu"
  • 2009 - "Life - Cheerful Carnival"
  • 2010 - "Moscow"
  • 2013 - "Kurlyk"
  • 2016 - "Arcadiya"

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