Bashar Assad - biography, personal life, photo, news, president of Syria, Russia, wife, growth, regime 2021



Bashar Assad - President of Syria, heading the country since 2000. This fact does not like everyone both in the homeland of the head of state and in the world community. Nevertheless, in the election, he receives an absolute majority of votes and, despite his rejection of his figures in the European Community, continues to implement plans to improve the quality of life in the country.

Childhood and youth

Born Bashar Hafez Al-Assad on September 11, 1965 in the capital of Syria in the general of the General Commander of the Syrian Air Force and Air Force Horfez Assad, who later became Minister of Defense, and in 1971 he headed the country and the ruling Baas party. The mother of the future President Anis Makhluf belonged to the richest clan of the Alawit tribe Huddadin and devoted all his life to raising children, as the Father was constantly absent at home and was busy with state affairs.

The primary education Bashar Assad received in the elite damask Lyceum "Khurria". He was a diligent and diligent student who had pronounced abilities to study foreign languages. After graduating from the lyceum, the future Syrian chapter entered the Damascus Medical University at the Faculty of Ophthalmology and graduated from his red diploma.

Bashar Assad in childhood

Having become a certified doctor, the son of the country acting at that time, who at one time also dreamed of a doctor's career, went to work in a specialty in a military hospital in the suburbs of the Syrian capital.

In 1991, Bashar went to London for an internship in an ophthalmological center at the Hospital of St. Mary. Abroad, Assad worked under a pseudonym so that no one knew what kind of family he would come. But in 1994, the young man threw his studies and work in the UK and returned to his homeland, as the elder brother Basel, whom the father prepared in his successors was killed in the car accident. Bashar had to take on the role of the clan heir and leave dreams of medicine to become president of the country.

Start of political career

Preparation for the presidential post from Bashar Assad began with the Homs Military Academy, where experienced military leaders led individual training with him. In parallel with military training, the future Syrian head was actively engaged in public affairs, took the post of advisor at the father.

He also headed the Anti-Corruption Committee in the Government and the Internal Security Service of Syria. At the same time, the Bashar supervised the issues of the country's investment policy, promoting the interests of "new Syrians", among which the children of high-ranking officials were mainly included.

Despite the fact that Bashar Assad had no relation to the foreign policy of Syria, he was engaged in Syrian-Lebanese issues. Since 1999, the future president has begun to make political tour on the world and take overseas delegations instead of the Father. Thanks to the efforts of Bashar in 1999, the Internet appeared in Syria, and in 2000 - cellular communication.

Then Assad managed to change the image of a physician on energetic, fair and honest policies than won colossal support among the population. Therefore, after in 2000, his father died from heart failure, he became the only candidate for the presidency of Syria.

President of Syria

Biography of Bashar Assad as president of the country began on the same day when Hafez Assad died. The country's parliament instantly changed the Constitution, reducing the minimum age of the presidential candidate so that Bashar was able to become the head of Syria in his 34 years. The next day he was awarded the title of Lieutenant General, after which he, in addition to the country, headed the Syrian army. In the presidential election, Assad scored more than 97% of the votes of the voters, many of which "yes" set blood.

In the first years of the leadership of Syria, the President conducted a liberalization of the political system of the country, an amnestied a number of political prisoners contributed to the creation of political forums, the release of the first independent newspaper. Also at the dawn of the presidency of Bashar in Damascus appeared non-government universities, the stock market and private banks opened. For 4 years, he changed the Cabinet of Ministers by 15%, replacing military officials on civilians.

In 2007, the Board expired, but Assad again won the elections - he was supported by 97% of the country's population, and the Bashar found powerful powers until 2014. On the second term of the presidency, he faced the consequences of the Civil War, which began to flare up in Syria in 2011.

In an interview with 2014, Bashar Assad noted that a "crucial moment" began in Syria and the process of national reconciliation began. At the same time he declared his intention to run for the third presidential term. Elections in Syria were held on June 3, 2014, Assad scored almost 89% of votes of voters and again became president.

Many Western countries believe that these presidential elections were illegal, since they were held in civil war. Despite this, Bashar Assad continued to head the Syrian government army and deal with terrorism, carrying a threat to the whole world. The main enemy of Assad is now considered to be the grouping "Islamic state", with the militants of which he fights along with the US headed by the United States, whose actions are directed not only against ISIL, but also against the government army.

Civil War

The military top did not have to reduce the role of the army. Islamic radicals took advantage of the situation, deciding that the presidential power weakened.

In response, Assad "spin the nut": got rid of different ways from unwanted, introduced the CS mode, closed the disloyal media, blocked the social network. Mass community protests led to the Civil War. A number of foreign states demanded the resignation of Bashar, believing that only this could stop the bloodshed, financed the free army and the National Council, whose activities were aimed at overthrowing the Assad regime.

Mass protests began throughout the country, the requirements for political reforms and the abolition of a state of emergency introduced back in 1963 were put forward. Bashar promised to fulfill all the requirements of the people, heaven to resign the government, signed a decree on the abolition of emergency, but it did not help resolve the situation.

In Syria, an opposition was formed, which stimulated Protestants. After Bashar Assad began to apply for the acceleration of the protesters of military forces, he fell into disrepair from many European countries. The free Syrian Army and the National Council, who became the "fruits" of the activities of the opposition forces who want to overthrow the Assad regime.

Syrian opposition and now support the United States, United Kingdom, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, France and Qatar. In 2013, disagreements begins within the Syrian opposition, as a result, a number of extremist groups were made against the SSA, which included the ISIL-prohibited organization forbidden in Russia.

The situation was aggravated in August 2013, when the media opened the news about the use of chemical weapons under the Damascus. The UN Special Commission established only the fact of attack itself, but did not call the perpetrators. A month later, a meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov and the US Secretary of America John Kerry, who agreed in the opinion that in Syria it is necessary to destroy all the reserves of chemical buildings. The last party was exported at the end of June 2014, but the claims of the West to Assad did not subsigh.

Military Operation of Russia in Syria

In September 2015, Official Damascus appealed to Vladimir Putin with a request to provide military assistance in the fight against terrorist groups. After the co-advocate gave permission to apply Russian weapons and contingent abroad, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation began a special operation in Syria. The purpose of Russia's participation in the military Syrian conflict is the total destruction of ISIL, which begins the threat of not only the Russian Federation, but also to the whole world.

Military operation in Syria The Russian Ministry of Defense recognized the successful and brought troops from the territory of the Middle Eastern country. The West still considers Asad dictator, like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. At the same time, the former US Secretary of Defense James Matti stated that there was no evidence of the use of a chemical building of the Syrian army, and the British journalist admitted that gas attacks in which the Assad - Fake Administration was accused.

Claims to Russia about the Syrian issue are based on the categorical rejection of support for the current president. Bashar himself believes the "Northern neighbor" the best friend.

Personal life

In the countries of the East, it is not accepted about a personal life, and it is loyal to photographing there at the end of the 20th century. The family of Bashar is mentioned only in connection with political activities, especially since the wife of President Syria is also an active player in this field, even an operation to remove the cancer tumor, made in 2019, does not stop it.
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In 2001, Assad married Asma al-Ahras, the daughter of the famous Syrian Cardiologist and the Secretary of the Syrian Embassy in the UK. The woman was born and grew up in London, where he graduated from the university and received a diploma of an economist and a specialist in computer technology, worked in the investment company J. P. Morgan. Owns 4 foreign languages ​​and has double citizenship. According to the religion of Muslim Sunnik.

Religion and consider the trump card in the hands of Assad, because the presidential clan relies on Muslim Alavitov, and only 15% of the population. And the Sunnites are almost 80%, and the Rose of Damascus, as the arms nipped the asma, they adore in their homeland. About the nationality and faith of Bashar himself go legends. Separate researchers who do not consider Alavism branch of Islam, believe that the head of the Syrian state is a Christian. In the Internet space, sources come across, arguing that Assad is a Jew and the Cilician Armenian. There is no unambiguous opinion.

Bashar knew his spouse since childhood, as their families were friends and often went to visit each other, but fell in love only during internships in London. After the return of Asma in Syria, the lovers got married. From high (height - 189 cm) Men and fragile women turned out stylish couple. The first lady of the country gave her husband three children - the sons of Hafez and Karima, 2001 and 2004, and in 2003 gave birth to a daughter Zayn.

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The wife is engaged in the upbringing of children and leads active charitable activities, stands for gender equality and is famous for its rigid character. Once, the British tabloid reproached the spouse of the Syrian chapter is that such an intelligent and educated lady is not entitled to live with the dictator, we will commit a revolution on the blood and bones of citizens. In response, received a reward:

"Bashar Assad is a legitimate president of all Syria, and not any one of its parts, and the first lady supports it in this role."

There is no personal page in social networks in Al-Asada, in "Instagram" account is conducted on behalf of the presidential administration.

Bashar Assad now

In May 2021, it became known about the main competitors of Assad to the presidential chair. Among them are representatives of the parties "Socialists Unionists" and "Democratic Arab Socialist Union", Abdalla Abdullah and Mahmoud Mare, respectively. In general, there are more than 50 people who want to compete for the post of leader.

Western observers before the beginning of the voting expressed confidence in the victory of Assad. The election results confirmed the opinion of analysts. Bashar supported 95.1% of the population. As the last time, the European Union did not recognize such a result and made a decision to extend sanctions until June 1, 2022.

Meanwhile, the president re-elected for the new 7-year term announced the start of the new stage in the history of the country, encouraging citizens to embark on the construction of Syria as it should be. Now the politician expresses great hope for the return of refugees to their homeland. And here the statesman calls a stumbling block to actively oppose America.

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