Ivan Abramov - biography, personal life, photo, news, about mom, wife, "Standap", concert, children 2021



Ivan Abramov - a humorist-an esthete and a hereditary intellectual, "the most educated comedian", as the description of the channel with comedian performances on Rutube. The artist was played in KVN as a captain of the Paraparamen team, which participated in the Games of the Higher League 2010-2013. The fans of the game remembered his brilliant parodies on the stars of the Russian show business. After leaving the KVN, the humorist moved to the Stand Up show, where he continues to entertain the audience funny monologues.

Childhood and youth

Humorist Ivan Abramov was born on May 21, 1986 in Volgograd. A year later, the family of the future Cavanecher moved to Odintsovo. Parents were human emotional, but kind. Ivan's brought up the whole family: the mother and father from young age taught the future artist to good actions, grandmother and grandfather attracted to work at the cottage, and Brother explained that it was necessary to lose in chess adequately, not to rush to the winner with his fists.

Ivan studied in the Odintsovo gymnasium and according to the standards of this criminal city, as the humorist himself said, was "shorter". Full, with pimples on the face and braces on the teeth - classmates have fought over him, but Abramov, Ironized in response and never showed how he was hurt. He always joked softly and witty, without malice: in later life, this quality helped the comedian.

In the 5th grade Ivan lost weight and became the school worker. Soon the boy entered the music school in the piano and successfully graduated from her. After the gymnasium Abramov was going to Gitis, but his father insisted on admission to MGIMO. Ivan did it - he acted and received a specialty economist. For a graduate of a prestigious university, doors were opened to any sphere, but the young man did not want to work in the specialty.

Ivan Abramov decided to make money by humor. Parents, perhaps, the decision of the Son did not suit, but they were not rebated. The humorist himself says that the refusal of the profession does not imply a refusal of knowledge. English and French remained in his head, geography, economics - this base has become the foundation of his worldview.


Abramov's creative biography began in childhood. He first tried himself in KVN in the 10th grade. Those speeches of the transitional age were not much like the Games of the Premier League and the Higher League, but they taught to rejoice at little victories.

In MGIMO, the game was fascinated by a guy with his head. Ivan headed the team "Paraparas", often played with parodies. The team of talented students loudly declared itself: In 2009, they won the title of champions of the KVN League Premier League, and since next year Paraparas became the regular participant of the Higher League.

In 2011, the guys entered the final of the Games, and in the 2013 season they won bronze. It was the last season of the Abramov team in KVN, but they continued to participate in the Large Games of the Club. One of the fruitful pages of the creative life of Ivan was his cooperation with a colleague from the "City of Pyatigorsk" by Olga Kartunkova. The duets of humorists were popular among lovers of youth humor. Later Abramov even called her number 1 among women who ever participated in KVN.

Stand Up.

In 2014, Ivan appeared on television screens in a new humorous project. After MGIMO Ruslan White invited Abramov on TV channel TNT, in the Stand Up show. Cavanese immediately agreed, because it is more interesting to work on the stage than to sit in a comfortable office. The humorist admits that parents gladly watched his speeches on TV.

Preparation for the shooting of the program, according to Ivan, was difficult. The finished monologue, artists rolled several times at technical parties with invited viewers, looked at their reaction, and then decide which jokes to leave, and which were changed.

Going to the scene, a humorist every time he felt "Mandrazh". Glass of water helped to cope with excitement. Nicotine and Alcohol Abramov does not accept. The genre in which he began to perform, colleagues described as a musical Stand-Up - Ivan himself calls himself an intelligent comic. In one of the first speeches, the humorist joked that he was the only one from the show head graduated from Mrmimo, as well as the only graduate of this prestigious university, which began working in the stand.

Impeccable knowledge of foreign languages ​​was repeatedly used by a comer as a basis for numbers. The humorist is thin and masterfully beat the usual and familiar things all things, allowing the audience to look at them at a different angle. So, ironizing over the modern educational system, Ivan proposed to introduce a course of studying English crops at the institutes - to prepare a person to all life situations.

At the same time, classical, template examples associated, for example, with learning certain and uncertain articles, the comedian changed to more piquant. Abramov's musical numbers also received great popularity. In them, the humorist "walked" on the topics of modern music, noted how the style of popular performers changed, made many parodies, including the group "Agatha Christie", "Hands up!", Mikhail Boyarsky and other performers.

The special place in the "musical" stands of Ivanov was taken by the songs of the synthesizer, demonstrating the capabilities of the synthesizer, followed by an artist. Bright became "hit" about half-liter - half losses - semi-shoes. The comic foundation of the number was the special sound and the name of synthesive "lotions", which seemed to the humorist absurd, with which he hurried to share with the public. Abramov also entered the "tracks" "Tracks" "Andrei Badin", "Anthem San Marino" and others.

The synthesizer became an integral attribute of the speeches of a humorist - using the Ivan tool created several parody numbers to popular TV programs. The number of "objects" of his parodies fell "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When? "," Own game "," Criminal Russia "and many others.

In addition to the musical performances of the comedian, like other colleagues on the Stand Up show, often jokingly compared the modern service and the 90s. So, Abramov ironically recalled about visiting the child's clinic and removing adenoids without anesthesia, as well as "nostalgic" at times when clothing for him, a teenager, were picked up on the market - then it was necessary to stand in the cold on the car and listen to the "compliments" from the seller.

After several seasons, the show humorist admitted that he was comfortable to work in this genre. Ivan appreciated the opportunity to talk to the audience for any topical topics, without limiting themselves to the framework of the transfer or the concept of the team. Nevertheless, the comedian planned to graduate graduate school. He was confident that he could not constantly mix the audience, and was going to build plans for life after a career on television.

On April 30, 2017, Abramov for the first time spoke with the Solo concert "Benefis". The comedian told funny personal stories, and also shared with the audience with his attitude to the surrounding pop culture. The humorist admitted that he did not like the mat and negatively applies to the video for adults.

The comedian completed the performance by musical fragments: he performed songs in the comedy genre and appeared on the stage with a guitar, independently accompanied. The concert took place within the framework of the Stand Up project, video speeches on the same day came out on the TNT channel and appeared on the TV show website and the official channel on Yutubeub.

On May 16, 2017, Ivan Abramov and Alexey Shcherbakov became the guests of a new project Comedy Club Production "Studio Soyuz". This is a musical humorous show. A year later, the artist appeared twice on the air entertainment project. At this time, Dmitry Guberniev and Timur Karginiov became his rivals in two releases.

On May 28, 2017, Ivan Abramov and Alexey Shcherbakov spoke at the "Closed Microphone" in the Red Club in Moscow. June 9, a gastrol of humorist with solo concerts began. The scenario of comic speeches consisted of new monologues that did not extend on the air. For six months, Ivan managed to speak in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and other cities of Russia. Popular monologues, fans consider sketches about purchases with parents, on parasitis words, on the experience of teaching, about the music contest "Eurovision" and others.

In 2018, the comedian conducted a series of solo concerts in large cities of Russia, Belarus and Georgia, including in St. Petersburg as part of the VK Fest Music Festival. On the air Stand Up Abramov brightened with numbers about the musical triangle, about protecting animals, about raising children. In August, the artist became the Guest Transmission of "Improvisation", where the most successful performance of the humorist turned out to be the scene "Consignors kill the king".

In February 2019, Abramov in one of the speeches appealed to the political topic. The humorist agreed on the election of the mayor of Moscow, in which Sergey Sobyanin became the winner. After that, a few replicas about Alexey Navalny said.

The comedian did not call the opposition named, but said that his surname is rhymes with the word "oval", and to pronounce it on the first channel is equivalent to the "Call of Wolan de Morta". Reproduction of his name leads to the fact that he will immediately find out where you are now in the declaration of income. "

Personal life

Ivan Abramov says that in childhood and adolescence did not become popular with the opposite sex, and today in relations with the girls he is modest. And the humorist considers himself a monochombus that he had a positive way influenced his personal life.

With the future wife of Elvira Gismatullinal Svn KVN in 2008. 6 years old have met, and in April 2014 they got married - the wedding was celebrated in France. With children, the spouses decided not to delay. At the end of the autumn of the same year, Ivan Abramov became the Father - his daughter was born.

Comician wife - Muslim, her family lives in Orenburg. Ivan does not share the religious views of his wife, but stopped eating a pork out of respect for the traditions of the faith of the spouse. The mother-in-law comedian is a successful business woman. Ivan says that most jokes about the son-in-law and mother-in-law is not about him. The spouse participates in the creative life of Ivan. In 2016, they together visited the studio of the entertainment television show Azamat Musagaliyeva "Where is the logic?" Where they played against Evgenia Papunaishvili and glucose singers.

Abramov leads an account in "Instagram", where it is divided by everyday photos and frames from concerts and performances. Thanks to publications on the social network and performances in the Stand Up program, fans have become known that Ivan in 2018 again became his father. The spouse gave a humorist to the second daughter. The artist loves to travel. Together with his wife, he visited Ireland, Portugal, Japan. Posts dedicated to foreign trips also appear in his account.


Given the intelligent image of the comic, no one expected to see his name in the scandalous news. However, the supervisory frankness of the artist on the Channel "Makarena" played a joke with him.

The network instantly spread an excerpt from Ivan's statements about his personal life. So, the father of two children told when his wife gave birth, he immediately marked her position about the figure. The young man threatened his spouse that would change the attitude towards her if she won't lose weight in a year.

At the same time, Abramov explained his position simply - "Men are so created." In his phrases there was nothing offensive, however, the opinion that the woman should keep strictly designated criteria, outraged the public.

Many media personalities hurried to respond to it. For Ida Galich, who after a long time fought with the imperfections of the figure after the birth of Leon, these words caused shock. Fortunately, she did not have to listen to this from an already former spouse. In his address to subscribers, blogger said - "look after birth differently is normal." Supported a colleague and other stars - Alena Vodonaeva, Natalia Krasnova.

But the spouse Abramova stood on defending the father of his children. In the replica of her husband, she saw humor and accused Haters in the fact that they simply cling to words. Also Elvira made it clear that there is nothing like that in her family life. And also noticed - a year after the birth, it is quite realistic to lose weight.

Ivan Abramov now

In 2021, Abramov continued creative activities. A year earlier due to the "coronavirus" restrictions, the tour tours of the humorist remained partially "frozen", but the shooting in the new season Stand Up did not stop. Ivan fill up the desire of fans to hear his best jokes, as well as see new numbers. On the official website, the artist posted a schedule of concerts, which found the place of Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

In April, the Abramova "Big Child" concert in Nizhny Novgorod was shot. On Yutiuba, he scored more than 800 thousand views for the first 2 days.

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