Svetlana Zhurova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, speed skating 2021



The name of Svetlana Juron put in one row with the name of the famous compatriot Lydia Skoblikova. To beat the record of the latter by the number of titles of the Olympic champion, and Lydia has six, in speeding sports until no one succeeds in the skating.

Svetlana Zhurova athlete (

Svetlana participated in 4 olympiads and took gold only once, but taking into account the general situation in this discipline, it is all the more valuable. It is clear why such a purposeful, bright and positive woman chose the ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi, and become a parliamentarian, as the media wrote, "God himself behaved."

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Sergeyevna Zhurov was born in the village of Pavlovo-Na Neva of the Leningrad region. Svetlana Svetlana's school years have passed soon. From the young Youth, Zhurov showed great interest in sport, so parents took the girl to the Gymnastics section. But due to the stretching of Svetlana, Svetlana was forced to leave this sport. To completely quit sports, the girl did not want, so soon he was recorded in the section of the skaters. Juron really liked figure skating, but it was not in the Kirov sports school.

Svetlana Zhurova in childhood and now (

The accustomed laid out in all his endeavors in full, Svetlana soon achieved success. The first coach of athletes Yuri Novikov noted considerable achievements of the young skating and after 2 years of classes made sure that he had a very promising athlete, which would be able to achieve vertices in sports.

So it happened. Svetlana conquered his first vertex at 12th. She managed to win the championship among the peers at the competition in Leningrad. The girl was immediately taken in the Olympic reserve school.

Svetlana Zhurova in youth (

At the end of the school, Zhurov wanted to receive medical education and attempted good luck in the appropriate university, at the Faculty of Pediatrics, but did not pass through the competition. At 21, the girl becomes a student of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture, which he graduated with honors in 1999. The athlete settled on the instructor's work at the USSR State Sportsport. And next year, the purposeful Zhurov had a second diploma, after graduating from the Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation (specialty - state regulation of the market economy).


Sports biography Svetlana Zhurov originates in 1988. This year, the athlete was adopted in the Russian and USSR national team. The next 18 years of Zhurova is a constant leader of the high-speed run of skating. For many years, she entered the top three of the best skaters of the world by sprinting all-around.

Perseverance and the power of Svetlana will become almost legend. It is known that in 2003, a year after the birth of the Son, she managed to return the former sports form and continued his brilliant ascent to the sports Olympus. Critics consider some speeches by jury unique. For example, in 1996, Svetlana managed to win the World Cup with six barely healing scars on the leg.

In 2006, an athlete becomes an absolute champion in sprinting a multi-world at the World Championships in Holland. And less than a month later, Svetlana Zhurov won the Olympics in Turin.

Since 1995, Zhurov has worked as a junior inspector of the regime and protection in SIZO No. 4 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Leningrad Region. At the competition, she made an internal service of the FSIN of the Russian Federation. In 2001, it was accustomed to the title of lieutenant colonel of the internal service.


Active life position led the skating in the civil service. In March 2007, Svetlana Zhurova, at that time completed the sports career, elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from United Russia. The deputy Zhurov was headed by a permanent commission on culture, sports, physical culture and youth policy.

In December 2007, Svetlana Sergeyevna became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation. She is instructed by the post of deputy chairman of the State Duma.

Politician Svetlana Zhurov (

In the State Duma of the 6th convocation in 2012, Svetlana Zhurova went to the place, liberated by the deputy Ramazan Abdulatipov. Since the summer of 2013, she received the position of the first deputy chairman of the Committee on International Affairs. In United Russia, from which a woman ran down, was elected by a member of the Supreme Council of the Party.

Despite serious "male" positions and duties, Svetlana Zhurova is one of the most open and pleasant in the communication of officials. She rarely refuses to journalists who want to be interviewed and often appear in different TV projects. Zhurahu could be seen in the transmissions "While all at home", "success stories", "good jokes" and many others.

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The name Svetlana Sergeyevna turned out to be in the sanctions list for its position on the accession of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation. From December 2014, the State Duma deputy cannot visit Canada, and from 2018 - Azerbaijan. In 2012, Svetlana Zhurova led a radio broadcast on the "Echo of Moscow", speaking as a sports observer.

Personal life

The personal life of Svetlana Juron gave a crack long before the official divorce with tennis player Artemia Chernenko. During the marriage process in 2013, Svetlana, who made the initiator of parting, reported to the court that relations with Chernenko ended in 2012.

Since then, the spouses did not live together. Since the parties did not prevent any property claims, the judge dispelled the athlete with her husband for one meeting. In marriage, Juron and Chernenko were born two sons - Yaroslav and Ivan. Children stayed with her mother.

In 2015, the media spoke about the novel Svetlana with a lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, a former civilian husband, actress Mary Shukshina and the father of her sons Foki and Thomas. A man allegedly forced a former athlete to start a gravity with Artemia for the house and alimony in the amount of over 100 thousand rubles. monthly. The State Duma deputy refused to claim, having learned that the new family was waiting for the appearance of a child in the new family, and then he stated at all that he did not know what was said in court. Zhurov decided that the Father himself had the right to decide how many tools to allocate for the maintenance of children.

In "Instagram" on behalf of Svetlana, a disabled account is conducted. A number of sites have published a photo of the skating not only in a swimsuit, but also in a very frank session of the topless for a glossy magazine. According to the champion, the sole purpose of these photo sessions was to show a beautiful muscular body to attract young people to skate sports.

The woman is really the model parameters - an increase of 175 cm, the weight is 65 kg, and, as journalists say, she "could decorate not only the pages of tabloid, but also world podiums." However, when Zhurov wanted to stop the publication of the pictures, the editors threatened with the recovery of a penalty.

Svetlana Zhurova now

The first deputy chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Parliament still worries everything that is happening in Russian sports. Zhurov was delighted with the idea of ​​Turkey to move in Sochi Skeleton tournaments, Sunny Sports and Bobslej in the event of the victory of the city of Erzurum in voting about the place of the 2026 Olympics.

Svetlana Zhurova in the Duma (

Svetlana suggested that in the future the International Olympic Committee may introduce into practice the combination of applications of countries for the Olympic Games.

In the native of St. Petersburg champion in February 2019, all-Russian skating competitions for Svetlana Zhurov were held. The event is held annually on a rink with artificial ice, to the construction of which, judging by the information of St. Petersburg journalists, also has a relevant athlete.

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The champion of Russia and the world, the deputy becomes a guest of all sorts of meetings, where the sport is combined with politics. So, Svetlana, together with another owner of 5 Olympic medals, a member of OKR Anastasia Davydova asked to open the XIX winter diplomatic games. Spectators and participants of the tournament are employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry and diplomatic departures accredited in Russia.

Achievements and awards

  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • Cavalier Order Honor
  • 1996 - Gold Medal of the World Championship at a distance of 500 m
  • 1998, 1999, 2000 - Silver Medal of the World Championships at a distance of 500 m
  • 2006 - Gold medal of the Olympiad in Turin at a distance of 500 m
  • 2006 - Gold Medal of the World Cup in the Sprinter Multi-Obory

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