Daniel Craig - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, James Bond, Agent 007, Filmography, Wife 2021



In the filmography of Daniel Craig, many diverse works, but they all overshadow the role of James Bond. Over the years of filming, the actor repeatedly cursed this image, but each time he returned again. After all, it is impossible to deny that thanks to the character Jan Fleming, he became famous for the whole world and left a trace in the hearts of millions of fans.

Childhood and youth

Craig was born on March 2, 1968 in England. The father of the future celebrity tried himself in different professions - was a sailor, worked as an engineer at the steel plant, led his own pub. Mother taught art.

When the boy was 4 years old, parents parted. Daniel and his older sister Liya moved to Liverpool with his mother. At one time, the woman refused to work at the Academy of Dramatic Art, but the passion for the theater did not disappear. After moving Olivia Carol, with his head plunged into the activities of the Liverpool theater and carried away the Son.

The childhood of the British took place behind dusty scenes or in the auditorium. In those years, he already knew that he wanted to devote himself to creativity. From 6 years, the boy participated in the production of school performances.

Later, he moved to Virral Peninsula along with his family - the mother married the second time. A teenager studied at school without much enthusiasm, but he read with a big hunt, played on stage, rugby was engaged.

In 1984, the National Youth Theater arranged audition in Manchester. The 16-year-old Daniel passed the casting and moved to London. For life in the British capital had to earn the cleaning of premises and work as a waiter.

Craig understood that for the acting career of one desire a little - it takes a specialized education. He tried to enter the school of dramatic art three times, and in the end it turned out. The young man studied in this prestigious educational institution for 3 years.


The debut of the British in the movie took place in his youth. The painting "Power of Personality" was published on the screens in 1992: Daniel played a cruel military who trampled all the rules of morality. The role was a success, and it was followed by offers from producers. After that, the performer often appeared on the screens, playing episodic characters.

In 1998, two loud premieres took place with the participation of the star - "Elizabeth" and "Love is the devil." For the second film, he received the prestigious Prize of the Edinburgh Film Festival in the "Best Role" nomination.

The artist once again attracted the attention of critics, starring in the ribbon "Voice", where she reincarnated in schizophrenia patient. Shortly thereafter, he received an invitation to work in Hollywood. There, the path of celebrities began with Alexe Vesta Character in the militant "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank." Communicating with journalists, Angelina Jolie noted that the colleague is amazingly kissing, and it was rooted interest in his person.

But after the release of the painting, Craig was not going to stay forever in the role of charming villain, he was not afraid to try himself in different roles - be it a drug dealer or even a lover of the famous philosopher. The actor easily agreed to experiments, which brought to the acting Olympus. The performer did not have a penalty from proposals, and in Hollywood, tapes regularly left his participation.

In 2006, World Glory collapsed on the artist, but at the same time the image of a charismatic agent 007 was consolidated for a long time. In the future, Daniel did not leave attempts to get rid of it, although in the end he recognized that it was still interesting to reincarnate in James Bond.

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But the audience regularly saw the celebrity in new, sometimes unexpected roles. So, in the Military Drama "Challenge" he played the Polish Jew of the Tuvye of Belsky, who created the partisan detachment to take revenge on the fascists for the death of parents. The film received contradictory reviews, but paid off at the box office.

But the fantastic thriller "invasion" with Nicole Kidman is considered a loud failure in the career of the British. Ribbon about the crash of the spacecraft put the German director Oliver Hirschbigel. Customer, Warner Brothers, the result did not satisfy. The project has already been forwarded to other cinematographers, but their efforts were in vain - Rental fees did not justify the cost of production.

In 2011, a detective "Girl with a dragon tattoo", described by the celebrity as a film for adults. Especially for filming, the performer scored the weight, which dropped to participate in the "cowboys against the aliens." The image of a talented journalist Mikael Blumquis was a brilliantly actor.

Another role, far from the Agent's image of the Agent 007, is the "Good luck of Logan" hero. Prior to this, the star colleagues have repeatedly stressed that with his sense of humor you need to be filmed in the comedies, and it finally happened. Craig embodied the former prisoner who decided to robbery. His accomplices were played by Adam Driver, Channing Tatum and Riley Kio. Money on shooting director Stephen Golberg gathered by crowdfunding.

The next sensational film with the participation of the Briton again became a comedy, in the Russian box office called "get knives". He reincarnated in a charming private detective Benoit Blanca and specially for the role developed southern accent. Inspiration for the image was the ribbons about Erkule Poirot and Miss Marple.


After the release of "die, but not now," Pierce Brosnan forever said goodbye to the role of James Bond and was ready to transfer it to his receiver. But the search for the actor took years, because the main candidate did not want to accept the proposal. Craig has long thought over whether it is worth becoming a new agent 007, aware of the responsibility.

But after the man received the scenario of the "Casino" Piano "," all doubts disappeared. He immediately announced this to the producer and was soon approved. In honor of this event, the artist got drunk in the nearest bar, ordering the favorite drink of the character - Martini with vodka.

Unlike cinematographers and former executors of the role, the fans of the series were not delighted with Craig. The actor immediately staged a spread on the network, criticizing the light hair, low growth and complete discrepancy to the book description. In response to the attacks in his address, the Briton promised to prove that they were mistaken, and did it.

The film beat records in the rental - he became the most cash off in the entire history of "Bondians", and the artist with delight, critics were responded, which were recently supported by betraying. It is saying that one representative of the press even ate an article, where he unfriendly responded about the celebrity than he recognized her wrong.

Then, giving an interview, the artist laughed at the words of a journalist who supposed that he would play the Bond for the next 10 years. Daniel called the said with nonsense and stated that he did not want to become a hostage of an image of a sex symbol. It was 2007, and he still did not know what future he was waiting for him.

Soon came the quantum of mercy, which the actor admitted unsuccessful. The reason was the strike of the scenarios, which is why the director and the executor of the leading role had to work on the plot. The picture amazes the abundance of tricks, but because of them there is no place for experiences.

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A few years before the start of work on the next film series, the artist in an informal setting became acquainted with Sam Mehdes, who volunteered about the desire to remove the ribbon about James Bond. Then the Briton offered him to take a director's chair when creating the following part of Bondiana, which became a winning solution.

Action "007: Skyfall coordinates" not only paid off at the box office, but also broke the "Piano Casino" record. " It is not surprising that the producers wished Mendez to take on shooting and the 24th film series "007: Spectrum". During the work, the Craig damaged his knee, but it did not prevent the star to enjoy working with Monica Bellucci. She became the most age "Girl Bond", because she was for 50.

After the filming of the shooting, the actor suddenly stated that he would soon open the veins, which would again agree to reincarnate in the agent 007. Later he admitted that he was released from the site and felt too tired, because of what was getting glad during an interview.

Although Daniel has always said that they have no common feature with the character, he managed to get used to the image and wanted to "leave beautifully." The best moment than the yubilee part of the series, it was difficult to come up. Therefore, soon the Briton returned to an excellent physical form and went on shooting "not time to die."

The soundtrack for the painting wrote a young and promising singer Billy Alish. The artist remained delighted with the song and listened at least 10 times to feel. For fans of the series, the composition has become the only timeless, because the release of the picture was repeatedly postponed due to a coronavirus infection in the pandemic.

Personal life

In 1991, the actor met the Loadon Fiona, and next year the wedding played lovers. Soon they had a daughter Ella, but the marriage gave the crack. After that, the Contractor had a relationship with the German Makatch. The couple spent a lot of time together, appeared in secular events and was even engaged. But it did not come to marriage.

Later, Daniel attributed a novel with a model Kate Moss, but their friendships were associated. In 2010, the scandal suddenly flared out after the Briton appeared in the ROOSterfish Gay Bar. He danced with the young man and distributed autographs to fans of alternative orientation. Then there were rumors in the press that the Bond prefers a same-sex relationship.

The refutation of the speculation was the secret wedding with the actress Rachel Weiss, on which only witnesses and children of the stars from the former elects. The novel began on the set "House of Dream" and eventually continued outside the site. For the sake of the on-screen lover, the woman ruined the engagement with Darren Aroneal - the father of her son Henry.

In the future, the husband and wife preferred not to advertise information about personal life, but in 2018 it became known that they had a common daughter. When the actor appeared in the public, carrying a child in the sling, it caused a lunizing far from everyone. Many accused him of a loss of masculinity than the launch of Flashmob in support of the star provoked. Network users began to actively publish photos with their children.

Daniel Craig now

The next date of the output "not time to die" was chosen september 2021, which became the most anticipated day for the audience. Now, saying goodbye to the image of the agent 007, the celebrity continues to delight them appearances on the screens.

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In an interview, the artist has repeatedly stated that he opposes social networks and considers modern society too dependent on likes. But this does not prevent fans to create fan accounts in "Instagram" and share new photos of idols.


  • 1995 - "First knight at the court of King Arthur"
  • 1998 - "Love is the devil"
  • 2000 - "Hotel" Splendid "
  • 2001 - "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank"
  • 2005 - "Jacket"
  • 2006 - "Casino" Piano "
  • 2007 - "Invasion"
  • 2008 - "Kvant Mercy"
  • 2008 - "Call"
  • 2011 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2012 - "007: Skyfall coordinates"
  • 2015 - "007: Spectrum"
  • 2017 - "Gangs of Los Angeles"
  • 2019 - "Get knives"
  • 2021 - "not time to die"

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