Dmitry Chistyakov - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, "Zenit", "Instagram", defender, salary 2021



Dmitry Chistyakov is a Russian football player who speaks to the position of the central defender. A man in the early years of his sports biography often violated the regime, because of what failed in his career, and now advises beginners to behave differently.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Yuryevich Chistyakov was born on January 13, 1994 in Pikalev, a small town in the Leningrad Region, 250 km from St. Petersburg. His father worked for 25 years at the factory, and in an interview with the football player recalled that grew up among people exhausted by loads and low salary, and urged to improve their labor conditions.

The mother of Chistolyakov was engaged in the farm, supplied milk, meat and goat cheese to the market, who learned to do in Armenia, where the son performed for Miku. In childhood, cleaning helped loved ones, traveled with his parents to Senokos.

Dmitry cleaner in childhood

The father recorded the boy to the local football section, there the guy engaged in 8 years, went to play nearby Tikhvin, speaking for the team for 4 years older, because his age category in the club was not yet. True, the young man fowered himself, if someone from relatives sat on the stands, and for a long time could not overcome this complex. In addition to football, Dmitry was engaged in athletics, and in the winter he played hockey. In the summer, he lived in a children's camp and ran away with friends during a quiet hour to buy in stall Zhwum and Candy "Cow".

Also, the young man was painting in the school of art, this is his hobby and now. To relax and raise the mood, Dmitry copies on paper pictures from the Internet.


He started cleaning in the sports school "Zenith", where they gave a lot of exercises with the ball and a little "running", because one of the assistant coach was Spaniard. Then 4 years trained in Rostov's reserve under the guidance of Igor Vasilyevich Gamula, but only three matches played, then the young man was expelled for violation of discipline.

He returned to Zenit-2, there worked with the coaches Igor Simtenkov, Dmitry Cryshev, Vladislav Radimov. The latter turned out to be a strict mentor, insisted on impeccable discipline and after an unsuccessful training could "dissemble" the team in the locker room.

Football player began to go on the field regularly in Armenian "Mika". He gladly recalled work with the coach Sergey Yurah, who always clearly set the tasks and explained the mistakes, and the level of the championship, according to Chistyakov, was comparable to the Russian Football National Liga of Russia. They played there rigidly, and Dmitry Raspin physically. The defender invited Mama to Armenia and offered to live with him, because she never left Picaleva, and his son wanted a woman to see the world.

After Dmitry, he played "Shinnik" and "Tambov", in June 2019, in June 2019, again moved to Rostov at the same time with the midfielder Alexander Saplinov, who performed for the Kaliningrad "Baltic" and became the best Bombardir FNL in the season. Trainer Valery Karpin decided to abandon the scheme with 5 defenders, leaving 4 and increasing the burden on the center of defense. But cleaning perfectly coped with the Icelander Ragnar Sigurdsson. In the first tours, he acted almost unmistakably, in the match against the Moscow "Spartak" won 78% of martial arts, with Tula Arsenal - 92%.

It is not surprising that the player received the first invitation to the Russian national team. It became a complete surprise for him, and, having heard the news, Dmitry even thought that this was a joke. Only on the second day of fees, the athlete finally was pleased with his luck.

In July 2020, purples received a terrible injury from Vladimir Semiyatova: he struck spikes on his legs, and at the time of the joint, the leg turned. The player "Wings of the Soviets" was removed for Foul, Danil Vednikov came to replace Dmitry. The situation was particularly unpleasant because in March 2020, the defender had already received spikes in the head of the Maxim Oshipenko team.

Personal life

Chistyakov's favorite girl is the name of Marik Dobrynskaya, she worked as a journalist for 8 years. When Dmitry cared for the beloved, one of the gifts was sketching a pencil on paper: the footballer portrayed a hare from the Disney cartoon "Bambi". Flowers girlfriend did not love because they quickly walked.

Dmitry made Maric offer in her hometown of Tbilisi on June 4, 2019 at the Funicular Restaurant. The athlete invited his beloved on the terrace to make a photo, at that moment the waiters made flowers, and he asked her hands. The picture of young people still did and posted on their pages in "Instagram". The couple was going to get married in 2020 in Georgia, but the change in his personal life had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

From the brothers Eugene and Ivan, three nephews have three nephews. He is still friendly with the guys with whom he was engaged in Pikalev.

Growth of Dmitry 185 cm, weight 77 kg.

Dmitry Chistyakov Now

In May 2021, cleanyakov became the champion of Russia as part of Zenit, which was rented a football player in October 2020. The club won the championship 3rd times in a row, in a winning game with the Moscow Lokomotiv, Dmitry supported Marika in the Tribune. In the same month, the defender fell into a reserve list of players caused to the Russian national team for the European Championship, together with Alexander Maksimenko, Daniel Forest, Yuri Gazinsky and others.

On June 4, 2021, Zenit bought the rights to Chistolyakov, a contract was concluded for 4 years. The defender Agent Andrei Talaev said that they had a club from the top European championship, but did not specify from which one.


  • 2021 - Russian Champion with Zenit

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