Tatyana Chelysheva (Tatiana Shell) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "bachelor", Alexey Vorobyov, "Instagram" 2021



In one of his most striking hits "Crazy" vocalist Alexey Vorobyov lost "She lives, as if every evening - Friday." Now the fans of the singer are discussed, there was no heroine of the composition of the 5th season of the Schow "Bachelor" on TNT Tatyana Chelyshev.

Childhood and youth

The future producer appears in social networks and as Tatiana Shell, was born on August 26, 1990 in Moscow in the family of pianists and a maxillofacial surgeon. Later in the family of the Chelywood was born sister Tanya Polina.

In childhood and adolescence, Tatiana was engaged in expensive sports: large tennis and horse riding. The beloved horse of the young Muscovite called Arafat. At 21, Tatiana graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, in the anthem of which there are words:

"Giving the profession all your strength,

So that the country could flourish from year to year,

We are responsible before the Great Russia

And trust it should justify "

A few months after receiving the diploma, the girl went to the USA, where he lives and now, removing the apartment in Miami.

Career and Show "Bachelor"

About the producer career of the Chelyyevaya known little. The girl produced the clip of one of Alexey Vorobyev projects - FRENDA groups. According to Chelyyevaya, she organized shooting in Los Angeles such paintings as "he - dragon" and "Movement up".

The noticeable fact of the biography of Tatiana was to participate in the 5th season of the Show "Bachelor". A resident of Miami was inspired by the 4th season of the project, in which the participants fought for the heart of Alexey Vorobyev. However, the new bachelor - the actor "Interns" Ilya Mlinnikov disappointed the girl and caused her rejection. The rejection of Ilya and Tatiana was mutual, the daughter of the surgeon and pianists left the show one of the first. Chelyshev also actively commented on the 6th season of the project, in which Egor Cred was played as a bachelor.

Personal life

On July 28, 2020, the former participant of the Show "Bachelor" gave birth to the son of Daniel Adam. At the end of pregnancy, with an increase in 150 cm, a native of Moscow weighed 85 kg.

Chelyshev claimed that he deliberately became a single mother, because he put a goal to acquire the heir to 30 years. Spectacular brunette did not disclose the name of the father of the child for a long time. For 3 months with a boy made friends Cat Chelyyeva Leia. But to acquaint my son with a series of men seeking to become part of Tatiana's personal life, a young mother is not going.

Tatyana Chelyshev and Alexey Vorobiev

Although Adam has changed to age for 10 months, Tatiana thoughtfully refers to the upbringing of the heir and is divided with the subscribers of an instagram account by the methods of teaching a child to sleep in his crib and thought about the need for vaccinations. Nanny Adam lives in the same apartment with a pupil and his mother, but uses a separate bathroom.

The name of the father of the boy's father Tatiana Victoria Chelysheva, who has been placed in the evening of 2021 in the instagram account photo of the grandson and thanked Adam's genetic parent for a beautiful child. In the comments to the record, the woman reported that the daughter gave birth from Alexey Vorobyeva and the singer knows about it. The positiveness of the situation attaches the fact that in February 2021 a vocalist presented the son of Leo another woman - Natalia Zubareva.

Tatyana Chelywis now

On May 1, 2021, Tatiana received US citizenship, thereby fulfilling one of the three wishes of the late father. The two other dreams of parents of Chelyshev performed earlier: his son bore and lowered weight by 35 kg.

In June 2021, a new US citizen flew to Moscow to make a plastic surgery on the chest. Report on the flight, a preoperative conversation with a doctor and a joint photo with him Tatiana placed in Instagram account. On the visit of the newly amented American coincided with the Master's status of the Master's sister. Master's dissertation in Moscow State University Girl defended on perfectly.

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