Valdis Pelsh - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife, Films, Children, Age, Illness, Group 2021



Valdis Pelsh is a popular TV presenter, Merchant and Balagen and at the same time serious documentary. The first scenario in life, which was created on the basis of the archives of the Soviet test pilot George Baidukov, Pelsh, without much hope, showed Konstantin Ernst and unexpectedly received approval and sponsorship. Since then, sowing studios and light of Sofitov he exchanged on ocean depths, mountain heights and study of history.

Childhood and youth

Valdis Eizhenovich (Evgenievich) Pelsh is a native of Riga, Latvian by nationality, citizen of the Russian Federation. Born in June 1967 in the family of a journalist, leading Latvian state radio Eyzhenis Pelsha and an engineer Ella Pelsh. In their family they talked in two languages ​​- Latvian and Russian.

After the divorce of parents, Mom married the second time. In this marriage, the son of Alexander and Daughter Sabina was born. The TV presenter's brother today works by the television operator and cooperates with Valdis, and the sister moved to the United States and received American citizenship.

Since childcare, Valdis has demonstrated abilities to languages. In Riga, he graduated from school, where French was in depth. In the same year 1983, Pelsh became a student of Moscow State University, chose the Philosophy of Faculty.

Entering the University, Valdis Pelsh immediately joined the life of the university. Visited the student theater of Moscow State University, where he met Alexei Kortnev. Together, young people created the Music Group "Accident."

As for the theater, on his scene, Pelsh and Kortnev performed all student years. Valdis played in performances even after the university graduation. Another fascination of youth is a game in KVN. He was taken to the university team. Players came to the Higher League of the Club, and their performances were broadcast on TV.


The main occupation of Valdis at the University is a performance in the "Accident" team. Here the Pelsh not only sings and plays, but also responsible for the lyrics. The active participation of the Baltic musician in the life of the group continues until 1997. After that, Valdis began to participate only in the most important concerts.

In 2003, Pelsh returned to work in a group during the recording of an anniversary album, published in the same year called "last days in paradise". After 3 years, a new disk "Simple numbers" appeared, and Valdis again spoke with the team as part of the concert, on which the musicians presented the released record. The last time in the group of the musician appeared in 2010, when they presented the album "Tunnel at the end of the world."


Valdis Pelsh managed to highlight for a non-professional actor for the number of films. The most popular projects with his participation were the film "Brother 2", where the TV presenter appeared in the image of himself, and the military drama "Turkish Gambit".

Over time, Valdis was seriously engaged in documentary. In 2016, 2 films on the first channel came out immediately. The debut called "People who made the Round Earth" was dedicated to Soviet aviation.

In August 2016, the light saw another author's project - "Journey to the Center for Earth", telling the mouth of Valdis Pelsh about the Altai Territory. The TV host accurately and Emko spoke about the region, explaining why a whole project was dedicated to this place on the map of Russia: "Altai, of course, is among the five places where it is worth visiting everyone."

In 2017, Valdis presented the "Polar Brotherhood", a documentary picture on the cooperation of the British and Soviet pilots during the Great Domestic War. The film, which the author himself considers the best non-player project in his career, translated into English to show those events survivors. And those there were three, in Canada and the UK.

A year later, the TV host in the company Ksenia Rappoport, Dmitry Puttsova and Elena Potanina from "What? Where? When?" He went to the Far East to shoot the picture "Guard Kamchatka". This is a story about the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the middle of the XIX century from the British-French squadron.

In 2017, a successful TV presenter, documentary, an actor, musician and a large father, Valdis Pelshu turned 50 years old. In the list of gifts, the jubilee was a climbing attribute - ice ax, covered with gold paint, as if a reminder of the failed conquest of Everest and a hint that the tool needs to be used.

As Valdis himself told, the expedition rose to 6 thousand meters, and then did not have enough strength, because the film "Gene height" was shot in parallel. But even in such a rather, it was necessary to get to such a fresh height: "Feel yourself in the skin of climbers, to understand what a mountain disease is when the air is discharged, the whole body burns, rushing from fatigue and constantly sick."

By the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the study of Antarctica, which is celebrated in 2020, the TV host organized an autonomous reflege through an ice continent. The expedition was held from the Novolazorevskaya station to the South Pole, crossed the Pole of the relative inaccessibility, where only 75 people visited the group for half a century (in Everest - 66 times more).

The new year, the detachment met at the Pole of the cold - the East station. Christmas and the end of the hike celebrated at the end point of the route - at the Progress station. The journey was lit in a documentary film.

Fur in the expectation The first channel offers with a new film process of the Pelsh under the name "Big White Dance". This time, Valdis forced Anna Arda, Anna Churikov and Alexey Makarov to plunge into the Pacific Water to get acquainted with white sharks.


After graduating from the University, Valdis got a job at the Scientific Research Institute at the Academy of Sciences. Having worked there for a year, he realized that it was not his way. Since 1987, the Biography of Pelsh is associated with television.

After the appearance on the screens as the KVN player, he became the director of the project "Both!". However, after two issues, the transfer was closed with the wording "for distorting the first channel appearance."

The failures were chased by production projects until 1995, while Vladislav Leaves was met on the path of Valdis. He suggested a young status guy (height - 187 cm with a weight of 83 cm) try himself a leading new music show "Guess the melody", whose show started on the ORT channel. It is with this transmission to the artist and glory and recognition.

The project was surprisingly successful and received a multimillion audience of the audience. Moreover, "Guess the Melody" even got into the Guinness Book of Records on Two Indicators: She collected an incredible number of television viewers who had reached 132 million, and the leader himself managed to make 143 programs without a break on the weekend. In January 2013, the TV presenter after a break again resumed the output "Guess the Melody".

In addition, at the junction of the centuries, the Pelsh was still a number of programs: "Russian roulette", "Lord of the Taste" and others. However, only the transfer of the "draw", which was published on the first channel, was truly popular. She was leading Valdis Pelsh and Tatiana Arno.

Interesting experience for Pelsh was his participation in the intellectual show "What? Where? When? "Where he was invited as a captain of the MTS team. Experts bypass spectators with a score of 6: 4, and the TV host received the title of "Best Release Player."

Pelsh not only leads programs and participates in them, but also judges. As part of the jury, he appeared in the television show "Surprise me". And as a permanent member of the Jury of the Higher League KVN, he is not the first year.

In October 2015, a new project "Together with Dolphins" started on the first channel, where the stars of show business tamed and trained the inhabitants of the sea. The leading transfer was Valdis Pelsh and Maria Kiselev.

Personal life

Family life of Valdis began in his youth. The first wife of the TV presenter is a lawyer Olga. Together, the couple lived 17 years. In this marriage, the daughter of Aizhen was born. The official divorce took place in 2005.

As a media face, Pelsh did not apply to personal life. It became a reason for the yellow press to dissolve rumors and look for a secret in the relationship of celebrities. Many times it was written about the fact that, being married for the first time, Pelsh met with Isolde of Ishkhanishvili - a soloist of the "Lyceum" trio.

The enviousness was also confident that the career of the leading "Guess the Melody" had a dumplings thanks to the working relationship with the director of the Alla Plotkin project. After all, before that, all the TV projects ended in Fiasco.

The second family of Valdis appeared much earlier than the first was broken. In 2002, the lead was born daughter Ilva. Her mother became Svetlana Akimov, to meet with which Pelsh began in marriage with Olga. After a divorce, he immediately legalized the relationship with Svetlana. In 2009, the son of Einer was born, and in December 2014, the son of Ivar appeared. Now Valdis is a happy father of four children.

In addition to television, Valdis Pelsh has a lot of hobbies. He is seriously engaged in diving and parachute sports. Pelsh - Dive Master Naui and owns a category C from the International Association of Parachutists. The older daughter of Valdis Aizhen's elder daughter. She is the youngest diver on the planet who managed to make a dive in Antarctica.

In 2016, the media agreed on the emergency hospitalization of Showman. Immediately rumored rumors about the exacerbation of the disease, diagnosed back in 2007. Then the Pelsh was taken to the hospital with the attack of pancreatitis. There was also a diagnosis of "pancreaticosis" (pancreatic disease, which can lead to serious consequences). In this condition, intensive therapy and a strict diet, eliminating oily and fried food, is necessary. And the aggravation is provoked by improper power and alcohol abuse.

Pelsh's illness told much later when it became noticeable how he was rapidly lost. As for the last hospitalization, the man hurried to calm everyone, saying that he was standing on the planned and state of health.

Public position

In 2007, Valdis Pelsh became a member of the Political Council of the Civil Power Party. According to him, it was a mistake, but then the TV presenter firmly defended the right to engage in politics in the dispute with the writer Dmitry Bykov. According to Bykov, media people should not stick into politics, Pelsh considered the opposite. As a result, the bulls began to seriously engage in politics, Pelsh left it at the board.

However, the loop of his participation in politics is still stretched. In one interview, Pelsh was asked to express an opinion on the political course of Russia, which he did in proper form. But the tabloids did not fail to pull out many of Valdis's statements from the context, somewhere to distort the words and present Showman as a hatering of the current government.

The TV presenter had to speak on social networks with official refutation. In fact, Valdis Pelsh expressed the idea that people could have their own point of view, but this does not mean that they are enemies of Russia. So, he is still friendly with Andrei Makarevich, despite his political views going against the politics of the current government.

Valdis Pelsh now

The pandemic period did not affect the creative activity of the TV presenter. Valdis began shooting a new film "Russian North. Road discovery. " The work took place in Arkhangelsk, Solombal, Golubino and other areas of the region.

In addition, Pelsh became the author of the documentary film investigation "COVID-19. The lessons of the ideal storm ", which was created in conjunction with the media group" Red Square ". The project was attended by Dr. Biological Sciences, Chemists, Athletes, teachers and politicians.

Continuing the work in the field of documentary sections, Valdis launched the shooting of the film about Tatarstan. By writing the script, the director began at the beginning of 2021. To do this, he visited Kazan with a creative visit.

In April 2021, Valdis Pelsh and the "Accident" group launched a new Yutyubo show "Muzafak". About this TV presenter reported in "Instagram", placing the corresponding photo. Experts of the department of entertaining songs performed actors Vasily Soloviev-Sedoya - Jr. and journalist Mikhail Chumalov.


  • KVN
  • "Lord of taste"
  • "Raffle"
  • "Guess the melody"
  • "Both on!"
  • "Russian roulette"
  • "Lord of taste"
  • "Together with Dolphins"
  • "MUZFAK"


  • 1998 - "On a Boykoe Place"
  • 1998-2005 - "33 square meters"
  • 2000 - "Brother-2"
  • 2005 - "Turkish Gambit"
  • 2006 - "Love-carrot"
  • 2006 - "Rublevka Live"
  • 2007 - ""
  • 2008 - "Snowman"
  • 2011 - "What men still say"
  • 2013 - "Faster than rabbits"
  • 2015 - "People who made the Earth Round"
  • 2017 - "Height gene, or how to go to Everest"
  • 2018 - "Polar Brotherhood"
  • 2019 - "Big White Dance"
  • 2020 - "Antarctica. Walking for three poles "


  • 1994 - "Brudes of Pluds"
  • 1995 - Mein Lieber Tanz
  • 1996 - "Offseason"
  • 2003 - "last days in paradise"
  • 2010 - "Tunnel at the end of the world"
  • 2013 - "Hazing for Bison"

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