Dmitry Astrakhan - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, director, filmography, "fate of the saboteurs", Actor 2021



Dmitry Astrakhan, during the years, the principles developed, relying on which, he decides, to be or not to be a film. He will not take for the project, if it does not sympathize, does not understand the characters. The laws on which Dmitry creates probably close to fans, since the filmms created by them, causing deep sympathy or provoking sharp criticism, in any case do not leave indifferent.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Astrakhan was born on March 17, 1957 in the family of historians Susanna Manevich and Khanan Astrakhan. He grew up in a cohesive family, where everyone supported each other. He had 3 brothers, and parents constantly said that they were the team, they taught sons to be separable to others. From childhood, the director remember that Mom was preparing porridge and filled it to everyone in a special way - it was a whole ritual.

In the school years, the boy attracted mathematics and literature, he also engaged in a classic struggle. 8 years old Dmitry Astrakhan was held in an ordinary school, and after he went to the physico-mathematical on Vasilyevsky island.

Having received a certificate, Dmitry decided to enter the electrotechnical institute, but never finished learning. Then he tried himself in several universities and threw it too. Leningrad Hitmik became the last place of study by Astrakhan - he graduated from him in 1982 and received a diploma director's diploma.

Before a young specialist stood a difficult choice: to work as an assistant director in Leningrad or move to Sverdlovsk and become a director of the theater. Then his mother wisely noticed that it was not necessary to reduce the bar. If you are a director, then be it. In the future, the woman came to all the premiere shows of the Son, although the road was not free.


Dmitry Khananovich first got into the temple of Melpomen at 17 years old thanks to friendship with the daughter of the chief director of the Kirov Theater. Nastya studied in the theater studio and led Astrakhan for the company. The young man showed a couple of etudes, and a call rang at night - he was invited to a major role in the present play. Dozens of relatives came to the premiere, and again, as in all further biography, the maternal word was decisive:"Go to the profession or do not do this in general."

In 1982, Dmitry Astrakhan began working as director of Sverdlovsky Tyus. Then there was a break connected with the service in the army, and again work in theaters.

He was inhabited by the Matra River Georgy Tovstonogov in Leningrad, and in 1991 he headed the Akimov's comedy theater, where he worked until 1995. For 13 years of work at the Astrakhan Theater presented more than 40 productions. The play on the play "Delete Well done is the pride of the West" director set several times.


His debut as a film director was the film "Rock Error". The picture was shown on one of the TV channels of Yekaterinburg. In 1990, Dmitry Khananovich began shooting a short tape "Izya" on its own scenario. A year later, he went to the screens in the full-length version. At the shooting required 1 million rubles., The amount for those times is cosmic. Astrakhan, by the Nationality of the Jew, who shot the picture about Jewish pogroms in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, asked for help in the Jewish Cultural Center.

Later, the director recalled that he became the first of his colleagues who brought sponsorship to the studio. "Izya" received the main prize of the "Kinotavra" and advanced to Oscar from Russia. Dmitry Khananovich removed another film about inter-ethnic enmity - "from hell to hell." The performer of the leading role of Alla Kokov was awarded the "Kinotavra" award and the nomination for the "Golden Aries" as the best actress.

In 1993, the premiere of another work of the director took place. Melodrama "I have one" with Alexander Zbruyev and Marina Neelova removed on all the laws of this genre. Critics called the film overly emotional, which did not prevent him from collecting an axle awards at Russian and international film films.

In 1995, Dmitry Astrakhan removed the comedy "everything will be fine" with Anatoly Zhuravlev, who received the Grand Prix of the festival "Love Is Folly". Then there were the series "Waiting Room" and a criminal tape "Contract with death", also not left without awards. After the release of the musical painting "Crossroads", the fans of the creativity of Andrei Makarevich received another hit in his performance - the Soundtrack of the same name.

In 2001, Dmitry Khananovich presented to the audience a melodrama "Give me the Moonlight" with Natalia Andreichenko and Olesy Sudzilovskaya. For the artist of the leading role of Nicholas Eremenko Jr. This is one of the latest projects in life.

For many years, the director works with the screenwriter Oleg Danilov. In 2012, the creative tandem presented a fairy tale "Baby". The picture of the picture unfolds in an orphanage, the pupils of which are satisfied with their own trial over corrupt officials. Dmitry Khananovich called this director's work "fairy tale," because in the plot there are many conventions - he tried to make a parable about contemporaries.

In 2011, Astrakhan starred as an actor in the picture "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". For the role of Leonid, he received the Nika Prize and fell into the number of nominees for the Golden Eagle. In 2013, Dmitry Khananovic filmography was replenished with roles in the "One day" ribbons, "invisible", "parallel life".

In 2015, Astrakhan received the "Golden Eagle" as the best actor of the second plan. He played in the "end of the beautiful era", the screening of the story of Sergei Dovlatov about the 60s, the last director's work of Stanislav Govorukhin. Matcher Cinema, as later told Astrakhan in the Studio "Evening Urganta", worked, "tastefully and buzzed, did not drive anywhere." And he "turned off" in himself the director, fully trusted the senior comrade.

The role in the psychological thriller "Game", which came to the screens in 2018, Dmitry Khananovich unexpectedly invited an unusual performer - Humorist-stand-stand Paul Volia. The key character of the project, as well as in the "love without rules," embodied Viktor Vasilyev, also familiar to the audience for comedy images.

In 2019, the director pleased the fans with a new film - the drama "Life after life", in which Anna Semenovich involved, Alexander Domogarov and Kirill Safonov.

Even more Astrakhan is busy as an actor. He starred with Vladimir Mashkov in the Comedan militant "Billion" about banker, robbing his own bank, in the musical tape "Choir", the detective series "Hidden motives".

In the picture "Miraculous" plot rotates around the icon, it is unknown as it turned out in the Siberian Wilderness, in the TV series "Poor Girl", telling about a cynical journalist who returned to the city of youth.

And in the 2020th premiere of the series "Old frames", where Astrakhan got one of the main images. Boris Shcherbakov, Boris Galkin, Maria Shukshina took part in the project.

Personal life

Dmitry Astrakhan was married three times. The first marriage quickly collapsed. The second wife of the director became the actress Olga Belyaeva. In his youth, the spouses survived the tragedy: the firstborn doctors diagnosed a heavy heart disease, in 40 days the baby died. Then the couple was born the son Paul.

In the life of Astrakhan, a new love appeared - the ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Elena. It was so strong that the man could not deceive his spouse. After the divorce on the family, a new mountain was collapsed - the hooligans set fire to the entrance door to the apartment. Sleeping Olga did not immediately realize what and where he was burning, and jumped into the entrance - right into the fire. The woman died, and the boy was miracle survived.

For Little Pasha, Elena became the guardian angel who later replaced him a deceased mother. Now Paul, according to his father, "is in finding himself", lives in St. Petersburg, is fond of music.

Five more children were born in the family - Natalia's daughters, Maria, Anna, Elizabeth and Son Victor. The family now lives in a private house in the Moscow region, the eldest daughter is studying in the UK. Dmitry Khananovich says that fate is a combination of comedy, melodramas, tragedies, detective and even fiction - all genres except boring.

Dmitry Khananovich rarely exposes photos of loved ones in "Instagram", but subscribers among the first to learn about the film and the premieres of performances with the participation of idols.

Dmitry Astrakhan now

In June 2021, the director found himself in the chair of the hero show "The Fate of Man", remembering the tragic and joyful pages of his life. In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, Dmitry Khananovich was mentioned about his first spouse. As it turned out, her fate was good, now she has its own theater in Switzerland, it turned out to create a happy family.

In the transfer of Astrakhan received a gift from the editorial office - its own plot on the moon with an area of ​​3 acres. And in the final, the director addressed his young, calling himself an "idiot." Such an accusation was due to the fact that he could become a successful actor if he had thought about it before. At the same time, Dmitry Khananovich noted: he did everything right, but to answer for his decisions after death would be before the "chair".

Few earlier premiere of the military drama "Fate of Diversanta", the production of which started back in 2019. The tape of the director of Astrakhan is based on the biography of Fyodor Krylovich, in the film of the main character name is Ales Arlovich. The role of the Soviet soldier, who became the author of the largest land diversion during the Great Patriotic War, executed Alexey Surensky.

Filmography (actor)

  • 2011 - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"
  • 2012 - "Divorce"
  • 2013 - "Invisible"
  • 2014 - "Meteorite"
  • 2015 - "Translator"
  • 2017 - "Poor Girl"
  • 2017 - "execute cannot be pardon"
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2019 - "Mosgaz. New thing Major Cherkasova "
  • 2020 - "Old Frames"

Filmography (director)

  • 1991 - "Izya"
  • 1993 - "You are alone!"
  • 1995 - "Four Planet"
  • 1998 - "Crossroads"
  • 2001 - "Yellow Dwarf"
  • 2003 - "Tartaren from Tarason"
  • 2007 - "Everything is honest"
  • 2013 - "Baby"
  • 2018 - "Game"
  • 2021 - "Fate of Diversanta"

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