Alexander Tkachev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politics 2021



Alexander Tkachev - Russian Politician, a member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party, the former Governor of the Krasnodar Territory and the former Minister of Agriculture. In the first post, the official was remembered by the fact that almost 5 times increased the budget of the region (from 13 to 60 billion rubles) and attracted a mass of investors who contributed considerable funds to the development of the oldest resident of Russia. At the second, it became famous for extremely rigid measures towards agricultural products (including food), which fell into the territory of the country bypass economic sanctions.

Childhood and youth

Tkachev Alexander Nikolaevich was born on December 23, 1960 in the village of the village of Krasnodar Territory in the Cossack family. Father Nikolai Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee, to the age of the Son headed the inter-farm feeder factory. Mother Lyubov Sergeevna Rode from Ukraine. Parents met in Moscow, where both studied. Alexandra has an older brother Alexey, now he is a deputy of the State Duma.

Tkachev graduated from the local school number 2, in which he left behind the memories of both a good and diligent student. In addition to school lessons, participated in amateur competitions, knew how to play the guitar, and also engaged in basketball.

The adult life of Alexander began with the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, which Tkachev was successfully graduated in 1983 and received a member engineer diploma. Immediately at the end of the university, he went to work to his father to the plant and, starting from the bottom, with the position of heat engineering, was rapidly climbed to the top of the career ladder. In 1990 he became the director of the Zaglivsky feed mill. During this time, Tkachev joined the CPSU, from 1986 to 1988 he was secretary of the Komsomol district.

In the early 90s, after privatization, the plant was called AGROKOMPLEX JSC and became the largest enterprise of the region after the union with other district production complexes. Alexander and Father held leadership posts there.

In 2000, Tkachev graduated from the graduate school of the Kuban Agricultural Institute and defended his dissertation. After another 4 years, he became a doctor of economic sciences, submitting scientific work on the topic of cooperation and diversification at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Community "Dishessenet", examined by the dissertation, notes in the work of Alexander, mass borrowings from other people's projects.

Career and politics

Alexander Nikolayevich's political biography takes the beginning in 1994. Then Tkacheva was elected by a deputy of the Regional Legislative Assembly, and after a year the politician came to the ranks of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In 2000, the Future Minister of Agriculture became part of the agro-industrial group and headed the Commission and the National Affairs Committee.

At the end of the same year, Alexander won the governor elections in the Krasnodar Territory and, having received support for 82.4% of the population, headed the region for the next 4 years. Policy attribute a sharp increase in the budget, which has become a kind of foundation for the revival of the region. The speeches of Tkachev against the sale of the peasant land provided sustainable support for the population.

The governor's activity of Alexander had the dark stripes. In 2005, the official initiated the global restructuring of Krasnodar, which caused dissatisfaction of the inhabitants of the city. But thanks to the diplomatic approach, Tkachev managed to resolve disagreements with the population and realize their ideas in full.

In 2007, Alexander Nikolaevich President of Russia was appointed to the third governor's term. During this period, he managed to bring to the development of the region of foreign investors: the Swiss factory for the production of soluble coffee Nestle and the CLAAS factory, which provided the numerous population of work places and replenished the budget of the Krasnodar Territory were built into Kuban.

Thanks to the professional activity of Tkacheva, Kuban returned the status of the resident of the Russian Federation, took the leading positions on the collection of sugar beets, grains, the production of wines and seeds. In 2012, the acting head of the state, Dmitry Medvedev, again extended Tkachev's powers for 5 years.

Alexander Nikolaevich contributed to the organization and preparation of the Olympic Games in Sochi, which was the triumph of the policy over the years of the Board. For this Tkachev received the Order "For the merits of the Fatherland" of the II degree. The international event brought the governor's approval of the government and dislike their own electorate. The construction of Olympic facilities was accompanied by a number of problems with Russian Railways and citizens. Residents of Sochi felt the ill-impact of tactical solutions to the issue.

In 2014, Tkachev made an initiative to cancel the elections of the Gradualist, which entailed protests. A series of single pickets took place in Krasnodar. More mass protests were held in Yaroslavl, whose governor - Sergey Yastrebov - made a similar draft law. The rally has a thousand people, representatives of the "Apple" parties, "Communists of Russia", RPR Parnas and Solidarity Movement were noticed in protest masses.

In March 2015, Alexander Nikolayevich voluntarily resigned, Veniamin Kondratyev was voluntarily resigned, the successor of Tkachev, who was gaining more than 83% of the vote on the governor elections on September 13, 2015.

The appointment of Alexander Tkacheva to the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation became a surprise for everyone. Russian President entrusted this position to experienced, from his point of view, an agriculture that will reform import substitution and ensure the food security of the state.

Alexander Tkachev promised to "feed the country" by Russian products, exhibit imported from the market, increase production volumes, reduce prices and develop agricultural business to a large-scale level.

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Tkachev

The loud initiative of the new minister of agriculture was a proposal to destroy the products, the import of which the Russian Federation banned in response to anti-Russian sanctions. Vladimir Putin supported this proposal and signed the appropriate decree, according to which, from August 6, 2015, sanction goods on the territory of the country are fully eliminated.

In 2017, Rosselkhozbank launched the mechanism of preferential lending APK at a rate not higher than 5% per annum. Tkachev stressed that the Ministry of Agriculture agreed with the bank of crediting issues in less than 2 months, and already in the spring provided part of the loans with hundreds of agricultural producers. In March, Rosselkhozbank sent 25 billion rubles. Enterprises from 44 regions of the Russian Federation. The minister hoped that financing would help in time to hold a sowing campaign and would provide a high yield for the year.

Alexander Tkachev continued to work for the benefit of import substitution. The minister accused Belarus that the country became a transshipment base for European commodity producers who fell under Russian sanctions.

In 2012, the share of Belarusian production products in the Russian market was 1%, and by 2017 he grown to 15%. Tkachev saw the reason for the sharp growth in the fact that 40% of the allegedly Belarusian goods are brought to Russia from the outside due to the free trade zone. Temporary checkpoints revealed illegal supply schemes: false transit, re-export, certificate falsification.

Against the background of the conflict with Belarus at the congress of the association of peasant (farmer) farms and agricultural cooperatives of Russia, the Minister urged farmers to take up the decision of the dairy problem and displace dairy products from the Russian market from Belarus from the Russian market. Rosselkhoznadzor then introduced restrictive measures for Belarusian food products.

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On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. After joining the position, he suggested the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Alexander Tkachev did not retain the post, Dmitry Patrushev, the former head of Rosselkhozbank and the son of Secretary of the Security Council of Nicholas Patrushev became a new minister of agriculture.

Having lost the place in the government, Tkachev returned to the "Agrocomplex" previously led by a member of the Board of Directors. The media reported on the possible appointment of the Ex-Minister of the President of the President in the Southern or Volga Federal District or the ambassador to Belarus. Further events denied this information - the posts went to other people.

Personal life

About his personal life Alexander Tkachev told a little. With his wife Olga Storozhenko, the former minister and the governor raised her daughters love and Tatiana. The last married to the businessman Roman Batalov, gave the father to his granddaughter Alexander. The portal wrote that the spouses took the girl from the orphanage Nastya, but there is no details about the fate of the pupil.

In 2009, Alexander Tkachev became the only Kuban official, discontinued and fully declared revenues that were 1.6 million rubles. The spouse of the policy in the same year earned 2 times more, as it is the owner of 100% of the authorized capital of one of the Russian companies.

In 2014, the income of the head of the family increased - the ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory declared 2.2 million rubles, the earnings of the Zkobheva's wife had sunk - Olga Ivanovna received 5 million rubles. In the Declaration of Minister in 2015 appeared the amount of 50.5 million rubles.

The press wrote a lot about the family business Tkacheva. According to this information, during the time Alexander led the federal ministry, the relatives got almost all major enterprises of Kuban and gigantic landlords. Preferential loans were mentioned, large transactions, the permits of controlling authorities were obtained without problems.

Tabkheva's son-in-law was accused of mediation in obtaining a bribe. However, the case was subsequently closed, and for the rest of the facts, none of the environments of Alexander Nikolayevich, including he himself, did not give comments.

In the "Facebook" and "Twitter" pages are headed, but a former official scored them, referring to employment. Account in "Instagram" is not, and the photo and video is published in this social network and video. Businessman is watching. So co-owner of the Agrocomplex discovered a roller on which angry buyers accused the producer of dairy products in the absence of natural milk in cottage cheese. Holding, no agreement with the conclusions, filed a lawsuit against reputation protection. The decision was made in favor of the enterprise.

Alexander Tkachev now

In 2019, a roller appeared on the network, at which Alexander Tkachev was captured by Marina Protalseva, Arkady Dvorkovich and Natalia Timakova. The specified persons once occupied not recent posts in the leadership of the country: the head of the Prime Minister's Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the press secretary of the head of government (now - Vnesheconombank's deputy chairman), respectively. Former comrades on board a private aircraft sing songs and shed champagne. It is noticeable that the record is kept on the phone, and removing remains behind the scenes.

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov on request to comment on the event replied that informal meetings of administration staff are a normal phenomenon if it does not violate the law.

The Internet community was divided into action estimates. Some noticed that the video was recorded back in 2018 and, perhaps, became one of the explanations, why the participants of the festival later lost the posts. Others believe that the elite of Russian society does not differ from ordinary citizens who loving similarly to relax: "Cultural code is the same". Third emphasize the insecurity of the Cabinet Dmitry Medvedev in the selection of personnel, and this is reflected in the quality of the work of employees.

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